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1、SectionIUseofEnglish大学英语课程教学要求考研英语模拟题013Section I Use of EnglishWhat impact can mobile phones have on their users health? Many individuals are concerned about the supposed ill effects caused by radiation from handsets and base stations, 1 the lack of credible evidence of any harm. But evidence for t

2、he beneficial effects of mobile phones on health is rather more 2 . Indeed, a systematic review 3 by Rifat Atun and his colleagues at Imperial College, rounds up 4 of the use of text-messaging in the 5 of health care. These uses 6 three categories: efficiency gains; public-health gains; and direct b

3、enefits to patients by 7 text-messaging into treatment regimes.Using texting to 8 efficiency is not profound science, but big savings can be achieved. Several 9 carried out in England have found that the use of text-messaging reminders 10 the number of missed appointments with family doctors by 26-3

4、9%, and the number of missed hospital appointments by 33-50%. If such schemes were 11 nationally, this would translate 12 annual savings of 256-364 million.Text messages can also be a good way to deliver public-health information, particularly to groups 13 are hard to reach by other means. Text mess

5、ages have been used in India to 14 people about the World Health Organizations strategy to control lung disease. In Iraq, text messages were used to support a 15 to immunize nearly 5 million children 16 paralysis. 17 , there are the uses of text-messaging as part of a treatment regime. These involve

6、 sending reminders to patients to 18 their medicine, or to encourage accordance with exercise regimes. However, Dr. Rifat notes that the evidence for the effectiveness of such schemes is generally 19 , and more quantitative research is 20 .1. A soB evenC despiteD and2. A interestingB abundantC clear

7、D reasonable3. A wentB cameC performedD turned4. A approachesB situationsC problemsD examples5. A realityB reorganizationC deliveryD discovery6. A fall intoB sum upC associate withD subject to7. A cooperatingB incorporatingC adaptingD adopting8. A riseB boostC produceD encourage9. A questionsB incid

8、entsC casesD trials10. A reducesB degradesC deservesD drops11. A called uponB switched toC rolled outD went through12. A intoB forC onD from13. A whatB whoseC whichD who14. A askB informC adoptD contact15. A campaignB eventC decisionD communication16. A offB withC againstD in17. A FinallyB HoweverC

9、UsuallyD Obviously18. A buyB receiveC getD take19. A unscientificB realC anecdotalD legal20. A gainedB acquiredC neededD givenPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1Prudent in

10、vestors learned long ago that putting your eggs into lots of baskets reduces risk. Conservationists have now hit on a similar idea: a population of endangered animals will have a better chance of survival if it is divided into interconnected groups. The prospects of the species will be better becaus

11、e the chance that all the constituent subpopulations will die out at the same time is low. And, in the long term, it matters little if one or two groups do disappear, because immigrants from better-faring patches will eventually reestablish the species old haunts.One endangered species divided in ju

12、st this way is the worlds rarest carnivore, the Ethiopian wolf, which lives high in the meadows of the Bale Mountains. Just 350 exist in three pockets of meadow connected by narrow valleys in the Bale Mountains National Park, with a further 150 outside this area.Two of the main threats to the Ethiop

13、ian wolf come from diseases carried by domestic dogs. One of these, rabies, is of particular concern because it is epidemic in the dog population. At first blush, vaccinating the wolves against rabies seems a simple solution. It would be ambitious, because the prevailing thinking that all individual

14、s matter and therefore all outbreaks of disease should be completely halted implies that a large proportion of wolves would need to be vaccinated.Dan Haydon, of the University of Glasgow, and his colleagues believe that conservation biologists should think differently. With the exception of humans,

15、species are important but individuals are not. Some outbreaks of disease can be tolerated. In a paper published this week in Nature, they recast the mathematics of vaccination with this in mind.On epidemiologists standard assumption that every individual counts, vaccination programmes are intended t

16、o prevent epidemics by ensuring that each infected animal, on average, passes the disease on to less than one healthy animal. This implies that around two-thirds of all the wolves would need to be vaccinated. A programme that sought to save a species rather than individuals would allow each infected

17、 wolf to pass the disease on to more than one healthy animal and hence require fewer vaccinations. Dr Haydon and his colleagues have calculated, using data from a rabies outbreak in 2003, that vaccinating between 10% and 25% would suffice, provided veterinarians gave jabs to those wolves living in t

18、he narrow valleys that connect the subpopulations.If the threat of rabies arose every five years, targeting all the wolves in the corridors would cut the risk of extinction over a 20-year period by fourfold. If this were backed up by vaccinating a mere 10% of the wolves in the three connected meadow

19、s, the chance of extinction would drop to less than one in 1,000. Saving a few seems to be an efficient way of protecting the many.21. By citing prudent investors idea, the author wants to illustrate that_.A conservationists got inspirations from it.B endangered animals can be protected in a similar

20、 way.C the prospects of some species depend on conservation.D the subpopulations will die without being put into different groups.22. The Ethiopian wolf_.A is facing the risk of extinction as the rarest carnivore.B is separated into three groups to achieve survival.C lives in narrow valleys in the B

21、ale Mountains.D has altogether 350 alive in the world.23. The idea that nearly all the wolves would need to be vaccinated_.A is due to that rabies carried by dogs is epidemic.B is very easy to be realized by local medical administration.C is based on the thinking that every wolf is necessarily prote

22、cted.D is supported by Dan Haydon of the University of Glasgow.24. From the last two paragraphs, we know that_.A if each individual counts, one-third of wolves have to be vaccinated.B Dr. Haydon proved epidemiologists standard assumption is right.C to vaccinate 10% to 25% of wolves living in the con

23、nected meadows is enough.D it takes 20 years to reduce risk of extinction if all the wolves are targeted.25. The main purpose of the text is to_.A show the dangers Ethiopian wolves are facing with.B inform people of the prospects Ethiopian wolves.C teach how to divide Ethiopian wolves into groups.D

24、tell how to protect Ethiopian wolves from rabies.Text 2It is no longer just dirty blue-collar jobs in manufacturing that are being sucked offshore but also white-collar service jobs, which used to be considered safe from foreign competition. Telecoms charges have tumbled, allowing workers in far-flu

25、ng locations to be connected cheaply to customers in the developed world. This has made it possible to offshore services that were once non-tradable. Morgan Stanleys Mr. Roach has been drawing attention to the fact that the global labor arbitrage is moving rapidly to the better kinds of jobs. It is

26、no longer just basic data processing and call centers that are being outsourced to low-wage countries, but also software programming, medical diagnostics, engineering design, law, accounting, finance and business consulting. These can now be delivered electronically from anywhere in the world, expos

27、ing skilled white-collar workers to greater competition.The standard retort to such arguments is that outsourcing abroad is too small to matter much. So far fewer than lm American service-sector jobs have been lost to off-shoring. Forrester Research forecasts that by 2015 a total of 3.4m jobs in ser

28、vices will have moved abroad, but that is tiny compared with the 30m jobs destroyed and created in America every year. The trouble is that such studies allow only for the sorts of jobs that are already being off-shored, when in reality the proportion of jobs that can be moved will rise as IT advance

29、s and education improves in emerging economies.Alan Blinder, an economist at Princeton University, believes that most economists are underestimating the disruptive effects of off-shoring, and that in future two to three times as many service jobs will be susceptible to off-shoring as in manufacturin

30、g. This would imply that at least 30% of all jobs might be at risk. In practice the number of jobs off-shored to China or India is likely to remain fairly modest. Even so, the mere threat that they could be shifted will depress wages:Moreover, says Mr. Blinder, education offers no protection. Highly

31、 skilled accountants, radiologists or computer programmers now have to compete with electronically delivered competition from abroad, whereas humble taxi drivers, janitors and crane operators remain safe from off-shoring. This may help to explain why the real median wage of American graduates hat fallen by 6% since 2000, a bigger decline than in average wages.In the 1980s an

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