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1、外贸英语函电复习修补版外贸英语函电复习一、选择题 (单选)10分二、解释划线单词词组 10分三、解释与替换 10*2=20分四、翻译句子 10*4=40分五、写作 20分选择题1. make us your lowest quotation for 向某人报某商品价格,用介词for2. Your quotation of Mens Shirts is too high to be acceptable. 买方提及卖方报价时用介词of3. trade with sb. 与某人做生意 trade in sth. 经营某种生意4. Assist sb. in this respect 在某方面帮助5

2、. place a order with sb for sth 向某人订货6. enclose an indent for 20,000 pieces of plastic toy mobile phones. Indent,订货单7. in 用某种容器包装Pliers are packed in boxes.inof each 用某容器包装,每件若干Pliers are packed in boxes of 2 dozen each.钳子用盒子包装,每盒两打。in, each containing用某容器,每件内装若干Pliers are packed in wooden cases, ea

3、ch containing 100 boxes.钳子用木箱包装,每箱装一百盒。 to 若干装于一件某种容器Mens shirts are packed 10 dozen to a carton.eachinandto 每单位装某种容器,若干单位装另一种较大容器Each shirt is packed in a polybag and 6 to a box.每件衬衫装一个塑料袋,6袋装一盒。toandto 若干单位装某种容器,若干此种容器装另一种较大的容器Pliers are packed 2 dozen to a box and 100 boxes to a wooden case.钳子两打装

4、一盒,一百盒装一木箱。同义词解释与替换1. obtained/come to know /heard/learnedWe have your name and address from our embassy in your country. 2. given/recommended/introduced/suggested/brought forwardYour name has been to us by Citibank,Shenzhen office.3. have the pleasure to introduce/ have the pleasure of introducing

5、/take pleasure in introducing /take the liberty of introducing(.冒昧做某事) /avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce (趁机,借此机会)/are venturing to write to introduce We ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing in light industrial goods4. thankful /grateful /obliged/indebtedWe are to

6、 the Chinese Embassy in Vienna for giving us your name and address.5. by our joint efforts /by even a bigger effort/through our endeavors/to our mutual benefit/for our common interests/to the advantage of our two firms.It is hoped that we can promote business as well as friendship.6. look forward to

7、 /await /appreciate /expect /anticipate /hope to receiveWe your favorable reply.7. grateful /obliged /glad /thankful /appreciative of We should be if you would reply at an early date.8. early reply /prompt attention /immediate response /favorable answer /further instructions /wholehearted cooperatio

8、n Your will be greatly appreciated.9. Various kinds of/All kinds of/A variety of/A range of We handle a large variety of the market for /sourcing in the market for /potential buyers of /considering buying /ready to purchase We are your mens shirts.11. send /forward /submit /dispatch /

9、furnishPlease your illustrated catalogues and mail latest price-list to us at your earliest convenience.12.reasonable/attractive/workable/realistic/in line with the present market与一致,符合 /moderateShould your price be found and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. 13. s

10、amples/bulletin/price-list/price-schedule/illustrated cataloguesYour products are of great interest to one of our clients in Tianjin who wishes to have your or the items specified below.14. trial/large/big/considerable/substantialIf terms and delivery date are satisfactory, we should expect to place

11、 orders with once/as soon as possible/at the earliest date/the soonest possible /immediately /without delayThe captioned goods are urgently needed so we wish to receive your proforma invoice .16. are in receipt of /acknowledge receipt of /have for acknowledgment /have for reply /beg to ack

12、nowledge the receipt of 收到 We your letter of June29. 17.for your reference/for your information/for your study/for your perusal/for your consideration/for your records/for your file. 供参考We are pleased to forward you the samples of our products with their quotations and discounts /

13、interest /importance /value /useWe are appreciative of your effort to put our new products on your market and hope the information enclosed will be of great to you.19.make /wire /cable /fax /telex /send /E-mailYou are kindly requested to us an offer for the commodities we have listed below.20. in ho

14、pes of/in the hope of/in expectation ofWe are sending you this special offer your introducing them to the prospective buyers at your effective/ valid/ firm/ available/ goodThis offer will remain until March 3.22.your reply reaching us /your acceptance being received here /our receiving

15、your confirmation /your reply here We confirm having cabled you a firm offer subject to by Nov. 29.23. meet with a favorable reception/enjoy popularity/enjoy fast sales/meet with great favor深受欢迎24.To step up trade /To initiate business /To encourage business/To promote trade/To expand business/To de

16、velop trade 为了促进贸易 between us, we trust you would allow us a higher rate of discount.25. reduce/ shade/cut/deduct the price by 2%make a reduction of 10%/ make a deduction of 10% from the price.offer you 10% off26. accept your counter-offer /entertain your proposal /consider your suggestion /trade at

17、 your price We cannot even if we meet you halfway27. has lapsed/has expired/comes to an end/comes to a close/becomes invalid/ceases to be effective 失效There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer 28. find your price too high 认为你方价格偏高= find your price on high sid

18、 ones attention to 使某人注意=invite ones attention to sth/call ones attention to sth/draw ones attention to sth.30.confirm /accept /take up /enter /book /close W e are pleased to your order dated May10. 31. be in conformity/accordance/agreement with/be in conformity to 与相一致;依照32.turned out to

19、be /proved to be /are /were found to beYour prices and quality satisfactory and we are sending you an order for the following.33.ensure /guarantee /secure rush/expediteWe hope you will do everything possible to punctual shipment. 34. enclose a check for/enclose a bank draft for/have instructed our b

20、ank to remit/have transferredIn settlement of the amount of your invoice, we US$145,000 which pays your account in full. 35.attend to this matter with all speed. /do your utmost to ensure the payment without delay. arrange for the credit immediately. /expedite the said L/C very soon. rush a credit w

21、ithout any further delay. /take up this matter with the issuing bank at once. push the confirming house for their soonest action.We regret that up to now we havent received your L/C yet, please 36. have to impress on you the need for urgent shipment/rely on you to execute this order/are compelled to

22、 lay emphasis upon your dispatchWe within the prescribed time limit.37.duly informed/notified immediately/advised timely/told in time/instructed by cable/duly receive our adviceYou will be when shipment of your order is effected.38.take space on ( 装轮) /dispatch the cargo by /load the goods on /compl

23、ete the shipment on board (在船) /commence loading the first lot onPreparations for shipment are well underway and we shall a COSCO steamer.39. In compliance with the terms of the S/C/As stipulated in the contract/Under the terms of the relative L/C/In accordance with the stipulations of our agreement

24、 , we are sending you under separate cover a full set of non-negotiable shipping documents covering this consignment.40. regarding /with regard to/in regard to/ as regards 关于缩略语FAQ =fair average quality 大路货S.S = steamship 轮船S/C 合同FCL: full container load 整箱货 LCL: less than container load 拼箱货(散货) ETA

25、 = Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间 ETD = Estimated Time of Departure 预计出发时间 COSCO = China Ocean Shipping Corporation 中国远洋运输公司BOC=Bank of China D/P at sight 即期付款交单D/A: 承兑交单T/T:Telegraphic Transfer 电汇解释划线单词词组1. by courtesy of/ through the courtesy of 承蒙 2. leading importers 主要进口商3.recommended to/on t

26、he recommendation of 把介绍给4.dealing exclusively in 专营5. a state-operated corporation 国有公司6.packing materials 包装材料7. liberty n.冒昧,失礼to take the liberty of doing(to do).冒昧做某事avail vt.利用时机to avail oneself of(an opportunity)趁机,借此机会venture vi.大胆,十分冒昧,敢于8.oblige vt. 使感激,感谢 to be obliged to someone for some

27、thing为某事感谢某人 indebted a.感激的,多亏 to be indebted to someone for something 9.on the basis of在的基础上10. equality and mutual benefit 平等和互利11. enter into = to establish,build up,etc.建立(关系)12. joint efforts 共同努力13. as per = according to 根据,按照14. line行业15. Enclose v. 随函附上,后接with (here with)16. Commercial Couns

28、ellor 商务参赞17. Standing 信用情况,信誉,固定的,永久的Standing credit 定额贷款Financial standing 财务状况18. reference 证明人,证明书19. On an L/C basis 以信用证为付款方式20. sound adj. 良好 good, trustworthy21. The extent of their resources: 资金储备状况22. family concern 家族企业23. Meeting ones commitment履行某人义务24. Regard sth with caution 小心对待某事25.

29、 Bring an action against 向提起诉讼 your earliest convenience=by return/at an early moment/as soon as possible/before long/without (any, the least) delay/by ( on, at ) the earliest opportunity 务请从速,有便即请,在贵方最方便的时候27. In the market for 需求28. Particular 详细情况details29. on the terms and conditions 条款与条件3

30、0. in duplicate 一式两份,正副两份31. under cover附在信中,附寄32. trial order 试购33. Not in a position to do 无法,不能够 unable to do34. Be subject to 常有,易受 having a tendency tosubject to 以为条件;取决于35. Be referred to sb. for attention 提交给某人36. acknowledge vt. 承认或宣布收到37. In respect of 关于;就面言38. Be greatly to ones interest

31、非常有利于某人39. In ones favor对谁有利 to the advantage of40. In view of: 考虑到鉴于41. Press v. 催促; 敦促42. As follows 如下43. in compliance with =In pursuance of 按照44. entertain = to be ready or willing to think about. vt. 接受,愿意考虑45. to meet someone halfway 折衷,各让一半46. on/under/according to/as per the usual terms 按照惯常条款47. prevailing market 现行市场,现行行市 the present/current/going/prevalent market48. at ones level 按某人的价格49. Much as 虽然很50. see ones way clear to doing sth 设法做51. for ones records 供某人存档, 查阅52. in due course 在适当的时候53. bridge the pr

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