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1、关于乔布斯的故事关于乔布斯的英语故事关于乔布斯的故事关于乔布斯的英语故事关于乔布斯的英语故事 关于乔布斯的英语故事 关于乔布斯的英语故事:苹果公司CEO乔布斯的人生故事 This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. 这是苹果电脑公司兼皮克斯动画公司的CEO史蒂夫乔布斯于2005年 6月12日在斯坦佛大学毕业典礼上作的极富启发意义的演讲。 I dropped o

2、ut of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out 在呆了六个月之后,我便从里德学院辍学了,但在那之后,我以旁听 者的身份在学院里又呆了18个月才真正离开大学。那么,我为什么要辍学呢 It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college gra

3、duate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a gi

4、rl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him“ They said: Of course. My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high s

5、chool. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college. 话还要从我出生之前说起。我的生母是一个年轻的未婚大学毕业生, 她决定把我送去别人家收养,并坚持认为,收养我的人必须是大学毕业生。在我 出生前,所有关于收养我的事宜都已经安排妥当了。我本该被一个律师和他的妻 子收养,但等到我真正出生了,他和他的妻子却在最后时刻决定他们真正想要的 是个女孩。所以,我

6、现在的养父母(他们当时在等候名单上)在半夜接到一通电话, “我们有一个意外出生的男孩,你们想收养他吗”他们回答说,“当然想。”但后来, 我的生母发现了我的养母不是大学毕业生,而我的养父甚至连高中都没有毕业, 于是她拒绝在最终的收养文件上签字。几个月后,她才最后妥协了,因为我的养 父母保证以后会送我去上大学。 And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class paren

7、ts savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldnt see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going tohelp me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided

8、to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didnt interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. 十七

9、年过去了,我真地上了大学。但我却很天真地挑了一个和斯坦福 大学一样学费昂贵的学校,光是学费就花掉了我养父母辛辛苦苦积攒多年的积蓄, 他们只是工薪阶层。在学校待了六个月后,我看不出这学费花得值得。我不知道 我的人生计划是什么,也不知道大学能够如何帮助我找到这一目标。而且,我在 学校念书会花掉养父母一生的积蓄。于是,我决定辍学,并坚信这是一个正确的 决定。当时,这是一个相当冒险的举动,但今天回头看看,那是我做出的最明智 的决定之一。辍学之后,我马上逃离了那些我对之乏味的课程,转而开始旁听那 些看起来很有趣的科目。 t wasnt all romantic. I didnt have a dorm

10、room, so I slept on the floor in friends rooms, Ireturned coke bottles for the 5 deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles acrosstown every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it.And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and int

11、uition turned out to bepriceless later on. Let me give you one example: 但事情也并非全是美好的。辍学后我就没有寝室了,因此,我睡在朋 友房间的地板上。为了有钱吃饭,我把可乐瓶子退回商店,只为了那5美分的押 金,每周星期天晚上,为了吃一顿好的大餐,我还要走7英里的路,到城镇另一 头的印度哈而克利须那寺。但我热爱这种生活。而且,许多我出于好奇和直觉而 偶然去做的事,后来也变证明是非常值得的。我来为你们举一个例子: Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best callig

12、raphy instruction in the country.Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully handcalligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didnt have to take the normal classes, I decidedto take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serifty

13、pefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, aboutwhat makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way thatscience cant capture, and I found it fascinating. 当时,里德学院提供的恐怕是全国最棒的书法教育。走在校园里,每 一幅贴在墙上的海报,每一张抽屉上的标签,都是漂漂亮亮的手写体。由于我

14、辍 了学,不用再去上常规课程,我便决定报名参加书法班,学写一手漂亮的字。在 班里,我学到了灯芯体和衬线体,在不同字母组合间的间隙的变化,以及如何才 能让印刷字体美观。那种美妙、古朴、艺术、微妙,是科学所不能达到的。我对之着了迷。 None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, whenwe were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it

15、 allinto the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in onthat single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionallyspaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computerwould have them.

16、 If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on thiscalligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that theydo. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. Butit was very, very clear looking backwards ten yea

17、rs later. 在当时看来,这些事物仿佛于我的人生没有任何实际的应用。但十年 之后,我在设计第一台苹果电脑时,它们都重新浮现在我的脑海里,我们在设计 电脑时好好地运用了它们,使我们的苹果电脑成为了第一台精致排版的电脑。如 果我当时没有去旁听书法班,苹果电脑就不会有多字体选择,字母间也不会有匀 称的间隙。而且,由于Windows系统是借鉴了Mac系统的产物,如今所有的个人 电脑都没有多字体选择和美妙的字母间隙,这也是有可能的。这些事情就像一个 一个的点。当我还在学校时,是不可能看得出这些未来的来龙去脉的。但十年之 后,再回头来看,一切就很明显了。 Again, you cant connec

18、t the dots looking forward; you can only connect them lookingbackwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You haveto trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never letme down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

19、 你们也是一样,现在要将未来看透是不可能的,只有在将来,事物间 的联系才会显现出来。因此,你们必须要相信,现在所学的东西总是能与未来联 系起来的。而且,你们还得坚信一种东西,不管是直觉也好,命运也罢,甚至人 生,或是因果循环,无论什么都好。我的这种信仰从来没有让我失望,我的生命 中的所有转折都是它造成的。 关于乔布斯的英语故事:乔布斯争议不断的一生中鲜为人知的一段故 事 Among the many love-hate relationships that Steve Jobsengendered during his remarkable 56 years on earth, noneend

20、ured as longnor was as fraughtas his connection withChrisann Brennan, Jobs first girlfriend and the mother of hisdaughter Lisa. 乔布斯辉煌的56年人生中有过很多爱恨纠缠的故事,但其中持续时间最长且最令他难堪的,应该是与初恋女友、女儿丽莎的生母克里斯安布伦南的 恩怨。 The pair met at age 17 in 1972, as students at Homestead High School in Cupertino, Calif., andBrennans

21、 stormy dealings with Jobsover his initial denials of paternity, his treatment of Lisa, andhis limited financial supportcontinued until his death nearly four decades later. Brennan offeredher unsparing take on Jobsand becoming an “object of his cruelty”in a 2013 memoir, entitledThe Bite in the Apple

22、. 1972年,17岁的乔布斯与布伦南在加州库比蒂诺的霍姆斯特德高中读 书时结识。而因为乔布斯拒绝承认父亲的身份、他对待女儿丽莎的方式以及他提 供的有限的经济支持,使布伦南与乔布斯的恩怨纠葛一直持续到乔布斯去世,长 达四十多年。布伦南在2013年的一本回忆录咬一口苹果(The Bite in the Apple) 中痛斥乔布斯,并讲述自己受到了“他的残忍对待”。 But one till-now-unrevealed chapter of their tortured history unfolded after the period covered byBrennans book, duri

23、ng the time when her ex- was achieving his highest renown and wealth. Itsthe story of how she asked Jobs, by then a billionaire, to repent for his “dishonorable behavior”with a $25 million payment to herand another $5 million for their daughter, then 27. 但在两人不堪回首的往事当中,有一部分目前仍鲜为人知。那是在布 伦南的回忆录截止的时间之后,

24、当时她的前男友已经达到了声望和财富上的巅峰。 布伦南要求当时已是亿万富翁的乔布斯向她支付2,500万美元,为自己的“不光彩 行为忏悔”,还要求他向当时27岁的女儿支付500万美元。 “I have raised our daughter under circumstances that were all together too tough andtougher than they needed to be,” Brennan wrote Jobs. “Obviously it was all the moreconfusing and difficult because you had so

25、 much money.something isincomplete.Ibelieve that decency and closure can be achieved through money. It is very simple.” 布伦南对乔布斯写道:“我在异常艰难的条件下将我们的女儿抚养成 人,我们本不需要经历这样的磨难。很显然,更令人迷惑和难堪的是,你有那么 多钱有些事情是不完整的我相信,通过金钱可以获得体面,让我得到解 脱。就是这么简单。” Jobs ignored her request, Brennan says. Months later, she began writin

26、g a memoir about theirrelationship. 布伦南称,乔布斯对她的要求视而不见。几个月后,她开始撰写回忆 录,描述他们之间的关系。 More than three years after writing Jobs and asking for money, Brennan tried again. In 2009sick,out of money, and living with friendsshe contacted him again. This time Brennan offered toshelve the book (which she says Li

27、sa didnt want her to publish anyway) in exchange for a financialsettlement. 向乔布斯写信要钱三年多后,布伦南再次进行了尝试。2009年,疾病 缠身、穷困潦倒的布伦南,借住在朋友家,因此她再次联系了乔布斯。这一次, 布伦南提出用停止出书(她表示,丽莎也不希望她出版)来换取经济和解。 “I am asking you for the last time to please set up a trust for me for my life,” Brennanwrote Jobs on Sept. 26, 2009, acc

28、ording to emails she provided to Fortune. “I do notwant to cause conflict with you but I must do something. I have been ill for 3 years andI just do not have a choice anymore.No one is going to be impressed with either ofus in this book and it will hurt Lisa who never deserved any of this. The choic

29、e is yours.Please consider providing me with $10,000 for a few months and working out a trust.You and I cannot talk because I am too ill and on a hair trigger. Given mycircumstance, I am moving as fast as I can to have the money I need to live, it is eitheryou or the book.” 根据布伦南提供给财富杂志的电子邮件,她曾在2009

30、年9月26日 对乔布斯写道:“我最后一次请求你,为我设立一个信托机构,支持我的生活。 我不想与你发生冲突,但我必须做一些事情。我病了三年,已经别无选择没 有人会对这本书里的我们两个产生好印象,而且这会给丽莎造成伤害,她不应该 受到这样的对待。如何选择由你决定。请考虑一下为我提供10,000美元,帮我 度过几个月时间,并为我设立一个信托机构。我们现在没法直接谈,因为我病得 很重,而且情绪不稳定鉴于我目前的情况,我必须尽快获得金钱来维持生计, 要么通过你要么通过出书。”“I dont react well to blackmail,” Jobs wrote back that day, copyi

31、ng Lisa, then 31. “I will haveno part in any of this.” 乔布斯当天便回复称:“我不会被要挟。你的情况与我没有丝毫关系。” 并且他将邮件抄送给了当时31岁的丽莎。 (In an email, Lisa declined a request to comment for this story. A spokesperson for Laurene PowellJobs, the Apple co-founders widow, said she would also have no comment.) (丽莎在电子邮件中拒绝对这件事发表意见。乔

32、布斯的遗孀劳伦鲍威 尔乔布斯的发言人称,她对此也不作任何评论。) After falling in love in high school, Jobs and Brennan, kindred counterculture spirits, had an on-again, off-again romance over five years. They never married, but lived together for parts of thattime. He got her pregnant at age 18by their agreement, she had an abort

33、ionthen again, whenshe was 23. 高中时,乔布斯与布伦南因为对反主流文化精神志趣相投而陷入爱河, 两人经历了长达五年分分合合的恋情。他们没有结婚,但大部分时间住在一起。 布伦南在18岁时怀孕,但根据两人的协议,她做了流产。23岁的时候,布伦南再 次怀孕。 Lisa was born in May 1978. Jobs, who had launched Apple and was already wealthy, would give hisdaughters name to one of Apples first personal computers. Yet he wen

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