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1、巴拿马运河船舶要求OPNOTICE TO SHIPPING No. N-1-2016To: Shipping Agents, Owners and Operators 船舶代理,船东和操作员Subject: Vessel Requirements 船舶要求1. Effective Date and Cancellation生效日期和撤销This Notice is effective on the date of issue and cancels OP Notice to Shipping No. N-1-2015. A revised Notice will be issued in Ja

2、nuary of each year or when otherwise required. This revision includes the following changes: 本通报自发布之日起生效,并撤销了海事主任第N-1-2015号通报。每年的1月,或当有必要时,将发布修订通报。(1) The ACP-OP mailing address was updated, on p. 3. 更新了ACP-OP邮寄地址,在段落3(2) Items a, b, c, d, e and f were incorporated into the Relevant Information for

3、Canal Customers section, on pages 4 to 7. a, b, c, d, e 和f 被纳入运河相关信息(3) Table I was modified, on p. 17. 修改了表格I,在段落17(4) Table II, III and V were updated, on pages 20, 21 and 22, respectively. 更新了表格II,III和V,分别在20,21,22页(5) Paragraphs 4.e (4) (e), (f) and (g) were eliminated, p. 31. 消除4.e (4) (e), (f)

4、 和 (g)(6) Subsection 4.o, Main Propulsion Systems, was modified on p. 36. 段落4.o主推进系统,在段落36修改。(7) The ACP/TOLL BASIS certificate was introduced in Section 14, on p. 56. ACP/TOLL BASIS证书在14节介绍。(8) The Electronic Data Collection System (EDCS) was replaced by the Maritime Service Portal. 电子数据采集系统用海事服务门户

5、代替(9) The e-mail address on paragraph 19.b was modified, on p. 65. 修改了段落19.b的邮箱地址(10) Paragraph 25.e was added, on p. 70. 增加段落25.e(11) Section 30, Vessel Requirements for the New Panama Canal Locks, was added, on p. 73. 30节,增加新巴拿马运河闸门船舶要求(12) Annex 4, New Locks Clearance Diagram, was added on p. 82.

6、 附件4,增加新船闸限界图2. Purpose and Scope目的和范围The purpose of this document is to inform the shipping community of the procedures and amplifications necessary to implement the Maritime Regulations for the Operation of the Panama Canal (MROPC). Please be advised that non-compliance with Panama Canal rules and

7、 regulations may subject vessels to unnecessary delays or denial of transit. The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) may order deviations from these rules if special circumstances so warrant. Please refer to the Table of Contents on pages 9 through 11. 本文件的目的是向航运界提供为了执行巴拿马运河操作海事规范而需注意的程序和重点。请注意,不遵守巴拿马运河的规章

8、制度,可能会使船舶不必要的延误或拒绝过境。巴拿马运河管理局在遇到特殊情况时,也可能作出与这些规定有偏离的决定。请参阅目录表。3. Organization and Responsibility机构与职责The Executive Vice Presidency for Operations (272-4500, fax: 272-3892), under the Executive Vice President for Operations, is the organizational department of the Panama Canal Authority responsible f

9、or the control of maritime traffic through the Canal and its terminal ports, and through which all ACP services to shipping are handled. Following is a summary of the Executive Vice Presidency for Operations units which, due to their functions, often require contact with agents, operators and owners

10、: 运营执行副主席(272-4500,传真:272-3892),从属运作执行副总裁,是巴拿马运河管理局的组织部门,负责处理有关运河及其终端港的通航事宜。以下是执行副主席的操作单位,由于他们的功能与船东、船舶运营人和代理人有经常的联系:a. The Transit Operations Division (272-4211, fax: 272-4288), headed by the Transit Operations Division executive manager, is responsible for the immediate direction of daily maritime

11、 operations, emergency response and recovery, supervision and enforcement of rules and regulations governing the navigation of the Canal, approval of new construction compliance with chocks and bitts, boarding facilities, wheelhouse design features and visibility requirements, and for ensuring that

12、vessels arriving for transit are properly equipped. Additionally, the unit is responsible for matters involving the safety aspects of vessel traffic flow and control, vessel material conditions and inspections, hazardous cargo, Canal physical conditions, and emergency response for fires or oil/chemi

13、cal spills. The responsibilities of the Transit Operations Division executive manager are exercised through the Canal port captain on duty. 运输操作部(272-4211, 传真: 272-4288),由运输操作部总经理领导,负责处理日常的海事管理和紧急海事事故,监督实施运河航行规则合格条例,审批新的结构设计(包括导缆钳和系缆柱,登船设施,驾驶室设计和能见度要求等)以确保到来待航的船舶已正确地装备。此外,负责对船舶交通流和控制的安全方面的事项,船舶材料状态和

14、检查,危险货物,运河的物理状况,以及火灾或石油/化学泄漏的紧急响应。执行经理的责任是通过运河港口值班船长执行。b. The Marine Traffic Control Unit (272-4201, fax: 272-3976, *), headed by the Traffic Management Unit manager, is responsible for processing ETA information, preparation of the daily transit schedule, monitoring and coordinating all vessel move

15、ments within Canal operating areas, and administering the Panama Canal Transit Booking System. 海上交通管制组(272-4201, 传真: 272-3976, *)由交通管理组经理领导,负责处理预计到达时间信息,编制每天的通航计划,监督并协调所有在运河区内船舶的移动,管理巴拿马运河通航预约系统。c. The Admeasurement and Billing Unit (272 4567, fax: 272 5514, *), headed by the Admeasurement Unit mana

16、ger, is responsible for ascertaining the correct Panama Canal tonnage of vessels transiting the Canal, ascertaining and auditing the Total TEU Allowance (TTA) on full container vessels and Number of TEUs Transported (NTT) on other vessels with on-deck carrying capacity, maximum number of berth on pa

17、ssenger vessels and the maximum displacement on warships, dredges and floating dry-docks; boarding and clearing of vessels for medical surveillance, general ship inspections, gathering information for the Ship Data Bank, and generating billing invoices for transits and related services. 丈量和开账单处(272

18、4567, fax: 272 5514, *)。由丈量处处长领导,负责确定船舶在通过运河时具有准确的巴拿马运河吨位,确定并审计在全集装箱船上的整个标准箱限额,在其他平台装载能力船的标准箱运输数量,客船上卧铺最大数量和战船上最大排水量,一般船舶检查,收集资料提交给船舶数据库,并为通航及相关服务出具收款单据。D.The Board of Inspectors (272-3403, fax: 272-3548), headed by the Board of Inspectors chairman, is responsible for the official inquiry and examin

19、ation into the circumstances surrounding marine accidents which occur in Canal waters involving Authority personnel and/or equipment. In addition, this office is responsible for the certification of marine credentials of Authority employees. 验船师委员会,由委员会主席领导,负责对发生在运河水区涉及机关人员和设备的海事事故进行正式调查和处理。此外,负责对管理

20、委员会雇员签发海事方面的证件。Finally, vessel transits are a joint effort. In addition to the responsibilities of the units outlined above, vessel owners, operators, agents, officers and crews are responsible for compliance with Canal rules and regulations. Cooperation of all concerned parties is necessary to ensu

21、re a safe and efficient transit. 船舶通过运河是一种共同努力的结果。除了上述各机关应各尽其职守外,还要求船东、经营人、代理人和船员遵守运河各项规章制度。各有关方面的合作对于确保安全面有效地通航是十分必要的。4. Communication Channels联系方法Direct communication with the Executive Vice Presidency for Operations units may be established by the following means: 可以采用下列方法与海事局的各下属单位取得直接联系:a. MAIL

22、: AUTORIDAD DEL CANAL DE PANAMA (ACP) 邮件:巴拿马运河管理委员会(Name, position and title) ACP-OP P.O. Box 526725 Miami FL 33152-6725 b. FACSIMILE: (Name of Unit) 传真(Fax numbers listed on the previous page.) 传真号码已列在上一节中c. TELEPHONE: (Telephone numbers listed on the previous page.) 电话:电话号码列在上页中d. INTERNATIONAL CO

23、UNTRY CODE For fax and telephone: 507 国际国家代码e. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UNIT Via e-mail: * 交通管理处f. RADIO PRATIQUE MESSAGES Via e-mail: * 无线电检疫信息g. DRAWING SUBMITALS Via e-mail: * or in compact disk or printed form directly to: 图纸建议Courier mail: AUTORIDAD DEL CANAL DE PANAMA 专送邮件Divisin de Operaciones de T

24、rnsito (OPTS) Edificio 910, La Boca Balboa, Panama Republic of Panama (Telephones: 272-4191/4296) Regular mail: AUTORIDAD DEL CANAL DE PANAMA 普通邮件Divisin de Operaciones de Trnsito (OPTS) Balboa, Panama Republic of Panama The drawings submitted via e-mail or disk should be saved preferably in PDF or

25、TIFF file format, or in a file format compatible with AUTOCAD. All drawing and letter files are to be compressed together into one zip file using the WinZip file compression software. 通过邮件或磁盘提交的图纸应该用PDF或TIFF格式保存,或者用CAD格式保存。所有图纸和文件压缩成一个压缩文件。h. For admeasurement purposes the drawings shall be submitte

26、d to: * at least 96 hours prior to arrival at Panama Canal Waters in PDF or AUTOCAD formats only, in one plan (not section). 为了丈量目的,图纸应该在达到巴拿马运河水域前至少96小时以PDF或CAD格式提交邮箱* 5. Relevant Information for Canal Customers相关信息a. New Panama Canal Tolls Structure 新巴拿马运河通行费结构The following modifications to the pr

27、icing structure were approved for the different segments in order to meet and align with the diverse vessel types transiting the Canal. 以下价格结构的修改被批准用于不同节段以满足符合通过运河不同类型的船只。 Full container vessels will continue to be measured and priced based on TEU capacity and TEUs loaded with cargo. 集装箱船舶将基于标准箱容量和装

28、载货物标准箱持续测量并定价。 Dry bulk carriers will be priced based on deadweight tonnage, and if transiting the Neopanamax locks, on deadweight tonnage and the amount of cargo carried in metric tons. 干散货船将基于载重吨位定价,如果运输船闸,载重吨位和货物数量以公吨计量。 Tanker vessels will be measured and priced based on Panama Canal Universal M

29、easurement System (PC/UMS) tons, and if transiting the Neopanamax locks, on PC/UMS plus the amount of cargo carried in metric tons. 油轮将基于巴拿马运河普通测量系统测量和定价,如果运输Neopanamax locks,巴拿马运河普通测量系统加货物数量以公吨计量。 Chemical tanker (IMO Type 1) vessels will continue to be priced based on PC/UMS. 化学品船将基于巴拿马运河普通测量系统持续定

30、价 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) carriers will be priced based on cargo-carrying capacity in cubic meters. 液化天然气和液化石油气船基于装货容量定价 Vehicle carriers and Ro-Ro vessels will be priced based on PC/UMS tons, taking into consideration the percentage of utilization of the cargo-

31、carrying capacity of the vessel (ratio of the cargo weight in metric tons and the deadweight (TM/DWT) of the vessel) for each transit. 运输船和滚装船将基于巴拿马运河普通测量系统吨位定价,考虑到船舶货物运输能力的利用率(公吨货物重量比率和船舶载重) Units of measurement for passenger, refrigerated cargo, general cargo, and “others” vessel segments, includi

32、ng small craft (those charged with minimum tolls), will remain unchanged. 对客船、冷藏货物、杂货和“其他”船舶段的计量单位,包括小工艺(那些收取最低通行费的),将保持不变。Additionally, a new Intra-Maritime Cluster segment was created, which includes vessels dedicated to local tourism, marine bunkering and container transshipment that do not compete with international trade. Customers interested in becoming part of this s

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