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1、企业破产法中英文westlawEnterprise Bankruptcy Law of the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国企业破产法Promulgating Institution: Standing Committee of the National Peoples CongressDocument Number: Order No. 54 of the President of the Peoples Republic of ChinaPromulgating Date: 08/27/2006Effective Date: 06/01/2007Vali

2、dity Status: Valid颁布机关: 全国人民代表大会常务委员会文 号: 中华人民共和国主席令第五十四号颁布时间: 08/27/2006实施时间: 06/01/2007效力状态: 有效Text正文Order No. 54 of the President of the Peoples Republic of China The Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the Peoples Republic of China adopted at the 23rd Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Nati

3、onal Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on 27 August 2006 is hereby promulgated, and shall be effective as of 1 June 2007. Hu Jintao, President of the Peoples Republic of China 27 August 2006 中华人民共和国主席令第五十四号 中华人民共和国企业破产法已由中华人民共和国第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议于2006年8月27日通过,现予公布,自2007年6月1日起施行。

4、 中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛 2006年8月27日 Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the Peoples Republic of China(Adopted at the 23rd Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on 27 August 2006) 中华人民共和国企业破产法(2006年8月27日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议通过) ContentsChapter 1: G

5、eneral ProvisionsChapter 2: Application and Acceptance Section 1: Application Section 2: AcceptanceChapter 3: ReceiverChapter 4: Property of DebtorsChapter 5: Expenses of Bankruptcy and Debts Incurred for the Creditors Common InterestsChapter 6: Declaration of Creditors RightsChapter 7: Creditors Me

6、eting Section 1: General Provisions Section 2: Creditors CommitteeChapter 8: Reorganization Section 1: Application and Period of Reorganization Section 2: Formulation and Approval of Reorganization Plan Section 3: Execution of Reorganization PlanChapter 9: ReconciliationChapter 10: Bankruptcy Liquid

7、ation Section 1: Declaration of Bankruptcy Section 2: Realization and Distribution Section 3: Termination of Bankruptcy ProcedureChapter 11: Legal LiabilityChapter 12: Supplementary Provisions 第一章 总则 第二章 申请和受理 第一节 申请 第二节 受理 第三章 管理人 第四章 债务人财产 第五章 破产费用和共益债务 第六章 债权申报 第七章 债权人会议 第一节 一般规定 第二节 债权人委员会 第八章 重

8、整 第一节 重整申请和重整期间 第二节 重整计划的制定和批准 第三节 重整计划的执行 第九章 和解 第十章 破产清算 第一节 破产宣告 第二节 变价和分配 第三节 破产程序的终结 第十一章 法律责任 第十二章 附则 Chapter 1: General Provisions第一章 总则 Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to regulate the enterprise bankruptcy procedure, clear creditors rights and debts on the basis of fairness, protec

9、t the lawful rights and interests of creditors and debtors, and maintain the order of the socialist market economy. 第一条 为规范企业破产程序,公平清理债权债务,保护债权人和债务人的合法权益,维护社会主义市场经济秩序,制定本法。 Article 2 Where an enterprise legal person is incapable of paying off its due and payable debts and its property is not suffici

10、ent to pay off all the debts, or it obviously lacks the capability to pay off its debts, the debts shall be cleared in accordance with the provisions of this Law.An enterprise legal person that falls under the circumstance specified in the preceding paragraph or obviously loses the capability of deb

11、t repayment may be subject to reorganization pursuant to the provisions of this Law. 第二条 企业法人不能清偿到期债务,并且资产不足以清偿全部债务或者明显缺乏清偿能力的,依照本法规定清理债务。 企业法人有前款规定情形,或者有明显丧失清偿能力可能的,可以依照本法规定进行重整。 Article 3 Bankruptcy cases shall be under the jurisdiction of the peoples court at the place where the debtor is domicil

12、ed. 第三条 破产案件由债务人住所地人民法院管辖。 Article 4 With regard to the procedure for trying bankruptcy cases, if it is not specified in this Law, the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law shall apply. 第四条 破产案件审理程序,本法没有规定的,适用民事诉讼法的有关规定。 Article 5 The bankruptcy procedure initiated in accordance with this L

13、aw shall be effective in respect to the debtors property outside the territory of the Peoples Republic of China.Where an application or request is filed with a peoples court to acknowledge and execute a legally effective judgment or ruling made by a foreign court for a bankruptcy case that involves

14、the property of a debtor within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, the peoples court shall conduct an examination pursuant to the international treaties China has concluded or acceded to or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity. If the application or request neither violates the

15、basic principles of the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, nor damages the sovereignty and security of the State or the social public interest, nor harms the lawful rights and interests of the creditors within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, the peoples court shall make a decisio

16、n to recognize and enforce the judgment or ruling. 第五条 依照本法开始的破产程序,对债务人在中华人民共和国领域外的财产发生效力。 对外国法院作出的发生法律效力的破产案件的判决、裁定,涉及债务人在中华人民共和国领域内的财产,申请或者请求人民法院承认和执行的,人民法院依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则进行审查,认为不违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则,不损害国家主权、安全和社会公共利益,不损害中华人民共和国领域内债权人的合法权益的,裁定承认和执行。 Article 6 When trying a bankruptcy cas

17、e, a peoples court shall, in accordance with the law, guarantee the lawful rights and interests of the staff members of the enterprises and subject the operation management personnel of the bankrupt enterprise concerned to legal liability. 第六条 人民法院审理破产案件,应当依法保障企业职工的合法权益,依法追究破产企业经营管理人员的法律责任。 Chapter

18、2: Application and AcceptanceSection 1: Application 第二章 申请和受理 第一节 申请 Article 7 If a debtor falls under the circumstance specified in Article 2 of this Law, an application may be filed with a peoples court for reorganization, reconciliation, or bankruptcy liquidation.In the event that a debtor fails

19、to pay off the due and payable debts, the creditor may file an application with a peoples court for reorganization and bankruptcy liquidation for the debtor.Where an enterprise legal person is dissolved but has not been liquidated or the liquidation is not completed, and the assets are not enough to

20、 pay off the debts, the person bearing liability for liquidation in accordance with the law shall apply to a peoples court for bankruptcy liquidation. 第七条 债务人有本法第二条规定的情形,可以向人民法院提出重整、和解或者破产清算申请。 债务人不能清偿到期债务,债权人可以向人民法院提出对债务人进行重整或者破产清算的申请。 企业法人已解散但未清算或者未清算完毕,资产不足以清偿债务的,依法负有清算责任的人应当向人民法院申请破产清算。 Article

21、8 An application for bankruptcy filed with a peoples court shall be subject to submission of a written application for bankruptcy and the relevant evidence.The written application for bankruptcy shall specify the following matters:(1) Basic information of the applicant and the respondent; (2) Purpos

22、e of application; (3) Facts and reasons for the application; and(4) Other matters that the peoples court deems necessary to specify.In the event that the application is filed by a debtor, the statements on the financial conditions, list of debts, list of creditors rights, relevant financial and acco

23、unting reports, staff member arrangement plan, and payment of the salaries of the staff members and their social insurance premiums shall also be submitted to the peoples court. 第八条 向人民法院提出破产申请,应当提交破产申请书和有关证据。 破产申请书应当载明下列事项: (一)申请人、被申请人的基本情况; (二)申请目的; (三)申请的事实和理由; (四)人民法院认为应当载明的其他事项。 债务人提出申请的,还应当向人民

24、法院提交财产状况说明、债务清册、债权清册、有关财务会计报告、职工安置预案以及职工工资的支付和社会保险费用的缴纳情况。 Article 9 Before a peoples court accepts an application for bankruptcy, the applicant may request to withdraw the application. 第九条 人民法院受理破产申请前,申请人可以请求撤回申请。 Section 2: Acceptance 第二节 受理 Article 10 In the case that the application for bankrupt

25、cy is filed by a creditor, the peoples court shall notify the debtor within five days as of receipt of the application. The debtor shall, if having any opposition to the application, raise the opposition to the peoples court within seven days as of receipt of the notice from the peoples court. The p

26、eoples court shall make a decision of whether or not to accept the application within ten days as of the expiry of the period of opposition.Except for the circumstance specified in the preceding paragraph, a peoples court shall make a decision on whether or not to accept the application within 15 da

27、ys as of receipt of the application for bankruptcy.Where an extension of the time limit for making a decision on acceptance is required under special circumstances, 15 days may be extended upon approval of the peoples court at the next higher level. 第十条 债权人提出破产申请的,人民法院应当自收到申请之日起五日内通知债务人。债务人对申请有异议的,应

28、当自收到人民法院的通知之日起七日内向人民法院提出。人民法院应当自异议期满之日起十日内裁定是否受理。 除前款规定的情形外,人民法院应当自收到破产申请之日起十五日内裁定是否受理。 有特殊情况需要延长前两款规定的裁定受理期限的,经上一级人民法院批准,可以延长十五日。 Article 11 A peoples court shall, in the case of accepting an application for acceptance, serve the decision on the applicant within five days after the decision is made

29、.In the event that the application is filed by a creditor, the peoples court shall serve the decision on the debtor within five days after the decision is made. The debtor shall, within 15 days after the decision is served, submit to the peoples court the statement on the financial conditions, list

30、of debts, list of creditors rights, relevant financial and accounting reports, and payment of the salaries of the staff members and their social insurance premiums. 第十一条 人民法院受理破产申请的,应当自裁定作出之日起五日内送达申请人。 债权人提出申请的,人民法院应当自裁定作出之日起五日内送达债务人。债务人应当自裁定送达之日起十五日内,向人民法院提交财产状况说明、债务清册、债权清册、有关财务会计报告以及职工工资的支付和社会保险费用

31、的缴纳情况。 Article 12 Where a peoples court decides not to accept an application for bankruptcy, it shall, within five days after the decision is made, serve it on the applicant and explain the reasons. The applicant may, if dissatisfied with the decision, file an action with a peoples court at the next

32、 higher level within ten days after the decision is served.A peoples court may, after accepting the application for bankruptcy and before bankruptcy is declared, make a decision to reject the application if upon examination the debtor is found not to conform to the circumstance specified in Article 2 of this Law. The applicant may, if dissatisfied with the decision

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