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必修4 unit 1 warming up教案新部编本.docx

1、必修4 unit 1 warming up教案新部编本教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校A Planning for the warming up of unit 1 in module 4By Zhong Pinghua Teaching aims:1) Talk about Women of achievement. 2) Master the related words and important sentences.Focus: Enable the students to learn from Jane Goodall in

2、 at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲 )that made her successful. Teaching methods: listening, reading, group discussion and recitingTeaching aids: pictures, the blackboardTeaching steps:1

3、. Introduce the topic of great women by showing students some pictures of great women.2. Ask students to introduce some great women who they have known.3. Page 1, Look at these pictures and the brief introductions. Answer : What is a great woman? As great women, they dont care for themselves at all,

4、 and at some point or rather, they must give some sacrifices, just like Lin Qiaozhi, she devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children and had chosen not to have a family of her own. Instead, she made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers. Not all

5、 people can do this. Once they have chosen their careers, they would carry on with them without any withdrawal. What they did is encouraging thousands of people to continue their careers. Those who are only famous but not great cant be matched.4. Pre-reading Show students more pictures about Jane Go

6、odall. Tell students well learn more about her from text : A student of African wildlife5. Students read the test and do the following matching work.Para 1 Janes way to study chimps and her achievements.Para 2 Jane has achieved everything she wanted to do. (a short summary to her)Para 3 A day in the

7、 park.Para 4 Janes attitude and feeling to the animals.6. DiscussionWhat should we learn from Jane Goodall?wisdom and couragedeeply love to the animals.her considerationher hard workonly if we understand can we care; 唯有了解,我们才会关心 ; only if we care will we help; 唯有关心,我们才会行动; only if we help shall all be saved. 唯有行动,生命才会有希望。 Jane Goodall 珍妮古道尔

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