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翻译 lecture1.docx

1、翻译 lecture1He drank too much and his voice became thick.他喝得太多了,嗓子都哑了。P47 =p15He is very thick with the new manager.他与新经理的关系十分密切。The road winds through thick forest.路弯弯曲曲地穿过茂密的森林。The room was thick with smoke.屋子里因为烟雾腾腾。Lecture 1P1学位英语辅导2012年“英语专业学位”培训 Lecture 1P2 学位英语辅导 考试形式(开卷),试卷四个部分的题目数、计分和考试时间列表如

2、下:序号题号题型题数计分考试时间1-15单项选择(英译汉)15题15分20分钟16-22长短句翻译(英译汉5+2)7题30分30分钟23-34短语与句子(汉译英6+6)12题35分50分钟35-36 篇章翻译(汉译英)2题20分20分钟合计36题100分120分钟P3 题型介绍 英译汉检测的是学生的英语理解能力及汉语表达能力,它要求学生在正确理解英文的内容后,用恰当的汉语准确表达出原文的内容和风格。P4 What is translation? 翻译的原则:信 达 雅 “信”指意义不背离原文,即是译文要准确,不歪曲,不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思 “达”指不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白“雅”则指译

3、文时选用的词语要得体,简明优雅P5 3 The criteria for translation 严复:信 达 雅 Faithfulness :a full and complete conveying of the original content or thought. Expressiveness :The version must be dear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic or sense. Elegance :In his opinion ,Chinese before Han Dyn

4、asty may be regarded as elegant. P6 常见的翻译方法 一般分为直译与意译两种: 直译是指在翻译时尽量保持原文的语言表现形式,包括用词、结构和比喻手段等,译文要求忠实于愿意,语言流畅易懂; 意译是指把原文的大意翻译出来即可,可以不注重细节,包括不注重原文的用词、句子结构和比喻,但译文要求自然流畅P7 如何使用意译翻译句子 意译英语句子分四步来完成: A.分析原文句子的结构,确定它是简单句后,找出句子中的“主谓(宾)/S-V-O”结构; B.根据句子中带有的连接词,确定它是复杂句或并列句,并找出两个分句之间的逻辑关系;P8 C.找出了句子的框架后,再寻找其他修饰的

5、意思 例子1:Transistors are small in size and light in weight. S V O1 O2P9 汉译英必备1. 了解句子成分在句子中的位置;2. 知道各种语法的用法3. 具备一定的单词、词组、结构;4. 具有重组句的能力;P10 译者的任务如何提高可译程度:对原语和译语在语言文化方面的差异进行分析,尽力找出最大限度地传达原语信息的方法。如何提高译者的个人修养: 多方涉猎广博的知识和学识 提升悟性敏感的语言感悟力 勤于实践亲自体验翻译之难 文化意思文化蕴籍和参悟力 民族意识爱国忠诚准确引介P11学位英语辅导英译汉技巧训练 1.注意 一词多译P12学位英

6、语辅导 Our relation with France was excellent.我们同法国的关系非常好。Here I discontinue my relation of Peters adventure.现在我言归正传,不谈彼得的冒险了。P13学位英语辅导China is indeed a poor country ,but it intends to catch up.中国的确是一个穷国,但她打算迎头赶上。She told me that she was a poor sailor and always went to bed immediately on getting on th

7、e boat. 她告诉我说她有晕船的毛病,所以总是一上船就上床睡觉。P14学位英语辅导Ellsberg recalled that Kissinger was “very ,very critical ”of Nixon.埃尔斯伯格回忆说,基辛格对尼克松万般挑剔。This is a critical moment to win the game.这是赢得这场比赛的一个关键时刻。P15学位英语辅导He drank too much and his voice became thick.他喝得太多了,嗓子都哑了。He is very thick with the new manager.他与新经理

8、的关系十分密切。The road winds through thick forest.路弯弯曲曲地穿过茂密的森林。The room was thick with smoke. 屋子里烟雾腾腾。P16学位英语辅导More exercises:P17学位英语辅导P18学位英语辅导P19学位英语辅导 2.注意词义的褒贬P20学位英语辅导P21学位英语辅导Translate the following sentences into Chinese.P22学位英语辅导P23学位英语辅导P24学位英语辅导 汉译英:仅仅从英汉语言的词汇量,就可以看出,汉语词汇的使用效率远高于英语的词汇使用率.中国人掌握3

9、,000-4,000汉字,可以读懂许多报纸杂志,而掌握10,000个英文单词仍然远远不够用.如: 汉语中的“看”,可以用眼睛看、用心看、用大脑看:而英语的“看”则只能用眼睛看.。如:看电视 watch TV看孩子 baby-sit/look after a child看电影 see a film 看医生 see a doctor看报 read newspaper 看问题 look at an issue看父母 visit parents 先看看 have a look first看情况 it depends 看破 see throuth P25学位英语辅导 1. 好票2. 爱一个人好难;爱两个

10、人好玩;爱三个人好烦;爱四个人翻船;爱五个人彻底玩儿完。3. 理想很丰满,现实却很骨感。4. 什么才叫有钱人?两有一无,有房有车无老婆,天天对我说“不要省钱,随便花。”P26学位英语辅导 1. Good Seat!2. One lover tires you up ;Two lovers make you jumpThree lovers plunge you in a dilemma;Four lovers put you between two fires;Any more lovers you run after?3. Your ideal seems developed fully,B

11、ut the reality is actually skinny.4. What is rich man ?It refers to two Yups and one None.“Do you have car and house?”“Yup,Yup.”“Is there a wife in the house?”“Of course,None.”Again and again you say to me,“No saving ,just spending as you can!”P27学位英语辅导例1“好”的译法P29学位英语辅导例2“轻巧”的译法P30学位英语辅导例3“考察”的译法P31

12、学位英语辅导P32学位英语辅导P33学位英语辅导例4“意思”P34学位英语辅导搭配P35学位英语辅导化P35学位英语辅导约定俗成P36学位英语辅导翻译举例:(当下流行的一串话)一个人能走多远,要看他有谁同行;一个人能有多优秀,要看他有谁指点;一个人有多成功,要看他有谁相伴。 (09年1月6日彩信)If you want to know how far a person can go,It depends on with whom he will travel together.If you ask the extent of a persons excellence,It depends on

13、 who is his supervisor.If you want to be sure of the level of a person,It certainly depends on who will be his partner.P37学位英语辅导3.词类的转换P38学位英语辅导P39学位英语辅导P40学位英语辅导P41学位英语辅导P42学位英语辅导少了15Transiate the following sentences into Chinese.1.The Second World War ended in the defeat of Japan.2.My suggestion i

14、s that he should quit smoking.3.The people of Europe are for the idea of united people.4.I helped him with his luggage.5.There is a warrant out against him.少了10P43学位英语辅导P44学位英语辅导KeysP45学位英语辅导More exercises:1. 根据词类确定词义1) What are you ding up there?你在那边做什么?2) He is well up in mathematics.他精通数学。3) They

15、 went up wind.他们迎风而行。4) The new museum is up and opens to the public.新博物馆已经落成并向公众开放。5) We all have our ups and downs.人生总有起起落落。P46学位英语辅导P47 =p15P42接下去 少的15:Transiate the following sentences into Chinese.1.The Second World War ended in the defeat of Japan.2.My suggestion is that he should quit smoking

16、.3.The people of Europe are for the idea of united people.4.I helped him with his luggage.5.There is a warrant out against him.P43 少了10.10.To them ,he personified the absolute power.刚刚上空间又抄下来的,少的15我用黄色线标了,P43 少的10.没发现,刚刚发现,也抄上了,按照下的照片顺序打的,有发现少的,就对页码,页码上面也有标,对了后发现少的回来就对你拍的照片,现在应该都全了,就是刚打出来,没核对,全整理出来以后再一起核对

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