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1、unit5Unit 5 Make every minute count一、单元整体解读及分析单元内容本单元紧紧围绕学生在校的学习和生活,谈论如何有效做好时间管理。通过本单元的学习,学生能够了解时间管理的概念及其对学习和生活的重要意义,了解科学的时间管理的具体方法,养成高效自律、规划管理学习时间的习惯;同时能运用本单元涉及的听说读写技巧和词汇知识,就时间管理这一话题进行较顺畅的交流沟通。教学目标知识目标:1. 理解本单元的主题,了解时间管理的概念。2. 了解时间管理的意义和如何谈论时间管理。3. 理解、掌握相关重要词汇及邀请朋友聚会的常用句型。4. 掌握不定时结构及句法功能。能力目标:1.结合自

2、身实际制定合理的时间表。2.掌握和运用重点词汇及句型展开关于时间安排方面的对话及评论。3.掌握海报设计的技巧,绘制相关活动安排的海报。情感目标:激发学生对时间管理矩阵的兴趣,培养学生有效管理时间的意识。教学重点1.涉及时间管理的相关词汇、短语及句型:词汇、短语: time management matrix, quadrant, hourglass, deadline, urgent, due,plan ahead, calendar,set aside, set a limit, at a time , if only, cut down on, change for the better.

3、句型:1) If only I had started earlier! 2) It is necessary/important/coolto spend most/enough/much/9% oftime on. 3) Keeping trying until.2. 时间管理矩阵图形(time management matrix)。3.设计及制作精美的海报的技巧及方法。教学难点1.在英语语言的综合运用中正确识别、使用动词不定式。 2.理解和运用时间管理矩阵优化活动时间表。教学方法交际教学法、情景教学法、任务型教学法、项目教学法。教学手段多媒体课件、视频、音频等。课时划分本单元总共有6课时

4、,每课时45分钟,具体安排如下:第1课时:Warming up + Listening Speaking第2课时:Listening and Speaking;第3课时:Reading and Vocabulary;第4课时:Grammar for Use + Practical Reading;第5课时:Practical Writing + Project;第6课时:Around the World + My Progress Check.二、分课时教学设计第1课时教学内容教学步骤时间分配Warming up1.Lead-in1) Listen to a song:Busy Man 2)

5、Interaction between the teacher and students:Teacher :How are you getting along with everything? Student :.Teacher :What do you think of the most frequent answer people might give“too busy”?Student :. .5 min2.Warm-upBrainstorm:Step1 The teacher shows a pie chartHow do American college students spend

6、 their time in a week? And then explains the key words( volunteer, socialise, recreation, activity ). Step2Students make comments on the pie chart. (Each group needs to give two comments at least. ) 5 minListening 11.Pre-listening Step 1Introduce the background information by asking the question:Wha

7、t do you usually do in your spare time? (Play video game, chat online, watch movie, playing basketball)Step 2Pronounce the new vocabularies and expressions (video game, thats the point, book review, blog, what if, relieve stress) for the class to repeat and explain them individually. 5 min2.While-li

8、steningStep 1 Listen to the dialogue for the general idea and write down some key words (General idea: free-time activities. Key words: sports club, video game, chat online, part-time job blog, do some exercise) .The teacher shows some listening tips. According to the information on what, who, where

9、, figure out what they are talking about.Step 2Listen again and ask students to pay attention to Mikes advice ,then choose the correct answers( about what Mike advises Tina) from given items (1. read good books 2.write book reviews 3.learn a new language new people a part-time job s

10、ome exercise ).10min3.After-listeningTeacher summarizes the listening materials in details, focusing on new words and expressions and some difficult sentences. And then draw a conclusion of this part: Time cannot be saved up, but can be managed. Make every minute count!5 minSpeaking 1Work in pairs.

11、Ask and answer the following questions:1.If you were Tina, which of Mikes suggestions would you follow? Why?2.What would you like to do in your free time?Step 1 provide support for how to choose the suggestions and express the reason:If I were Tina, I would like to choose/receive/follow . ; I choose

12、/receive/follow ., because.Step 2 ask students to speak in turn talking about their liking and reasons. (e.g. I like learning a new language better because I can learn a new skill; I favor doing some exercise because its good for my health and it makes me more energetic; I choose meeting new people

13、because we can have a good chance to connect and communicate with others.)Step 3 invite 2 or 3 students to present their choice to the whole class. Teacher gives feedback on their talk. (Feedback on pronunciation, grammar and so on) 10 minSupplementary materials1. Background informationFilling your

14、free time with useful pursuits is a way of increasing your creativity, energy, enthusiasm, and sense of fulfillment from life. Using free time productively can help you to overcome the inability to relax because youre scared of just doing nothing. And ultimately, using free time in a way that feels

15、beneficial to you will ensure that you feel well-rounded, engaged fully in life, and very much a productive human being. In this article, youll have the chance to explore various ways of filling your free time with useful and fulfilling activities.2. Word attack1) volunteer n. A person who offers vo

16、luntarily or come forward志愿者;志愿兵 e.g. The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社区服务的志愿者做得很出色。 2) socialise vi. To spend time with others in a friendly way 参加社交活动;发生社交往来e.g. There will be no socializing during business hours!营业时间不会有任何社交活动!3) blog n. a website containing a diary or j

17、ournal on a particular subject博客e.g. When Barbieux started his blog, his aspirations were small; he simply hoped to communicate with a few people. 巴尔比厄开博时并没抱多大的期望;他只是希望和一些人聊聊天。4) what if. 假使将会怎么样e.g. What if I have no debts?我要是没有债务会怎样?3. Useful expressionsTalk about the way of spending the spare tim

18、e 1) What do you usually do in your spare time? 2) How did you do in your spare time?3) What would you like to do in your free time? 4) Whats your favouriate free-time activity?5)I often watch movie,chat online .6)I would like to do a part-time job.7)My favouriate free-time activity is playing video

19、 games4. Extensive reading materials Leisure activities5. Useful clips Free time activity 第2课时教学内容教学步骤时间分配Listening 21. Lead-inExplore the topic of saving time with the following questions:1) How do you find time for everything? (I play hard and then work hard, Ive cut down on doing sth. to 3 hour.)

20、 2) Do you have any difficulty in saving time? If yes, please give some examples.5 min2. Pre-listening Step 1Introduce the background information by asking the question:If you always feel time limited, what would you do? (E.g. Do you have enough time to finish your assignment every day?)Step 2Pronou

21、nce the new vocabulary and expressions for the class to repeat and explain them individually. (cut down on ,be able to ,work, follow the class, change for better )Step 3 Ask students to pay attention to Mikes problem (For having more time for reading and homework, Mike cut down on sleeping to 5 hour

22、s.)5 min3. While-listeningStep 1Listen to the dialogue for the general idea and write down some key words. (have more time for, not having enough sleep, serious problem, save time, follow the class, focused, active need some changes )Step 2Listen for the second time and take notes about Mikes proble

23、m. KEY: For having more time for reading and homework, Mike cut down on sleeping to 5 hours.Step 3Listen for the third time and focus on Tinas advice. (save the time by reading before class, read 30minutes before class, find out difficult parts and ask questions.)15 min4. After-listeningPair work: W

24、rite down Mikes problem and Tinas advice. 5 minSpeaking 2Role-play in pairs: Invite your partner to give some good ideas about saving time. Step 1 provide support for asking the advice about saving time.(Would you please give me some opinions about saving time? Do you have any advice how to save tim

25、e? How do you save your time?) Step 2 provide support for giving the advice about saving time (Maybe you can save time by reading. If you want to save time, Youd better do sth to change.) Step 3 ask students to invite each other in turn.Step 4 teacher chooses some students to present their dialogue

26、to the whole class and gives feedback on their talk.15 minAssignmentTask 1 Search for information online about a type of free-time activities including the following types: time wasters, useful activities, undecidedTask 2 Make a dialogue about how to save time. Supplementary materials1. How to deal

27、with your free time productivelyMake a plan for your free time. Free time will only become useful to you if youve focused on how youd like to use it. Simply expecting free time to turn productive, creative, or fulfilling wont bring it about because you havent thought about the process needed to fill

28、 that time effectively.Your first realization should be that it is up to you to do something about making your free time work better for you; it isnt going to come from somewhere or someone else, only from your choice to make it useful time.Your second realization is to make up your own mind as to w

29、hat you define as useful. Relaxing, doing nothing, rejuvenating, and thinking are all useful activities if they lead to a better, more fulfilled life. Dont couch your usefulness in terms of what you think you ought to be doing but what you know will make you feel more productive, engaged and content

30、ed inlife. Here are some possible planning ways for you:Write down a list of the things youd like to be doing in your free time. You can rank it any way you like, or treat everything as equally important on it; thats up to you.Keep a journal about your life and include how youd like your life to be.

31、 Be sure to describe the activities youre trying out in your free time, so that you can evaluate whether or not they are worth continuing to do.Create a visualization board that sets out the ways in which youd like to spend future free time.2. Word attack1) cut down on 减少e.g. We must cut down on the amount of material we use. 我们必须减少我们所使用的材料。2) save time 节省时间e.g. Paperless trading can save time and money. 无纸化贸易可以节省时间和金钱。3. Useful expressionsAsking and answering the advice about saving time 1) Would you please give me some opinions abo

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