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PEP六年级英语下册 Where did you go教案.docx

1、PEP六年级英语下册 Where did you go教案Unit 3 Where did you go?第一课时Learning aims(学习目标):1、能听说读写单词及词组: rode, rode a horse, rode a bike, went ,went camping, hurt, hurt my foot and went fishing.2、能听说认读句子:Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park. What did you do there? I rode a bike.3、会唱歌曲Tell me ab

2、out your holidayImportant &difficult points(重难点):1、学习五个短语,注意ride, go, hurt的过去式。2、学生能用句型进行简单的对话。教学过程Step 1.预习温故 1.Show the pictures and Go over the phrases of Unit 2. S1:watched TV S2: I watched TV S3: I watched TV last weekend. 同样的方法复习cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, read a book,

3、saw a film, had a cold and slept.2.Free talk. - What did you do last weekend? - I watched TV./ .Step 2. 新课内容展示 1. 教学短语 (1)Show the picture of ride a horse. 教读短语T: ride a horse I often ride a horse. (学生跟读) Go camping, hurt my foot,go fishing.(用同样的方法复习这些词组) (2) 呈现句子T: I rode a horse last weekend. 同样的方

4、法教学短语rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot,went fishing.(3)T:What did you do last weekend? Ss: I rode a horse/ went camping (学生多操练) 2. T: Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park.师生互答。3. Play the tape of Lets learn.学生跟读,然后分角色朗读对话。Step 3.合作交流: 1.Play a game.叫一名同学到讲台前表演动作,其他的同学说短语。2.学

5、生灵活运用本课时词组,自由编对话。3.Fnish Listen, answer and write. 齐读这些句子。(选上)4.学唱歌曲Tell me about your holiday. Step4.作业1、抄写并背诵四会短语2、用本课时句型写一个对话。Unit 3 Where did you go?rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot and went fishing.ride rode go went hurt - hurtZhang Peng: Where did you go last Saturday?John

6、: I went to a forest park.Zhang Peng: What did you go there?John: I rode a bike.第二课时Learning aims(学习目标):1、能听懂Lets try并完成Tick and cross.2、能理解Lets talk并能听说认读下列句子:What happened? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.3、能听说认读单词 fell off, m

7、ule, could, till, Labour Day, TurpanImportant &difficult points(重难点):1. 听说认读句子:What happened? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.2. 理解句子:I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.教学过程Step 1.预习温故1.复习 Lets learn. Eg: rode a h

8、orse. I rode a horse last weekend. 2.Free talk. -Where did you go last Sunday/ Saturday? - I went to a forest park.- What did you do there? - I rode a bike. / . Step 2. 新课内容展示1.教读并理解重点单词和句型fell off, mule, could, till, Labour Day, TurpanWhat happened? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where did you go? I

9、t looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did. I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.2.学生听录音,老师教读对话。3.学生小组阅读对话并回答问题。(1). What happened to John? (2). Where did John go over his holiday? (3). What did he do?4.学生讲解对话,教师补充答疑。Step 3.合作交流: Role play. 学生灵活运用本课时句型和所学词组扮演John和Amy打电话。2. F

10、inish Lets try.Step4、作业1. 熟读Lets talk. 2. 抄写教学目标中的句子。Unit 3 Where did you go?fell off, mule, could, till, Labour Day, Turpan-What happened?-I hurt my foot.-Are you all right?-Im OK now.-Did you go to Turpan?-Yes, we did. / No, we didnt.第三课时Learning aims(学习目标):1、听说读写单词和词组:ate, took, bought, gift, too

11、k pictures.2、听说认读句子:How was your summer holiday? It was good. I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures.Important &difficult points(重难点):1.听说读写单词和词组: ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures.掌握不规则动词的过去式。教学过程Step 1.预习温故1.齐读P25,师生互译重点短语和句子。2.Translate the fallowing sentences. What happened?

12、 Are you all right? Im OK now. It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.Step 2. 新课内容展示教学短语(1) 教读短语T: Eat fresh food. I often eat fresh food. 同样的方法教学 take pictures, buy gifts, go swimming.(2) 呈现句子:I ate fresh food last Sunday. 同样的方法教学went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts(3)T: What

13、 did you do last Sunday? Ss: I ate fresh food . (学生多操练) 3. T:How was your summer holiday? Ss: It was good. I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures. 师生互答。4. Play the tape of Lets learn. 学生跟读。Step 3.合作交流:1.学生两人小组读短语:一人做动作,一人用动词的过去式说短语。2.Role play: 学生灵活运用本课时词组表演Amy和Wu Yifan的对话,。3.Finish

14、“Look and say” and read these sentences.4.全班齐读 P27.Step4、作业抄写并背诵本课时四个四会短语Unit 3 Where did you go?ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts.eatate gowent taketook buy - bought- How was your summer holiday?- It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.第四课时Lear

15、ning aims(学习目标):1、能听懂Lets try部分的对话并完成练习。2、能理解Lets talk内容并能听说读写下列句子:How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great!3. 能听说认读单词beach.Important &difficult points(重难点):1.理解Lets talk部分的内容并能听说认读学习目标中的句子。2.用所学句型简单介绍自己的winter holiday.教学过程Step 1.预习温故 1.Show pictures and go over the phrases: Eg: at

16、e fresh food, I ate fresh food/.2.Free talk: T: How was your holiday? Ss: It was good. T: What did you do? Ss: I went swimming. / .Step 2. 新课内容展示 1.板书并教读重点句型T: Where did you go last summer holiday? Ss: I went to .T: How did you go there? Ss: I went there by plane./ . T: Sounds great! 2. 学生听录音,老师教读对话

17、。3. 学生谈论P26的五张图片。.4.Read and answer the questions: (1) Where did Amy go last winter holiday? (2) How did she go there? (3) What did she do there? (4) How was the beach?5.学生讲解对话,教师释疑。Step 3.合作交流: 1.Role play.2.学生灵活运用所学单词及词组句子谈论自己的winter holiday. 例: S1: Where did you go last winter holiday? S2: I went

18、 to . S1: How did you go there? S2: We went there by . S1: What did you do there? S2: I . S1: Sounds great!3. Finish Lets try.Step4、作业1. 熟读Lets talk. 2. 抄写第三单元的句子。Unit 3 Where did you go?S1: Where did you go last winter holiday? S2: I went to .S1: How did you go there? S2: We went there by .S1: What

19、 did you do there? S2: I .S1: Sounds great!第五课时Learning aims(学习目标):1、理解Read and write的内容并完成后面的练习。2、能听说认读单词basket, part, licked, laughed3、能听懂,会说句子Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day!Important &difficult points(重难点):1.

20、能听懂会说学习目标中的句子。2. 理解It was a bad day but also a good day!的意思。教学过程Step 1.预习温故1. Go over phrases: rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing, ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts2. Free talk: T: How was your last Sunday? Ss: It was fine. T: Where did you g

21、o? Ss: I went to . T: What did you do there? Ss: I rode a bike./ .Step 2. 新课内容展示1. T: Something may happen everyday. Something is good and something is bad. But Wu Yifan had a bad but good day. Then, What happened? Please turn to page 28. Read the passage and finish the task of page 29. You can disc

22、uss with your partner.2. 教师板书讲解单词及句子:basket, part, licked, laughed.Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! 教读。3. 学生小组阅读并讲解课文,教师答疑,完成后面的练习。4. Play the tape to listen to the passage.Step 3.合作交流:1.领读Read and write 中的句子并纠正读

23、音。2.师生互译下列单词及句子:basket, part, licked, laughed.Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day!3. Write about students bad but good day.Step4、作业抄写第三单元短语及句子Unit 3 Where did you go?basket part licked laughed Max sat in a basket on

24、the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day!第六课时Learning aims(学习目标):1、复习本单元三会,四会单词和词组,四会句型。2、完成Lets check, lets wrap it up, story timeImportant &difficult points(重难点):1.复习并掌握本单元的单词和句子 2. 借助图片理解Story time中的故事。教学过程Step 1.预习温故 1.读课本三单元单词和句子2.T: How w

25、as your winter holiday? Ss: It was fine.T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to .T: How did you go there? Ss: By .T: What did you do there? Ss: I .Step 2. 新课内容展示 Main scene1.T: John had a good Labour Day holiday. Please turn to page 22. Read the dialogue and tell me “What happened to John? ”2. Read and e

26、xplain the dialogue.4. 听录音,读对话。5. Role play. 分角色表演对话。6. Finish lets check and lets wrap it up.Step 3.合作交流: 1.小组合作阅读Story time. 每个小组阅读一幅图。 2.小组代表讲解,教师答疑3. 表演故事。(时间允许的情况)Step4、作业复习第三单元单词及句子。Unit 3 Where did you go? - Where did you go? - I went to the moon. - How did you go there? - By spaceship.- What did you see? - I saw the rabbit.

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