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高考英语 完形填空基础练习精品题6.docx

1、高考英语 完形填空基础练习精品题6高考英语 完形填空基础练习精品题(6)【完形填空记叙文体裁诠释】记叙文分为记事和记人两种形式。主要包括事件叙述、故事、幽默、名人传记等。 1. 记叙方式多样。通常为了叙述方便,作者会按时间先后顺序或空间顺序等方式来安排情节和内容。这类文章条理清楚,层次分明。读者也较容易理解和接受。但有时为了突出某个情节或为了增加阅读趣味,或为了其他目的,作者可能会采用插叙,甚至倒叙的写作手法。在阅读时,先浏览全文,判断出文章的叙述方式,以便抓住文章的主线,理清文章的脉络。然后依据文章信息,了解文章内容的来龙去脉,进而达到对文意的透彻理解,这样才能做出合理的选择。 2. 记叙文

2、往往有较强的故事趣味性,有情节的跌宕起伏和情感的细腻变化等特点,信息量很大。作者在叙述过程中往往会融入人物的语言、行为、心理的描写,这在一定程度上增加了考生理解文章的难度。这时,必须理清上下文的脉络,对人物的语言、行为、心理等给出合理的想像和推理,并仔细揣摩作者的用意,从而透彻理解文意,达到对语境的准确理解,进而做出合理的选择。 3. 命题倾向于注重短文本身的教育意义或选取记叙具有特殊个性品质的人物故事,给人以启迪或鼓舞;作者有时在记叙过程中或记叙结束后发表自己的看法和感受。因此只有借助上下文乃至全文的语境才能揣摩作者的心境,及其对各个角色、各个事件的态度。在答题过程中,除了要把握关联词语,还

3、要把握语气、动作等的描写,以期与作者达到共鸣。【跟踪演练】1(2011福建省福州市八县(市)高三联考)The sun was shining when I got on No.151 Bus. We passengers sat jammed together in heavy clothes. No one spoke. Thats one of the 36 rules, which we take for granted(对不予重视). 37 we see the same faces every day, we prefer to 38 behind our newspapers. P

4、eople who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their 39. As the bus came near the Mile, a 40 suddenly rang out “ 41! This is your driver speaking.” We looked at the back of the drivers head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The 42 came down. “Now, turn and face t

5、he person next to you. Go _43.” Surprisingly we all did it. Still no one smiled. I faced an older woman, her head wrapped in a red scarf(围巾).I saw her 44 every day. Our eyes met .We waited for the next 45 from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning neighbor!” Our voice were 46.For many of us

6、, these were the 47words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like 48, to the strangers beside us. We couldnt help 49 .There was the feeling of relief, that we were not being held up(抢劫). But more, there was the sense of ice being 50 . “Good morning, neighbor.” It was not so 51after al

7、l. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands, many laughed. The bus driver said nothing more. He didnt 52 to. Not a single newspaper went back up. I heard laughter, a warm sound I had never heard before in 53 . When I reached my stop, I said 54 to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day

8、was 55 off better than most. 36. A. unwritten B.strict C.bus D. city 37. A. As B.Because C.Although D. When 38. A. read B.hide D. sit 39. A. ways B.methods C.respect D. distance 40. A. voice B.warning C.suggestion D. message 41. A. Attention B.Minding C.Help D. Listen 42. A. driver B.passenge

9、rs C.papers D. tears 43. A. on B.round C.ahead D. down 44. A. still B.nearly C.even D. hardly 45. A. turn C.order D. remark 46. A. loud B.neat C.slow D. weak 47. A. first B.last D. only 48. A. passengers B.citizens C.patients D. schoolchildren 49. A. smiling B.crying C. shouting D. won

10、dering 50. A. formed B.heated C.broken D. frozen 51. A. sad B.hard C.ordinary D. shy 52. A. need B.want D. begin 53. A. my life B. other words C.public D. Bus 15154. A. good morning B.good-bye C.hello D. thanks 55. A. starting B.seeing C.taking D. turning 1、参考答案36-40:ACBDA 41-45:ACCBC 46-50:D

11、ADAC 51-55:BADBA【解析】1、【文章大意】我家后面的小路曲径通幽,那路“我”和狗常走。为了探索新的路径,狗竟将我带到了很远很远的地方,最后是一位老人驱车送我们回家。小狗的聪明好动跃然纸上。【答案解释】36. B。由第二段第一句Beans is a white dog可知,此处选B(dog)。37. C。由第四段最后一句The sniffing and exploring was going well for him可知,Beans经常“探索(explore)”只有他才知道的某一原因,故选C。38. A。根据下一句:他不仅能理解我们告诉他的,而且,可判断Beans的确很聪明(sma

12、rt),所以选A。39. D。由前面的makes sounds可知,Beans好象是要向后面的我“表达(speak)”什么,故该选D。40. B。由前面的trail (小径) 可知,我以为Beans又会把我领到那条熟悉的“小路(path)”。A(车道)、C(十字路口)、D(公路)均不合语境。41. A。由后面的 take me home以及 I 47 that Beans probably knew all along how to get home可知,我突然意识到Beans很可能“知道(knew)”回家的路。显然就该选A了。42. D。很“明显(apparent)”我们变得茫然了。43.

13、B。由第一段第二句 through untold miles of forest可知,此空该填B(forest)。44. A。后一句话提到Beans颇有嗅探能力,所以Beans是完全“不担心的(unconcerned)”。45. C。最后我们“来到(came to)”十字路口,唯C符合语境。46. D。我们是按照Lady Luck的指点走的,所以“很快(shortly)”就到达了一座村舍。47. C。从我们的冒险经历看,我“断定(concluded)”Beans很可能始终知道回家的路,他只是在探索新路径中找到了太多的快乐而已。所以选C是合适的。2、(2010甘肃省天水一中二模)Chuck wa

14、s one of my students in my high school English class. He was a writer of great 21. So, when he was accepted into the journalism program at the University of Missouri, I wasnt 22. During his first year at college, Chuck stopped by the school a few times to keep me informed of his 23. We recalled(回忆)t

15、hat we had worked together several years before to 24 money for 23 sick Cambodian babies who were being cared for by a nurse friend of mine in Thailand, a place far away yet close to our 25. Chuck raised several thousand dollars. It was an activity that 26 our formal relationship into a friendship.

16、In his second year at college, it was discovered that Chuck had lung cancer and had only a short while to 27. I went to see him one day. Seeing me, he was filled with 28 and we talked and laughed for most of the afternoon. About six weeks later, Chuck died. It was a great 29 for everyone, especially

17、 for his family. Chuck was 30 and full of promise. More importantly, he was a good person, a just person. When I went to his 31, his father told me that several weeks before, Chuck had asked him to 32 his possessions with him so that he might select a few things to be buried in the coffin(棺木) with h

18、im . Chuck 33 six items, including an essay he had written. He told me that Chuck liked the 34 I had written to him at the bottom of the last page. In that little note, I affirmed his talent as a 35. I was grateful for the 36 gift Chuck gave me that day. His taking my note with him offered me a grea

19、t opportunity to 37 students lives. I felt a sense of purpose that was greater than ever. Whenever I 38 my purpose, I think of Chuck, and I am reminded of it once again: 39 have the power to affect hearts and 40 for a long time.21. A. use B. promise C. height D. assistance22.A. disappointed B. amuse

20、d C. excited D. surprised23. A. secret B. job C. progress D. family24. A. raise B. borrow C. spend D. save25. A. college B. hearts C. village D. friends26. A. transformed B. divided C. put D. devoted27. A. spare B. act C. live D. sleep 28. A. worry B. joy C. pain D. tears29. A. honor B. comfort C. d

21、ay D. loss30. A. fortunate B. serious C. talented D. unsatisfied31. A. funeral B. office C. dormitory D. school32. A. go over B. take over C. give away D. threw away33. A. added B. bought C. examined D. chose34. A. story B. letter C. joke D. message 35. A. writer B. teacher C. doctor D. comedian36.

22、A. excellent B. practical C. extraordinary D. expensive37. A. believe B. draw C. know D. influence38. A. remember B. forget C. change D. achieve39. A. Parents B. Teachers C. Students D. Strangers40. A. health B. concentration C. accents D. minds2、 参考答案21-25 BDCAB 26-30 ACBDC 31-35 AADDA 36-40CDBBD【解

23、析】2、【文章大意】本文叙述了Alice 在回家路上的一次奇特的经历。36. B. 上下文的逻辑关系。前面提到Alice不怕黑夜, 下文又提及路很近, 故选B。 besides 此外; however 然而, 表示转折; therefore 因此, 表示结果; otherwise 否则, 要不然,与前文构成一种假设。37. A。语境判断题。 前文提到她不害怕, but构成意义上转折, 句意: 但是走到半路的时候, 她宁愿自己不是这么勇敢。38. D。语境中考查词的意义。 句意: 在她急转弯的时候, 天突然变得很冷了。 grow 变得; fall 降落, 处于某种状态,不表示变化。 如: fal

24、l ill 生病; seem 看起来像; prove 证明, 均不符合句意, 故选D。39. C。考查句意理解。 句意: 她费尽地向前走, forward 向前; aside 一边; around 周围; backward 向后。40. B。上下文联系题。 根据上文 she stopped by the road , 以及 also可知 黑色的小汽车也停下了。41. D。语境中考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 车里面, 在柔和的灯光中, 有东西在动。 下文提到老太太探出身子问路, 故应是移动。 gather聚集; exist 存在; drop 掉下; move 移动。42. A。 考查句意的理解。

25、下文题到老太太问路, 故应是需要帮助。43. D. 语境中考查词的意义。 根据下文You need to go back可知,老太太的确是迷路了。 certainly 当然了; necessarily 必要地;normally 正常地 ; basically 基本地 。句意: 你当然迷路了。44. B。 考查句意的理解。 句意: 向回走五公里直到你到达Tjunction。45. A 语境中考查词义区别。 前文提到老太太开着一辆黑色的小车, 故此处应是再继续开车行驶10 公里。 walk 走, 步行; follow 跟从, 跟随; march 行进。46. B。 考查句意理解。 句意: 沿着标志

26、到达飞机场。 sign 标志, 标记; address 地址; notice 通知; guidance 向导。 47. D。 语境中考查词的意义。 前文提到老太太要在五分钟之内到达飞机场, 而Alice说飞机场离他们所在的地方比较远,不可能在五分钟之内到达。There is no way 没有办法, 不可能; There is no doubt 毫无疑问; There is no room 没有空间; There is no time 没有时间。48. C 。 语境中考查词组的运用。 根据语境: Dont worry 可知老太太对自己能在五分钟之内到达很有把握。 make it 成功地做成某事

27、;get it 明白了。49. B 。考查上下文的联系。 前文提到老太太拉开窗户问路, 故此处应是关上窗户。50. C。语境中考查词的运用。 前文提到到达飞机场还要再向回走, 故老太太应是转过车去。turn 转身; pass 经过; rush 冲; continue继续。51. A。上下文语境中考查词的意义。 根据后面的first ; and then 可知, 一些奇怪的事情发生了。strange 奇怪的; sensitive 敏感的; imaginable 可想象的, horrible 可怕的。52. D。语境中考查词的意义。 由下文的from black to silver grey 可知

28、, 汽车的颜色逐渐变淡。fade 渐淡 ,消失 ; develop 发展; approve 赞成, 同意, spread 传播, 延伸。53. B. 语境中考查词的意义。根据下文的above the ground 可知汽车漂浮在空中。float 漂浮; roll 翻滚,滚动; draw 接近; flash 闪电。54. D。上下文语境题。 前面提到汽车的车轮不见了,及在地面上空漂浮着, 以及此处的in the dark sky 可知汽车升到了空中。point 指向;return 返回; break 打破, rise 升起。55. C。语境中考查名词词义辨析。 句意:伴随着微弱的汽笛声,数秒钟内

29、汽车就不见了。sound 声音; tune 曲调, 腔调; voice 声音, 尤其指人的嗓音,tone 语调。(201*辽宁卷)When I first entered university, my aunt, who is an English professor, gave me a new English dictionary. I was _36_to see that it was an English English dictionary, also known as a monolingual dictionary. _37_it was a dictionary intend

30、ed for non-native learners, none of my classmates had one _38_, to be honest, I found it extremely _39_ to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and _40_ not fully understand the meaning. I was used to the _41_ bilingual dictionaries, in which the words are _42_ both in English and Chinese. I really wondered why my aunt _43_ to make things so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I _44_ that monolingual dictionaries are _45_ in learning a foreign language.

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