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1、温州大学英语教学法考研专业课真题2020年硕士研究生招生考试试题科目代码及名称: 909英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)Part I Explanation of Terminology (20 points, 共5小题每题4分) 1.controlled speaking activities 2.the guided discovery method in grammar teaching3.connotative meaning4.micro planning5.teacher as a prompterPart II S

2、tatement Judging (True或False,20 points, 共10小题每题2分) 1. In Production Stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach, the students will have the chance to use the new language freely and incorporate it into their existing language. 2. In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background

3、knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following the interactive model in his teaching. 3. In English teaching classrooms very often writing is seen as “writing as language lear

4、ning”, and it is believed to be pseudo writing. 4. Formative assessment is based on information collected in the classroom during the teaching process for the purpose of improving teaching and learning. Learner portfolio belongs to formative assessment. 5. “Does it include the presentation and pract

5、ice of all the skills?” “Are the grading and sequencing of the materials natural and appropriate?” The above questions intend to make an internal evaluation of a textbook.6. There are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it is valuable to integrate skills, to combine pron

6、unciation, vocabulary and grammar. 7. As far as school assessment is concerned, we have teachers assessment, continuous assessment, formal assessment, and portfolios. 8.In the process approach to writing, the teacher provides guidance to the students through the writing process, and gradually withdr

7、aws the guidance so that the students finally become independentwriters. 9. If a teacher first asks the students to read a poster, then to have a discussion about the poster, and then to make a poster of their own, we can say that this teacher is integrating reading, speaking, viewing and writingski

8、lls together. 10. A reflective learner learns more effectively when given time to consider options. They tend to think more before they respond and they can do better if they are given time to think and make plans. Part III Question Answering (20 points, 共2小题每题10分)1. What is the core literacy of Eng

9、lish subject that we aim to nurture according to English Curriculum Standard (2017, 中华人民共和国教育部)? 2. What are the principles for teaching speaking?第1页,共5页科目代码及名称: 909英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)Part IV Discussion (40 points,共2小题, 第一题15分, 第二题25分) 材料一 May 1st, 1967Dear Reader!Human

10、 beings will become so used to being crushed together that when they are on their own, they will suffer withdrawal symptoms. “Doctor-Ive got to get into a crowded train soon or Ill go mad.” So, special N.H.S. assimilated rush hour trains will be run every other Sunday for patients. At 9 oclock on th

11、at morning, thousands of victims will crowd platforms throughout England, where great electrically powered Crowd Compressors will crush hundreds of writhing humans into trains, until their eyes stand out under the strain, and then, even more wretches are forced in by smearing them with vaseline and

12、sliding them in sideways between legs of standing passengers. The doors closed any bits of clothing, ears or fingers are snipped off. To add to the sufferers relief, great clouds of stale cigarette smoke are pumped into the carriages. The patients start to cough, laugh and talk. They are feeling bet

13、ter already. But more happiness is on its way. The train reaches 80 m.p.h; at the next station the driver slams the brakes on shooting all the victims up to one end of the carriages. Immediately the doors open, and great compressed air tubes loaded with up to 100 passengers are fired into the empty

14、spaces, this goes on until the rubber roofs of the carriages give upwards, and the lumps you see are yet a second layer of grateful patients. Off goes the train and one sees the relief on the travelers faces. Who wants LSD when you can get this? Ah! you say, the train cant possibly take any more. Wr

15、ong! At the next stop the train is sprayed with powerful adhesive glue, and fresh passengers stuck to the outside, and so, crushed to pulp, pop-eyed and coughing blood, the train carries out its work of mercy. Those who are worried about the childrens future in the 20th century need not fear. Were p

16、repared.(Cited from Milligan Bedtime)1. Analyze the type of the text, the authors intention, and the authors attitude.2. Design 5-8 reading questions to help the students to understand the value of the text in the perspectives of type of the text, the authors intention and the authors attitude.Part

17、V Teaching Design (50 points, 共2小题, 第一题20分, 第二题30分)Suppose you are going to teach the following lessons to senior high school students, design lesson plans for your teaching. 1. Design the while-reading activities for the following passage. (Hints: learning objectives; teaching procedures; time allo

18、cations; justifications; and blackboard design)第2页,共5页科目代码及名称: 909英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)材料二(Source: 外研社,高中英语必修二,Unit 4 Stage and Screen, Good Book, Bad Movie?)第3页,共5页科目代码及名称: 909英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) (Source: 外研社,高中英语必修二,Unit 4 Stage and Screen,

19、 Good Book, Bad Movie?)第4页,共5页科目代码及名称: 909英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)2. Write a lesson plan. Lesson Type: Writing. (Hints: learning objectives; teaching procedures; time allocations; justification; and blackboard design)材料三(Source: 外研社,高中英语必修二,Unit 4 Stage and Screen, Write a m

20、ovie review. )第5页,共5页2015年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题 (A卷)科目代码及名称: 904英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)Part I Notion Explaining 名词解释 (20 points, 2 points for each) Directions: Explain the following ten notions.1. communicative competence2. curriculum3. hidden resources4. in-the use evaluation of t

21、extbooks5. the direct method6. knowing a word7. the bottom-up model for teaching listening 8. a process approach to writing9. interactional view (on language)10. brainstorming Part II Statement Judging判断题 (20 points, 1point for each ) Directions: Read the following 20 statements, and decide which on

22、e of them is true or false. If the statement is true, put T in the bracket to the right of the sentence; if false, put F in the bracket. 1. Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols which permit all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to com

23、municate or to interact. ( Finocchiaro, 1964:8) 2. The functional view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for remembering things. 3. Communicative competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom 第 1 页,共 4 页科目代码及名称: 904英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)

24、(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)4. Communicative Language Teaching is, in fact, a further development of task-based Language Teaching. 5. A PPP cycle leads from accuracy to fluency; a TBL cycle leads from fluency to accuracy (combined with fluency).6. Teaching objectives should focus on the teachers performa

25、nce rather than the learners.7. To develop students communicative competence means to develop their linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and accuracy. 8. The Five-step Teaching Method includes such steps as Revision, Presentation, Practice, Product

26、ion and Consolidation. 9. The impact of moral education can be enhanced by adapting a whole school approach to morality. 10. One of the possible assessment purposes is to discover learners weaknesses. 11. It is assumed that speech varies in different social circumstances and that there are speech va

27、rieties within a speech community. 12. Language and society are in many ways closely linked, either in education or in social science. 13. Stern (1999) thinks that language teaching has interacted for a long time with linguistics and with psychology, and that social science and language teaching hav

28、e only recently come into contact with each other. 14. Language teaching can be defined as the activities which are intended to bring aboutlanguage learning.第 2 页,共 4 页科目代码及名称: 904英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)15. Controlled activities mainly focus on form and accuracy. Teachers d

29、ont have to consider meaning when designing them. 16.The success of role-plays are affected by the following factors: the teachers enthusiasm; careful instructions; clear situations and roles.17.Reading aloud without comprehension can be very difficult and it can easily destroy students self-confide

30、nce.18.For silent reading, we need effective strategies such as skimming, scanning, predicting. Etc. to help us extract information efficiently.19. Assessment is part of testing, but it is only one means of gathering information about a student.20.Summative assessment is mainly based on testing.Part

31、 III Question answering简答题 (30 points, 5 points for each )Directions: Answer each of the following 6 questions. Your answers are suggested to show the basic principles or connotations contained in the questions.1. How is task-based Language Teaching different from Communicative Language Teaching?2.

32、What are the differences between a weak version of Communicative Language Teaching and strong version of Communicative Language Teaching? And how should we apply them in English teaching? 3.What components does a language lesson plan usually have? How to use them in language teaching? 第 3 页,共 4页科目代码及名称: 904英语教学法 适用专业: 045108学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)4.In professor Wang Qiangs opinion, wha

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