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高中英语 Unit 1《New Zealand》教案 新人教版选修11.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 1New Zealand教案 新人教版选修112019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1New Zealand教案 新人教版选修11Learning aims: 1. Students know how to learn them by heart. 2. Let students grasp and master them. 3. Students must recite important ones . 4. Using some important ones to make sentencesLearning important ones:1.important an

2、d difficult wordsgeological carve extinction scarce warlike representative fasten appetite schedule flexible pace insure theft consultant cater 2.important and difficult expressionswipe out take over not to mention get around cater for sb./ large numbersLearning methods:(三探一练)1.Preparing for t

3、he words and expressions by themselves before class. 2.Working together during class 3.Making a thorough enquiry with teacher 4.Achieving our targetsLearning procedure: STEP1: Revision (1):listen to the tape, correct pronunciation, follow the tape. of all the words and expressions(2) Check up the fo

4、llowing preparation-translation 1.geological adj._; n._ 2. plateau n._ 3.carve vt._ 4. paddle vt._ 5,uninhabited adj._, 6.warlike adj._ 7.treaty n._ 8.unrest n._ 9.平民_ 10.悬挂,悬浮_ 11.自助餐_ 12.守门人_ 13.起居室_ 14.统计,统计数字_ 15.进度表_ 16.保险_ 17.顾问,咨询者_ 18.数据库_ 19.vertical adj._ 20 enquiry n._ STEP2 Lead in the n

5、ew lesson Warming up :Say something about New Zealand(location, population) Now let s learn words and expressions first. STEP3 Finding out some important and difficult points by the dictionary,translate them with students. Following the teacher.1.carve vt. 【合作探究】(to make or form by or as if by cutti

6、ng) 雕刻,切开;努力取得;(1) 把一块石头雕刻成像。(Carve a block of stone into a statue.)vi. 从事雕刻,谋求,瓜分;phrases: carve ones way开辟道路;carve up划分,瓜分;(2)The invaders caved their country up. 2. scarce adj.缺乏的,不足的 【合作探究】(1)Good fruit is scarce in winter, and costs a lot.(冬天鲜美的水果少,所以价格昂贵。)【同义词辨析】 scarce 主要指有用的一般事物,但目前数量不够。rare

7、 通常指罕见而有价值的事物 unmon=unusual 指因不经常发生而值得注意的事物。【实战演练】1.Can you name some_ elements?A scarce B rare C unmon D unusual【思维拓展】scarcely=hardly=barely几乎不,几乎没有句型:一-就-,scarcely-when/before-,scarcely/hardly 所在的句子用过去完成时,when/before所在的句子用一般过去时。I had scarcely/hardly got home when it rainec. = Hardly/Scarcely had I

8、 got home when it rained.另外no sooner-than-用法和scarcely/hardly-when/before一样;as soon as 意思一样,用法不一样。【实战演练】_the teacher called me_ I felt red.A As soon as ; 不填 B No sooner-than- C Hardly-when/before D Scarcely-when/before3.representative n. 【合作探究】代表,代理人 the House of Representatives 众议院【思维拓展】adj.=charact

9、eristic 代表性的,典型的;eg. (1)Taian is a representative Chinese city. (2)_ 这是一个描写军队生活得故事。.represent Vt (1)代表,代理 He _ China in the conference. (2)体现,象征 The dove represents peace. _ (3)描绘,描述The picture represents the battle of Waterloo._ 【实战演练】He shouldnt say that _ me.A representative B represents C on the

10、 behalf of D on behalf of4.fasten vt.& vi 【合作探究】扣紧,钉牢;把(目光、注意力、思想)集中于 (1)_.你一定把他钉牢,否则他会逃掉。(2)He fastened his idea on what the teacher said._.5.cater vt.& vi【合作探究】(结婚典礼、宴会中)包办酒席、供应伙食;迎合,满足(1) We also_(for) wedding and parties.(2) He try to cater for/to all opinions._. 【归类分析】phrases: cater (for) 承办,供应

11、;cater to/for迎合,满足。6.take over 接管,接收【合作探究】(1) Our teacher of English has left, so Peter will_ (his job).(2) -Who will _ my job? I want to have a break. 思维拓展take it easy _; take ones time_take on a new look_ take ones place_take ones seat_ take possession of_take sth.for granted_ take the place of_【实

12、战演练】-Hurry!We have a little time left.-_,we will arrive at once.A take it easy B take ones time C. take ones place D take the place of7.wipe out 清除,垮台【合作探究】他在擦洗浴盆。_【思维拓展】wipe vt.擦,抹;用-擦;(1) The mother said youd better _ the table. (2) “Dont cry,_ your eyes”. wipe up 擦干净请擦干净溢出的牛奶。_ wipe off 抹掉The wat

13、er on the desk is that much, so I _them.【实战演练】Look! So much sweat, you first_ your hand _ your forehead.A wipe-across B wipe- over C wipe- out D wipe-up8.not to mention 不必提起,更不用说【合作探究】They already take pension and social security payments off my pay,_ state taxes.【思维拓展】mention v.提及,说起,谈起eg. As I men

14、tioned earlier, this has been a very successful year for our pany. _. mention sth. to sb. 向-提起我向她提过这个想法,她似乎很喜欢。_Dont mention it_above mentioned/mentioned above _【实战演练】He mentioned _ to me.A what he thought B he thought what C he thought D what he thingk9.get around 到处走动【合作探究】(1)When spring is ing, t

15、he old man may _. (消息或新闻的)传开(2) It quickly got around that she was back in town._劝服某人(3) He knows exactly how to get around his mother._【思维拓展】get around to 终于去做(一直打算做的事)I dont know when we will get around to doing any decorating.(注意to 为介词)get around=get aboutget across _get along(with)_ get down to

16、_【实战演练】Isnt time you got down to marking those papers?A mark B marking C being marked D be markedSTEP4 Summary and consolidate1. Do some exercises of p4 ex.22. Do the same exercises.STEP5 Homework1. Preparing for the reading. Knowing some background about New Zealand from the text.2. Finishing exerc

17、ises of p5,ex.3Suggested answer2.答案 B答案 A3.This is a narrative representative of army life.Represented 鸽子象征和平。这幅画描述的是滑铁卢战役。答案 D4.You must fasten him, otherwise he will escape.他的思想都集中在老师说的上面了。5. cater他试图迎合所有不同的意见。6. take over take over不紧张,别着急;不急,慢慢干呈现新面貌就坐,代替就坐 占有,拥有认为某事当然代替,取代答案 B7.He is wiping out

18、the bath.wipePlease wipe up the spilt milkwipe off答案 A8.not to mention 更不用说正如我刚才提到的,这是我们公司非常成功的一年。I mentioned the idea to her, and she seemed to like it.不用谢,别客气前面提到的,上述的。答案 A9.get around她已经回城的消息很快传开了。他很善于说服他的母亲。(无被动语态)将-传达-;相处,进展终于开始做-(to 介词)答案 B2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1nothing ventured nothing gained教案

19、 新人教版选修10Teaching Goals:I. Emotional learning:1) Ss should get to know the thorough meaning of the saying “ No pains, No ganis”. Meanwhile, put their effort into the practice of pusuiting high goal and a further success in life.2) To relate the Ss to teacher to cooperate with each other then form a

20、reletively harmoney and fair atmosphere in class over learning period.II. Teaching Important Points:1) To inspire the Ss to be involved in the hot topic of “ Championship in life” and lead the Ss to follow the examples of the heroes in Guiness Record.2) Above all, Sss reading prehension is based on

21、their familarity with the expressions and the usage of the words. Thus, teaching the words and expressions is a task before the reading activity and after readhing.III. Teaching Difficulty:1) How to use the expressions and how to consolide the knowledge after reading.2) How to help the Ss to read sm

22、oothly while reading period and dig out the indicated theme of the text.Teaching Procedures:Step I . Warming UpDo you know “不入虎穴,焉得虎子” in Chinese? How can we say the same meaning in English?Nothing brave, nothing have. Nothing seek, nothing find. Nothing stake, nothing draw. Nothing venture, nothing

23、 win (or have or gain). Nothing crave, nothing have. Sow nothing, reap nothing. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. He who risks nothing gains nothing. If you venture nothing, you will have nothing. Tasks:Read and listen to the three stories on P1. And try to think out the characters they have in m

24、on. What do you think helped them out and achieved success in life?King Bruce is watching the spider weaving its web.Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a hole on a hill from the English. He watched a spider (蜘蛛) making a web. Bruce is said to have got confidence fro

25、m this and to have gone on to beat the English.Anne Sullivan is teaching Helen Keller by feeling or touching.Helen Keller, born a normal little girl, but at the age of 19 months became iii and lost her hearing and her sight. She and her family was in despair until they met Anne Sullivan. Her work wi

26、th Helen was very successful. After college, Helen gave lecture tours speaking about her experiences and her beliefs. They worked very hard to raise money, to encourage people to educate blind and deaf children. Gou Jian is sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall.Gou Jian was the ruler of the kingdom

27、 of Yue, conquered by the neighboring kingdom of Wu. He was made a slave and suff-ered many hardships. But his tolerance earned the trust of the King of Wu and eventually he was set free. But he never forgot his suffering, slept on firewood and straw every night, and tasted bitter gall-bladder until

28、 his kingdom was strong enough and he attacked the King of Wu and killed him. Something in mon in the heroes above: (ask the Ss to summerize them and write the qualities on the Bb)make up ones mind, be determined to do sth, persevere with, stick at, persist in, not give up, not be discouraged by, ke

29、ep going, keep trying, keep positive, etc.Positive adj.patient, resilient, persevering, resourceful, focused, serious, determined, strong-willedNegative adj.obstinate, stubborn, pig-headedDiscussion1. What conclusion can we draw from the three stories?2. By what did they achieve their success?3. How do you regard the behaviour of

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