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全国卷高考英语二轮专题限时集训20 完形填空说明文.docx

1、全国卷高考英语二轮专题限时集训20 完形填空说明文专题限时集训(二十)完形填空说明文(对应学生用书第129页)A 【导学号:52384073】(2016湖北八校联考)Most people are poor listeners.Even when we think we are listening carefully,we usually 1 only half of what we hear,and we remember even less.Improving your listening skills can be 2 in every part of your life.The mos

2、t important 3 of poor listening is giving in to distractions (分心的事物) and letting our thoughts 4 Sometimes,however,we listen too 5 We try to remember every word a speaker says,and we lose the 6 message by concentrating on details.In other situations,we may jump to conclusions and 7 a speaker without

3、hearing out the message.Finally,we often judge people by their 8 or speaking manner 9 listening to what they say.You can 10 these poor listening habits by taking several steps.First,take listening 11 and commit yourself to becoming a better listener.Second,work at being a(n) 12 listener.Give your un

4、divided attention to the speaker in a genuine effort to 13 her or his ideas.Third, 14 distractions.Make a conscious effort to keep your mind on what the speaker is saying.Fourth,try not to be 15 by appearance or delivery. 16 preconceived (事先形成的) judgments based on a persons looks or manner of speech

5、.Fifth,suspend (延缓) judgment 17 you have heard the speakers entire message.Sixth, 18 your listening by paying attention to main points,to evidence,and to the speakers techniques.Finally,develop your notetaking skills.When done 19 ,note taking is an excellent way to improve your concentration and to

6、keep track of a speakers 20 It almost forces you to become a more attentive and creative listener.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了如何才能成为一名好的倾听者。1Agrasp BrealizeCbelieve DchooseA根据上文的“poor listeners”及下文的“remember even less”可知,即便认真去听,我们通常也只能“领会(grasp)”所听到的一半内容。2Adifficult BhelpfulCpossible DpracticalB下文介绍的是提高听力技能的方

7、法,所以此处指提高听力技能对生活的方方面面都有“帮助(helpful)”。3Arole BfactorCfunction DcauseD容易受干扰是听力差的最重要的“原因(cause)”。4Apass BwanderCstop DstayB根据上文的“giving in to distractions(分心的事情)”可知,此处指思绪“乱飞(wander)”。5Along BclearlyChard DpassivelyC根据下文的“We try to remember every word”可知,有时,我们听不好是因为听得“过于认真(hard)”了。6Amain BnewCuseful Dhi

8、ddenA根据下文的“concentrating on details”可知,此处指没抓住“主要(main)”信息。7Aprejudge BignoreCdoubt DleaveA根据下文的“without hearing out the message”可知,没听完对方说什么,就“妄下结论(prejudge)”。8Awords BspeedCbehavior DappearanceD根据speaking manner可知,人们经常通过“外表(appearance)”或说话方式,“而不是(instead of)”对方所讲的内容来评价一个人。下一段的“looks or manner of spe

9、ech”也是提示。9Adue to Balong withCinstead of Dexcept forC参见上题解析。10Apick up Bgive upCtake up Dput upB下文提到的方法都是帮助大家“改掉(give up)”不良听力习惯的。11Aseriously BnaturallyCpersonally DwronglyA根据下文的“commit yourself”可知,听别人说话时应该“认真(seriously)”。take sth. seriously“严肃认真地对待某事”。12Aclever BactiveCfree DpowerfulB根据下文中的“undivi

10、ded attention”和“genuine effort”可知,我们应该做一个“积极的(active)”倾听者,努力去“听懂(understand)”对方要表达的意思。13Atest BsupportCunderstand DdiscussC参见上题解析。14Aconsider BshareCwatch DresistD根据下文的“keep your mind on what the speaker is saying”可知,倾听时需要“抵制(resist)”干扰。15Aaffected BpuzzledCreplaced DpersuadedA根据上一段及下文中的“judgments b

11、ased on a persons looks or manner of speech”可知,此处是说不要被外表等因素“影响(affected)”,把那些事先形成的判断都“抛到一边(Set aside)”。16ASet aside BSet downCSet off DSet outA参见上题解析。17Athough BwhenCuntil DsinceC要“一直等到(until)”对方说完再下结论。18Acheck BfocusCorganize DmonitorB根据下文的“main points”可知,此处指要“集中(focus)”精力去听。19Aeagerly BsecretlyCsl

12、owly DproperlyD只有记笔记的方法“得当(properly)”,它才能在听力中发挥积极的作用。20Aquestions Bplans Cideas DchangesC记笔记当然是为了记录说话者的“观点(ideas)”。BSometimes we talk about a very simple termlike the word “take”But“take” is not as simple as it 21 In fact,the Oxford English Dictionary calls it one of the “elemental words of the Engl

13、ish language”Many expressions using the 22 “take” first appeared in American English 23 ago and have not changed at all.For example,the 24 Etymology Online says the saying “take it or leave it” was first used in the late 19th century.But you can 25 this phrase commonly used in many 26 situations.The

14、 phrase “to take it out on someone or something” means “to 27 anger at someone or something”It is a 28 of misplaced anger.Another website says this expression was first 29 in 1840.Lets say your friend who lost his job.He is 30 and shouts at you for something unrelated.You can say to him,“Look,I 31 y

15、oure upset.But dont take it out on me.I didnt 32 you!”Taking it out on someone is very different from having giveandtake with someone.Giveandtake is the process that 33 sides go through to reach a(n) 34 Its a compromise.Both sides 35 something they want but also take something they want.Giveandtake

16、can 36 mean the act of exchanging ideas or comments.If you are simply taken by someone,you either show complete respect for or are 37 in love with the person. 38 ,“She is really taken by the new man in the office.He is all she talks about!”So,do you see what we 39 ?The word “take” has so many 40 You

17、 can take our word for it.That means you can trust us.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了单词“take”所涉及的一些短语的用法。21Aappears Bsounds Cspeaks DfeelsB根据上文提到的“Sometimes we talk about a very simple term”可知,有时候我们谈论一个非常简单的术语,但是“take”这个词并不像它听起来那么简单。故选B项。22Asituation Bperiod Cword DsentenceC许多的词组都使用了“take”这个英语单词。故选C项。23Amonths

18、 Bweeks Chours DyearsD根据下文的“the saying take it or leave itwas first used in the late 19th century”可知,使用“take”的词组首次出现在美国英语中是在数年前。故选D项。24Awebsite BorganizationCdepartment DbusinessA根据空后的“Etymology Online”以及下文的“Another website says”可知,这是一个网站。故选A项。25Apresent Bfind Ccall DconsiderB但是你能发现这个短语普遍被使用在许多不同情境中

19、。present“呈献”;find“发现”;call“称呼”;consider“认为”。故选B项。26Ainteresting BstrangeCdifferent DamazingC参见上题解析。27Ashare BstopCmake DexpressD根据下文的“misplaced anger”可知,此处表示该短语意思是“向某人或某物表达怒气”。故选D项。28Asign BlevelCsymbol DresponseA根据下文的“He is 30 and shouts at you for something unrelated”可知,你的朋友因不相关的事情冲你发火,这是一种不适宜的怒火的

20、标志(sign)。故选A项。level“水平”,symbol“象征”,response“回答”,均与语境不符。29Akept BusedCformed DdevelopedB因为上文中提到了含有take的许多短语第一次被使用的时间,由此可推断此处表示短语“to take it out on someone or something”第一次被使用的时间。故选B项。30Asurprised BcuriousCangry DshyC根据上文的“Lets say your friend who lost his job”和空后的“shouts at you for something unrelate

21、d”可知,此处表示“他生气并且因为不相关的事情向你大吼”。所以选C项。31Amind BfollowCget DknowD根据下文的“But dont take it out on me”可知,此处表示“我知道你心烦。但是你别冲我发火”。故选D项。32Afire BignoreChurt DcheatA因为上文提到朋友失去了工作,所以此处应表示“不要向我发火,我没有解雇你”。故选A项。33Aopposing BkindCoperating DdistantA根据下文的“Its a compromise”可知,互相忍让是一种妥协。由此可推断,互相忍让的双方是对立的。故选A项。34Aconclus

22、ion BagreementCpoint DdecisionB互相忍让是对立的双方所经历的一个达成协议的过程。下文中的“Its a compromise”是提示。故选B项。35Atake up Bgive offCgive up Dtake offC根据上文的“giveandtake”以及下文的“but also take something they want”可知,此处应表示“双方放弃他们想要的一些东西也获取了他们想要的一些东西”。give up意为“放弃”,故选C项。take up“从事,占据”;give off“发出(光、热、声音等)”;take off“起飞,匆匆脱下”。36Ayet

23、 BstillCever DalsoD此处表达的是“giveandtake”的另一层意思,与上文形成并列关系,故选D项。37Ainitially Brecently Ctotally DfinallyC根据空前的“you either show complete respect for or”可知,你或者表达对某人的完全尊重或者完全爱上某人。故选C项。38AFor sure BIn additionCIn fact DFor exampleD此处是举例说明短语“taken by someone”的意思。故选D项。39Aplan BmeanCbuy DstudyB根据下文的“That means

24、 you can trust us”可知,此处表示“你明白我们的意思了吗”。故选B项。40Auses BstoriesCways DdeedsA从上文的内容可知,单词“take”被用于许多的短语中,因此此处表示“单词take有许多的用法”。故选A项。CTrees play a vital part in keeping the balance of the ecosystem.Cutting too many trees for urban use and other purposes does great harm to the environmental 41 It is needless

25、 to say that deforestation (砍伐树林) has 42 effects on the environment.One of the major disadvantages of deforestation is that it 43 the water cycle.Trees are 44 for drawing water from the soil and releasing moisture (水分) into the atmosphere.Deforestation disturbs the water cycle and makes the environm

26、ent 45 Climate change is a (n) 46 of cutting down too many trees.Burning of forests 47 a large amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,which are known for trapping atmospheric heat, 48 increasing the average temperature of the earth surface.The rise in the average temperature of our plan

27、et is bound to 49 sea level.Global warming has already begun causing the 50 of the ice at the poles,thus adding to the rise in sea level.Animals 51 trees or other plants.By cutting down trees,we 52 animals of their sources of food and cause the destruction of animal life.It can lead to the 53 of a v

28、ariety of animal species.Global warming that is largely caused by deforestation 54 endangers plants and animals.It is believed that the use of fossil 55 oil and gascauses global warming.But research has revealed that deforestation is one of its major 56 It is the main reason behind the 57 of greenho

29、use gases in the atmosphere, 58 to the greenhouse effect.So,we need to show greater 59 for deforestation.We need to take measures to 60 deforestation so that we can hope for a better environment.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。砍伐树林会对环境、生态、气候等造成很大破坏。因此我们应该采取措施保护树林。41Abalance BpollutionCdamage DscienceA根据上文中的“keeping th

30、e balance of the ecosystem”可知,大量砍伐树木会对环境的平衡造成极大的破坏。42Apositive BextraCvarious DmagicalC联系下文中的“One of the major disadvantages of deforestation”可知,砍伐树林对环境造成了各种各样的(various)破坏。43Acompletes BrepeatsCbenefits DdestroysD结合空前的“the major disadvantages”可知,砍伐树林会破坏水循环。故选D。44Afamous BresponsibleCready DpossibleB从下文内容可知,树木负责从土壤中汲取水分,并向空气中释放。故选B。45Adrier BwarmerCcolder DcoolerA根据上文内容可知,砍伐树林破坏了水循环,环境会变得更加干燥。46Aoutcome Be

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