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牛津沪教版六年级英语上6BModule 1 Unit 1语法及拓展.docx

1、牛津沪教版六年级英语上6BModule 1 Unit 1语法及拓展学 科英语课题名称6B M1 Unit1 Great cities in Asia.语法及拓展Unit1 Great cities in Asia语法及拓展一、课前回顾单词默写:名词 noun副词 adv.1. 亚洲14. 东北2. 日本15. 西北3. 东京16. 东南4. 泰国17. 西南5. 曼谷6. 展览会形容词 adj.7. 首都,省会18. 巨大的8. 千米19. 著名的9. 信息10. 宫殿数词 num.11. 游客20. 百万12. 建筑物13. 寿司二、新课导入【思考】介词 in, on, to的用法?三、新课

2、讲解1. Miss Guo and her students are at an exhibition about great cities in Asia. 郭老师和她的学生们出席了一场关于亚洲大城市的展览会。at an exhibition 意为“出席展览会;在展览会现场”。great cities 指的是“大城市”。2. Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。 the capital of 意为“的首都”3. Which city is the capital of Japan? 日本的首都是哪座城市? 用which 引导的特殊疑问句来询问具

3、体的事物,通常后接名词或代词。4. Its north-east of Shanghai.它位于上海的东北方。 north-east of 表示“在东北方”,指的是不相邻且没有包含关系的两个独立事物间的位置关系,也可以说成 to the north-east ofin, on, to的表示:AAA B(1)BBA、B两地不相邻 A、B两地接壤 A包含BB is south of A. B is on the south of A. B is in the south of A. B is to the south of A.5. How far is it from Shanghai to B

4、eijing? 北京距离上海有多远? How far 意为“距离(多远)”,用How far 引导的特殊疑问句来询问距离的远近。 不定代词 it 在这里指代“距离” 介词结构 from to 表示“从到” 6. -How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train? 乘火车从上海到北京要多久? - It takes about ten hours. 大约10 小时。 How long 表示“多久”,用于对一段时间的提问。这里take 意为“花费”。it 在这里是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式 to do s

5、th.It takes sb. some time to do sth. 表示做某事花费某人多少时间7. 3.5 hours three hours and a half / three and a half hours 1.5 hours one and a half hours/ an hour and a half 8. In the past, people travelled to other places by ship. Today, people usually travel to other places by plane or by train. 过去,人们乘船去别的地方。

6、如今,人们通常都坐飞机或火车去别的地方。in the past 在过去,通常做时间状语,句中的时态用一般过去时。travel to 去某地 by ship=by sea by plane=by air9. Many tourists like visiting those places. 许多游客喜欢游览那些地方。 like / love / enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做某事10. There are more than 19 million people in Shanghai. more than 超过,多于, 与over近意11. They also love eating

7、 spicy food. 他们还喜欢吃辣的食物。 also, too, either, else 都有“也,还”的意思。 too 和 also 直用于肯定句,其中too用在句末,also用在句中的行为动词之前、系动词之后。either 用于否定句的句末。else 用于疑问词或不定代词之后。e.g. I m a student, too. I m also a student. He isnt a student, either. What else do you usually do with your mother? Is there anyone else in?四、课堂练习 Choose

8、 the best answer.( ) 1. There is _ exhibition in the City Centre. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. _ city is the biggest in the world?A.What B. Which C. Where D. This( ) 3. Russia is _ China. A. in the north of B. the north of C. on the north of D. to the north of ( ) 4. -Which city is the capital of Th

9、ailand? -_ is the capital of Thailand. A. Shanghai B. Tokyo C. Bangkok D. Beijing( ) 5.Travelling _ ship is much slower than travelling _ plane. A. by by B. by on C. on by D. on on( ) 6. How_ is it from here to there? A. long B. far C. many D. often( ) 7. How _ does it take by train? A. often B. far

10、 C. many D. long( ) 8. It takes about _ to travel from Shanghai to Hainan Island by plane. A. two half hours B. two and half hours C. two and a half hours D. two hours and half ( ) 9. _ is Singapore? A. Who B. Which C. Where D. What ( ) 10. There are more _ 15 million people in Shanghai. A. many B.

11、much C. than D. then( ) 11. There is plenty _ rain this year. A. in B. on C. to D. of ( ) 12. You can _ a lot of tall buildings in Shanghai. A. find B. to find C. finding D. finds Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.1.We are going to visit some big _ in Asia. (city)2.I like t

12、o go _ with my mother. (shop)3.A lot of _ come to Shanghai every year. (tour)4.Beijing is the capital of _.(Chinese)5.You can see a lot of tall _ in Shanghai. (build) Rewrite the following sentences as required.1. I like shopping on Sundays. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _ _ on Sundays?2. Tokyo is the capital o

13、f Japan. (就划线部分提问) _ _ is the capital of Japan?3. Tourists usually visit the Great wall in Beijing?(就划线部分提问) _ _ tourists _ visit in Beijing?4. We can see beautiful parks in great cities. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _ in great cities?5. There are 12 million people in this city. (就划线部分提问) _ _ people _ _ in thi

14、s city?6. It takes about 15 minutes to travel to that city. (就划线部分提问)_ _ does it take to travel to that city?7. Its about 2,100 kilometres from Beijing to Tokyo. (就划线部分提问)_ _ is it from Beijing to Tokyo?8. In the past, people travelled to other places by ship. (就划线部分提问) _ _ people travel to other pl

15、aces in the past?More exercises:. Choose the best answer.1.Tokyo is _capital of _ Japan.A. the, / B. a, / C. /,/ D. /, the2.Ive got _ information from the Internet.A. many B. much C. an D. a few3.It _ the fireman two hours _ the fire.A. spends, to put on B. takes, to put outC. uses, put out D. takes

16、, to put up4.-_ is it from your office to the Exhibition Center?-About ten minutes walk.A. How far B. How long C. How D. How often5.All of the children enjoy _ the popular song.A. to sing B. sing C. singing D. to singing6._ the early morning of May 1, well go to visit _ Great Wall.A. In, the B. On,

17、/ C. At, / D. On, the7.I spent _ doing my homework yesterday.A. an hour and half B. one and half hoursC. one and a half hour D. one and a half hours8.He usually likes _, but hed like _ fishing today.A. dancing, going B. dancing, to goC. to dance, to go D. to dance, going9.In the past, people _ horse

18、s to carry things to other places.A. use B. uses C. are using D. used10.There are about _ in the city.A. eight million B. eight millions C. eight million of D. eight millions of.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1.People _ by sea in the past. (travel)2.They often take

19、 a walk on those beautiful _ (beach)3.Most of the children in China love _ KFC. (eat)4.Boys enjoy _ football after school. (play)5.Shanghai _ Centre is near the Peoples Square. (exhibit). Rewrite the following sentences as required.1.I had a wonderful time in India last summer. (改否定句)I _ _ a wonderf

20、ul time in India last summer.2.They will travel to India by sea. (改否定句)They _ _ to India by sea.3.Im going to visit my relatives in August.(就划线提问)_ _ you going to visit your relatives?4.Shanghai is in the east of China. (就划线提问)_ _ Shanghai?5.I am going to have a party this Sunday. (就划线提问)_ _ you goi

21、ng to _ this Sunday?五、课堂小结in, on, to的表示:AAA B(1)BBA、B两地不相邻 A、B两地接壤 A包含BB is south of A. B is on the south of A. B is in the south of A. B is to the south of A.六、课后作业. Choose the best answer.( ) 1.They _ love eating salty food. A already B. also C. too D. either( ) 2. People in Shanghai enjoy _ sweet

22、 food. A. has B. to have C. having D. had ( ) 3. It _ 6 hours to go there by air. A. take B. has C. takes D. is ( ) 4. How long _ it _ to get to Beijing? A. does take B. is take C. does takes D. is take( ) 5. I usually go to school _ foot. A. by B. on C. at D. in( ) 6. Peter enjoys _ to music. A. li

23、sten B. listening C. listens D. listened( ) 7. In the past, people travelled to _ places by ship. A. other B. the other C. another D. others( ) 8. Does he like _? A. eat food B. to swimming in the sea C. going to ship D. reading books. Read and choose (1)Many _ (tours, tourists) come to visit Shangh

24、ai every year.(2)There are about 18 _ (million, millions) people in Shanghai.(3)Tourists love _(eating, eat) Shanghai snacks very much.(4)Ive got a few packets of sweets, but not too _(many ,much ).(5)Do people in the USA like _(drive, driving) to work?(6)Yesterday I _(arrived, arrival) at the under

25、ground station too late and it was closed. So I had to go back home by taxi.(7)Our English teacher always gives us some useful _ (advice, advices).(8)People cant live _ (with, without) air or water.(9)My little brother _(real, really )likes chocolate and ice cream. Think and choose (1)Are there more

26、 _ 15 million people in Beijing now?A. much B. about C. than D. less(2)Can you tell me _ city is the capital of the USA?A. what B. which C. where D. how(3)Traveling _ air is much faster than traveling _ sea.A. from, to B. by, at C. in, at D. by, by(4)Today, more and more people like traveling to _ p

27、laces by plane. Its faster and more comfortable.A. other B. others C. the other D. to playing(5)How far is it _ Shanghai _ Singapore?A. to, from B./, to C. from, / D. from, to(6)Tina, have you finished your homework _?A. just B. only C. yet D. already(7)Would you like _ a cup of coffee?A. have B. ha

28、ving C. to D. to have(8)My aunt left _ Australia to have a trip last Sunday.A. for B. in C. to D. at(9)-_ will Tommy stay with his aunt and uncle in Florida?-For two months.A. How B. How many C. How far D. How long(10)We will have a picnic tomorrow. Have you bought _ food, Grace?A. enough B. many C.

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