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1、中考英语知识点总结每个知识点配有习题和答案中考英语必考知识点总结名词考察:1.可数名词单复数规则和不规则变化,不可数名词不能加s,同时做主语看做是单数,可用数量词修饰可数和不可数名词,同时请注意一些单复数同行的名词和集合名词如people2.所有格(以S结尾的复数直接加 如teachers book 老师们的书,不以S结尾的复数加S 如: childrens books)1-Where is Bob?-He is in our _ room.A. teacher B. teacherss C. teachers D. teachers2There are many _ in our schoo

2、l.A. women teachers B. woman teacher C. woman teachers3Eighty percent of the teachers _ women teachers in our school.A. is B. are C. be D. was4June 1st is Day. All the children enjoy it very much.A Children B Childrens C Childrens D Child5 _ Day is on June 1st and _ is on September 10st.A. Childrens

3、 ; Teachers B. Childrens ; Teachers C. Childrens ; Teachers代词考察:1. 人称代词第一、二、三人称单复数的主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词的用法2. 常考特殊代词:3. either:两者中任意一个,(either,可以用在否定句末,逗号隔开,表示“也”too,可以用在肯定句末,逗号隔开,also 用在句中)4. neither:两者都不,(neither +助动词+代词,如neither do I “我也是”neither+代词 +助动词如neither she does “她的确是”so +助动词+代词如so do I

4、 “我也是”so +代词+助动词如so she does “她的确是5. both:两者都,all: 三个或三者以上全部都,6. none: 三者或三者以上都不,7. Other+名词=others one.the other(两个事物) some.the others(两个部分)8. 不定代词:something /anything/nothing/everything/someone/anyone/everyone/nobody/somebody/everybody/everywhere等放在形容词之前,入:something interesting9. Enough 放在形容词之后,名词

5、之前,后再接动词有to do 如:kind enough、enough time 10. A few/few 后接可数名词,a little/little 后接不可数名词,a few/a little 表示肯定含义,few/little 表示否定含义6 -Whichofthetwobookswillyoutake?-Iwilltake_andIthink_ofthemisveryimportanttome.A.either;neither B.neither;both C.both;either D.either;both7_ he _I am a doctor.A. Both; and B.

6、 Either; norC. Neither; nor D. Neither; and8(2014四川成都)Can she play the guitar or the violin?_But she can play the drumsABoth BEither CNeither9My sister cant cook, I cant, _ .A. too B. also C. either D. neither10一Would you like to go to the amusement park?If Jack does,_AI gotoo Bso will ICneither wil

7、l I Dso do I11Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?If Tony _, _.A. comes; so I will B. come; so do I C. comes; so will I D. will come; so will I12Zhou Ming likes reading English magzines _. Its good for English learningA. So do I B. So am I C.So I do 14How dangerous! She was driving th

8、e car with one hand and holding an ice cream with _.A. the other B. another C. others D. other15Jenny keeps two pets. One is a dog, _is a rabbit.A. another B. an other C. the other D. other16You can help me with my English and I can help you with your Chinese.You are right. We can help _.A. other B.

9、 the other C. each other17I bought _ exercise books with _ money.A. a few, a few B. a few, a little C. a little, a few D. a little, a little18Mum, we have _tomatoes, but we have _milk.Lets buy some milk in the supermarket.A. a few, little B. a little, few C. few, a little19He is_ to buy the poor chi

10、ldren_.A. kind enough; enough book B. enough kind; enough booksC. kind enough; enough books D. enough kind; books enough数词考查:1. 序数词往往和the连用,如: the first one、the second one2. 跟数字相关的单位如果前面有具体基数词修饰直接加单位再加名词复数,如:two hundred apples(thousand/ million/ billion),如果前面没有具体基数词修饰直接在单位再加s再加of再加名词复数,如: hundreds o

11、f apples(thousand/ million/ billion)3. 分数的表达,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一,分母加s,如1/2 one second, 2/3 two thirds. 当分数修饰名词做主语,谓语的单复数取决于后面的名词的单复数,如 two thirds of land is covered with tresses.(land 不可数名词看做单数)4. The number of +名词复数做主语翻译为。的数量,谓语动词用单数5. A number of +名词复数作主语翻译为。大量的。,谓语动词用复数6. 用-连接的短语看作是形容词,不能用s,如: an

12、 eight-year-old boy20Therere_ students in our grade.A. hundreds of B. three hundreds of C. three hundreds D. three hundreds21Over the years I have collected five _ foreign stamps, _ of them are from the USA.A. hundred; two hundreds B. hundred; two hundredC. hundreds of; two hundred D. hundreds; two

13、hundreds23 They planted trees and trees is 500.A. the number of; a number of B. the number of; the number ofC. a number of; the number of D. a number of; a number of24He is an _ boy from a small village in Guangxi.A. eightyearold B. eightyearsold C. eight year old形容词、副词的考查:1. 比较级的三种:同级比较,肯定as +adj/a

14、dv原级+as 否定not as/so+adj/adv原级+as2. 两者比较,adj./adv. 的比较级形式3. 三者最高级,adj./adv. 的最高级,注意加the4. 特殊:the +比较级+句子+the+比较级+句子 翻译:越。就越。5. 比较级+and+比较级 翻译:越来越。如:more and more, better and better 6. The + 比较级 注意:一般会出现two,翻译:两者中较为。如;the taller of the two 两者中较为高的那一个7. Than any other+名词单数,(在比较范围之内,去除自己本身)如:she is tall

15、er than any other student in her class.8. 人口(population)的多少用large/small 修饰,价格(price)的高低用high/low修饰,hardly,几乎不的意思,friendly、lovely 是adj. alone单独一个人,lonely内心孤独,如:He lives alone but he doesnt feel lonely. 25My sister has practiced tennis for a long time. She plays tennis _ you.A. as good as B. so well a

16、s C. as well as26At the sports meeting, Amy ran _.A. as fast as she can B. as soon as she couldC. as fast as she could D. as sooner as she can27Hiking is_ campingI like both of themAnot as interesting as Bmore dangerous thanCas interesting as Das dangerous as28I prefer at home rather than to the cin

17、ema. A. to stay, to go B. stay, go C. to stay, go D. stay, to go29Shanghai is larger than _in Australia.A. any other city B. all other cities C. any city D. any other cities30 China is larger than _ in Africa.A. any other country B. other countries C. any countries D. any country31Shanghai is bigger

18、 than _ in Jiangsu and bigger than _ in China.A. any city; any city B. any city; any other cityC. any other city; the other cities D. any other city; any city32LiLei runs faster than _in his class. A the other student B any other students C any other student D other students33This tree is _ of the t

19、wo.A.taller B.the tallest C.tallest D.the taller34Of the two American students, Lily is _one.A. tallest B. the tallerC. taller D. the tallest35Which is of the two boys?A. the tallest B. the taller C. taller D. tall 36 - _ he is, _ mistakes he will make. - Thats true. Thats why he got a low mark agai

20、n. A. The more careful, the less B. The more careless, the moreC. The more careful, the more D. The more careless, the fewer37 The harder we work, the_ result we will get.A. faster B. worse C. better D. best38The worlds population is growing_ and there is _ land and water for them. A more; less

21、rger; fewer C.larger; less D.more; fewer39The population of Shanghai is larger than _ of Shenyang.A.that D.this40The population of Henan is _ than that of Shandong.A. less B. more C. larger D. small41They wont go to the zoo because the price is too _.A. expensive B. high C. low D. cheap42

22、The price of books is too_, I cant buy them.A.expensive B. cheap C. high D. low43The old man lived _but he didnt feel _A. lonely, alone B alone, alone C. alone , lonely D .lonely , lonely44The old man lives _ but he doesnt feel _. A. lonely; alone B. alone; aloneC. alone; lonely D. lonely; lonely45T

23、he poor woman lived in a small house .alone ,lonely B. lonely ,alone C. alone ,alone D. lonely lonely情态动词的考查:1, 没有人称、数的变化,不能单独用,必须和动词原形连用构成谓语动词2、以must、need 开头的问句,肯定回答:Yes, sb must. 否定回答:No, sb neednt3、以could 开头的问句要分清楚是委婉语气还是过去式,如果是委婉语气记得回答要用can4、Must的否定是cant 而不是mustnt ,mustnt表示禁止做某事46This book _ Tom

24、s fathers, because his name is on the book. A. maybe B. may be C. must be D. must47 Must I return the book this week? No, you _. You can _ it for 20 days.A. mustnt: keep B. neednt; borrow C. neednt; keep D. mustnt; borrow48The doctor said he _ any help.A. need B. neednt C. needed not D. didnt need49

25、The earth is our home. It _ well.A. must be protected B. should protect C. need protect D. need protecting50Could you please do the dishes? _A. No, I dont. B. Thank you very much.C. Yes, please. D. Sorry, I have to do my homework first.特殊动词的考查:(注意做谓语时动词时态的各种变化)1、spend (in)doing on sth/ sth costs sb

26、sth/ it takes sb sth to do sth/ sb pay sth for sth花费2、Try to do/ try doing / try ones best to do sth3、Hope/wish/expect to do sth/that+从句(除了hope外其他两个都可以加sb to do sth)4、Forget/remember +to do (还没有做)/ doing(已经做了)(忘记sth用leave,不能用forget,如: i leave my keys in the classroom )5、Borrow from 从。借, lend to.借给。6

27、、Be made of 看的出原材料,be made from 看不出原材料51I spend two hours a day _ English.A. speaking B. speak C. speaks D. to speak52 My father spends lots of time _ with my grandmother on weekends. Really? He is a good son. A. saying B. listening C. chatting D. singing53It takes rile an hour _ to school by bikeAg

28、et Bto get Cgetting Dgets54_does it takes to get to school? Half an hour.A. How many B. How far C.How long D. How high55It takes Jill 10 minutes_ to school every morning.A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walks 56How much do you need _ that bike?A. to pay for B. to pay C. pay for D. buy57Much attentio

29、n must _ these details. A. pay B. be paid C. pay to D. be paid t59 -The shirt is beautiful. How much did it _?- I _ 98 yuan on it.A. cost, spent B. pay, cost C. cost, paid60May I borrow your CD? Sorry, I _it at home.A. forgot B. left C. took D. leave61-Can I borrow your dictionary? I _ mine at home. - OK. Here you are.A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. was left时态的考查:一般现在时注意三单形式一般将来时注意there be的用法: there will be/ there is going to be ,不能用have现在完成时,时间词,already/just/sine/f

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