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Unit 15 Popular youth culture.docx

1、Unit 15 Popular youth cultureUnit 15 Popular youth cultureUnit 15 Popular youth culture锛紟 鍗曞厓鏁欏 鐩 爣鎶鑳界洰鏍嘢kill Goals鈻睺alk about youth culture and interests of young people鈻睷ead about voluntary work鈻睵ractice presenting ideas鈻睮ntegrative language practice鈻睠onduct a survey and write a reportII锛?鐩 爣璇 璇?姹

2、?1锛?鍥涗細璇嶆眹voluntary, annual, elder, elderly, breathless, dizzy, eyesight, weekly, communist, timetable, adjustment, mature, jeans, uniform, shopkeeper, recent2锛?璁 璇嶆眹Danny, Kofi Annan, Scheme, enthusiasm, leadership, donation, enrich, payment, melt, denim, fashionable3锛?璇嶇粍straight away, fit in (wit

3、h), due to, in many respects4锛?閲嶇偣璇嶆眹acknowledge, beneficial, satisfaction, eager, worthwhile, starve, casual, whereas, possess閲?鐐?鍙?寮?1. The people here are poor, but they have big hearts and made me feel very welcome. P1302. I really feel I鈥檓 doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time

4、 doing it. P1303. Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in. P1304. Many schools in the USA did not approve of students wearing jeans to school and they forbade them. P134III锛?鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽涓庢暀鏉愰噸缁?1. 鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽鏈 崟鍏冪殑涓婚 鍥寸粫鈥滈潚骞存枃鍖栧強鍏跺叴瓒濊繖涓璇濋 灞曞紑锛岃 瀛敓灏变腑澶栭潚骞存枃鍖栧睍

5、寮璁 锛屽彂琛嚜宸变笉鍚岀殑瑙傜偣銆傝 鏂囪繕鍚戝 鐢熶粙缁嶄簡闈掑勾蹇楁効鑰呯殑涓浜涙椿鍔 紝骞惰 姹傚 鐢熷 浼氳繘琛岄棶鍗疯皟鏌苟鏍规嵁璋冩煡缁撴灉鍐欏嚭璋冩煡鎶憡銆?1.1 WARMING UP 鎻愪緵浜嗗洓骞呬笉鍚屽唴瀹圭殑鍥剧墖锛岃 姹傚 鐢熷氨闈掑勾鏂囧寲銆佸叴瓒互鍙婁腑澶栭潚骞寸殑鍏卞悓鐐瑰睍寮璁 锛屽苟瑕佹眰瀛敓璁捐 鍑鸿兘浠鐜颁唬闈掑勾鐢熸椿鐨勬捣鎶紝鍐呭 鍙 互娑夊強鍚勪釜鏂归潰銆?1.2 LISTENING 鏄 竴涓 彨DANNY鐨勪腑瀛敓鍒伴潚骞村織鎰胯呬腑蹇冨挩璇殑鎯呭喌銆?1.3 SPEAKING鏄 瀛敓灞曠鑷 繁璁捐 鐨勬湁鍏抽潚骞寸敓娲荤殑娴锋姤鎴栨彁渚涚浉鍏

6、崇収鐗囷紝浠嬬粛鍏跺唴瀹瑰苟璇存槑閫夋嫨杩欎簺鍐呭 鐨勭悊鐢便傛渶鍚庤 瀛敓绠鐭 湴姒傛嫭鍑轰粈涔堟槸闈掑勾鏂囧寲锛屽苟璁 闈掑勾鏂囧寲鏄 惁涔熸湁寮婄 銆?1.4 PRE-READING 閫氳繃璁 鐢熻 璁轰腑鍥介潚骞村織鎰胯呯殑娲诲姩绫诲瀷浠強杩欎簺娲诲姩瀵瑰織鎰胯呯殑鐩婂 锛屼互璁 粌瀛敓鐨勫彂鏁濈淮銆?1.5 READING 鏄 竴绡囪 鍙欐枃锛屽彊杩颁簡Lu Hao锛孡in Ying, Meng Yu 涓変綅闈掑勾瀛敓鍙傚姞涓嶅悓褰紡鐨勫織鎰胯呮椿鍔殑鎯呭喌锛屼娇瀛敓浜嗚鍒板織鎰胯呮椿鍔笉浠呭彲浣垮彈鍔呰幏寰楀府鍔紝鑰屼笖涔熸槸蹇楁効鑰呮彁楂樿嚜韬 礌璐殑涓涓 噸瑕佹笭閬擄紝浠庤屾縺

7、鍙戝 鐢熷 蹇楁効鑰呮椿鍔殑鍏磋叮銆?1.6 POST-READING 涓 璁殑鍓嶄笁涓 棶棰橈紝鐩 殑鏄 冩煡瀛敓瀵硅 鏂囩粏鑺傜殑浜嗚绋嬪害锛岃 缁冨 鐢熺殑闃呰 銆佺悊瑙兘鍔涖傛渶鍚庝竴涓 槸寮鏀炬棶棰橈紝鐩 殑鏄 嫇灞曞 鐢熺殑鎬濈淮鑳藉姏銆?1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 涓 璁簡鍥涢亾缁冧範棰樸傜 涓棰樹负濉 瓧娓告垙锛岀洰鐨勬槸鑰冩煡瀛敓瀵硅瘝姹囩殑鎺屾彙绋嬪害锛涚 浜岄亾濉 棰樿冩煡瀛敓瀵硅繛璇嶇敤娉曠殑鎺屾彙锛涚 涓夐 鏄 冩煡瀛敓瀵圭 浜岄 涓 煭鏂囩殑鐞嗚绋嬪害锛涚 鍥涢 瑕佹眰瀛敓瀵筂a Hua鐨勯夋嫨鍙戣鐪嬫硶锛屽苟灏盩he best things in lif

8、e are free 杩欎竴璁洪 灞曞紑杈 銆傜洰鐨勬槸璁 粌瀛敓鐨勯昏緫鎬濈淮鑳藉姏浠強璁鸿京鑳藉姏銆?1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS 涓 殑闃呰 鏄 竴绡囪 鏄庢枃锛屼粙缁嶄簡椋庨潯鍏悆鐨勭編鍥界墰浠旇¥鐨勫彂灞曞彶銆傛枃鍚庤 璁殑鍓嶄袱涓 棶棰樻槸鑰冩煡瀛敓鐨勯槄璇荤悊瑙兘鍔涳紱绗 笁棰樿 姹傚 鐢熻繘琛岄棶鍗疯皟鏌紝绗 洓棰樿 姹傚 鐢熸敼鍐欐渶鍚庝竴娈碉紝鐩 殑鏄 瀛敓瀛細杩涜 闂 嵎璋冩煡骞舵牴鎹 皟鏌粨鏋滅粌涔犲啓浣溿傛渶鍚庯紝瑕佹眰瀛敓灏遍潚骞存枃鍖栫殑鏈鏂拌秼鍔胯繘琛岄棶鍗疯皟鏌苟鍐欏嚭璋冩煡鎶憡銆?2. 鏁欐潗閲嶇粍2.1 浠庤 缁冪洰鐨勪笂鐪媁ARMING

9、UP 涓嶴PEAKING 浠強WORKBOOK 涓 殑READING AND TALKING 鍩烘湰涓鑷达紝鍙 皢杩欎笁閮垎鏁村悎鍦竴璧凤紝璁捐 鎴愪竴鑺傗滃彛璇 鈥濄?2.2灏哃ISTENING 鍜學ORKBOOK 涓 殑LISTENING 鏁村悎鍦竴璧蜂笂涓鑺傗滃惉鍔涜 鈥濄?2.3 灏哖RE-READING銆丷EADING鍜?POST-READING 鏁村悎鍦竴璧蜂笂涓鑺傗滅簿璇昏 鈥濄?2.4 灏咺NTEGRATING SKILL涓 殑READING 鍜學ORKBOOK涓 殑涓瘒READING鏁村悎鍦竴璧蜂笂涓鑺傗滄硾璇昏 鈥濄?2.5 灏咺NTEGRATING SKILL 涓 殑 W

10、RITING 鍜學ORKBOOK 涓 殑WRITING 鏁村悎鍦竴璧蜂笂涓鑺傗滃啓浣滆 鈥濄?2.6 灏哃ANGUAGE PRACTICE 鍜?WORKBOOK 涓 殑TESTING YOUR SKILLS銆丆LOZE TEST浠強 TRANSLATING 鏁村悎鍦竴璧蜂笂涓鑺傗滆 瑷璁 粌璇锯濄?3. 璇惧瀷璁捐 涓庤 鏃跺垎閰嶏紙鏍规嵁瀛儏锛岀粡鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽锛屾湰鍗曞厓鍒嗗叚璇炬椂瀹屾垚銆傦級1st Period Speaking2nd Period Listening3rd Period Reading4th Period Extensive Reading5th Period Writ

11、ing6th Period Language PractiseIV. 鍒嗚 鏃舵暀妗?The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 鏁欏 鐩 爣1. Target language 鐩 爣璇 a. 閲嶇偣璇嶆眹鍜岀煭璇?worldwide, concern, addict, end up, in the worst case, bring . to one鈥檚 attention, with care, make time forb. 浜檯鐢 In my opinion I think .In my point of view I don鈥檛 think .I

12、 believe that .I agree with you .I agree with you no more .2. Ability goals 鑳藉姏鐩 爣Enable the students to talk about youth culture and interests of young people.3. Learning ability goals 瀛兘鐩 爣Enable the students to learn how to talk about youth culture and interests of young people.Teaching important

13、 points 鏁欏 閲嶇偣Enable the students to present their opinions about computer games.Teaching methods 鏁欏 鏂规硶Discussion.Teaching aids 鏁欏叿鍑嗗 A computer and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways 鏁欏 杩囩涓庢柟寮?Step I RevisionCheck the homework.T: Yesterday I asked you to design some posters or find some pictur

14、es showing what life is like for a modern teenager today. Have you brought your homework here?S: Yes.T: Very good. Take out your homework and put it on your desk. I鈥檒l check it later.Step II Warming upGet the students to talk about the pictures and do the first two tasks.T: Now let鈥檚 turn to Page 12

15、7 and look at the pictures first. Which of the pictures are true to your life?Ss: Picture 1, 2, 3 and 4.T: What other activities and interests are typical of you young people?S1: Playing computer games.S2: Chatting on the Internet.S3: Sending and receiving e-mails.S4: Sending and receiving messages.

16、S5: Go traveling.S6: Go camping.S7: Taking part in some voluntary work.S8: Attending some extra classes such as painting, music, dance, handwriting and so on.T: OK. Nowadays people often talk about the 鈥済lobal teenager鈥? What do you think teenagers in China have in common with those in the other cou

17、ntries?S1: They all like popular things.T: Can you give some examples?S1: Let me try. They are always wearing fashionable clothes, jewels, glasses, hair,beard and so on.S2: They like entertainment after school or work. They often go to dance, singsongs, play computer games, and hold parties.S3: They

18、 have their idols such as some film stars, TV stars, singers, sports stars andsome other popular persons. They admire them and sometimes imitate them.S4: Sometimes they feel lonely and depressed in the competitive society so they value friendship and like making friends in life or through the Intern

19、et.S5: Money, success, and expensive things are what they seek.S6: They run after life of high quality. They like green food, pay attention to taking exercise, enjoying life in the open air and traveling. They believe the best things in life are sunshine, laughing, walking in the beauty of the count

20、ry, friends and music.T: Wonderful!Step III SpeakingGet the students to present their posters and pictures and then discuss and answer the four questions. T: Now pass your posters and pictures around the class and discuss why young people like these things. (While the students are having a discussio

21、n, the teacher may go around and join them.)Ask the students to show their work.T: Now who would like to explain your designs and contents and tell us why you chose to include this or these characteristic(s) of teenage life.S1: Here are our pictures. Now many teenagers are taking pictures of Yang Li

22、wei, Yao Ming, Ding Lei, Deng Yaping and Wu Xiaoli, because they have just been elected as the first five favorite youth idols. It seems that the new generation focuses on what their idols contribute to society, and they are worshippers of pop singers, movie stars and sports stars. The youth are ins

23、pired to study and work hard to create a bright future.It is a common phenomenon that the adolescents worship stars. But what kind of stars they adore and who should become youth idols is what matters. They should be guided properly.S2: The pictures in our posters are on my U-disk. Can I use the com

24、puter and the projector to show it?T: Of course. Go ahead please.S2: Look at the screen. In our posters there is a mobile phone, a computer, an Mp3 and a digital camera. It shows that the youth in the contemporary era have used the media more than ever before. As new media and popular culture range

25、from basic use of the Internet to digital technologies to file sharing, youths, the new 鈥渆xperts鈥?of the media occupy a position of agency, which challenges the historical stance of protecting them from the media.We believe that young people鈥檚 using of the media is normal, so the teachers and parent

26、s shouldn鈥檛 be surprised. If I can鈥檛 use the computer, I can鈥檛 show you the picture today.S3: Here is a picture. Look at the picture. Some youths are playing in water. They go outing on weekends to relax themselves. It shows a kind of youth lifestyle: work hard and play as much as they like in their

27、 spare time. Would you like the life? Why not join them?We suppose we young people should study, work and play and try to make our life rich and colorful.S4: This is our poster. In our poster some youths are signing their names. They are volunteers to conduct a survey about all kinds of pollution in

28、 our country during their summer holidays. Let鈥檚 join them or do some other voluntary work, OK?We think teenagers should take part in some voluntary work to get some social and work experience.T: Very good! Your pictures and posters all show different aspects of youth culture. But what鈥檚 youth cultu

29、re? Discuss it with your group members and try to summarize the concept of 鈥測outh culture鈥?in a few sentences.Go around the class offering help if needed.T: Who鈥檇 like to tell us your answers?S1: Youth culture is simply a kind of culture that differs from adult culture, but it stands for the main tr

30、ends of social culture whether it is good or not good. It is a social phenomenon and it exists in every history of the human society.S2: Youth culture has aspects that cross racial, ethnic, and geographical boundaries, and while all youth do not behave or think in the exact same ways. Many similarit

31、ies suggest that the vast majority of adolescents fit somewhere within the mainstream of popular youth culture.S3: Youth culture is about how youth spend their time, what they value, what their attitudes, lifestyles, behaviors, and concerns are and how they interact with mass mediated messages, their peers, and society-at-large. These all make up youth popular culture.T: Terrific! But is there a negative side to youth culture? Ss: Yes, we think so.T: Can you give some examples?S1: Some youths form some small groups and overdo something for the benefits of their own groups.S2: Some youths

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