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1、房地产英语词汇房地产英语词汇accelerated cost recovery system(ACRS) 成本加速回收体系accumulated dividend 累计股息Active income 活动收入(例如工资、新水、出售或者经营收入)adjustable rate mortgage 可调利率的按揭抵押贷款administrative institution 行政事业单位advantageous(creative) financing 优惠(创造性)融资 allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费AMC(asset management com

2、pany) 资产管理公司amenities 便利设施amortization 摊销、分期偿付 Anchoring tenants 固定租户,即较为稳定的房客。ancillary probates 辅助遗嘱检验annual cost of homeownership 住宅所有权的年度成本Anticipated net income stream 预期净收入流apartment rents 公寓的租金area code (电话)地区代码arena 室内运动场 asset price of space 物业的资产价格Asset backed securities 资产担保债券Asset price

3、of space 物业的资产价格asset pricing arbitrage 资产套利定价assumable loan 可继承贷款 auction 拍卖 bad debts 坏帐 bankers margin 银行存款保证额beta coefficient 贝塔系数betterments 改良物 biding document 标书 blue-sky law 蓝法 bond dividend 债券红利Break-even ratio 两平比率Building design 建筑设计bundle of rights 权利束 Business cycle 经济周期business license

4、 营业执照 buydown 买低buyers market 买方市场 call money market 短期拆放市场 capital gain dividends 资本利得分红Capital gains income 资本收益收入Capital market cycle 资本市场周期Capital structure 资本结构capital value 资本价值 Capital-intensive 资本集约capitalization 资本化carryback 回购 cash flows 现金流量 cash expenditure 现金支出Cash management 现金管理cash-e

5、quivalent points 等价现金价值 Census of Retail Trade 零售贸易普查central business districts 中央商务区(CBDs)chambers 会所chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所 circulation 发行量Closed-end 封闭型REITcoefficient of dispersion 离散系数coliseum 大体育场,大剧院collapsible corporation 倒闭公司 Commercial property 商业房地产commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼 Com

6、mission 佣金 commission 佣金 common stock 普通股Common-area fee 公共面积使用费,即为了维持停车场、人行道等公共设施的运营而向出租方所交的钱。Community profile 社区风貌 Community acceptance 社区接受程度 community property 夫妻共有财产 community shopping center 社区购物中心。Community stratification 社区分层competent authorities 主管部门 comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区Concession

7、折让condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权Consolidation 合并constant prepayment rate(CPR) 固定提前偿付率 construction project 建设项目Construction cost建筑成本construction project 建设项目continual peacefull utilizationg and redistribution 可持续的和谐利用和再分配continuous time discounting 连续复利折现Cooperation model 协作模型Corporate financial ad

8、visory services 企业金融服务顾问Corporate tax tate 企业税率cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等) credit risk 信用风险CREF 混合不动产基金Cross-collateralization:十字交叉法curb market 股票证券场外交易所Curbside parking 临街停车curtesy rights 鳏夫遗产权 cycle 周期Debt capital 债权资本Debt coverage ratio 债务保障比率Debt market 债务市场Deduction 扣除、减扣deferred divid

9、ends 递延股息Deferred exchange 延期交易demand 需求Demand for real estate assets 房地产资产需求Department of housing and urban development(HUD) 住宅与城市开发部Depreciation 价值减低,减价,跌落,折旧depreciation allowances 折旧费 Discount rate 贴现率discounted cash flow analysis 贴现现金流通分析 discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型discretionary funds

10、 闲置资金discretionary trust 全权信托 Diversified portfolios 分散化投资组合dividend 股息Dividend income 股息收入dower rights 寡妇遗产权 downturn (经济)衰退 easy money 银根松动E-commerce(Electronic commerce) 电子商务econometric prepayment models 提前偿付的计量经济学模型 effective(implied) duration 有效(隐含)久期 Efficient frontier portfolio 最有效率组合Efficien

11、t portfolio 最佳投资组合Elasticity of housing demand 住宅需求弹性ellers market 卖方市场entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家 EPS 每股收益Equity capital 权益资本equity reversion 权益回收Equity market 公平市场Equity REIT 权益型基金equity reversion 权益回收 evaluating the data 数据评估Existing property 存量房expectation 期望值 extended term wrap 展期包裹贷款 Exterior attribu

12、te 外部属性 factor substitution 要素替代Factory outlet mall 厂家直销商店feasibility studies 可行性研究Federal Housing Administration 联邦住宅管理 Federal housing loan mortgage company 联邦房屋贷款抵押协会Federal national mortgage association 联邦全国抵押协会Federal tax policy 联邦税收政策fee simple ownership 无条件继承所有权 finance costs 融资成本finance cost

13、s 融资成本(指利息等) finance house deposit market 金融公司存款市场financial budget 财政预算 financial budget 财政预算 first-level developers 一级开发者fiscal allotment 财政拨款 fixity 不可移动性Floating interest rate 浮动利率Floating-rate debt 浮动利率贷款floor area 建筑面积forecast 预测 Forecasting single-family house prices 独户住宅价格预测forgoing 放弃Four-qu

14、adrant investing:四象限投资Full guarantee 全额担保fully amortized wrap 完全摊销包裹贷款Function of demand 需求函数Fund From Operations 营业收入Fund pool 基金池Future house prices estimates 住宅未来价格估算general partner 主要合伙人 Geographic diversity 地理差异glut 供过于求 Go public 上市go through the formalities 办手续 government assignment 政府划拨 Gove

15、rnment national mortgage association 政府全国抵押协会Graduated lease 弹性条款,视租户的收益情况而定,若租户起初收益较差,则可交较少的房租;等到收益较高的时候再增加其房租。Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同 grantor retained income(GRIT) 授予者保留收入信任 Gross private domestic investment 私人投资Gross rent 毛租金Ground rent 基础租金hedge 风险规避Hedges against inflation 避免

16、受通货膨胀影响highest and best use 最佳利用用途high-technology 高科技hobby tax rules 偏好税收规则Hold period returns (HPR) 持有期间回报率Home ownership 住宅所有权Homeowners equity 住宅所有者权益Homeowners financing 住宅所有权融资Homeownership costs 住宅所有权成本homeownership financing 住宅所有权融资house mobility 住宅流动性house price capitalization 资本化于住房价格 housi

17、ng standards 住房标准化Housing attribute 住宅属性Housing consumption 住宅消费Housing mobility price 住宅流动性价格Housing vacancy 住宅空置housing residences 住宅Hybrid REIT 混合型基金income bracket 收入档次Income tax 收入所得税Index-oriented 指数导向型Individual tax rate 个人税率infrastructure 基础设施 inheritability 继承 Inheritance tax 遗产税Installment-

18、sale deferment 分期付款延期institutional investor 机构投资者insurable value 保险价值inter vivos trust 生存者信托 Interdependent product demands 关联产品需求Interest expense利息费用interest rate contingent security 利率或有证券 interest 产权 interior attribute 内部属性Internal rate of return (IRR) 内部收益率investing in land 土地投资investment strate

19、gy 投资策略Investment style 投资类型Investment bank 投资银行investment strategy投资策略 investment trust 投资信托 investment strategy 投资策略IPO 首次公开发行IPO (initial public offering) 首次公募irrevocable trust 不可撤销信托Joint venture 合资企业joint venture 合资 Joint ventures financing 合资 key zones for development 重点开发区 land securities 土地证

20、券 land credit 土地信贷Land market 土地市场 land price index 低价指数 land speculation 土地投机 land use 土地利用land contract 土地销售合同land efficiency 土地效益 land purchase option 土地购买期权Land trust 土地信托land use certificate 土地使用证land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)land use term 土地使用期 Landlord 房东、地主Land-price gradient 土地价

21、格梯度Land-use patterns 土地使用模式lease terms 租赁期限Lease agreement 租约leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产) leasehold interest 租赁权益legal debt margin 法定债务现额Lending institution 租赁机构letting 出租 leveraging 财务杠杆Lien 留置权 Life insurance 人身保险Life cycle 生命周期limited liability company (LLC) 有限责任公司limited partnership 有限合作制 liquidity

22、 流动性liquidity risk 流动风险living trust 生前信托 location classification 地段等级location classification 地段等级 longevity 长期性 Long-term lender 长期贷款人Long-term loans 长期贷款Long-term occupancy 长期持有Long-term plan 长期计划long-term treasury bond 长期国库券macroeconomic variable 微观经济变量Mall (设在郊区的)大规模购物中心。man-made improvements 人工改

23、良物margin of solvency 偿债能力最低标准market analysis 市场分析Market dominance 市场优势market price 市场价格market segmentation 市场分割market value 市场价值Master limited partnership 上市型有限合伙megacenters 超大购物中心,所有购物中心中规模最大的一种。metes and bonds 四至范围 Metropolitan area 大都市区Mobility rates 搬迁率Mortgage bond 抵押债券mortgage lender 抵押放贷者Mort

24、gage default 抵押贷款违约Mortgage financing 抵押经济mortgage lender 抵押放贷者 Mortgage loans 抵押贷款Mortgage passthrough securities 持分权凭证mortgage payment 贷款支付Mortgage REIT 抵押权型基金mortgage revenue bonds 抵押贷款收入债券Mortgage-backed security 抵押担保mortgage-derivative security 抵押贷款衍生证券 Multiple assets 混合资产Mutual funds 共同基金NARE

25、IT (美)不动产行业协会National American REIT (NAREIT) 全美房地产投资信托协会National Association Of Real Estate Investment Trust 国家房地产投资信托协会necessary goods 生活必需品(食品,药品,杂货等)。negotiation /agreement协议 neighborhood shopping center 街区购物中心(比社区范围小一些)。Net asset value (NAV) 资产净值Net proceeds from sale of building 建筑物的净销售收入New ho

26、using stock 新增房屋量Nonresidential 非居住性Non-systematic risk 非系统风险Occupancy rate 入住率 officeusing firms 写字楼使用企业Off-street parking 不临街的停车。on the basis of capitalization 资本还原法on a residual basis 剩余法 on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法 open Bid喊价投标open market value 公开市场价值 Open-end 开放型REITopen-end mortgage 开

27、放式抵押贷款 Open-market operation 公开市场操作Operating expense 运行费用 Operating cost 运营成本Operating ratio 运营比率opportunity costs 机会成本ordinary income 毛收入overproduction 生产过剩 owner-second 业主提供 Partly guarantee 部分担保partnership 合作制 Passive income 非活动收入(例如出租经营收入,有限合伙,或嗜好收入)Pedestrian traffic flow (购物中心中的)人流量Pension fun

28、ds 养老基金Percentage clause 超额收益条款,即规定租户的收益高于预期收益时向出租方多交的钱的条款。permanence 永久性permit 许可证 personal property 私人财产Planned unit development 规划单元发展 planning goal 规划目标planning approval 规划许可 Planning period 规划期限 planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证plat book 地籍图册 plaza 购物中心plaza 购物中心 plot ratio

29、容积率plot ratio 容积率 Portfolio 资产组合Portfolio income 有价证券收入(例如利息费、股利、养老金和出售或交易有价证券的收入)Portfolio management 资产组合管理Postpone 延迟,使延期,缓办,搁延Preferred stock 优先股premium 溢价Prepayment risk 提前还款风险prerequisitioned land 预征土地Preserving capital and earning a profit 保值增值price compression 价格压缩 Primary market 初级市场Primary

30、 mortgage market 一级抵押贷款市场Principal 本金Principal residence 首要住宅Private offering (placement) 私募 Private debt market 私人债务市场Private limited partnership 私人型有限合伙private residence 私人住宅professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等) project approval 项目许可project approval 项目许可 projecting parameter 规划参数 property 财产property trust 物业信托Property capital market 房地产资本市场property diversification 财产多样化经营Property markets 物业市场Property prices 不动产价格Property Securitisation 房地产证券化Property tax 房地产税property taxes 物业税property taxes 财产税Property Trust 房地产信托Property t

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