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1、ACP敏捷项目管理考试真题解析五 一、真题1、Which type of contract is the lease suitable for the agile development method?A.Time and materialsB.Fixed-priceC.Cost-reimbursableD.Not-to-exceed with fixed-fee以下哪一项合同类型最不适合敏捷开发方法? A.工料合同B.固定总价合同C.成本补偿合同D.不超过固定费用合同2、Besides using story points to estimate the relative size of a

2、 user story, how else may an agile team estimate user story size?A.Using exact time-boxingB.Using ideal daysC.Using heuristicD.Using ideal velocity除了使用故事点来估算用户故事的相对规模外,敏捷团队还可如何估算用户故事规模? A.使用精确时间箱B.使用理想时间C.使用启发D.使用理想速度 3、Jules is describing the SMART acronym used for task analysis in an agile seminar

3、. What does the A stand for?A. Aggregate B. Altruistic C. Achievable D. Accurate朱尔斯正在一个敏捷研讨会中描述用于任务分析的 SMART 分析法。试问其中 A 代表了什么?A.合计B.利他主义C.可实现D.精确4、When are user stories initially defined?A.During iteration planningB.During release planningC.During project vision planningD.During sprint planning用户故事最

4、初定义是在什么时候? A.在迭代计划期间B.在发布计划期间C.在项目愿景计划期间D.在冲刺计划期间5、In planning poker, a modified Fibonacci sequence is often used for the playing card values. Which of the following sequences is the beginning of the modified Fibonacci sequence used for planning poker?A. 1,3,5,7,9,11,13B. 0,1, 1,2,3,5,8,13C. 0,3,7,1

5、1,15,17,21D. 0,1,1,2,4,8,16在计划扑克中,一项斐波那契数列常常用于纸牌值,以下哪一序列是适用于计划扑克 的斐波那契数列的开端?A. 1,3,5,7,9,11,13B. 0,1,1, 2,3,5,8,13C. 0,3,7,11,15,17,21D. 0,1,1,2,4,8,166、Which of the following is the best definition of stakeholder management?A.Facilitating active participation of stakeholdersB.Assigning tasks and ot

6、her activities to stakeholders.C.Managing the number of requirement changes requested by stakeholdersD.Managing the problems that stakeholders present throughout the project 干系人管理的定义是A.促进干系人的积极参与B.向干系人分配任务和其他活动C.管理干系人需求变化次数D.处理项目过程中干系人提出的问题7、As an agile practitioner, Barry believes heavily in transp

7、arency. What does the principle of transparency mean with respect to communication?A.That every e-mail and other written communication is shared with every stakeholder immediatelyB.That team members should expect no privacy in the work placeC.Open and honest communication about successes and failure

8、s to all stakeholdersD.A need-to-know information sharing policy where important information regarding project is only shared with key personnel作为一名敏捷从业人员,Barry 非常重视透明化工作。在沟通方面,透明化意味着什么? A.每个电子邮件及其它书面沟通都应与每一个干系人分享B.团队成员在工作场所没有隐私C.对干系人,应开放且诚实的分享成功经验和失败教训D.一个需要知道的信息共享政策,重要信息仅仅分享给关键干系人8、An agile team h

9、as just estimated the relative value of developing a user story during a game of planning poker. The following scores were played:Bob:40; Tim:8; Mark:1; Ursula:13; Yvonne:20.According to the rules of planning poker,which two team members should defend their positions?A.Tim and Mark B.Ursula and Yvon

10、neC.Bob and YvonneD.Bob and Mark在玩计划扑克游戏中,一个敏捷团队正在估算开发一个用户故事的相对价值。评分如 下:Bob:40;Tim:8;Mark:1;Ursula:13;Yvonne:20。根据计划扑克的规则,哪 两个团队成员应该解释自己的立场?A.Tim 和 Mark B.Ursula 和 YvonneC.Bob 和 YvonneD.Bob 和 Mark9 、 You have been tasked to serve as an agile project leader for a new online camp reservation system. W

11、hat agile manifesto-influenced tactic will you apply as project leader?A.Ignoring lessons learned because they are unlikely to occur againB.Strict team oversight and delegation of tasksC.Employing the waterfall development methodD.Conveying information to the customer about iteration progress假设你被任命为

12、一项新的网上露营预订系统的敏捷项目领导人,根据敏捷宣言, 你会使用哪一策略?A.忽略经验教训,因为它们不可能再发生B.严格的团队监督和任务授权C.使用瀑布式开发方法D.向客户传递迭代进度信息10、Of the following,which is the best definition of an agile leader?A.Someone who empowers the team to procrastinate and evade key decisions for the sake of performance.B.Someone who empowers the team to b

13、e dependent and reliant upon on the team leader for all decisions.C.Someone who empowers the team to be undisciplined and chaordic.D.Someone who empowers the team to be self-organized and self-disciplined. 下列哪个选项是一个敏捷领导者的最佳定义?A.一个允许团队拖延,逃避关键决策的人B.一个允许团队依赖,所有的决定都依赖于团队负责人的人。C.准许团队变得混乱无秩序的人。D.准许团队进行自我组

14、织和自我约束的人。11、What role does the project plan serve in the agile method?A.It serves as a binding contract for the project stakeholders legal departmentB.It serves as a rigid specification of all activities and product features.C.It serves as a highly detailed requirements documentD.It serves as a curs

15、ory artifact to describe features and delivery deadlines, but does not include detailed tasks, activities, or processes. 项目计划在敏捷方法论中担当的角色是A.作为相关干系人有约束力的合同B.作为所有活动和产品特征的刚性说明C.作为高度详细的需求文件D.作为说明特征和交付期限,但是不包括详细任务,活动或流程的粗略工件12、Why is the quality of servant leadership desirable for agile team leaders?A.Se

16、lf-organizing teams need a key enabler to remove obstacles and provide effective coachingB.Self-organizing teams need an authoritative figure that assigns tasks and makes sure the project is on schedule and budgetC.Self-organizing teams do not need servant leadershipD.Self-organizing teams need an a

17、mbassador between it and the product owner to reduce interruptions为什么敏捷团队的领导者需要服务式领导力?A.自组织团队需要一个关键因素来排除障碍及提供有效的教练指导B.自组织团队需要一个权威人物来分配任务以确保项目在进度和预算内C.自组织团队不需要服务式领导D.自组织团队需要其与产品负责人之间减少干扰13、Jerry is reviewing an agile artifact that explains the why and how a project will deliver value to a customer. W

18、hich artifact is Jerry most likely reviewing?A.Business caseB.Burndown chartC.Value stream mapD.Task board杰瑞正在观察一张敏捷工件,它解释了一个项目为什么以及如何向客户传递价值,那 么杰瑞最有可能在观察A.商业论证B.燃尽图表C.价值流程图D.任务板14、If a task is expected to take approximately 4 hours to complete, what would be a good timebox value to assign to the ta

19、sk?A.12 hoursB.8 hoursC.4 hoursD.2 hours如果一项任务预期的完成时间约是 4 小时,那么恰当的时间箱值应设定为A.12 小时B.8 小时C.4 小时D.2 小时15、An agile team often uses velocity when estimating.What is velocity?A.A measure of the number of user story points or stories completed per iterationB.A measure of the number of user story points com

20、pleted per dayC.A measure of the number of iteration plans completed per iterationD.A measure of the number of user story points completed per release 敏捷团队通常在预测过程中使用速度。什么是速度?A.每个迭代完成的用户故事点或故事数量B.每天完成的用户故事点的数量C.每个迭代完成的迭代计划数量D.每个发布完成的用户故事点的数量16 、 In agile and other project management styles, team moti

21、vation is a critical factor for success. What is one method to improve tam motivation?A.Providing an environment where team members make all the decisionsB.Empowering the teamC.Making sure the development team strictly adheres to the project planD.Providing strong leadership and making all decisions

22、 so the team can focus on productivity在敏捷和其他项目管理类型中,团队激励是成功的关键因素,提高团队激励的一个方 法是A.提供一个团队成员可作所有决策的环境B.授权团队C.确保开发团队严格遵循项目计划D.安排一个有很强的领导力可以做所有决策的领导,让团队成员可以集中精力工作17、to generate ideas that may help solve some of the teams current issues. Which of the following is a good brainstorming technique that Nathan

23、should use?A.Hosting the meeting in a neutral and comfortable environmentB.Picking a reserved team member as facilitatorC.Having a single-discipline/homogenous group so that the team can communicate more effectivelyD.Leaving participants in the dark until the day of the meeting to add an element of

24、surprise作为敏捷团队的领导者,内森计划进行一次头脑风暴来解决团队面对的问题。以下哪 一项是一个良好的头脑风暴技能?A.在一个中立和舒适的环境中开展会议B.选择一名预留团队成员作为主持人C.拥有一个自组织团队,这样可使团队更有效沟通将预备的材料分发给参与者,这样 他们可了解相关的内容D.在会议进行当天通知参加者以制造惊喜18 、 During iteration planning the team is having a difficult time interpreting the customers intent of the use story. What should the t

25、eam do?A.Collaborate with the customer to clarify the user storyB.Discuss among the product development teamC.Conduct several spike tasksD.Research the domain在迭代计划期间,团队正苦于理解客户使用用户故事的意图,那么团队应A.协作性地和客户阐明用户故事B.在产品开发团队内部讨论C.执行多个冲刺任务D.研究领域19、What information radiator, similar to a burnup chart, can be us

26、ed on an agile project to show total scope of items in the backlog?A.Total scope diagramB.Cumulative flow diagramC.Lean flow diagramD.Total flow diagram那种信息发射源,能用于敏捷项目去展示在待办事项中的总范围? A.总范围图表B.累积流量图C.精益流向图D.总流向图20、On an agile project, who is responsible for updating the content of an information radia

27、tor?A.The radiatorB.External stakeholdersC.The project team membersD.Internal stakeholders在敏捷项目中,谁负责更新信息发射源的内容? A.发射源B.外部干系人C.项目团队成员D.内部干系人21、Barry, as the product owner, prefers defining acceptance criteria during iteration planning rather than during release planning to take advantage of progressi

28、ve elaboration. Is there anything wrong with this agile style?A.yes, acceptance criteria should be defined well in advance of iteration planning.B.yes, acceptance criteria should always be defined during release planning.C.No, acceptance criteria for a user story may be defined as late as during ite

29、ration planning just so long as it is defined before coding, acceptance criteria for a user story may be defined as late as just prior to the sprint demo just so long as it is ready for qualifying as “done”.作为产品负责人,Barry 倾向于在迭代计划期间定义验收标准,而不是在发布计划过程中,以此利用逐步完善。这种敏捷风格有误吗?A.有,验收标准应在迭代计划前定义好B

30、.有,验收标准应在发布计划期间定义C.没有,用户故事的验收标准应在迭代计划期间,编码开始前定义D.没有,用户故事的验收标准应在冲刺前,认定为“完成”时定义22、What does a wireframe help portray to a customer?A. A finished product designB A design concept showing content layout, and intended functionalityC. A competitors design.D.A chart of remaining story points to be develope

31、d in the iteration. 对客户来说,线框图描述了什么?A.一个完成的产品设计B.一个显示主题,层次和预期功能的设计理念C.一个参赛者的设计D.一个关于在迭代过程中需完善的剩余故事点的图表23、Select the response that lists one of the five core risk areas that can impact a projectA.Iteration slipB.Failure to adaptC.Scope creepD.Backlog creep属于可影响项目的五个核心风险区中的一项是A.迭代滑移B.不适应C.范围渐变D.待办事项渐变24 、 Jane and her team are developing code to implement unit tests and product code for a user story. This is after the team had distilled information into specific tests to confirm expected behavior of the product. What step is Jane on in the ATDD four step p

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