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8B Unit2 教案分析.docx

1、8B Unit2 教案分析牛津初中英语8B Unit2 教案分析1.Comic stripes & Welcome to the unitTeaching Goals(1) To grasp the main meaning of comic strip(2) To go on holiday to relax (How to identify)Step 1 Warming up First, I will ask Ss to read the comic strip. Review trip, packing, excited and holiday. Then ask some quest

2、ions to check understanding. For example: Is Eddie happy in the first picture? Why? Does Hobo want to go too? How does he feel? Why is Eddie unhappy in the last picture? At last, Divide the class into group of four. Ask Ss to talk about which items are important and which are not. Tell them to list

3、the items in order of importance.Step 2 presenting After having a talk, listen to their talk carefully. After listening, please tell me what Hobo wants Eddie to do.Step 3 Practicing1. Play the recorder. Then ask one of the Ss to answer the question.2. I will play the recorder again. Then ask some mo

4、re questions.Step 4 Reading and acting I will ask the Ss to read the dialogue after the tape and then together. Before acting out the dialogue, I will ask Ss to read it in roles.Step 5 Presenting I will show Ss some cards of some people tourist attractions in the world. Explain the typical character

5、istic of each picture.Step 6 practicing1. Teach Ss how to read the name of each picture correctly2. Explain each picture to each student3. Encourage Ss to dialogue according to Part BStep 7 Homework1. read and recite “comic strip2. Do some consolidation exercises2.Reading 8B Unit 2 Travelling 这一单元的内


7、stic, include, whale, speed, ride, clap, magic, pie, excitement (2)词组:have gone to , at the entrance, at high speed, have a fantastic time, the best part of the day, wave to people, march across, clap and scream with joy,watch fireworks, such as, in all, a really exciting trip,scream with excitement

8、(3)重点句型:I heard youve gone to Thailand.Ive been here in Hong Kong for two days.I met many of my favourite Disney characters, such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Alice and Cinderella.The performers all wore different costumes and waved to people while they marched across the park singing and dancing

9、 all the way.The children clapped and screamed with joy when they saw their favourite characters.(2)能力目标能够理解课文内容并运用所学词汇描述旅行过程中的所见所闻。(3)情感目标 1.通过课文学习,加深学生对香港迪斯尼乐园的了解。 2.通过活动过程,激发学生对旅游的兴趣。教学重难点理解并正确运用四会词汇和短语、句型来描述旅游中的见闻。学习重点了解主人公香港之行的见闻和活动,理解掌握文中词汇和句型。(通过给定不同的阅读任务,突破该重点) 学习难点1.学生通过学习,熟练朗读课文(通过引导学生四次阅读

10、来突破该难点)2.能够用关键词汇谈论旅游中的见闻(通过设计几个活动实现难点的突破)学习方法 1.本课时世界名胜,以及迪斯尼乐园的图片,采用直观法,激发学生学习兴趣。,2.在解决重点的过程中,采用任务型教学法,教会学生运用不同的阅读技巧,从不同角度逐层围剿重点,最终达到理解课文的目的。3.同时,为了遵循学生的认知规律,由浅入深,综合运用情景教学法,自学辅导法,分层教学法等教学方法,培养学生的自主学习能力及综合运用知识技能的能力。教学过程Step1: Revision Revise different tourist attractions. Ask: Do you know what they

11、are and in which country they are ?设计意图:运用多媒体形象地展示不同国家的不同名胜景点,既复习了上一课学习的内容,又很自然的引入“旅游”这一话题。而且这些内容是浅显易学的,大部分学生在上一课已经掌握,因此我采用了抢答的方式,让学生在轻松、快乐而又积极主动的氛围中开始这节课的学习。Step2: Lead-in Ask: Have you ever been to Hong Kong ? What do you know about Disney? Do you want to go to Disneyland? Step3: Presentation Show

12、 them some pictures about Hong Kong Disneyland.设计意图:这个部分我花了近十分钟时间,可能对于呈现来说时间了长点,但是我在呈现的过程中实际是完成了两个任务,一是运用大量形象生动的图片极大的提高了学生的学习兴趣,让学生尽情的“游览”了香港迪斯尼乐园,快乐地结识了唐老鸭、米老鼠、白雪公主等好朋友;二是我在这个过程中让学生很自然的初步学习了重要的短语、句型,学生之前学过的单词放进短语和句子里,就更容易掌握。 Task1: Read the new words. Task2: Complete the words. s_ look bright w_ sh

13、ake the hand in the air c_ small but pretty and lovely m_ walk together with others s_ things you buy to remember sthStep4: Reading comprehension Task1: Fast reading . Read the passage quickly and answer two easy questions: 1.Who visited Disneyland ? 2.How long did they stay in Disneyland? Task2: Li

14、sten to the tape and judge whether the following sentences are correct or not .(T or F).( Page 29 Part D) Task3: Read the passage again and answer some questions in detail. Paragraph 1.2 1.When did Millie go to Thailand? 2.What did Kitty think of Hong Kong Disney? 3.What does Hong Kong Disneyland in

15、clude? Paragraph 3-5 4.What did they see at the entrance? 5.Why couldnt Kitty stop taking photos with Disney characters? 6.What was the best part? Paragraph 6.7 7.What did they buy as souvenirs? 8.What did they do at the end of that day? Task 4 : Work in groups of four and fill in the form.设计意图:在最重要

16、的阅读部分,我循序渐进的设置了四个任务,首先是两个简单的问题,让学生对全文有个大致的了解;其次是通过听录音,然后完成一个判断正误的练习,这样对课文进行更进一步的了解;接下来我把课文分成三个部分,分别提出有关课文细节的几个问题,让学生充分阅读课文,然后小组讨论学习,完成回答这些问题;最后,通过一个表格,让学生对整篇课文再有一个整体的认识。这样的一种设置符合学生的认知特点:由浅入深,从易到难。而且形式多样,有回答问题,有表格填空,有判断正误,学生读的时候有自己默读,有两人对话,也有小组合作学习,因此学生能够充分阅读,在领略香港迪斯尼的美丽风光的同时学会一些描述旅游见闻的词句。 Step5: Imp

17、ortant phrases. Find some important phrases in the passage. Step6: ActivityWork in groups of four, suppose one of you is a guide of Disneyland, the others are the tourists , please introduce Disneyland to them and the other students try to ask questions about Disneyland.设计意图:通过这个活动,让学生真正敢于用英语表达,说出自己

18、心中的迪斯尼印象,用这节课所学到的词汇描述旅行见闻,真正学以致用。我为学生准备了各种迪斯尼卡通人物的头像,学生兴趣盎然,都积极的投入角色参与小组活动。Step7: ExerciseStep8: HomeworkRetell the letter. 3.VocabularyTeaching goals1. To develop an understanding of suffixes2. To use appropriate adjectives in context using the correct suffix to indicate positive or negative meanin

19、gsStep 1 warming up I will help Ss review suffix The suffix -ful means full of having the quality of, we can add -ful or -less to some nouns to form adjectives.Step2 presenting When Ss are talking about their friends characteristics. I will write down the adjectives they use. Then I will ask Ss to t

20、ell which group characteristics are and which are bad ones.Step 3 practice1. Ask Ss to finish Part A on Page 26. Then check the answer in class.2. Explain the meaning of suffix and Ss to choose some of the adjectives3. Fill in the blank with the correct suffixes (Page 26 Part B)Step 4 Homework1. Rev

21、ise the adjectives2. Write a short passage to describe your friends characteristics 4.Grammar (1)Teaching goals To recognize and use the past continuous tense To recognize the context created by the use of while and when with the past continuous tenseStep 1 warming up I will help Ss review past cont

22、inuous tense, I will ask Ss some questions to pratice. For example, I was not dancing.Step 2. presenting I will ask Ss to read the sample sentences on Page 27 and write down the sentence. Then I will ask Ss to say the difference between wasnt and werent. Step 3 practicing Make new sentences with pas

23、t continuous tense(1) We were clapping our hands while the performers were marching across the park.(2) She was reading a book while we were playing cards.(3) I broke a bowl while I was cooking the supper. I will say yesterday Simon worked in the computer room. Kitty is now asking Simon about it. Co

24、mplete their conversation. Ask Ss to finish Part A, on Page 27Step 4 presenting I will say: “When two long actions went on at the same time, we can use the past continuous tense in both clauses and while to join them and when sth. else happened while a long action was going on, we can use when or wh

25、ile to join the two actions, let Ss read the sample sentence on page 29 ”Step 5 Homework 1. review the two sentence patterns 2. Do some consolidation exercises5.Grammar (2)Teaching goals 1. To use so .that 2. To use the basic sentence patterns to make up a sentenceStep 1 warming up Encourage Ss to t

26、alk about any of their own experiences. Ask each student to make a sentence about their most recent holiday using so .thatsStep 2 Practicing 1. Ask Ss to read the sample sentences on page 30. Then ask ss to finish part C on page 31 and check the answer. 2. Ask Ss to complete the sentences in Part C2

27、 on Page 31.Step 3 Consolidation exercisesHelp Ss answer the questions using so.that (1) How tall is the Eiffel Town? (I cant see the top) (2) How far away is New York? (It takes 18 hours to fly there) (3) How clear is the water in New Zealand? (you can see the bottom)Step 4 Doing homework 1. Review

28、 so . that 2. Do some translation exercises to understand so . that 6.Integrated skillsTeaching Goals1. To recognize key expressions used to describe typical holiday activities.2. To understand specific information by reading and listening3. To complete written statement by identifying information f

29、rom reading and listeningStep 1 Presenting Review hiking and sailing. Ask if any student have tried these activities, even if they have not. They may have seen these activities on TV. Ask more able Ss to tell the class what they are.Ask Ss to put ticks in the correct boxes, tell Ss that there should

30、 be two ticks under Simons name.Step 2 practicing 1. Ask Ss to read the Holiday Play2. I will play the tape once without stopping if necessary, play the tape again. Stopping after each answer or sentence so that Ss have time to fill in their answers.3. Check the answer. Then ask Ss to read the artic

31、le on page 33.Step 3 doing ActivitiesI will divide the class in groups and ask them to talk about holiday play in weekStep 4 Exercises用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Millie _ (like) walking when the weather is nice.2. He _ () to Shenzhen last Summer.3. My father isnt at home. He _ () to Shanghai.4. Look! The girl _ () an elephant.5. Would you please _ () the floor?Step Doing Homework1. Read and recite the text2. Do some more consolidation exercises.7.Speak up & Study skillsTeaching goals1. To exchange information ab

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