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1、船电工程师实用英语口语Practical English Conversation for Marine Engineer 船电工程师实用英语口语1.Electric Equipment Maintenance and repair 电气设备的维护和保养1.The poles should be in different colour. 电极应该用不同的颜色。2.Do not check circuit with current on.不要带点检测电路。3.Non-power has not been detected.测不到无功功率。4.Danger of high voltage. Kee

2、p clear.高压危险。请远离。5.This equipment hasnt got the fault diagnosis system.该设备没有故障诊断系统。6.The connecting points of the relay are not well touched.继电器的触点接触不良。7.The carbon brush needs to be regularly checked.碳刷应该定期检查。8.The chip is not stable.电路板不稳定。9.This integrated circuit should be replaced.该集成电路应该换了。10.

3、The motherboard for holding insertions is not reliable.该电路插板不稳定。11.The parameters show the printed circuit board needs to be changed. 参数显示印刷电路板应该换了。12.The indicating light unlit.指示灯不亮了。13.The winding of rotor of the motor should be remade.该电机的转子线圈应该重新缠绕。14.Test it after reassembly. 装复后测试一下。15.The mo

4、tor is driven by D C.该电机是直流的。16.The motor is driven by A C.该电机是交流的。17.The voltage is 220V,50Hz.电压是220V,50Hz。18.The power supply is triphase,380V.该供电是三相电,380V。19.This frequency varies between 50 and 60Hz.该频率在50到60Hz间变化。20.Please demagnetize.请消磁。21.The alarm system is not sounded.报警系统不报警。22.The port n

5、avigational light unlit.左舷航行灯不亮了。23.Please recommend the general conditions of the electrical equipment. 请提供电气设备的运行状况。24.All types of automatic control equipment are widely used on board my ship. 许多自动控制设备被广泛应用于我们的船上。25.The driving motor is of watertight, triple phases, pole-changing, squirrel-cage t

6、ype. 驱动马达是水密的、三相、变极、鼠笼型的。26.The voltage regulator is composed of linear reactors, a three-winding transformer and a set of rectifier.调压器由线性电抗、一台三绕组变压器及一套整流器组成。27.All apparatus and reverse current relay and automatic control have been checked out. 所有的设备和反向电流继电器及其自动控制已检查完毕。28.Have you get a complete s

7、et of certificates for the machinery and equipment? 你有机械设备的全套证书吗?29.Are the paper and date of the electrical equipment complete? 要填的表格和数据完成了吗?30.A lot of carbon ashes accumulated in the side of the motor.电机的一侧堆积了许多碳刷灰。31.All motors are sprayed with a cost of scarlet colour insulation paint. 所有电机的绝缘部

8、位喷了深红色的绝缘漆。32.The starting current of the motor is not permitted to reduce the network voyage to values below 85 percent of the voltage rating.启动电流不允许低于额定电流的百分之八十五。33.The overload protection device was energized, and the winch motor was forced to stop. 过载保护工作了,起货机马达被迫停止。 (winch 绞车)34.There are plent

9、y of black burnt spots on the surface of slip rings. 在滑环的表面有许多的黑色的烧结痕迹。35.NO.2 oil pump motor bearings produce abnormal sounds.二号油泵轴承有运行噪音。36.The control vibrates so seriously that the wires are after broken. 控制端的震动很剧烈,电线都震断了。37.The gap is to be adjusted as needed, because the clearance is too large

10、. Reuses the brushes with supply spare.因为间隙过大需要调整间隙。用备件把碳刷替换。38.NO.1 hold cargo starboard ventilator motor has been dismounted. After repaired and installed and tested for dynamic equilibrium. 一号货舱右舷的通风电机已经拆卸下来。经维修重装后做了动平衡试验。39.I doubt that cables are cut short and wind insulation tape. Reconnected

11、cables and carried out function test.我怀疑是电线短路及绕组线短路。断开电线,测试其功能。40.Exhaust boiler damper motor is rewound, installed and tested after changing brake coil. 废气锅炉挡板控制电机又坏了,在更换了闸皮线圈后安装和调试。41.Main engine remote control system will be examined and repaired. 主机的遥控系统将被检查及修理。42.Ten pieces of cargo hold smoke

12、detectors have been damaged, to be renewed. 十个货舱烟雾探测器坏了,应该更换。43.Four groups of batteries of emergency lighting 24V the solution of battery should be refilled or changed.四组24V应急照明灯电池组的电池液需要填充或更换。44.The blade angle of controllable pitch propeller should be examined and adjusted. 可变螺距螺旋桨的桨叶需要检查与调整。45.E

13、ight motors on main switchboard disconnected, and main switch-board should be taken ashore and to overhaul indicator reading. 主配电盘控制显示的八部电机断电,主配电盘需要送岸修理,检查显示单元。46.As the wingding insulation has aged, the value is close to zero. Please rewind the motor. 由于绕组的绝缘老化,其数值接近于零,电机线圈需要重缠。47.On completion of

14、repair, please measure and record its insulated value. I hope that value will not be lower than I mega ohm.修理后请检测并记录绝缘值,我希望该数值不低于1M。48.As the circuit of alarm arrangement touches the board, the alarm sounds in a wrong way. 报警电路板接触了配电板,报警声音不正常。49.After the generator has been refitted, it is necessary

15、 to carry out load test. 电机安装后需要做带负载测试。50.The damage to the electric equipment has been found, due to inferior quality of the product. 由于产品劣质,导致电气设备损坏。51.The frequency meter is not in effectiveness, to be renewed.频率计不好用了,需要更换。52.Due to mal-fitting, 3 bearing for the two motors were damaged because w

16、ater seeped in and causes serious corrosion to the bearings. 由于安装不良,两台电机中的三个轴承被损坏,水渗透进机器,导致轴承严重生锈。54.When will you begin to repair the electrical equipment? 你们什么时候开始修理电气设备?55.well start the work the day after tomorrow.我们打算后天开始。56.How long will it take you to finish the job? 完成电气设备修理需要多长时间?57.At leas

17、t 10 days running. 至少要连续工作十天。58.Why do you need so much time? 为什么需要这么长时间?59.You see, weve got to make an overall check of the electric circuit as you required first. In addition, we must inspect the automatic boiler to detect where the trouble lies. You didnt state it clearly in your repair list. By

18、 the way, can you tell me something about your three electric generators? 你看,我们得按照你们的要求把电气线路全部检查一遍。此外,我们必须检查自动锅炉查找故障。你们没有在修理单中讲清楚。另外,能给我讲讲三台发电机的情况吗?60.Sure. One of the generators runs in normal condition. But No.2 generator has been running for a long time without being checked. Youd better dismantl

19、e, clean and check it first. If any parts are found wrong , please repair them. The insulation resistance of No.3 generator is too low. Please remedy, the low insulation resistance, too. 当然,其中一台发电机运行正常。二号发电机长期运行,没有检查。你们最好先拆卸、清洁和检查这台机器,如果发现有什么故障就请修理一下。三号发电机的绝缘电阻太低,也请修理一下。61.What you said is of great

20、help to me. Thank you.你介绍的情况对我有很大的帮助,谢谢。62.When you put right the 2 generators, please measure their output, temperature, voltage, current and frequency, and so on. And see, during the test, whether they can run smoothly. They must run continuously at full load for one hour.这两台发电机修理好后请测量输出功率、温度、电压、电

21、流和频率等,并在试验中看一下它们是否能平稳运行。它们必须满载连续运行一小时。63.No problem. Well do that exactly as you required. 没问题,我们将完全按你们的要求去做。64.Another thing I want to tell you is that weve found that there are sparks at the commutator. What do you think of the problem? 另外还有一件事要告诉你,我们发现换向器上有火花,你认为是什么问题?65.Is it because the brushes

22、 arent properly positioned? 是不是因为电位刷安装位置不合适?66.I dont think so. In my opinion, either the surface of the commutator has become rough and worn, or the coil has been short-circuited. 我想不是的。我看不是换向器表面变粗糙和磨损了,就是线圈短路了。67.Well make the inspection first to see if it is short-circuited. If not, the trouble m

23、ust be with the surface of the commutator. We can machine the commutator and voltameter, we have to deliver them to the shop for rectifying.我们先检查一下是不是短路了。如果不是的话,那一定是换向器表面有问题了。我们可以把换向器车光并拉槽。至于电流表与电压表,我们得送到车间去调整。68.Please guard against damage and return them on board as soon as they are rectified. 请注意

24、不要损坏,调整完就送回船。2.Blackout 全船失电1.Hello, is that the duty engineer? 喂,是当班轮机员吗?2.Yes, this is the third engineer. 对,我是二管轮。3.Is the chief engineer there? 轮机长在那儿吗?4.Yes, but he is engaged in the blackout. 在这儿。他在忙于失电的事情。5.Will you ask him to answer the call? 请他来接电话。6.OK. 好的。7.Hello, this is the thief engine

25、er. 喂,我是轮机长。8.Id like to know that whats wrong with the power supply now. When can it be restored? 我想了解一下现在供电出什么事了,什么时候能恢复供电?9.No.1and No.3generators stopped for no reason. Were trying to start No.2 now. 一号和三号发电机不知什么原因自己停下来了,我们正在启动二号发电机。10.Our ship is in a narrow channel and the ship ahead is quite

26、close to us. Although I我们的船正处于狭窄航道上,前面的一条船离我们很近。虽然我已抛了锚,但还是控制不住。请尽快恢复主机运转。11.Yes, I will. Third engineer, why cant No.2 generator be started? 好,我会的。二管轮,二号发电机怎么启动不起来?12.It was all right yesterday, but we failed to start it just now. The lube oil pressure cant be built up and the motorman now is pumpi

27、ng the lube oil by hand pumping. 昨天还是好的,可刚才就启动不起来了。油压建立不起来,机匠正在手动泵油。13.Try to prolong the starting period and see. 把启动时间延长看看。14.OK. All depends on the last time. No starting air is left for one more start. 好的。就看最后这一次了。再启动不起来就没有启动空气了。15.Isnt the emergency compressor started? 难道应急空压机没有启动起来吗?16.Yes. Bu

28、t the emergency air compressor cant supply enough starting air to the air receiver for the auxiliary engine. 是的。但应急空压机无法提供足够的空气来启动辅机。17.I wish it would be a success this time. 但愿这次能启动成功。18.Its started, chief. 启动起来了,轮机长。19.Supply the power, electrical engineer. Provide the pumps for the main engine a

29、nd the steering gear with power supply first to ensure the proper running of the main engine. 电机员,快配电。先给主机各泵及舵机供电以保证主机正常运转。20.OK. The power supply is finished and the pumps for the main engine have been started. 是,电配好了,用 于主机的各泵也启动起来了。21.Well done. Third engineer, check the oil and water pressures to

30、 see if everything is all right, start the main engine if no problem. 干得好。二管轮,请看油压和水压是否正常。没有问题的话启动主机。22.All right. 好的。23.Hello, is it the captain? 喂,是船长吗?24.Yes. How is the main engine now? 是的,主机现在怎么样了?25.Its ready for use. 可以用了。26.Thats great! Thank you very much. 太好了,谢谢。27.Were detecting the defec

31、ts of the two generators. Now we can provide power supply only for the main engine. Others wont be put into normal operation until either of the two generators is repaired.我们正在查找那两台发电机的故障。现在只能供主机用电。其他设备要等到两台发电机中的一台修好后方可进入正常工作状态。3.Main engine remote control system repair 主机遥控系统修理1.Will you please exp

32、lain the trouble? 能介绍一下故障的情况吗?2.Certainly. When my ship was approaching the harbor, the main engine remote control system was out of order unexpectedly. We entered the harbor only by means of the manual control because of the pressing time. 当然可以。我们的船在快进港时,主机遥控系统出了故障。由于时间紧迫,我们只能靠手动操纵进港。3.What kind of remote control system is it on board your ship? 你们船是采用什么遥控系统?4.Its the automatic cont

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