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1、小学六年级英语单词分类总结1、话题(1)字母:(大小)辨认、书写顺序 : Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz.元音字母: A a , Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu半元音字母 : Yy书写容易错误的字母: E , F , G, M, N, d, i, p, q, x, y.(2)数字:基数词和序数词的运用,如计算、购物等 .基数词 : One, two, three,four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ,eleve n, twelv

2、e, thirtee n, fourtee n, fiftee n -otwentyhtWe ntyforty, fifty eighty, nin ety, one/a hun dred , on e/a hun dred and one two hundred.序数词 : first , second , third , fourth , fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, nin th, ten th, eleve nth, tw elfth twen tieth, twen ty-first, twen ty-sec ond, twenty-third, tw

3、enty- four thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth eightieth,ninetieth 相关句型 : 1) Whats thirty and forty That comes to seventy.2)Whats your telephone number My telephone number is .3)What time is it Its half past ten.4)When do you usually get up At six thirty-five.5)Where do you live I live at Renmin Road.6)Ho

4、w old are you Im twelve.7)How much does it cost It costs 50 yuan.8)How many cars have you got I have got 6 cars.9)How many birds can you see in the tree I can see 3.10)How many dolls are there on the bed There is one/a doll.11)How many dolls are there on the bed There are four dolls.12)Which floor d

5、o you live on I live on the fifth floor.13)Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Baiyun hotelY es, go dow n this street, the n turn left at the third cross in g 14)Whos the fifth girl from the right Shes my cousin.注意: 数词的应用 ; 不可数名词及它的量的表示方法 ;many 与much 在用法上的区别 ;there is/are 与 have/has 在用法上的区别 .(3)颜色

6、:实物的颜色colours: red, pink, yellow, brown, blue, purple, orange, black, white,grey, dark blue, light blue.相关句型 : 1) What colour is your coat It s .2)What s your favourite colour My favourite colour is(4)时间:年、季节、月、星期、日、时刻year, season( spring, summer, autumn, winter) , month: January, February, March, A

7、pril, May, June, July,August, September, October, November, December.Week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday. Sunday,Day: 1st May (the first of May), May 2nd ( May thesecond)Time: (an) hour, minute, second10:05 (five minutes past ten, ten o five)10:10 (ten minutes past ten, ten t

8、en)10:15 (quarter past ten, ten fifteen)10:30 (half past ten, ten thirty)10:45 (quarter to eleven, ten forty-five)11:00 (eleven o clock)相关句型 :1) How old is your mother She sSxiryears old.2)How many months are there in a year There are 12.3)When s your birthday My birthday is on 15th January(the fift

9、eenth of January).4)When do you get up I get up at six o clock.5)When does spring last It lasts for 3 months from March to May.6)What time is it It s quarter to nine.(5)食品与饮料:人对食品与饮料的喜好;东西方食品food:meat,beef,chicken,pork,mutton,fish,rice,bread, noodles,egg,cake,chocolates,tofu,hamburger,french fries,

10、hot dog,cookies,candy,biscuit,jam,green beans,tomato,potato,cabbage,eggplant,cucumber, onion,carrot,fruit,apple,banana,orange,pear,peach,watermelon ,strawberry,grape,water,juice,tea,coffee,ice-creamCoke,soupdrinks : water, milk , coke, coffee, black/green teaorange/apple/waterm elon/banana/strawberr

11、y juice相关句型:1) Would you like some Yes, I d like someNo, thanks .2)What woule you like I d like to eat/drink 3)What s your favourite food/drink My favourite food/drink is 4)Could I have some Yes, please .5)Have some (6)服装:服装的颜色:人对服装的喜好;某人的穿戴;所属关系clothes: hat, cap, coat, shirt , T-shirt, skirt, dress

12、, sweater, jacket, trousers, sock, shoeput on, wear所属关系:形容词性的物主代词:my, your, his, her, its, our, their 名词性的物主代词 : mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs相关句型 : 1) What does it look like It likes wearing a blue shirt.2)Whose shoes are these They re mine.Theyre Tom s .3)Is this /that/it your book Yes

13、, it is.No, it isn t.4)Is this pencil yours Yes, it is. No, it isn t.5)Are these /those/they your coats and trousersYes, they are. No, they aren t.6)Are those clothes theirs Yes, they are.No, they aren t.7)This is my hat. That hat is his.注意: 名词单,复数;物主代词 (名词性的物主代词, 形容词性的 物主代词 );名词所有格,如: Toms , my fat

14、her s , the teachers(7)玩具和文具:特点、颜色、所属关系 ;存在的位置Toys: doll, toy文具 : desk, book, bag ,pen, pencil, pencil-box, ruler, chair, ball存在的位置 : in, on, under, beside, behind, in front of, in the front of , in the middle of, at the back of (a place/a pers on).相关句型 : 1) There is a cup of tea on the table.2)Ther

15、e are some oranges in the fridge.3)Is there any milk in the glass Yes, there is.No, there isn t.4)Are there any oranges in the fridgesYes, there are. No, there aren t.5)Whats under the deskThere is an orange. / There are some oranges.(8)日常生活用品:特点、颜色、所属关系 ;存在的位置words: shelf, table, clock, brush, tele

16、phone, light, computer, bike, fridge, glass, knife, keyboard, bottle, box, plate, photo, photograph, fax, radio, super-market,book store,noodles/cake/clothes/shoe/TV shop.特点 : big, small, heavy, light, white, black, empty, full, old, new, beautiful, cute, tall, short, strong, plump, nice, good, bad(

17、9)动物:家畜、家禽 ;农场动物、动物园及野生动物的特点 ;生活地 点和所属关系words(animals): cat, dog, duck, goose (geese) fish, sheep, bird, panda, monkey, rabbit, hen , cock, sheep,goat,lamp,horse,chicken, tiger, lion, pig, cow , mouse (mice),giraffe,dolphin,生活地点: at home, in a farm, i n a zoo 所属关系:同上话题 (7)(10)植物:特点、所属关系 ;存在的位置words:

18、 tree, rose, flower, leaf(leaves) (11)环境与建筑:特点、所属关系 ;存在的位置buildings: factory, hospital, park, house, library, museum, office, farm, post office, bank, police station, train station, sports stadium, department store, store, school, classroom, house: bathroom, living-room, bedroom, washroom,kitchen, g

19、arden 房子的基本构造: door, gate, wall, window, floor 相关句型 : 1) Where do you study at I study at Longdong Primary School.2)Where does your mother work at She works at a hospital.3)Let s meet at the gate of the park.4)My brother is playing in the garden.(12)身体:特点body: head, hair, eye, nose, ear, mouth, neck

20、, shoulder, hand,fin ger, foot (feet) ,toe 外貌 : fat, thin, plump , tall, short, old, young, round face, two big blue eyes, long hair, short hair, black hair ,white hairre (not) tall.相关句型: 1) I m /Youre /He s/Shes /Were /They 2)Is he/she tall or short He s /She s tall (short).3)I/We/They/You have (go

21、t) black hair.4)He/She has ( got ) a round face.5)Has he/she got long hair Yes, he/she has.No, he/she hasn t.注意:描述人的外貌时,have与has用法上的区别;形容词的用 法,如 :tall, short, old, young, black , long (13)个人情况:姓名、年龄、地址、特点与爱好age, year, address, e-mail address, hobby,hobby: collect ing stamps(co ins) , going swimmi ng

22、 doing sth相关句型: 1) How old are you Im thirteen years old.2)I m a thirte-yeenar old boy.3)Whats your address I live atRenmin road.4)Whats your-meail address My e-mail address is.5)Whats your hobby Mhyobby is going running.Or : I like going running.6)I /You/ They like music.7)He likes sightseeing.8)Do

23、 you like reading Yes, I do. No, I don t.9)Does he /she like playing basketballYes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn t.注意: 描述个人的喜好时:名词和动词 - ing 形式作宾语 ; 主语是第三人称单数时一般现在时动词的变化动词 ing 的变化规律: 1)直接加 ing ,如: open-opening,clea n-clea ning, meet-meeti ng, sin g-s inging, studystudy ing, 2)去掉词尾不发音的 e ,如: take-tak

24、ing, close-closing, come-coming, drive-driving, have-having, use-using, write-writing, practice-practicing, 3)重读闭音节的,双写最后的字母,加 ing , 如: sit-sitting, put-putting, begin-beginning , get-getting, swim-swimming, run-running, cut-cutting, become-becoming, 主语是第三人称单数时一般现在时动词的变化规律 (与名词变复数规律相同 ): 1) 直接加 s, 如

25、: cook-cooks, come-comes, close-closes, 2)以 o, x, s, sh, ch 结尾 +es ,女口: teach-teaches, go-goes, do-does, catch-catches, wash-washes, brush-brushes, misms-isses, 3)辅音字母加 y 结尾,把 y 改为 i ,+es, 如: fly-flies, worry-worries, carry-carries, 4)以f或fe结尾,把f或fe,改为v+es.5)特殊: have-has, (14)家庭、亲属和朋友:姓名、年龄、地址、特点与爱好:

26、与你的关系words: family, grandfather(grandpa/granddad), grandmother(grandma/grand mum), father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, friend相关句型 : 1) Is he/she Tom s cousin Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn t.2) Whos he/she He s/She s my friend.3)How many people are there in your family Who are theyT

27、here are four, my father, my mother, my brother and me.注意: 1)名词单复数,如: family-families;名词单数 -复数规律 : 1) 直接加 s, 如: boy-boys, term-terms,2)以 o, x, s, sh, ch 结尾 +es ,女口: box-boxes, class-classes, glass-glasses, coach-coaches, dress-dresses, fax-faxes, inch-inches, match-matches,3)辅音字母加 y 结尾,把 y 改为 i ,+es

28、, 如: baby-babies, lady-ladies, factory-factories, peach-peaches, library-libraries, watch-watches ,4)以 f 或 fe 结尾,把 f 或 fe,改为 v+es: leaf-leaves, knife-knives, wife-wives, shelf-shelves, 5)特殊: man-men, policeman-policemen, woman-women, child-children, goose-geese, tooth-teeth, foot-feet,6)不变: hair, mi

29、lk, tea, coffee, water, bread, rice, paper, juice,meat, people, fish, sheep, 2) 名词所有格,表明是“谁的”如: my cousins , his parents它的构成规则:单数名词后 +“ ,s”Mikes mother.复数名词词尾有,其后只+ “ / Teachers D教师节. 若是两人共有时,只在后者 + “s ”,Jim and Tom s moth吉姆和汤姆的母亲。不是两者所共有的,两者都 + “ s ”,Jim s and Tom s mo吉姆母亲和汤姆的母亲。名词若是无生命,所有格构成用 of,a

30、 map of Chi na一幅中国地图(15)学校:学校建筑和学校生活words: school building, classroom, dormitory, playground, librarysubjects: Chinese, maths , English, music, computer, PE, art, biology,politics , history, meet ing, geography 相关句型 : 1) What s yourofuarvite subject English.2)Wheres the library It s behind the dormi

31、tory.3)When do you go to school At 7:20.4)When does Chinese begin on Monday At Eight o clock.5)Does geography begin at twenty to ten on MondayYes, it does. No, it doesn t.6)Were having an English class.(16)社交礼仪:礼貌用语 ;询问与应答: Hello! Hi! Good morning/afternoon/evening.How are you Fine, thanks. And youPlease say hello to your parents for me.2.Introduction: My name is I m a pupil. I m new here.This is Mr/Mrs/Miss White.Hello, nice to meet you .3.Farewells: Goodbye/Bye-bye/Bye.See you then/tomorrow

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