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银行英语会话 第9课.docx

1、银行英语会话 第9课银行英语会话 第9课 Lesson 9 Credit Card信用卡Key SentencesWhat is the procedure to apply for a Dragon Card?我想办理龙卡,需要哪些手续?You can open a Great Wall card with your ID and a current account bankbook.凭你的身分证可办理长城食用卡,或是活期存折。You can open a Great Wall card with your ID and a current account bankbook.凭你的身分证可办

2、理长城食用卡,或是活期存折。You can use it at any ATM.您能够在任何一台自动柜员机上使用.Insert your Great Wall card at first and enter your pin number, then choose the service item.先插入长城卡,输入密码,然后选择服务项目.Insert your Great Wall card at first and enter your pin number, then choose the service item.先插入长城卡,输入密码,然后选择服务项目.Can I overdraw

3、with the credit card?我能在信用卡上透支吗?You can withdraw cash with the credit card two times a day.您每天能够用信用卡支取现金两次,and each time you can withdraw RMB 1,500 maximum.每次限度为1,500元.According to the credit card rules, the applicant should be a permanent address resident of Shanghai.根据信用卡规则,申请人必须是持上海常住户口的居民.Accord

4、ing to the credit card rules, the applicant should be a permanent address resident of Shanghai.根据信用卡规则,申请人必须是持上海常住户口的居民.If he complies with the conditions he can apply for a Peony Card如果他符合这些条件,即可申请牡丹卡.If you want to deposit or withdraw cash with a Peony Card,牡丹卡存取现金,please go to counter 6.请到6号柜台办理.

5、If you want to deposit or withdraw cash with a Peony Card,牡丹卡存取现金,please go to counter 6.请到6号柜台办理.Dialogue 1A:Excuse me,May I obtain a cash advance with my Visa card?劳驾,我可用维泽卡兑换一些钱吗?B:Yes,we do that for our customers.Please show me the card.是的,我们为顾客提供这种服务.请给我看看您的信用卡.A:Here you are.给您.B:Well,we can a

6、dvance a certain sum of money against your credit card.好,凭您的信用卡我们能够预付一定金额.How much do you want to withdraw?您要支取多少钱?A:Is it possible for me to withdraw US$1,000?我能够支取一千美元吗?B:Yes,that can be done是的,能够的.Then I will withdraw a sum of US$1,000.And this is my passport.好的,我就支取一千美元.这是我的护照.B:Good.Please fill

7、 out this memo.好的.请填写一下这张兑换水单.A:Ive completed it. Here you are.我填好了,给你.B:OK.Please wait a minute.Here is your US$1,000 in Chinese yuan.好,请稍等一会儿.这是您一千美元所换的人民币.And your passport and the exchange memo.Please check them.给你护照和兑换水单.请核对.A:Yes,correct.好的,没错.Notes 1.May I obtain a cash advance with my Visa c

8、ard?我可用维泽卡兑换一些钱吗?American Express Master Card美国运通卡 万事达卡Diners Club就餐俱乐部卡,大来信用卡Federal Card Visa Card发达卡 维泽卡,签证卡Great Wall Card Peony Card Dragon Card长城卡 牡丹卡 龙卡2.Well,we can advance a certain sum of money against your credit card.好,凭您的信用卡我们能够预付一定金额.Advance预付The boss was asked to advance her a months

9、salary.老板被要求预付给她一个月的薪水.Pay him an advance of $20 on his wages.给他预支20美元的工资.Once againA:Excuse me,May I obtain a cash advance with my Visa card?劳驾,我可用维泽卡兑换一些钱吗?B:Yes,we do that for our customers.是的,我们为顾客提供这种服务.Please show me the card.请给我看看您的信用卡.A:Here you are.给您.B:Well,we can advance a certain sum of

10、money against your credit card.好,凭您的信用卡我们能够预付一定金额.How much do you wantto withdraw?您要支取多少钱?A:Is it possible for me to withdraw US$1,000?我能够支取一千美元吗?B:Yes,that can be done是的,能够的.A:Then Ill withdraw a sum of US$1,000.And this is my passport.好的,我就支取一千美元.这是我的护照.B:Good.Please fill out this memo.好的.请填写一下这张兑

11、换水单.A:Ive completed it. Here you are.我填好了,给你.B:OK.Please wait a minute.Here is your US$1,000 in Chinese yuan.好,请稍等一会儿.这是您一千美元所换的人民币.And your passport and the exchange memo.Please check them.给你护照和兑换水单.请核对.A:Yes,correct.好的,没错.Dialogue 2A:Could you please tell me how to obtain a Great Wall Card?请告诉我,怎样

12、办理长城卡?B:You can apply for a Great Wall Card with your ID and current account bankbook.凭身份证和活期存折即可开立信用卡.A:Then would you please tell me how to use a Great Wall Card?那么,你能告示诉我怎样使用长城卡吗?B:Sure,sir.当然能够,先生.The credit card is very convenient for people to do shopping or to obtain cash人们使用信用卡购物和兑钱都很方便.You

13、could use it at any ATM in Shanghai.您能够在上海的任何一部自动取款机上使用.First insert your Great Wall Card and enter your PIN number,先插入长城卡,输入密码,then choose a service item.然后选择服务项目.You may check your account,withdraw cash,or correct your pin number.您可核对账户,提取现金和修改密码.A:Can I overdraw with a Great Wall Card?我能在长城卡上透支吗?

14、B:Im afraid you cant恐怕不行.A:Could I use the Great Wall Card in the other cities in China?我是否能在中国其他城市使用长城卡?B:Yes,sir.You could use it.是的,先生.您能够使用.The service charge is 1% of the sum advanced.服务项目是预付金额的百分之一.A:Thanks a lot.B:My pleasure.I hope to meet you again.非常感谢.不用谢,希望再次见到您.Once againA:Could you ple

15、ase tell me how to obtain a Great Wall Card?请告诉我,怎样办理长城卡?B:You can apply for a Great Wall Card with your ID and current account bankbook凭身份证和活期存折即可开立信用卡.A:Then would you please tell me how to use a Great Wall Card那么,你能告示诉我怎样使用长城卡吗?B:Sure,sir.当然能够,先生.The credit card is very convenient for people to d

16、o shopping人们用食用卡购物都很方便,or to obtain cash.或是兑钱。You could use it at any ATM in Shanghai.您能够在上海的任何一部自动取款机上使用.First insert your Great Wall Card and enter your PIN number,先插入长城卡,输入密码,then choose a service item.然后选择服务项目.You may check your account,withdraw cash,or correct your pin number.您可核对账户,提取现金和修改密码.A

17、:Can I overdraw with a Great Wall Card?B:Im afraid you cant我能在长城卡上透支吗?恐怕不行.A:Could I use the Great Wall Card in the other cities in China?我是否能在中国其他城市使用长城卡?B:Yes,sir.You could use it.是的,先生.您能够使用.The service charge is 1% of the sum advanced服务项目是预付金额的百分之一.A:Thanks a lot.B:My pleasure.I hope to meet you

18、 again.非常感谢.不用谢,希望再次见到您.Dialogue 3 A:Good afternoon,Bank of China Shanghai Branch.您好,中国银行上海分行.B:This is Gordon speaking.Is that Lin Li?我是高登,您是林丽吗?A:Speaking.请讲.B:Ive been told you phoned me this morning Whats the matter?据说上午您打电话给我,什么事?A:I was phoning to tell you that you had left your credit card on

19、 our counter我打电话是为了告诉您.您把信用卡遗忘在我们柜台上了.B:Dear me.How careless I was!天哪,我多粗心啊!A:The moment we found it,we tried to call you back.我们一发现就想马上叫您回来But you were already out of sight.可您已经不见了。B:Terribly sorry.实在对不起.Would you please tell me when I can come to fetch my credit card?请告诉我什么时候我可来取我的信用卡?A:Our busine

20、ss hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.我们的营业时间是上午9点到下午5点.You may come and pick it at any time.您什么时候来取都行.B:Thank you very much.I do appreciate your service.太谢谢了.Perhaps Ill come and fetch it tomorrow morning.我也许明天上午来取.A:Very well.Ill be there tomorrow.好的,明天我在这里.B:A thousand thanks to you.See you tomorr

21、ow非常感谢.明天见.A:You are welcome. Goodbye!不用谢,明天见.Once againA:Good afternoon,Bank of China Shanghai Branch.您好,中国银行上海分行.B:This is Gordon speaking.Is that Lin Li?我是高登,您是林丽吗?A:Speaking.请讲.B:Ive been told you phoned me this morning.Whats the matter?据说上午您打电话给我,什么事?A:I was phoning to tell you that you had lef

22、t your credit card on our counter我打电话是为了告诉您. 您把信用卡遗忘在我们柜台上了.B:Dear me.How careless I was!天哪,我多粗心啊!A:The moment we found it.we tried to call you back.我们一发现就想马上叫您回来.But you were already out of sight.可您已经不见了.B:Terribly sorry.实在对不起.Would you please tell me when I can come to fetch my credit card?请告诉我什么时

23、候我可来取我的信用卡?A:Our business hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.我们的营业时间是上午9点到下午5点.You may come and pick it at any time.您什么时候来取都行.B:Thank you very much.I do appreciate your service.太谢谢了.Perhaps Ill come and fetch it tomorrow morning.我也许明天上午来取.A:Very well.Ill be there tomorrow.好的,明天我在这里.B:A thousand thank

24、s to you.See you tomorrow.A:You are welcome.Goodbye!非常感谢.明天见.不用谢,明天见.Dialogue 4 A:Hello,sir.你好,先生.Can I cash my personal checks Guaranteed by American Express Card here?我能够在这里兑付由美国运通信用卡作担保的私人支票吗?B:Yes.How much do you want to cash?能够.您要兑多少?A:Five hundred US dollars.500美元.B:Im sorry to say that很抱歉,acc

25、ording to the Authorization Centers rule of the American Express Card,根据运通卡授权中心的规定,the maximum amount drawable each time cannot exceed four hundred US dollars私人支票兑付的限额为每次400美元.If you need five hundred US dollars,如果您要兑付500美元的话,we need to call for authorization,and this takes about two days.我们要通知中心给予授

26、权,这需要两天时间.A:Really?I dont know about that.真的吗?我不知道这种情况.In that case,Ill take only four hundred US dollars,please.既然这样,那我只兑付400美元吧B:All right.Then please fill out this cash slip.好的.请填写这张兑付单.A:Here you are.B:Here is your money.已填好了.给您钱.The exchange rate is one hundred US dollars兑换率为100美元equivalent to

27、eight hundred and thirty-three yuan RMB.兑换833元人民币So the total amount is RMB 3,332.Please count A:Its correct.Thank you.所以总额为3,332元人民币.请点一下.对的.谢谢你.Once again A:Hello,sir.你好,先生.Can I cash my personal checks Guaranteed by American Express Card here?我能够在这里兑付由美国运通信用卡作担保的私人支票吗?B:Yes.How much do you want t

28、o cash?能够.您要兑多少?A:Five hundred US dollars.500美元.B:Im sorry to say that很抱歉,according to the Authorization Centers rule of the American Express Card,根据运通卡授权中心的规定,the maximum amount drawable each time cannot exceed four hundred US dollars私人支票兑付的限额为每次400美元.If you need five hundred US dollars,如果您要兑付500美元

29、的话,we need to call for authorization,and this takes about two days.我们要通知中心给予授权,这需要两天时间.A:Really?I dont know about that.真的吗?我不知道这种情况.In that case,Ill take only four hundred US dollars,please.既然这样,那我只兑付400美元吧B:All right.Then please fill out this cash slip.A:Here you are.好的.请填写这张兑付单.已填好了.B:Here is your money.给您钱.The exchange rate is one hundred US dollars兑换率100美元equivalent to eight hundred and thirty-three yuan RMB.兑换833元人民币,So the total amount is RMB 3,332.Please count.所以总额为3,332元人民币.请点一下.A:Its correct.Thank you.对的.谢谢你.

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