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1、文秘或助理面试问题文秘或助理面试问题 文秘或助理工作是公司运作中必不可少的环节,其工作范围往往涉及诸多细微且重要的方面。一般而言,招聘方会从两个方面来设置面试问题:关于应聘者的性格特征和工作态度;关于应聘者的工作技能和经验。在本文中笔者将针对以上两方面来探讨文秘或助理面试中的常见问题,并提供应答思路和参考回答。 关于应聘者的性格特征和工作态度 1. What is your greatest strength and how will it help your performance in this position? (考察应聘者的优势) 应答思路:在回答这一问题前,应聘者应首先了解文秘或助

2、理工作人员必备的常见技能,例如安排策划能力、信息处理能力、时间管理能力、人际沟通能力以及电脑技能等。然后,应聘者可根据自身的情况从中选择一两个方面作为自己的优势,并进行举例说明。 参考回答:My organizational skills are one of my greatest strengths. In my previous assistant position, I restructured the filing system to make it easier to pull client charts and access information in a more timel

3、y and efficient manner. This will help my performance in this position because Im able to keep things organized and neat, so I can get more tasks completed in a shorter amount of time. 2. What do you feel is your greatest weakness? (考察应聘者的弱点) 应答思路:对于这一问题,常见的回答误区是提供一些“并非缺点的缺点”或“不相关的缺点”,诸如“Im too youn

4、g.”一类的答案。这样的回答方式不仅容易误导主考官,也让提问失去了应有的意义。正确的应答思路是如实地说明自己以往的一个缺点,并告诉主考官你是如何克服这一缺点的。最关键的是,应聘者应强调自己在弥补这一缺点的同时,努力把劣势转变成了优势。如果这个优势正好是应聘职位所要求具备的素质之一,则会给应聘者的面试加很多分。 参考回答:I once had a problem with time management. I used to take on too much work and promise very early turnaround time (周转时间), and occasionally

5、I failed to finish work before deadlines. So I resolved this problem by purchasing a day planner. Now I record all my projects and tasks in there and prioritize them, which gives me a better overview of how much work I am doing, which project or task I should finish first, and when I can turn it aro

6、und. 3. Describe what you do to control mistakes in your work. (考察应聘者的细心程度) 应答思路:细心是文秘或助理必备的素养。应聘者在回答这类问题时,切忌笼统地强调自己有多么细心,这样的回答缺乏说服力。应聘者应借助自己以往工作中的实例加以说明,以达到令人信服的效果。 参考回答:I currently work as a sales assistant for HDE (Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandel 德国零售商联合会). Everyday I give quotes to my cl

7、ients. Because I dont like mistakes and I dont rely on spell-check or any other tool I take the time to proofread (校对) the quotations thoroughly and repeatedly before they are sent out. Through doing so, my clients have not found any mistakes in my quotations for years. 4. What are you passionate ab

8、out? (考察应聘者的工作激情) 应答思路:针对这一问题,应聘者不宜随意谈论自己生活中对之怀有激情的某一事物,而应围绕应聘岗位的要求来回答这一问题。应聘者可以从以下几方面组织答案:乐于助人、喜爱团队工作、积极迎接挑战、善于学习新事物等,这些都是文秘或助理必备的素质。 参考回答:One of my greatest passions is helping others. When I was younger, I enjoyed helping my mom with household repairs. As I grew older, that habit grew and I desir

9、ed to help others as well. I like helping people find solutions that meet their specific needs. 5. Do you take work home with you? (考察应聘者对加班的态度) 应答思路:这是一个颇为棘手的问题。应聘者倘若长篇大论地说明自己如何愿意加班,明显不合常理,也显得很虚伪;但应聘者又不能赘述自己不愿加班的理由,否则同样得不到主考官的认同。总之,应聘者针对这一问题说得越多,就越尴尬,言简意赅为妙。 参考回答:When I need to, no problem. I reali

10、ze the importance of meeting deadlines and getting work done on time. 6. What motivates you to do a good job? (考察应聘者的工作动力) 应答思路:应聘者在回答这一问题时要避免走两个极端:一是自己的工作动力来源过于现实,譬如为了挣钱、谋生、养家等;二是自己的工作动力来源过于高尚,例如说自己非常热爱工作等。比较妥当的回答是介于二者之间,应聘者可着重强调自己的敬业精神等。 参考回答:Ive always been motivated by the desire to do a good jo

11、b at whatever position Im in. I want to excel and to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer. 7. What did you like most about your last secretary/assistant job and what did you enjoy least? (考察应聘者对文秘或助理工作的喜恶) 应答思路:关于对以往文秘或助理工作的喜爱之处,应聘者可以选择谈论与这一岗位的特征相一致的方面,例

12、如可以学到新东西、锻炼团队合作能力等。关于对其的厌恶之处,应聘者不宜抱怨诸如加班过多、工作环境不佳、薪水低等与工作条件或待遇相关的因素。 参考回答:What I enjoyed most about my last assistant job included dealing with diverse people, learning new skill and meeting daily and weekly goals. All these gave me greatest satisfaction in my last job. About the disadvantages of th

13、is job, I would say the job wasnt challenging enough, and sometimes there was not enough work to keep me busy. Thats why I wanted to leave this job. 关于应聘者的工作技能和经验 1. Are you comfortable using a phone with multiple lines and handling a high volume of telephone calls? (考察应聘者的电话接听能力) 应答思路:应聘者应强调自己擅于电话沟

14、通,并适当描述自己在接听电话时会注意哪些方面,例如说话的语气要让对方感到你很友好、耐心、乐于助人等。 参考回答:Ye Im comfortable using multiple phone lines and have done so in the past. I believe that its very important to be friendly and hospitable. No matter how busy I am with other work, I always strive to be outgoing, patient, and pleasant. After al

15、l, I understand that phone conversations are often the first form of interaction that people have with the company, and these first impressions are very important. 2. What computer skills do you have, and what programs are you comfortable using? (考察应聘者的电脑技能) 应答思路:在回答这一问题时,应聘者可以列举一些常见的应用软件,并说明自己能熟练使用

16、这些软件。如果应聘者还会使用其他软件,尤其是应聘公司使用的专业软件,应着重强调一下。如果应聘者不会使用该专业软件,可以告诉主考官自己善于并勤于学习新事物。 参考回答:Im familiar with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Im comfortable using all these programs and have had a lot of experience doing so. Also, Im willing to learn how to use any other types of programs as well. Im v

17、ery comfortable with computer and Im confident that I would learn any programs very quickly. 3. Tell me about a time that you worked with data, interpreting data and presenting data. (考察应聘者的信息处理能力) 应答思路:信息处理是文秘或助理的主要工作内容,但应聘者如果只说明自己每天都处理哪些信息或资料,就会因回答得不够深入而无法显示出自己的优势。应聘者可以着重谈论自己曾参与过的一个重要项目或任务,并说明自己为此

18、整理过的具体信息或资料,同时强调自己从中获益匪浅。 参考回答:While at the HDC corporation, one of my job assignments was to work with the IT department to prepare the annual meeting pamphlet complete with financial data, graphs and related SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission, 证券交易委员会) requirements. I became proficient at des

19、igning graphs that gave an accurate picture of the financial data, as well as editing the legal information into a more readable format. 4. What sort of paperwork were you responsible for generating? (考察应聘者的文书能力) 应答思路:关于这一问题,应聘者首先可以如实说明或列举自己以往所从事过的文书工作,然后再强调自己在撰写任何文书时都会仔细检查,避免因文书出现错误而导致沟通出现障碍。 参考回答:

20、In my last job, I had to write emails everyday and write reports every month. I also wrote up the minutes (记录) which I took at the weekly meeting and sent them to meeting participants. Moreover, I frequently helped to put together proposals for my line manager. When I was doing this writing, I would

21、 try to make sure the spelling, grammar and information were all correct, because I knew any mistakes might cause misunderstandings in communication. 5. Describe how you handled your managers work schedule. (考察应聘者的日程安排能力) 应答思路:秘书或助理时常需要为上司安排日程。回答这一问题时,应聘者可以强调自己熟知上司的工作日程,会为其做好相应的安排工作;也可以提及自己会使用某种工具或系

22、统来管理上司的日程安排。 参考回答:First, I tried to keep myself informed of my managers commitments and activities. Then, I noted them down and prioritized them according to their urgency and importance. After that, I worked with my manager to input them into a planner with a reminder function. Finally, I just needed to remind my manager to do things when they should be done.

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