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新时代职业英语《 通用英语1》单元测试附答案听力脚本U3.docx

1、新时代职业英语 通用英语1单元测试附答案听力脚本U3Unit TestUnit 3 Time ManagementPart 1 Listening Comprehension (15 points)Section ADirections: There are 5 recorded dialogs in this section. After each dialog, there is a recorded question. When you hear a question, choose the correct answer1.A. The subjects he has chosen ar

2、e too hard.B.He doesnt have any energy for studying.C.Hes finding it difficult to keep to his study schedule.D.He cant find his study plan.2.A. The woman should start getting fit right away.B.The woman doesnt need to get fit.C- The woman should start keeping fit tomorrow.D. The woman should focus on

3、 her diet.3.A. He has forgotten about his assignment.B.His assignment is badly written.C.His assignment is three months late.D.He has missed the deadline for his assignment.4.A. She went to the wrong test venue.B.She didnt feel well during the test.C.The test was too difficult.D.She hadnt studied en

4、ough.5.A. He has been tidying his room.B.He has been studying.C.He has been procrastinating.D.He has been making a study schedule.Section BDirections: Listen to the two conversations and answer the questions.Conversation 11.Why is Susie finding it hard to focus on writing her essay?A.Her mother keep

5、s phoning her.B.Its not an interesting essay topic.C.She keeps looking at social media.D.Shes watching a funny programme on television.2.Why does Susie need to keep her phone with her?A.She wants to keep in touch with her friends.B.She is using it to help her write her essay-C.She doesnt want to mis

6、s her friends funny posts.D.She is using it to listen to music.Conversation 23.What reason does Julie give for asking Bruno to help her with her study timetable?A.He helped her with this last year. B. He gets good grades in exams.C- He is kind and friendly. D. They are in the same class.4.What does

7、Bruno notice first about Julies timetable?A.She hasnt taken enough breaks.B.She has too much math on the timetable.C.Her timetable starts too early in the morning.D.She is studying until late at night.5.What does Bruno think that Julie should do in the evenings?A.Study something that she enjoysB.Stu

8、dy math for a couple of hoursC.Do something relaxingD.Take some books into bedSection CDirections: Listen to the recorded passage three times. During the second reading, fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear. During the third reading, check your writing.When youre studying, its very

9、important to remove (1) from yourwork area so that you can concentrate and work to the best of your ability. If you have a TV in your room, make sure ifs (2) off or, at least, facing away from your desk.Perhaps you find the internet (3) , but you need to use it for studying. In thiscase, you should

10、try using a study app that blocks certain websites for a period of time. Sometimes, noisy roommates can make it difficult to stay (4) . In this case,try wearing headphones and listening to music. However, music with lyrics can be distracting when youre trying to (5) , so choose classical or instrume

11、ntal tunes.Part 2 Vocabulary & Structure (30 points)Section AChoose the correct option for each sentence.1.1cant come out tonight. I have a to meet for tomorrow.A.focus B. timeline C. outline D. deadline2.Youll more if you remove any distractions from your room.A.accept B. achieve C. affect D. outli

12、ne3.1dont need too many details: just give me a(n) , so I know what your projecfsabout.A.timeline B. outline C. deadline D. distraction4.If you dont buy lots of sweets, then you wont be to snack while yourestudying.A.affected B. procrastinated C. tempted D. quoted5.Dont you know him? Hes the author

13、of the travel book Down Under.A.distraction B. best-selling C. quoted D. tempted6.Im studying tourism with a on environmentally friendly travel.A.focus B. distraction C. state D. timeline7.If you have a big task to do, you should break it into smaller parts.A. on B. over C. around D. down8.This warm

14、, sunny summer has local businesses in a positive way.A. tempted B. affected C. achieved D. quoted9.Youll need to stick your study timetable if you want to be successful this year.A. down B. to C. on D. up10.1 havent done of the work I needed to do today. I keep .A. affecting B. stating C. procrasti

15、nating D. achievingSection BFill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.1.Youre studying tourism this year, (be) you?2.We dont need to buy any tomatoes at the shop, (do) we?3.Anna doesnt like this kind of music, (do) she?4.You havent been here before, (have) you?5.He ha

16、snt lived next door to you fbr a long time, (have) he?Section CComplete the passage with appropriate words or phrase given in the brackets.I wanted to get fit, but I found it hard to get motivated and to set myself (1) (realistic/outline/state) goals. It was too easy to get (2) (procrastinated/quote

17、d/distracted) by friends when they asked me to go for a burger or go to the movies with them! So, I made a plan. I found a friend who also wanted to get fit and together we (3) (outlined/deadlined/affected) our fitness goals. Having a fitness buddywas great. It really helped me to (4) (break down/st

18、ick to/focus) on what Iwanted to achieve. Now, things are much better. Not every day is perfect, and Im still easily (5) (tempted/quoted/tasked) by an afternoon in front of the TV! However, Immuch closer to reaching my fitness goals.Part 3 Reading Comprehension (40 points)Task 1Read the following pa

19、ssage. Choose the best answer.Dealing with burnoutBurnout is a state of exhaustion brought on by stress and can often lead to feelings of helplessness and depression. It can be a serious problem for college students. So, what can you do to make sure you avoid burnout, while still managing to achieve

20、 your full potential?To begin with, you need to stay motivated. Ask yourself why you are studying the course you have chosen and why you are in college. Build your motivation by choosing the goals you need to work toward in order to achieve your goal.Secondly, you should know exactly what you need t

21、o do to achieve your goals. Use to-do lists, calendars and apps to help you keep track of the work you have to do. Celebrate small achievements along the way, as this will help you to keep going.Its important to study a little every day, as this is much more effective than studying for hours and hou

22、rs in the days before your exam. Use flashcards and practice tests to help you learn and remember to take breaks regularly.Burnout is related to stress. Taking regular exercise, sleeping well and eating healthily will help you to feel calm and be more productive.Finally, sometimes college can be str

23、essful and difficult, but in the end, the skills you learn in college will benefit your work and personal life. Keep the end in mind, and this will help you to stay calm, focused and avoid burnout.1.What does burnout” mean?A.Working hard to achieve your goalsB.Feeling nervous before an examC.Enjoyin

24、g lots of parties at collegeD.Becoming tired and depressed because you are stressed2.What does the writer recommend that you do to stay motivated?A.Make a detailed study schedule and stick to itB.Think about why you have chosen your course and how you can achieve your goalsC- Take regular breaks and

25、 choose tasks which you enjoyD. Study with other students who have chosen the same subjects3.How can apps be helpful, according to the writer?A.They can help you to organize the work you have to do.B.You can use them to help you memorize information.C.They can help you to find study buddies.D.You ca

26、n use them to help you find useful resources online.4.According to the writer, why is it important to look after your physical health?A.Fit, healthy people do better in tests.B.Healthy people are better at memorizing information.C.You will feel calmer and you will achieve more if you are healthy.D.K

27、eeping fit and healthy will feel help you to feel happier and more energetic.5.Which of the following is the best summary of the article?A.Burnout can be a problem for students who are unmotivated.B.Burnout is a very common problem, and there is very little you can do about it.C.Burnout is rare, but

28、 it can be dangerous for your physical and mental health.D.Burnout is a common problem for college students, but there are ways of avoiding it.Task 2Read the following passage* Choose the best answerThe Pomodoro technique: could it work for you?Does it sometimes take you days to finish an assignment

29、 which should really take you hours? If so, youre not alone. Modem life is so full of distractions, that it can be hard to fbcus, even when there is an important deadline ahead. However, there are tips and tricks we can use to help us focus, and one of these is the Pomodoro technique.So what exactly

30、 is the Pomodoro technique? This is a study technique invented by Italian student, Francesco Cirillo. Cirillo discovered that he could work in a more focused way if he broke tasks down into 25-minute intervals. He used a kitchen timer shaped like a tomato to time these intervals and this is where th

31、e technique gets its name pomodoro is Italian for tomato).If youd like to give it a try, heres what you need to do. Choose the task you need to do (writing an essay, fbr example). Set your timer to 25 minutes (it doesnt need to be a kitchen timer - you can use your mobile phone too). Work on the tas

32、k until the timer rings, staying completely focused. When the 25 minutes is up, take a short break (5 minutes is fine). Go for a walk, take some exercise or do a small household task. Repeat four times, and after four 25- minute intervals take a longer break.Fans of the Pomodoro technique say that it helps to make deadlines achievable. Its a great tool for procrastinato

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