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1、高一英语人教版必修2第三单元阅读课教学设计新部编版教师学科教课方案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教课科: _任教年级: _任教老师: _xx市实验学校高一英语人教版必修 2 第三单元阅读课教课方案陇县二中 闫亚利一、三维教课目的( 3-Dimentional Teaching Demands )依据国家教育部新课程标准 (英语实验稿) 对于三维目标的定位及其实现门路和目标详细描绘,联合高一学生本质和教材内容,我把本节阅读课的教课目的定为:( 一)课标内容( Curriculum demands )英语课程标准教课目的三维目标领域理解、内化、运用课本 17 个生词、 5 个词组,更好地语言知

2、识Knowledge打扫知识与技术领域Cognition听读阻碍,以及有关句型与语法:未来时的被动语态语言技术对奥运会这篇文章进行篇章阅读,踊跃思虑,达Language到加强语Competence言意识,累积语言经验的目的,全面提高综合语言运用能力,学习策略自主学习策略;有效合作与社交策略;信息办理与探过程与方法领域Learning Strategy究策略;资源策略运用感情态度领会“奥运精神”的本质 ,使学生更为关注奥运会。Emotion &Value感情、态度与价值Cultivation文化意识认识古代和现代奥运会的一些基本状况。观领域Culture awareness(二)教课要求( Te

3、aching demands)1、 让学生认识古代和现代奥运会的一些基本状况。2、 初步掌握与奥运会有关的词汇基本要求3、 运用所学语言知识描绘奥运会的一些状况,拥有必定的逻辑性。4、 帮助学生理解奥运精神,使学生更为关注奥运会。5、 让学生进一步熟习掌握一些阅读技巧,如迅速搜寻文章细节信息(scanning)、概括和总结( summarizing )等。6、 熟习访谈一类的文体特点。发展要求 学会运用网络资源搜寻有关奥运会的有关信息,发展合作与沟通策略,重视特定领域研究的能力培育。二、学情剖析( Learner analysis ) 新的教材, 新的教课方法, 呼喊着新的评论系统。 那种陈腐

4、的以终结性考试来排队,划分好、 中、差学生的方法不可以充足反应学平生常的学习成效, 检查他们的学习方法能否得当;它同时也给教师平常的工作成绩打了折扣。 对于我们成年人尚不可以以一、 二次的工作业绩去评判一个人的工作能力, 况且对于正在成长、 变化之中的学生们呢?在新教材, 新教法,新理论人心所向的今日, 大家都急迫期望一种新的合理的评论系统可以赶快出台, 并对此畅所欲言, 畅所欲言。 大家的假想也给我的想法注入了很多新的内容, 使我有一种想去试试一种新的评论方法的激动。2.我校是陕西县城的一所中学,但学生基本上来自乡村,英语水平错落不齐,学习压力大,学习策略与方法不合理,有的学生还不喜爱英语。

5、这个问题值得我们惹起高度重视。仍旧运用过去的以考试成绩来刺激学生学习的作法明显只好是事与愿违了。三、教课要点和难点: (Teaching difficult and important points)要点: 1 让学生掌握本篇文章中间的单词,词组以及重要表达Master the new words, phrases and useful expressions in the text.2.训练学生掌握理解文章细节的阅读能力Train the students reading ability to understand the content of text in detail3.帮助学生在体验

6、中学会与人合作的能力Train the studentsability to cooperate with others.难点 : 1.重要动词 如 :compete, volunteer, regular, basis, admit, host, responsibility,replace,2.重要词组 如 :used to, take part in/join in, stand for, as well3.重要句型 what 指引的名词性从句I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece ”and I used to “every + 基数词 +n.

7、”表示“每(隔) both are held every four years on a regular basis. nor + 情/ 助 /系 + 主语组成的倒装No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women. It is + 重申部分 +thatit 做形式主语的用法。It s a great responsibility but also to be chosen.4. 一般未来时的被动语态的构造: will be done.5.训练学生掌握阅读技术。四、教课方法 (Teaching Methodology )依据

8、第二语言习得理论、 “整体语言教课”的理论和实践,以及目前教课改革,课程改革等先进理念, 为完成上述教课目的, 运用任务型教课 ( Task-based teaching mode)门路,我的英语讲堂设计采纳“ P-T-P (Pre-task-Task-cycle-Post-task )”自主学习立体模式:五、教课工具 : Blackboard, multimedia, projector.六、教课时间: 45 分钟Period I Warming up and Reading七教课方案步骤( Teaching Procedures)Step 1:Greeting &Lead-in ( 情境导

9、入 ) Greet to the students as usual. Free-talk on picture-linking (学生自由讲话)(Show some pictures)Question& Answer:What does this flag stand for?What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for?Where do the Olympics start? Step 2:Warming-up ( 热身活动 )Question and answer:. Where did the ancient Olympic

10、Games start?. How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?. Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games?. When and where did the modern Olympic Games start?. Who was the China s first gold medal winner and for what event?. What are the three words that show the spirit of the Ol

11、ympic Games?Talking about the Olympic Games (Group-work activity)As we know, the 29 th Olympic Games were held in Beijing. Could you talk about someinformation about them ?What are the official mascots for the Beijing Olympics?What is the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games theme slogan?What is the emblem of

12、 Beijing Olympic Games?what are the names of the stadiums of Beijing Olympic Games?Step 3: Pre-reading( 读前准备 )Looking and guessing:.Do you know any differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games?. When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?Step 4: Prediction (课文标题展望 )Probing Questi

13、ons :(研究问题). As an interviewer, what information you want to report?. What a kind of information does the author try to convey to us through the title and pictures?Step 5:Fast reading (迅速阅读 )Read the text as quickly as possible and try to answer the following questions.1.The text mainly talks about

14、_A. the history of the modern OlympicsB. who can take part in the modern OlympicsC. the ancient Olympics and the modern Olympics D. when and where the modern Olympics2.Why does every country want to host the Olympics? A. It will be a great honor to be chosenB. It will make that country much stronger

15、.C. It will be easier for its athletes to win medals D. It will be convenient for its athletes to compete3.We can learn from the text that _.A. not all the countries want to host the Olympics.B. the olive wreath can be seen in the modern OlympicsC. the spirit of the Olympics has changed a lot over t

16、imeD. more countries can be found in the modern OlympicsStep 6:Careful reading (细节阅读)Read the text for the second time and finish the following diagram.TopicThe modern OlympicsTwo sets ofThe _1_ and the Summer Olympics, the former is usually held _2_ yearsGamesbefore the latter.How oftenEvery _3_ ye

17、arsThe _4_Swifter, higher and _5_nameseventsathletesHost countriesprizesThe _7_Running andOnly theTheOlympicshouse ridingGreeks. TheGreece_10_slaves andwreathwomencouldn tjoin in_6_betweeneither.the two Games The ModernRunning,AthletesEvery countrymedalsOlympicsswimming,reaching theall over thesaili

18、ng andagreed _9_worldall the teamfor their event.sports in the_8_OlympicsStep 7:Sentence patterns (句型)Read again and try to appreciate the language of the passage: I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece ”and I used to write about the Olympic Games along time ago. , and both are held every four yea

19、rs on a regular basis. Its in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with the swimming, sailing and all the team sports. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women! Its a great responsibility but also a great honour to be chosen. Only athletes who have reached

20、 the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.Step 8:Consolidation (课文稳固 )Filling the blacks with the information of the text:The Olympic Games are now the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include the _1_and the _2_ Olympics. Both of them are held every _3_ years. Th

21、e Winter Olympics areusually held two years before the Summer Games. In the Winter Olympics, there are _4_ and ice skating, while in the Summer Olympics there are _5_ sailing, running races and horse riding etc. All countries can take part if their athletes reached the _6_ to the games. Women arenot

22、 only _7_ to join in, but playing a very _8_ role. They live in a special _9_ with a mainreception building, several _10_and a gymnasium. It is a great _11_ to host the OlympicGames. The olive wreath has been _12_ by medals. But it s still about being able to run _13_,jump _14_ and throw _15_.Step 9

23、:Post reading (读后议论)Discussion( 小组活动 )Why do many countries want to host the Olympic Games while others do not?Reasons not toReasons to hosthost the Olympicsthe OlympicsStep 10. Assignment (课后作业). Finish the exercise on P11 12. Make a dialogue to describe that nowadays any country can take part in t

24、he Olympics.Step 11. Assessment and Feedback( 教课评论与反应 )My comments on the activities in the lesson: (教师讲堂教课评论)The advantages of these activities are: more students can communicate with each other, discuss with each other, learn from each other, help each other, share different opinions with each oth

25、er. They feel interested in negotiating, debating, and responding, they feel more confident and be bold to participate in the activities. In these activities, I help them to achieve their full potential, encourage and motivate them to value each other and the relationships they make. I raise their a

26、spiration and give them confidence. So learning in this activity and in this atmosphere will be more effective and successful.Studentsreflection (针对学生拟订的反省性评论问题)Have you got those useful words and phrases you ve learnt?Whether you have understood what the text is about during a short period of time?

27、Have you found out any other important sentence patterns?Are there any other points you are still confused with?Is your spoken English a little bit improved?What should be prepared for the next class? Are you ready?附 : 表一: Teaching Procedures( 教课过程 )教课目的教课内容教课步骤时 教课企图媒体间惹起学 生兴Coming tothetopic检查单词,引

28、出话经过单词意思理through dictation3多媒体趣题解,使学生提早进引入话题入角色,激发学习兴趣议论记 者工Discussion:thework组织学生疏小组讨训练学生对生活常of a reporter4多媒体作论,依据生活经验识的概括能力议论记者的工作创建情 境:引出记 者工作的要求A mini play about the依据教师规定场经过情形表演,调rules of interview4景,由学生进行现动讲堂氛围,激发场表演学生求知欲迅速阅 读:以掌握 课文主要内容Answer the question: the basic task of a reporter依据所给问题有目 让学生掌握课文的2多媒体的地阅读全文回答 大概内容问题认真阅 读:训练阅 读能Answerseveral细读课文,回答设经过录音让学生掌多媒体questions todeepen6their impr

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