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本文(驻英国大使刘晓明在使馆举行的中欧青年交流年青年开放日上的讲话1.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、驻英国大使刘晓明在使馆举行的中欧青年交流年青年开放日上的讲话1驻英国大使刘晓明在使馆举行的“中欧青年交流年”青年开放日上的讲话Young People: The future for China-EU RelationsRemarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Reception to Mark the China-EU Year of Youth2011年5月6日,中国驻英国大使馆6th May 2011, Chinese Embassy in the UK各位青年朋友:My young friends,首先,欢迎你们来中国驻英国大使馆做客

2、,共庆“中欧青年交流年”。A very warm welcome to all of you to the Chinese Embassy for the celebration of the China-EU Year of Youth.现在正是五月,五月总是同鲜花联系在一起。再过几天,久负盛名的伦敦切尔西花展即将举行。五月又总是同青年联系在一起。中国的青年节就是5月4日。因此,在这里我愿向各位青年朋友致以诚挚的节日祝福。青年如同鲜花,是因为青年富有朝气,充满理想,是时代的先锋,世界的希望。正如英国十九世纪的名相迪斯雷利所言:“几乎所有伟大的事业都是由青年完成的。”Spring has co

3、me to London. In Britain the season of May is associated with beautiful flowers. In a couple of days, the full splendour of the blossoms will be on show in Chelsea. For the Chinese, May is a season associated with youth, as the Chinese Youth Day falls on May 4th. So a very happy Youth Day to you all

4、!We in China also like to compare young people to flowers, as they are full of vigor and new ideas. They represent the vanguard of the times and the hope of the world. Just as Benjamin Disraeli observed, “Almost everything that is great has been done by youth.“中欧青年交流年”是中欧建交以来联合举办的第一个主题年,也是中欧迄今规模最大的一

5、次人文交流活动。中欧青年在交流年里,更广泛地面对面交流,更深入地心与心沟通,我相信这将有力地促进中欧关系及中英关系的长远发展。The China-EU Year of Youth is the first such event jointly hosted by China and the EU since the two established diplomatic relations.It is also by far the largest cultural exchange between the people of China and the EU.There are huge be

6、nefits to be gained by engaging our young people in face-to-face dialogue and close communication. A major gain is to greatly boost understanding between our different cultures. Through these exchanges we can deepen ties between China, the UK and the rest of Europe.今天,青年朋友们交流的主题是“如何看待中国的发展及中国与欧洲和世界的

7、关系”,我想就这一主题与大家谈谈我的一些看法。I would like to share with you some of my thoughts on your topic today how should we look at Chinas development and its relations with Europe and the world?大家都很关注中国,也很关注中国的发展,因为中国的发展的确可能是本世纪一个标志性事件。但是由于每个人观察中国的角度不同,往往会得出不同的结论。如何看待中国的发展,我认为应从两个基本角度去观察和认识:The changes in China fo

8、r the past decades have been unprecedented in human history for any one country. So little wonder that such great and rapid changes have aroused worldwide interest.I hope you young people will be motivated to study China and indeed many cultures, countries and civilisations. This study is crucial in

9、 a globalized world that we all live within.It is also vital that this study fosters respect for different cultures. There is a natural human response that everyone in the world should be the same as us with the same values. Travel in the world shows there is vast variety in cultures. Respect for th

10、ese differences is a critical condition if we are to achieve the goal of sustainable and peaceful development of the world.But experience shows that watching China from different angles, people tend to arrive at very different conclusions. I think one needs to observe and try to understand Chinas de

11、velopment with the following two points in mind:第一,应从发展的角度看中国。First, one needs to see China in the light of its development. This includes Chinas past and future.一是从中国的发展历程看中国。今年是辛亥革命100周年,也是中国共产党成立90周年。100多年前,特别是十九世纪下半叶和二十世纪上半叶,中国积贫积弱,饱受屈辱,社会动荡,民不聊生。中国的许多志士仁人都曾努力探索救国存亡之道,但只有中国共产党才成功地带领人民赢得民族独立和解放,开

12、启改革开放的伟大征程,彻底改变了中国的面貌。如果了解中国这段发展史,才能懂得为什么历史选择了中国共产党,懂得为什么中国人民拥护中国共产党。One hundred years ago, the Revolution of 1911 ended Imperial rule in China, and 10 years later, the Communist Party of China was founded.Before 1911 - and during the late 19th century and the early 20th century - China was a poor,

13、weak and unstable country.History books have shown China was subject to constant foreign invasion and bullying.Many Chinese visionaries despaired about conditions in China and tried to save the country from this humiliation.All attempts at reform failed until the Communist Party of China led the Chi

14、nese people to independence and national liberation in 1949.Over the past three decades the Party has led China to a policy of reform and opening-up. And this has fundamentally changed China.When you are familiar with this part of the Chinese history, you will be able to understand why the history i

15、s on the side of the Communist Party and why the Party is supported by the people of China.二是从中国的发展未来看中国。中国的发展不是一个完成时,而是一个进行时。新中国成立只有60年,中国实行改革开放也只有30多年,但是我们摸着石头过河,不断探索,克服了许多困难,也经历了许多挫折,走了一些弯路,最终找到了一条适合中国国情的发展道路,即建设中国特色社会主义。中国在今后前进的道路上,还会面临诸多“可以预见和难以预见的挑战”,但也面临着难得的历史机遇。Chinas development is in the p

16、resent continuous tense, not the present perfect tense. It has been only 60 years since the Peoples Republic was founded, and just a little more than 30 years since reform and opening-up.Mr Deng Xiaoping came up with a quote that has become very popular to describe Chinas progress. He said the way f

17、orward is “to manage to cross the river by feeling for the stones”.China has indeed been “crossing the river by feeling for the stones” and in that way has overcome many difficulties.There have been twists and turns, but we managed to find a development path suited to the Chinese reality, that is wh

18、at we call socialism with Chinese characteristics.Moving forward, we expect to encounter more challenges, some predictable, some not, but we are ready to take up the challenges and to seize the many opportunities.We are optimistic about the future of China.不久前我们制定了“十二五”规划,充分体现了中国的未来发展思路,这就是贯彻科学发展观,加

19、快转变经济发展方式,加快推进经济结构调整,着力保障和改善民生,大力促进社会公平正义。国家绘制了美好发展蓝图,民众衷心信任和支持。根据路透与伊普索斯最近联合进行的一项民调,中国78%的民众对未来充满信心,这一比例高于世界上其他任何国家。The recently adopted 12th Five-Year Plan tells how China plans to further develop itself. That is:- Follow a scientific thinking on development;-Upgrade its development model;- Restru

20、cture its economy;- Give priority to improving peoples lives;- Promote social justice and equity.This is a blueprint trusted and supported by the people of China.A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that 78% of the Chinese people are confident about their countrys future, a figure higher than any other

21、 country in the world.第二,应从全面的角度看中国。一是中国的发展是全面的发展,即经济、政治、社会、文化等领域协调和谐的发展。西方有些人不能全面看待中国,总认为中国只关注经济发展,不重视社会建设;只实行经济改革,不进行政治改革,这是对中国全面改革和全面发展的一种误读。改革开放30多年来,中国的政治改革与经济改革同步进行,人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,在中国政治生活中的地位和作用越来越大,中国特色的民主越来越生动活泼。中国的法制建设取得飞跃,我们制定了200多部法律,几千年形成的人治社会正在向法治社会转变。我们废除了领导干部终身制,领导人更替实现机

22、制化、法制化,各级干部的选拔引进了差额选举、竞争上岗和任前公示制度。我们将尊重和保障人权写人中国的根本大法宪法,中国人民享有的各项人权可以说前所未有。我们基本建成了覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,民众幸福指数不断提升。正是因为30多年来中国的民主法制建设、人权事业发展、社会开放进步、社保民生改善,中国经济才可能取得如此了不起的进步。Let me turn to the second point about observing China: one needs to see China in all aspects.This means first and foremost recognising

23、Chinas all-round development in the economic, political, social and cultural fields.It is sad that some people in the West fail to see this point. They tend to criticize China for focusing solely on economic growth while neglecting social progress. They say China is only carrying out economic reform

24、, not political reform.This is a complete misreading of Chinas comprehensive reform and development.Political reform has come with economic reform every step of the way in the past 3 decades.We have seen the growing role of the National Peoples Congress and multi-party political consultation under t

25、he leadership of the Communist Party.Democratic decision making and the legal system have been strengthened, with over 200 laws formulated and the millennium-old pattern of rule by man giving way to the rule of law.Life-long tenures of leadership position had long been a thing of the past and compet

26、itive appointments with public consultation are becoming the norm.Respect for and promotion of human rights has been written into the Chinese Constitution. This makes sure that the people enjoy unprecedented rights and freedoms.China has put into place a social security system that covers urban and

27、rural residents. This aims to make sure Chinese people will be happier as they get richer.China has been able to make tremendous economic achievements only because of these reforms: such as strengthening legal system; improving human rights; creating an open and inclusive society and vastly improvin

28、g living standards.二是既看到中国取得的巨大成就,又看到中国仍然是一个发展中国家。今天,中国尽管经济总量已占全球9.5%,位居世界第二,但不可否认,中国与发达国家仍有很大差距,发展“不平衡、不协调、不可持续”问题依然突出。中国人均GDP只有4300美元,只相当于英国的1/10,排在世界100位之后;中国还有1.5亿人的生活达不到每天1美元的联合国贫困线标准;中国是产品生产大国,但在全球最著名100品牌中,至今无一上榜;中国的单位GDP能耗是发达国家的3至4倍,是英国的8倍。因此,我们始终牢记中国改革开放总设计师邓小平先生的一句话,中国的发展“还需要一个很长的历史阶段,需要我们

29、几代人、十几代人,甚至几十代人坚持不懈地努力奋斗。”But it is very important to grasp that China is still a developing country despite its huge success.It is true that China now ranks as the second largest economy in the world. Chinas GDP now accounts for 9.5% of the world total.But it is equally true that China still lags b

30、ehind developed countries in many ways. This is due to a lack of balance, coordination and sustainability in Chinas development.Chinas GDP stood at 4,300 US dollars per head in 2010. That is one tenth that of the UK and behind about 100 countries in the world.150 million Chinese people still live un

31、der the one-dollar-a-day UN poverty line.Though a major manufacturer, China does not have a single brand name on the worlds top 100 list.Chinas energy intensity is three to four times the average level of developed countries and 8 times that of the UK.That is why we in China have always kept in mind

32、 what Mr Deng Xiaoping said about development. He said: “It will take a very long historical period , and it will require persistent efforts by several generations, a dozen generations or even longer.”关于中国与世界的关系,胡锦涛主席曾说:“当代中国同世界的关系发生了历史性变化,中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界的前途命运联系在一起。”Talking about Chinas relations with the world, President Hu Jintao has said, “Chinas relations with the world have undergone historic changes. Its future is closely linked to that of the world.”中国的发展离不开世界。中国要实现和平发展,就必须有一个和平的国际环境;中国要实现科学发展,就必须开展同各国

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