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1、工作推荐信分析解析 工作推荐信This is Scientific American 60-Second Science. Im Christopher Intagliata.As in many other fields, gender bias pervades the sciences. Men score higher starting salaries, have more mentoring, and have better odds of being hired. Studies show theyre also perceived as more competent than

2、women in STEM fields. And new research reveals that men are more likely to receive excellent letters of recommendation, too.Say, you know, this is the best student Ive ever had. Kuheli Dutt, a social scientist and diversity officer at Columbia Universitys Lamont campus. Compare those excellent lette

3、rs, she says, to a merely good letter: The candidate was productive, or intelligent, or a solid scientist or something thats clearly solid praise, but nothing that singles out the candidate as exceptional or one of a kind.Dutt and her colleagues studied more than 1,200 letters of recommendation for

4、postdoc positions in geoscience. They were all redacted for gender and other identifying information, so Dutt and her team could assign them a score without knowing the sex of the student. They found that female applicants were only half as likely to snag superlative letters, compared to their male

5、counterparts. That includes letters of rec from all over the world, and written by, yes, men and women. The findings are in the journal Nature Geoscience.性别歧视.jpgDutt says they were not able to evaluate the actual scientific qualifications of the applicants using the archival data. But she says the

6、results still suggest women in geoscience are at a potential disadvantage from the very beginning of their careersstarting with those less-than-outstanding letters of rec.Were not trying to assign blame or criticize anyone or call anyone consciously sexist or something like that. Rather, the point i

7、s to use the results of this study to open up meaningful dialogues on implicit gender bias, be it at a departmental level or an institutional level or even a discipline level. Which may lead to some recommendations for the letter writers themselves.Thanks for listening for Scientific American 60-Sec

8、ond Science Science. Im Christopher Intagliata.这里是科学美国人60秒科学。我是克里斯托弗因塔利亚塔。和许多其他领域一样,科学界也存在性别歧视。男性起薪更高、能够得到更多的指导,同时被雇佣的几率也更高。研究表明,男性被认为比女性更胜任STEM(科学、技术、工程、数学)领域的工作。而新研究发现,男性还更易获得优质的推荐信。“比如,这是我带过的最优秀的学生。”哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特校区社会学家、多元融合战略师Kuheli Dutt说优秀的推荐信一般会这样写。而一封“还不错”的推荐信则会写:“该申请人效率高、富有智慧,是个可靠的科学家等这样平实的称赞”,而这


10、是我们希望利用这项研究结果对隐含的性别偏见展开有意义的对话,在部门级别或机构层面,甚至是学科水平进行探讨。”这也许会为推荐人提供一些建议。谢谢大家收听科学美国人60秒科学。我是克里斯托弗因塔利亚塔。JUDY WOODRUFF: The nation marks the passing tonight of a major figure of the 20th century.John Glenn was the first American to orbit the planet, and the oldest person ever to go into space. He passed a

11、way today at a hospital in Columbus, Ohio, at the age of 95. President Obama joined in an outpouring of tributes, saying John Glenn showed theres no limit to the heights we can reach together. And President-elect Trump called him a great American hero.We will have a full report on his life later in

12、the program.Now to the presidential transition. Word of John Glenns passing in Columbus, Ohio, came shortly before Donald Trump arrived in the city on an already planned trip.It followed more moves to fill out his Cabinet.Lisa Desjardins begins our coverage.LISA DESJARDINS: President-elect Trump lef

13、t New York and the transition behind this afternoon, and flew to meet with and first-responders to last weeks Ohio State stabbings.DONALD TRUMP (R), President-Elect: We just saw the victims and the families. And these were really brave people, amazing people. The police and first-responders were inc

14、redible.LISA DESJARDINS: This evening, its Iowa, where he will continue on that thank you tour after stops North Carolina and Ohio in the past week, all that and more news on his Cabinet. Mr. Trump formally announced Scott Pruitt, Oklahomas attorney general and opponent of climate change regulations

15、, is his choice to head the Environmental Protection Agency, and late today that Andy Puzder will be the labor secretary nominee.Puzder is CEO of the company that owns Hardees and the Carls Jr. burger chains. He was an early supporter of and fund-raiser for candidate Trump. Hes also been we know hes

16、 critical of the Affordable Care Act, and he opposes raising the federal minimum wage, saying it would mean fewer jobs.ANDREW PUZDER, CEO, CKE Restaurants: What are we doing if were locking young Americans, 16-to-24 year-olds, out of the labor force? Thats a very, very serious problem at the moment

17、and increasing the minimum wage is just exacerbating it.特朗普前往俄亥俄州处理多项事务LISA DESJARDINS: This means Mr. Trump now has named choices for more than half of his Cabinet, from chief of staff, to treasury secretary, to U.N. ambassador.The group shows a few initial trends. Nearly half have been business ex

18、ecutives, including four who are billionaires. A third are current elected officials. And so far, the proposed Cabinet is twice as many men as women.Also today, another chapter in that deal that Mr. Trump struck with the Carrier Corporation to keep jobs in Indiana. Local union leader Chuck Jones, in

19、 Indianapolis, questioned the president-elects claim that he saved 1,100 jobs. He said its more like 800.CHUCK JONES, President, United Steelworkers Local 1999: I have been in a lot of negotiations as a union representative, so I would have to assume that he assured the world either knew the precise

20、 numbers or most certainly shouldve.LISA DESJARDINS: But, on Twitter, Mr. Trump sharply questioned Jones ability to fight for workers.Elsewhere, the president-elect did win a significant fight today over Green Party candidates Jill Steins recount push. Last night, a judge halted the effort in Michig

21、an, saying Stein received too few votes to force a recount.And a Hillary Clinton sighting.HILLARY CLINTON, Former U.S. Secretary of State: This is not exactly the speech at the Capitol I hoped to be giving after the election.LISA DESJARDINS: The former Democratic nominee appeared at the U.S. Capitol

22、 for the unveiling of a portrait of outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.For the PBS NewsHour, Im Lisa Desjardins.England footballers crash outOh no, not again! Englands football team have crashed out of the Euro 2012 football tournament after losing another penalty shootout.The Three Lions, a

23、s England are known, were almost pipped at the post by a strong Italian team who came close to scoring before the final whistle. But the match hung in the balance at nil-nil after extra time.tae138.pngEngland fans frustrated at failing on penalties in six previous tournaments were hopeful this would

24、 be their winning night.The psychological pressure on the players was massive. After two successful penalties, the omens looked good. However, England players Ashley Young and Ashley Cole misplaced their spot-kicks and fans were left with their hearts in their mouths.The skilful Italians soon thwart

25、ed any hope of English victory. The Italian striker Alessandro Diamanti put the final nail in the coffin by coolly slotting in the winner past England goalkeeper Joe Hart.As Italian fans and players celebrated, English dreams were left shattered and deflated. England captain, Steven Gerrard, said hi

26、s players were heartbroken at their departure from the tournament. The agonising jinx of losing a match on penalties continues to haunt the England team.The players must now return home with their tails between their legs. But there is some consolation: the young team only lost by a narrow margin an

27、d the setback will last just two years before England mount their next challenge at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.But if faced with another penalty shootout, can England finally overcome the odds and triumph?欧锦赛英格兰被淘汰哦,不会吧!英格兰足球队在点球大战中失败之后,被欧锦赛淘汰。有名的英格兰“三狮军团”在最后一刻被强劲的意大利球队击败,终场哨声响起时,意大利球队差点就进球得分。加赛时间


29、汰的厄运。球员们现在只能夹着尾巴回国了。但英格兰球员应该感到欣慰的是:这支年轻的球队虽然失败了,但比分相差极小,这次挫折也只能持续两年,英国将于2014年巴西世界杯发起新的挑战。但是,如果再来一场点球大战,英格兰球队能克服困难,取得胜利吗?Trump Names US Defense Secretary NomineeAmerican President-elect Donald Trump named retired Marine General James Mattis to be his secretary of defense this week.Mattis left militar

30、y service three years ago. At the time, he led the U.S. Central Command, which carries out U.S. operations in the Middle East. He was also the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO forces.His leadership in the fight against enemy forces in Afghanistan and Iraq won him respect among many military leaders.

31、General John Nicholson is the commander of international forces in Afghanistan.I first met him in Nangahar province in Afghanistan, where we were in a tough fight in 2006, and hes a very inspirational leader - I know he inspired me.Michael OHanlon writes about military affairs at the Brookings Insti

32、tution, a research group in Washington.Hes thought of as one of the best-read, best-informed and most-experienced generals of his generation.OHanlon says Mattis knows the limits of military power. He says he believes the former generals battlefield experience gives him persuasive power with Trump. OHanlon says Trump will be more likely to listen to an argument for restraint, for example, if it comes from Mattis.Currently, Mattis is not permitted to take the office of defense secretary, howe

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