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专题四 短文改错.docx

1、专题四 短文改错216专题四 短文改错一 考纲解读短文改错题共计10小题。高考短文改错题以完整篇章的形式出现,所以考生首先建立把握和连贯思索的审题模式。此题主要考察学生的词、句、篇和语法的综合水平。错误类型包括词性、句子结构、上下文的逻辑性等,没有单词拼写、标点符号或语序错误,只涉及语法、习惯表达和语义逻辑层面。主要考察考生运用自己在高中所学的语法知识,发现,判断,纠正文章中错误的能力。它不仅要求考生掌握一定的词汇、语法知识,还要求考生具有一定的阅读、分析和逻辑推理能力。它不是单纯的知识检测,而是在改错和书写的过程中,在对篇章的上下文理解中运用所学的语言知识去解决实际的语言问题。二、命题分析

2、动词形容词名词介词代词连词冠词2013311112120123112210通过分析近三年高考短文改错我们发现,此题主要考察考生在词法句法惯用法和行文逻辑等方面在语篇中综合运用的能力,因此考点综合性强,覆盖面广,错项设置类型多,是历年高考英语中的难题。最近几年高考短文改错呈以下两个特点:1. 选材特点短文改错的文体多为记叙文,有时以书信的形式呈现。一般在110词左右。所选取的语言材料贴近实际生活,多为考生所所熟悉甚至是考生所经历过的故事。文字浅显易懂,材料中没有生僻、超纲的词汇:句子结构简单,基本上是简单句和并不复杂的复合句;语言地道,符合英语语言习惯。2. 考点设置短文改错所考察的词类覆盖面广

3、,分布合理.其重点是从词法句法和行文逻辑三个角度考察学生在语篇中综合运用英语的能力,同时兼顾句型结构习惯搭配等。错误设置类型相对稳定,主要集中在以下几个方面: 名词和冠词动词形容词和副词代词介词介词、数词、非谓语动词、连词、复合句、逻辑关系。为了提高做短文改错题的能力,考生除了要加强基础知识的积累、提高语篇的整体理解能力之外,还应该对其错项设置的基本情况有所分析,以便做到目标明确,有的放失,从而提高解题的正确率。三 题型探究 第一讲:句子成分;冠词,名词,代词 不同的句子成分要用不同的词性表达;不同的语境要选择不同的词语。只有我们对句子结构和句子成分作细致的分析,才能找出用词不当的错误。例1

4、(2011陕西卷)Last Sunday morning,when I was having a walk in the park near my home ,I came across a crew make a new film with one of (解析)make-making .分析结构可知此处是现在分词短语making a new film作后置定语修饰a crew ,所以make 改为making.探究点一 冠词 英语中冠词只有三个,a;an;the 从高考英语改错题的角度来看,只能从以下几个方向出题;1)不定冠词a和an互改 2)不定冠词a或an和定冠词the互改 3)根据需

5、要增删冠词。主要考查表示特指和泛指时冠词的使用情况。1.如季节月份星期球类及三餐活动、称呼头衔前等不能加the的地方加了the,2 same常和the一起使用却漏掉了the;1) When I was boy,I used to read a lot.(改为a boy)2) This was my first visit to a English family.(改为an English family)3) I started writing down words from books that I read .(改为the books 特指我读的书)4) I hope you have ha

6、d pleasant journey home and will come to China.(改为 a pleasant journey)探究点二 名词单复数及主谓一致 名词单复数互改是高考英语改错题的基本题型之一,改动的依据有:一是根据名词前的修饰限定成分;二是根据上下文的逻辑关系。主谓一致关键是要分析句子结构,找出主谓语来。1) Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything if they like. (allow 改为allows ,主语是动名词短语Earning their own money,位于应该用单数)2) B

7、ut one and a half year later ,he came back from abroad.(改为years ,one and a half 意思为一年半,故判断此处year 应为复数形式)3) I was often a little tired after a days work and watch TV demands very little effort.(根据句意分析,and 连接两个不同的事情,故watch 应改为动名词watching 作主语)探究三 代词 代词不仅要与其所指代对象一致,其运用还要符合上下文的语气及逻辑关系。1) And every year m

8、ore and more people start a stamp collection of your own.(your 改为their ,指代对象应一致)2) You have be friends with your pupils and take good care of him.(him 改为them ,puipls 是复数,后应该用替代复数名词的代词。)3) Some students may also save up for our college or future use.(our改为their ,指代对象应一致04) We often play a trick on hi

9、mself.(himself 改为him,play a trick on sb )改错大练兵一 单句改错。(下列句子各有一处错误,请改正)1. The food was wonderful with reasonable prices ,and we enjoyed several local dish.(2012陕西)2. There had been a terrible accident on the highway and,as a result ,there was a long line of traffic for at least six mile.(2012辽宁)3. Fro

10、m the time I was about four until I was about six ,I destroyed each of my toy.(2012 全国新课标)4. Like the rest of my classmates ,I didnt really want to get close to her.(2010辽宁)5. I came across a crew making a new film with one of my favourite actor.(2011陕西)6. My father and I stayed at the South Lake Ho

11、tel for a week when we visited Beining last month What I liked best were the free high-speed Internet connection in the room.(2012陕西)7. But the only clothes I had was those I had on ( 2011全国新课标)8. In early January this year ,the rate of UFO reports were steady.(2011辽宁)9. After one hours driving I fi

12、nally arrived at my friend.(2011全国新课标)10. I was playing at my cousin house when a stranger came in .(2011浙江)11. My father and I stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week when we visited Beijing last month It is such great hotel that I would recommend it to any friend of mine who is going to Being(20

13、12陕西)12. After that I would go to Xiamen for long holiday .(2011全国新课标)13. My friend Nick told me story about his experience back in the US.(2010全国新课标)14. when,on January 16, a science fiction film about visitors from outer space was shown on televison ,there was the immediate in reports of sightings

14、 from all parts of the States(2011辽宁)15. I was happy when the toys worked ,but when things went wrong ,I got angry and broke it (2012全国新课标)16. I didnt thinl she looked like Grandma.”Neither did me .”said Mother cheerfully.(2010浙江)17. The commanding officer ,Wayne Tyler, who was directlu responsible

15、for the study of all such reports ,decided to make his findings known.They wrote an article (2011辽宁)18. I didnt have my camera with me at that time ,so I rushed back home to get.(2011陕西)19. She liked the cup at once.Then she bent down and pick up.(2010陕西)20. As she did this ,lots of tea splashed on

16、his T-shirt!(2010陕西)二短文改错 (一)There are several ways improve our English writing skills, such as keeping a diary, learning any good writings by heart, doing a lot of reading, etc, among that I prefer keeping a diary. Comparing with other forms of writing, keeping a diary is easy and take less time. I

17、n addition, it can help us form a habit of thinking in English. If we can keep this practice, we will gradually learn how to express us in English. Whats more, keeping a diary can be as talking with one of your close friends, sharing your happiness or sadness. In a simple word, keeping a diary was a

18、 good way of improving your written English. 二I still remember how nervously I was on my first day in the new school three years ago,when I found difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class.The teacher spoke English throughout the class,that was totally different from lessons I had tak

19、en before.In the morning class the next day,the English teacher came to me while I am reading the text aloud as other students.After listen to me for a while,she gave me a big smile and said he liked my voice very much.The smile shone on the whole day and the following days.A week later,I was volunt

20、eered to take charge of English study in my class.Thank to the comforting smile in my first morning class,I began to confident. 第二讲: 句子成分:动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词探究点一 动词动词:1.时态和语态2.及物动词后无宾语3.不及物动词后加了宾语4.需要接ing形式的接了动词原形或者不定式。1. 动词时态每年都有时态错误的小题,而且改动基本集中在一般过去时与一般现在时之间。时态的更改要以上下文的主体时态为依据。1) She liked it very muc

21、h and reads it to the class .All said the story was (reads 改为read ,and 连接并列谓语)2) I will write again and send you the photos we take together.(take 改为took ,把照片寄给你,应该时已经拍好的,用过去时)2. 非谓语动词的误用:主要体现在v-ing分词,v-ed分词与不定式的用法区别,关注非谓语动词的时态和语态。(2011陕西卷)I was really disppointed and about to leave when he walked o

22、ut解析 disppointing - disppointed 此处表示“我非常失望”,用来表达人的主观意识应该使用disppointed.探究点二 形容词、副词1. 常在需要形容词的地方用了副词或相反;2.关系副词where ,when,why 等的缺失或借用。 (2011浙江卷)When she dropped me off ,I pulled out the toy slow and gave it back .(解析slow slowly 此处是修饰动词短语pulled out 应用副词)探究点三 数词 主要是序数词与基数词的混用和错用,如1.分数的分子大于一时分母没有用复数等2.基数

23、词的复数形式如几百hundreds of ,几千thousands of 漏掉了s 3.或是当其前有具体数字或several 时加了复数,如seven hundred 写作 seven hundreds.探究点四 介词:主要是介词的多余或缺失,错用。改错大练兵一 单句改错1. Two years ago ,I traveled to Brail and I rented for a car (2012浙江)2. I would never be able to enjoy playing with the toy or faced my cousin again.(2011浙江)3. I gu

24、essed ,even at that age ,I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the joy. (2011浙江)4. 4.My punishment lasted a year .Meanwhile ,I found out that with more patience I must make my toys last.(2012全国新课标)5. My father and I stayed at the South Lake for a week when we visit Beingjing last month.(201

25、2陕西)6. I feel very happy that I could change my clothes at last (2011 全国新课标)】7. Unfortunately ,by the time I got back ,they have finished the scene(2011 陕西)8.I checked my e-mail message every day.I also shared with my friends many photos taking in Beingjing.(2012陕西)9.I was at the Shanghai Railway St

26、ation ,buy a Ticket to Hangzhou.(2011 全国新课标)10.I noticed Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an edlerly woman and young couple (2010浙江)11.Two years ago ,I travelled to Brail and had an accident.Tey would be worried about me because I was so farther away,and that my mother would not sleep if s

27、he knew.(2102浙江)12.Since his family was rich than mine ,he had more toys than I did .(2011浙江)13.She was ,in fact ,rather than attractively.(2010辽宁)14.Unfortunately,the only problem was the journey home.(2012辽宁)15.Two years before ,I traveled to Brazil and I rented a car .(2012浙江)16.They ate silently

28、 ,and it was clearly that things were not going well.(2010浙江)17.There had been a terrible accident on the highway and ,for a result ,there was a long line of traffic for at least six miles(2012辽宁)18.He wrote an article ,which said that all UFO reports could be explained for quite naturally by aircra

29、ft movements.(2011辽宁)19.Chritine was just a girl in my class .I never knew much about he except for that she was strange.(2010辽宁)20.I was really disappointed and about to leave when he walked out a building(2011陕西)二小试身手 Dear Jessie How nice to hear of you again. You want to know what is going on in

30、our school. On short, things have been improving after the school began to carry out exploring study. In the past, the teachers keep on explaining the points. We just listened and took note. But now we discuss and solve the problems was raised by teachers or by us. After class, we enjoy all kinds of

31、 activity instead of doing endless homework. For example, we can read that we are interested in and go to the library or surf lnternet for information.1. hear offrom 2. On shortIn 3. after since 4. keepkept 5. notenotes 6. was raised去掉was 7. by usourselves8. activityactivities 9. thatwhat 10. surf后加the

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