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1、第三册教案八年级英语教案模板第三册教案_八年级英语教案_模板一、 学生学习状况分析经过一年的英语学习,大部分学生有了一定得听、说、读、写的能力。能听懂老师的课堂用于和与生活贴近的、基本没有生词的语言材料;能就某一设置情景进行简单的对话,能够较准确地读单词、对话;并能够根据所学语音知识拼读记忆生词;对于给材料作文,三分之二的同学能够利用所学知识并加上自己的创意,是行文流畅,语句通顺;大部分同学能够阅读懂所学语言知识范围内的材料。多数同学对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,上课积极,下课敢于提问,初步掌握了英语学习的技巧,成绩及运用知识的能力不断提高。 但其中有一小部分同学由于自身素质,基础偏差,或其他一些非

2、智力因素的影响,知难而退、缺乏自信,以至于和其他同学差距越来越大,两极分化现象已基本形成。初二一班相对成绩较差,用一句形象的话来说,就是“头大、腰细、尾巴大”,尖子生多,中间生少,尾巴粗大,成绩提高非常困难。其中有三个学生,没有一点学习能力。初二二班相对好一些,虽然后面有一部分学生成绩差,但中间势力强大,且成绩呈普遍上升趋势,其中有几个男同学后劲十足,大有后来者居上之势。二、 本学期教学目标培养学生的综合能力,把时间还给学生,激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生树立自信心,养成好的学习习惯,发展自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略;使学生掌握一定的语言基本知识和基本技能,建立语感,获得初步运用英语

3、的能力,为真实交际打下基础;开发智力,培养观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力;了解中西方文化差异,增强世界意识;使学生初步形成健全的人格,为可持续发展打下良好的基础。教学的具体目标是争取达到甚至超过学校规定的教学目标,培优扶差,力保学校三年规划的实现;认真上好每一节课,对每一个学生负责,坚持教学改革创新,放眼中考,立足长远,做最受欢迎的教师。三、 教材内容分析初二英语(上)共分14个单元,其中第七、第十四单元为复习单元,无新的语法和句式。现将各单元内容作以下分析:一单元主要涉及到有关教师节的会话及贺卡的写法,并谈到中英名字表达上的不同。愈法项目复习第一册的一般现在时和现在进行时。二单元的主线是一

4、次野外旅行,语法项目为be going to一般将来时。三单元围绕中秋节展开,语法项目为形容词的比较级和最高级。四单元的中心话题为on the farm ,进一步讲到形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。五单元的主线是谈论动物,语法内容为提建议的表达方法。六单元的主要内容是Find the right place ,语法是与其相关的表示需要、询问方向和指点方向。八单元十单元中心是谈论过去,语法项目为一般过去时。十一单元围绕dates、months、seasons展开,语法涉及到序数词、反意疑问句季介词in,on和at 的用法。 十二单元中心话题是天气,主要语法由will引导的一般将来时及感叹句。 十三

5、单元的主线是come to the party ,语法内容是表示邀请和应答及请求许可的句式。四、 教学措施1、 体现学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用。充分发挥学生的主动性和积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造宽松、和谐的学习氛围,使学生敢于开口,乐于实践;对学生的点滴进步要及时鼓励,使他们树立自信心,获得成就感;对学生口语表达的错误,不要有错必纠;尊重学生的个体差异,对有特殊需要的学生,教师应给与必要的指导和帮助;帮助学生摸索适合自己的学习方法,了解和掌握记忆规律,养成良好的学习习惯,培养学生自主学习的能力。2、 突出语言的实践性,注重培养学生综合运用英语的能力。教学中适当扩大听和读的输入量,要

6、设法结合学生的年龄特点和生活实际,创设丰富的交际活动情景,增强语言交际实践的真实感,鼓励学生主动参与和创造性地使用语言,促进学生语言技能的发展,已获得初步的交际能力;教师要控制授课时间,空出足够的时间让学生参与练习,真正把时间还给学生。3、 尽量使用英语,适当使用母语。教师要根据学生实际,利用学生已学的英语来解释或表达新的教学内容,为了便于理解,可以适当夹杂手势、表情,使学生直接理解英语。对于用学过的英语解释不清楚的内容,可适当使用母语。4、 被好学生、课本、大纲,确立最佳教案。5、 根据教学内容,进行教学创新,尝试不同的教学方式,激发学生的学习欲望。6、 语言点讲解要做到精讲多练,举一反三,

7、使学生理解准确、深刻。7、 扩大学生的课外阅读量,节假日可适当布置阅读作业,一是增强语感,二是循序渐进,逐渐提高阅读理解能力。8、 加强书面表达训练,每一单元结合内容布置相应的书面表达练习,择优选读,讲解技巧,使学生逐渐找到英语写作的窍门。9、 实行分层次教学。根据上学期成绩,制定出培优扶差的目标生,分层次辅导,分层次练习,分层次要求,使不同程度的学生都能有所提高。10、 合理利用课外资料,重点题要重点练习、重点讲解,要做到主次分明,讲求实效。 Lesson 82教学设计示例Period: The Second PeriodProperties: Tape-recorder, Overhead

8、 projectorTeaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aimEnable the students to understand the reading passage about Beethoven.2. Ability aimLet the students say something about Beethoven in their own words.3. Emotion aimTake correct attitude towards money.Language Focus: afford to do, for fun, knock at, to ones su

9、rprise, write down, hear sb. do/doing, dim, blind, shine (shone, shone)Teaching Procedures:a) Organizing the class1. Ask the students to get ready for class.2. Greetings between the teacher and the students.3. A duty report.b) RevisionT: Ask the students to say sentences with “could” and “-self”.c)

10、Reading1. Pre-reading:Ask the students the following questions before reading.Do you like listening to music?What do you know about Beethoven?Can you play any musical instruments? How well can you play?The teacher gives a brief introduction of Beethoven.2. While-reading:Ask the students to read the

11、passage silently by themselves.Ask the students to answer the reading comprehension questions.Play the tape for the passage and ask the students to read after the tape.Explain the language points:(1) hear sb. do/doing hear sb. do听到某人做了某事(表示动作发生了,动作全过程结束了)I often hear her singing in the morning.Did y

12、ou hear him go out?hear sb. doing听到某人在做某事(表示动作正在进行,处于进行过程中)I heard someone knock at the door three times just now.I heard someone laughing.(2) afford to do:通常与can, could, be able to连用We cant afford to go away this summer.They arent able to afford to buy a big apartment.(3) for fun: in funHe said it

13、only for fun.(4) dim: not bright, not clearly to be seen(5) to ones surprise: to the surprise of sb.To my surprise / To the surprise of everyone, his plan succeeded.3. After-reading:Ask the students to retell the passage.Ask the students to talk about their feelings after reading the passage.Ask the

14、 students to work in pairs and then act it out.d) Homework1. Finish exercises on page 98.2. Retell the passage.3. Rewrite the passage.e) Summary翻译句子:1我们经常听到她在楼上弹钢琴。2姑娘和她的各个沉浸在贝多芬的美妙音乐中。3一天晚上贝多芬正在街上散步,这时他突然在一座小房子外停住了。4他们太穷了,以至于不能负担得起音乐会票。Keys: 1. We often hear her play the piano upstairs.2. The girl

15、and her brother both lost themselves in Beethovens beautiful music.3. One evening Beethoven was walking in a street when he suddenly stopped outside a little house.4. They are too poor to afford to buy tickets to the concert.Lesson 108教学设计示例一、教学目标1知识目标(1)掌握字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur的发音。(2)复习一般现在时和现在进行时。

16、2能力目标能够区分一般现在时和现在进行时,并能正确运用。3情感目标教育学生要早起早睡,上学不迟到,不早退。二、教学过程Step 1 Revision1 Write a hotel timetable on the Bb Breakfast7:30Lunch 12:00 Supper 6: 00Ask What time can 1 have breakfast? etc.2 Revise Its too late! Its too early! Say (e.g.) Its eight oclock. Can I have breakfast? Help the students to ans

17、wer Sorry. Its too late. Practise in pairs.Step 2 Word familiesSB Page 54, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 108 (Phonic Reading Work). Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Step 2 of the TB.Do Wb Lesson 108, Ex. 1. Step 3Listening activityWrite the following lists of words in two columns on the Bb as

18、 follows: car core far for par pour tar tore mar moor star store Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Step 3.Step 4Stress and intonationSB Page 54, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 108. Books closed. Get the students to listen and repeat, showing the stress and intonation with gestures in the usual

19、way. Explain how stress usually falls on the “key” words of a sentence: the words which carry the message. Books open! Listen and repeat.Step 5 Listen and answerSB Page 54, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 108. Let the students look at the sentences to be completed in Wb Lesson 108 Ex. 2 before pla

20、ying the tape. Play the tape several times if necessary and discuss the answers with the students.Listening TextJIM: Uncle Wang, is the work in your factory very hard?WANG: Oh, yes, we work very hard in our factory. JIM: So you get up early on weekdays? WANG: Well, I live near the factory, so I usua

21、lly get up at about 6:30. JIM: Do you have breakfast?WANG: Yes. I have some bread, and a cup of tea. Sometimes I have an egg or two.JIM: And what time do you get to work? WANG: I begin work at 7:30, and have lunch at about 11:30.JIM: What time do you go home?WANG: I leave work at 5:30, and Im home a

22、t 6:00. The answers are:6:30; 7:30; about 11:30; 5:30; 6:00.Step 6 Read and learnSB Page 54, Part 4, Speech Cassette Lesson 108. Make sure the students understand the difference between the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous Tenses.Step 7 Read and answerSB Pages 54 - 55, Part 5*, Speech C

23、assette Lesson 108. Before reading the passage, have the students read the questions. Give the students 3 minutes to scan for the answers to the questions. Now play the tape and have the students read it silently while they listen. Students practise reading the text aloud as a class.Step 8 Checkpoin

24、t 27Go through Checkpoint 27 and explain any problems. Revise the forms of do and does in questions. Drill:T: Get up you S: What time do you get up?T: He S: What time does he get up?T: Go to bed , etc.Practise questions beginning with What, Where, if possible.Step 9 WorkbookSB Pages 134-136, Wb Less

25、on 108. Exx. 3 and 6. Ex. 3 is a good review for the Present Tense and Ex. 6 is a good review for the Present Continuous Tense. Do both of these exercises in pairs, and then select several pairs to share their answers with the class. Exx. 8 and 9 are optional.Step 10 TestUse Ex. 5 of Wb Lesson 108 a

26、s the test paper.HomeworkFinish off the Workbook exercises.Revise the language items in this unit.Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment1 Have the students work in pairs. Each student is to pretend that they are either their mother or their father. Then have the pairs ask and answer questions c

27、oncerning their parents schedule. Make sure they answer in the first person, just as if they are their parent.2 Have the students interview a neighbor. They should ask about the neighbors typical day. Then have the students write up a paragraph describing the neighbors day. They should try to choose

28、 someone they think is interesting. If the students can, they should choose a neighbor who speaks English. However, if this is not possible, they may do the interview in Chinese, but write the paragraph in English. 教学目标学会问路及给他人指路(建筑物内)学会区分及描述不同种类的音乐表述自己喜欢的乐队及歌手教学向导目标语言学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇Where are the rock

29、 CDs?Go upstairs and take a leftTheyre behind the jazz CDs.Theyre next to the heavy metal CDs.Whats your favorite kind of music?My favorite kind of music is分类表述听取特定信息pop, classical, jazz, country, danceamazing, terrible, awful, not bad, cool, fantastic, OKupstairs, straight语言结构语言功能多元智能Where, What问句祈

30、使句:take a left, go upstairs, turn right表示方位的介词: next to, between, behind询问方位表述方位方位识别与表述音乐欣赏逻辑分类与表述重点句型Wheres the classical music?Go upstairs and turn right. Its next to the dance music.Whats your favorite kind of music?My favorite kind of music is pop music.Whos his favorite group?Its Green Express. They are fantastic.主题词表主题思维图教学过程StepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPreparationRevisionPlay several music clipsListen and guess what kind of music they are.CAI / CDsCheck the answers with SsGet familiar with the wordsOHP / CDsTask 1 Draw MapsAimDraw s

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