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本文(最新新目标初中英语七年级上册Starter+Unit3《What+color+is+it》教案名师优秀教案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、最新新目标初中英语七年级上册Starter+Unit3What+color+is+it教案名师优秀教案新目标初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit3What color is it教案Starter Unit3What color is it?新目标初中英语七年级上册教案 Plan for the whole unit Teaching objectives 学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 能按字母表顺序背诵26个字母,认读S-Z的印刷体和手写体的大小写形式,能合乎规则的书写。注意S-Z的读音以及词汇blue, green, red, yellow, black, white, color,

2、 and。 2 学会将含有相同元音因素的字母分开 3 学会用“-What color is it ? -Its red. / Its black and white.” 句型对颜色进行提问并回答。 4 在日常生活中能自由谈论颜色。 5 能初步拼读单词。 6 知道一些缩写词的含义。(S/M/L, UFO, CCTV, UN) 7 积极主动用所学的英语与他人交流 8 对英语学习逐渐产生兴趣 Period arrangement Contents & pages or sources Period Textbook SupplementaTO SA Exercises ry (Source) Sec

3、tion Page (Source) 1 A 2a, 2b, 2c,2d, 3 14,16, P4课后复习? 湘教版 1, 2, 3 5 P5省教科院组B 2, 3a, 3b, 4 17 第二节, ? 编 课程基 2 A 1a,1b,1c ,4, 5 13,15 1, 4, 5 5 础训练 3 B 1a,1b, 16,18 P6 ? 阅读技能 6, 7 4 七年级上册Self- Check 自编练习 Total All 6 7 1-7 93 Feedback 本单元教学自评93分。整个单元教学紧紧围绕“颜色”这一主题由浅入深、由简单到复杂 教学活动形式多样。用不同的方式激发学生主动开口说英语。

4、由于教学内容紧扣学生日常生活学生积极投入各项学习活动中能用英语谈及身旁物体颜色。从单元整体备课细化单元及课时教学目标合理安排课时教学内容并在最后做了预备三个单元的综合复习课件因而使前三单元形成一个整体。 但如何尽快培养学生说的同时会写的能力还有待加强。 Plan for every period 1 T: Please read them one by one. Ss: T: Good. Pay attention to these letters(if Period 1 Section A 2a-3 they made some mistakes) Section B 2-4 T: XXX,

5、 please read one by one. S4: Teaching aims 学完本课后,学生应能: T: U is red. Its the last vowel letter. So, 1 学会8个字母S-Z; together a, e ,i, o ,u. (元音字母).How to 2 准确读写26个字母 write all the letters? Now, use your finger(手指). Lets write them together. 2 Learn the letters Teaching aids Letter cards, some real thing

6、s,English names, 1) Listen and repeat the eight letters. paper with seven letters from Ss-Zz 2) Find the big letters for these small letters. 3) Put all the big letters in order. Keys & puzzles 26个字母按相同元音音素的分类 4) Listen and number the letters they hear. 5) Write the small letter for each big letter.

7、 Teaching procedures Chart 复习学过的字母及对话?学习新的字母?2a 巩固与拓展?布置作业 录音原文 Step 1 Leading-in (5) s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! 2c To a student. 录音原文 How are you? s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z S1: 答案 2, 8, 4, 6, 5, 7, 3, 1 T: Whats your name? S2: 3 T: Do you know what these letters mean? T:

8、 Whats this in English?(Show some real Ss: things.) T:Can you give me more? S; Ss: T: Lets play a game. (The letters are from T: Try to find more when going home.(回Aa-Qq.Play the game like this:T says a ) 家路上多观察letter, for example C, then let the Ss tell the letters which is before and after C. The

9、Step 3 Game (8) one who says B, D first is the winner. The Game: Which letter is missing? winner can get a chance to choose an Show seven big letters (from Ss- Zz) on the English name first or he can give the blackboard, see who can find the missing chance to his friend.) “F” letter. Then show seven

10、 small letters. S3: ? Ss play the game in a group of four. Everyone should get ready for two pieces of paper with seven big letters and seven small Section A 2a-3 Step 2 Presentation (15) letters. 1 (Get letter cards ready) T: Look, there are 7 letters.XX. Which letter is 7 missing? 3. A. Hh B. Ii C

11、. Jj D. Kk S5: 4. A. Bb B. Dd C. Nn D. Gg T: Now lets play the game like this. Each of 5. A. Ff B. Ss C. Tt D. Xx you write down seven letters on a piece of 6. A. sit B. this C. fine D. it paper, then ask your partners. 7. A. am B. Dale C. name D. Grace 8. A. pen B. pencil C. spell D. evening 9. A.

12、OK B. no C. not D. UFO Section B 2-4 Step 4 All the letters (8) 10. A. great B. please C. read D. teacher T: Pay attention to Q,U.Do they have the ?第一节 比较下列各组字母或单词画same sound? 线部分的读音,相同的写S,不同的S: Yes, ju: 写D。 T: Is the same in “ruler” and “blue”? 13. Uu blue UFO S: No. 14. you ruler number T: Yes. U

13、pronounces u: 15. Oo hello to T: We can know: Uu ju: u: 16. Bob OK hello (让学生先自己观察,引导他们自己找规律17. Ii hi nice 总结。这样有利于培养学生勤动脑的习惯。) 18. Ee yellow evening T:All of you can read 26 letters. Lets put 19. green please meet some letters together 20. Aa thank name ei 21. Dale Grace name i: 22. it this quilt e

14、 ai 参考答案 ju: ? 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A Ss: ? 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. T: Dont forget O and R. Lets enjoy some C 10. A letter songs. ? 13-17: DDDDS 18-22: DSDSS 录音原文 Step 5 Homework (4) ?第二节 1 Write the 8 letters (辅音字母用黑色笔Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn 写,元音字母用红色笔写) Oo Pp

15、 Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 2 Write down 10 letters that your partner say (写出你同伴随意说出的10个字母) Feedback 3 Revision 个人认为本堂课基本达到教学目标学生能课后复习 主动说英语。因为小学时大家接触过英语?写出下列缩写词的意思(可以上网查感觉内容简单但是要想掌握好也并不容询) 易。并不是每个字母学生都能发准因而在EMS, SARS, IT, PC, IOC, EQ, RMB, 把字母分类时有学生感到吃力。在书写字母HK, DJ, PE 时存在搞不清笔顺笔画的问题。另外以快? 选出每组字母

16、中不含相同元音的那的速度记下同学说出的字母对部分学生不个字母或每组单词画线部分中读音易。老师应在这方面多加指正多加强调。 不同的那个单词。 1. A. Kk B. Tt C. Dd D. Vv Board design 2. A. Nn B. Ee C. Ll D. Mm 8 Keys & puzzles Whats this? Its V. What color is it? Its red. Teaching aids CAI, some color chalk Teaching procedures Chart 视频引入?谈论颜色?看图说话?讨论?布置作业 ( 5) Step 1 Lea

17、ding-in Revise the 26 letters.Put some letters together according to their pronunciation.(主要复习字母归类及笔顺)Section A 1a,1b,1c Step 2 Presentation (15) 1 T: They are color letters. What colors are they? Please look at the chalk: What color is it?(Use some color chalk) Ss: Its T: OK. Please read the colors

18、 quickly. Point to different colors quickly. Ss: 2 Pattern drill in “What color.? - Whats this? - Its V - What color is it Period2 Section A 1a,1b,1c,4,5 ? - Its (就用身旁的物品进行情景教学,让学生们) Teaching aims 体会到所学的知识马上就能运用学完本课后,学生应能: 1 谈论颜色; 录音原文 2 掌握目标语言: Section A 1a 1) 生词和词组:color,red, yellow A: Whats this?

19、 2) 重点句子: B: Its V. ? What color is it? A: What color is it? ? Its B: Its red. A: Whats this? 9 B: Its Z. Step 6 Homework (5) A: What color is it? 1 Revision B: Its black and white. 2 观察自己的卧室,写出与其类似的短语: a blue quilt可供参考的单词:desk桌 Step 3 Game (5) 子, chair椅子, floor地板, wall墙, curtain(Another slide pictu

20、re) 窗帘 T: Please guess (猜) the color. What color is it? Feedback S1: Its 总体感觉这课堂较好学生始终处在主T: Sorry, it isnt. 动参与和积极配合的状态之中达到了预期S2: Its 的设想。学生对颜色很敏感。对课件中的小游戏非常有兴趣让学生在玩中学到了知 识。 Section A 4 Step 4 Practice (5) 学生对颜色会说且反应快但写出来似T: Whats this? 乎有困难。 Ss: Its 奥运五环 (The five Olympic rings). T: What colors are

21、 these? Board design Ss: T: Please color it. Check answers. 答案 1. Blue 2. Black 3. Red 4. Yellow 5. Green Section A 5 Step 5 Pairwork (5) T: They are color rings. What are they? Another slide picture T: Please look at the picture. Its a red flower. Whats this? Write this dialogue on the blackboard:

22、-Whatis this? -Its -What color is it? Period 3 Section B 1a,1b, -Its - Spell it, please. Self-check ? - Please do pair work with your partner. Teaching aims Ss: 学完本课后,学生应能: T: Look at your clothes, schoolbag and your 1 掌握26个字母 desk. There are many colors. To a student, 2 熟练运用Units1-3所学对话 point to hi

23、s clothes. XXX, what color is it? Teaching aids CAI S3: 10 2 Pairwork Teaching procedures Another slide picture Chart 复习对话后视频引入?复习字母?看图说T: They are a yellow key, a blue ruler and a 话?巩固与拓展?布置作业 red pen. Look at the picture. What is this? Step 1 Leading-in (4) Ss: Its a banana. T: Good afternoon, boy

24、s and girls! T: What color is i? To a student. Ss: Its yellow. How are you? T: Its a yellow banana. Please do pairwork S1: like this. T: Whats your name? S2: Step 3 Memory game ( 15) T: Whats this in English?(Show some real T: Its a beautiful picture. Please look at it things.) carefully. Then Ill a

25、sk you some S; questions. T:What color is it? T: After some minutes. How many colors are S: there in the picture. What are they? Some letters can make up a boy. Do you (图中有多少种颜色? 是哪几种?) want to look? Ss: Ss: T: Another game. Please listen and look. T: Find letters. What letters can you find? T: Afte

26、r several minutes. What color did they Ss: talk about? Ss: Section B 1a, 1b Step 2 Presentation (14) Step 4 Discussion (3) 1 T: Listen and color the picture. Listen and Environmental pollution write some words. T: What colors are they? Ss: 答案 1a: key-yellow ruler-blue pen-red T: I dont like these co

27、lors around us. They are 1b: 1. yellow 2. blue 3. red dirty, polluted and smelled. Do you like it? 录音原文 Ss: A: Whats this in English? T: Is it beautiful? B: Its a key. Ss: A: What color is it? T: We like green world. Read after me. B: Its yellow. Show the last picture. A: Whats this? B: Its a ruler.

28、 Self check A: What color is it? Step 5 Homework (4) B: Its blue 1 Self-check 3,4 on P18. A: Whas this? 2 Revision B: Its a pen. 学习自检 A: What color is it? ? 阅读技能 B: Its red. 第一节 阅读理解 阅读下面对话,判断11 正(T)误(F)。 英语初学者的实际情况。特别是MEMORY那A: Hello, are you Mrs Green? 个环节让学生注意力高度集中且兴趣浓B: Yes, I am. 厚。通过本课件使学生运用所学

29、句型去A: Im Frank. Im Mr Greens student (学熟悉周围事物的名称和颜色。并巩固所学句生). 型。前三单元的知识比较简单可适当加些B: Oh, good morning, Frank. 内容。目标在学生学习过程中的作用至关重A: Good morning, Mrs Green. How is Mr 要教师要帮助他们建立起一个切合自己实Green? 际的目标通过渐进的学习以及一点一滴的B: He is fine, thank you. 进步使他们逐步建立起成功感。成功越多28. Its in the afternoon. 自信心就越强对英语学习就越有兴趣。 29.

30、Mr Green is fine. 30. Frank meets Mrs Green. Board design 31. Frank is Mr Greens son. 32. Mr Green is Mrs Greens student. 第二节 阅读理解 解释下列缩略词。 缩略词 释义 缩略词 释义 33_ 34_ CD DVD 35_ 36_ BBC CCTV 37_ 38_ P WC 39_ 40_ NAB CBA 41_ 42_ kg S/M/L 43_ 44_ UN WTO 45_ 46_ USA PRC 47_ 48_ UFO SOS 49_ 50_ ABC HB 51_ 52_ VCR TV 参考答案 6 确定圆的条件:? 28-32 FTTFF 如果圆的半径为r,点到圆心的距离为d,则33. 光碟 34. 数字化视频光盘 35. 2、会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。英国广播公司 36. 中央电视台 37. 停车场 38. 厕所 39. 美国职业篮球9.直角三角形变焦关系:联赛 40. 中国职业篮球联赛 41. 千克 42. 小/中/大号

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