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1、专四crimmal词汇DOC第16次课 犯罪阅读:真题1 p7黑人犯罪问题词汇Keep a low file 低调A predominantly African-American areaBe robbed at gunpointDescend on Frisk him and shove a camera in his faceCrack down on drugsDrug-infested street cornersFile in a databaseCollect the shot of potential criminals句子:Minority Report is a fictio

2、nal high-tech police unit identifies criminals before they commit crimes, an analogy that some expert says is laughable.What bothers the operations critics, who range from civil libertarians to local politicians is the pictures taken by the police.The supreme court has held that people can have no e

3、xpectation of privacy when they are in public.讨论:Whether its acceptable for the police to jump out ,stop and frisk the pedestrians?真题阅读p53警察新系统应对犯罪真题阅读p153被偷世界名画与抵罪词汇:trade for more lenient sentences use in plea bargaining for other offences criminal gangsstolen art squad prolific artists steal for

4、financial gains句子: if you are instrumental in the recovery of the painting you can get a credit from sentencing for the armed robbery. There is nothing in the talk of sophisticated Raffles-type cat burglars, or great art fakers.句子听译 p219吸毒与上诉段落听译P220减少商店偷盗听力试卷五Model 607.3阅读简答 DNA与犯罪英语术语之犯罪术语TAG:1. I

5、 was walking in the street when a guy snatched my bag.2. He was put in prison because he used the companys money to buy a car of his own.3. He was caught by the police when transporting cigarettes from Hong Kong to the mainland of China.4. They took away my little boy and demanded $100,000 for his s

6、afe return.5. My bike was taken away by someone last night.6. A gang took control of the flight and forced the pilot to change his destination.7. My house was broken into when I was away on holiday.8. The other day when I was shopping in a supermarket, I saw a little boy take several packs of chewin

7、g gums and leave without paying for them.9. After I got off from the crowded bus, I found the wallet in my back pocket had gone.10. He made a living by buying and selling drugs.11. He killed his best friend intentionally after he learned that his girlfriend was going to marry him.12. A man followed

8、me to a back street and attacked me.13. He got caught when setting fire to a building.14. They blew up a department store and threatened to do the same to another if their demands were not met by the government.15. Some tourists like carving their names on cultural relics.16. He violently forced the

9、 girl to have sex with him.17. He got this job by giving money to the person in charge.the crime the verb form the person who does it1 robbery rob robber2 embezzlement embezzle embezzler3 smuggling smuggle smuggler4 kidnapping kidnap kidnapper5 theftsteal thief6 hijacking hijack hijacker7 burglary b

10、urgle burglar8 shoplifting shoplift shoplifter9 pickpocketing pickpocket pickpocket10 trafficking traffic trafficker11 murder murder murderer12 assault assault assailant13 arson set fire to arsonist14 terrorism terrorise terrorist15 vandalism vandalise vandal16 rape rape rapist17 bribery bribe bribe

11、rattorney: Another word for lawyer. Someone who has studied law and defends or represents someone else.bailiff: An officer of the court who protects the jurors and keeps everyone in the court room in controlclerk: Someone who keeps track of the files and records for the clerk.counsel: A lawyer or gr

12、oup of lawyers who give advice to people needing legal help or who represent people in court.court: The room where trials are held; a place where legal disputes are settled.court reporter: A journalist whose specific purpose is to report what happens in court.defendant: A person who has been accused

13、 of doing something bad and who now must defend him/herself.defense attorney: A lawyer who specializes in defending people who have been accused of breaking the law or causing harm to someone.district attorney (or crown prosecutor): A person who represents the government or legal system and prosecut

14、es (tries to show that someone is guilty) a witness: A person who is brought into court because he/she has special skills. For example, a psychologist may be brought in to discuss the mental state of a defendant.Grand Jury: A special jury made up of more than 12 citizens. Their duty

15、 is to investigate accusations against a person. If there is enough evidence, then the person must go to trial for the crime.investigating officer: The police officer who investigated the plice : 同案Any person who takes part in a crime.参与犯罪的每个人。 adult business district : 红灯区A neighborhood zoned for p

16、ornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc.划定的街区,作为开设色情书店、影院、脱衣舞场等的场所。 agricrime : 农业犯罪Sort for agricultural crime. The theft of crops and /or farm equipment.agricultural crime的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。 armed robbery :武装抢劫The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to t

17、ake property form another person or party.夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。 arrest warrant : 逮捕证A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime.对被指控犯罪的某人实施搜捕的文件。 arson : 纵火The crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire.故意放火毁坏财产的犯罪。 assassin : 暗杀A mur

18、derer. A person who sets out to kill someone, esp. a prominent person.谋杀者。密谋杀害他人,特别是一位杰出人物的凶手。 assault : 袭击The act of attempting or threatening to harm another person.试图伤害或威胁要伤害他人的行为。 attack dog : 攻击犬A canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars, etc.一种经过训练的狼犬,用来攻击窃贼等。 back-alley butcher : 卑

19、鄙的屠夫Slang for abortionist.俚语,给人施行流产手术的人。 bail : 保释金Money that is deposited with a court in order to secure the release of a defendant while awaiting trial.存放在法庭的一定数量的保证金,以使被告在候审期间获得释放。 ballistics : 弹道学The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets.研究火器及子弹运动的科学。 blackmail : 敲诈,勒索The a

20、ct of threatening to reveal personal information, esp. sexual scandals, in order to extract money.以揭露隐私特别是性丑闻为威胁手段以谋取钱财的行为。 black market : 黑市A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged.非法或紧俏物资的销售点,或者非法换汇的地方。 blood money : 血腥钱Money that is paid as re

21、tribution for injury, loss of life, vandalism, etc.为他人受伤、丧命、损坏财产而付出的酬金。 body bag : 装尸袋A heavy-duty bag that is used to contain a corpse.一种结实的用来装运尸体的袋子。 bomb squad : 爆破小组A team of police who are specially-trained to remove and deactivate bombs.经专门训练,从事排除和拆卸炸弹的一支警察队伍。 bootlegging : 贩卖违禁品The illegal di

22、stribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc.非法销售物品如酒类、毒品、枪支等。 break-in : 非法闯入It looks like you are the victim of a break-in.看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者。 bribery : 行贿受贿The act of offering, giving, or taking bribes.赠送,提供,或接受贿金的行为。 bucket shop : 投机商号(Also called “telephone boiler room.”) An office tha

23、t is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing.(也被称为”电话交易所”)通过邮件或电话营销来推销荒地或垃圾证券的地点。 bug : 窃听To use electronic listening devices to listen in on the conversations of others.使用电子收听装置来偷听他人的谈话。 bum rap : 错捕Steve served six months jail time on a bum rap.史迪夫因错捕而受了6个月的监禁

24、。 burglary : 入室盗窃The act of breaking into a home, building, etc. with the intent to steal from it.闯入民宅、建筑物等,企图偷盗的行为。 car bangers : 汽车窃贼Thieves who steal form automobiles.从汽车里偷东西的贼。 career criminal : 职业罪犯A person who makes a living from crime.以犯罪为生的人。 child abuse : 虐待儿童The physical and verbal mistrea

25、tment of children.对儿童进行身体上和言语上的虐待。 chop shop : 地下拆车厂A shop where criminals take apart stolen cars and sell the parts.犯罪分子将所盗汽车拆成零件并销售出去的窝点。 cocaine : 可卡因A powerful stimulant drug.一种有强力兴奋作用的毒品。 computer cleaner : 消除财务信息的电脑黑客A person who, for a price, clean computer files of unfavorable financial cred

26、it information of others.将反映他人财物信用赤字的计算机文件抹去以获取报酬的人员。 con artist : 行骗高手A person who is skilled at convincing others of believing in fraudulent schemes.擅于蒙骗并使人进入骗局的人。 con game : 骟局Any fraudulent scheme 任何骗人的把戏。 convict : 囚犯A person found guilty of a felony and confined in a prison.被判有重罪并羁于狱中的人。 count

27、erfeit : 伪造To illegally reproduce a copy of money, postage stamps, bonds, etc.非法印造钱币、邮票、证券等。 credit-card fraud : 信用卡欺诈The attempted use of a credit to obtain goods or services with the intention of avoiding payment.企图使用信用卡获取货物或服务,并故意逃避付款。 crime of passion : 激情犯罪;冲动犯罪Murder that resulted form the inf

28、idelity of a lover; Murder committed in the heat of rage.由于情人的不忠而导致的谋杀;暴怒驱使的杀人行为。 Crime rate : 犯罪率The number of reported crimes per specified number of the population.每一定人数中发生的犯罪数量。 criminal : 犯罪 A person who has violated a criminal law.触犯刑法的人。 date rape : 约会强奸A rape that is committed by a womans da

29、te.由女性的约会对象实施的强奸。 deadly weapon : 致命武器Any object, or instrument that is capable of being used to kill.任何可以用以杀人致命的物体、器具。 death penalty :死刑Punishment by death, that is imposed in a legal manner.以合法的形式剥夺罪犯生命的一种惩罚。 death row : 死囚牢房A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution.特别为等待处决的死刑犯设置的牢房。 d

30、efendant : 被告A person who has been charged with a crime被指控犯有罪行的人。 domestic violence : 家庭暴力Violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating.对家庭成员施加的暴力,包括虐待儿童和殴打妻子。 drug abuse : 吸毒The excessive and compulsive use of drugs to the point of damaging ones health.强迫性过量使用毒品,以致损害身体。 drug king (czar) : 毒枭The person who controls the production, transportation and selling of drug in an area.控制某一地区的毒品地区生产、运输和销售的头号人物。 drunk driving : 酒后驾驶Driv

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