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1、健身These Former Skinny Guys Built Muscles Fast这些从前皮包骨的家伙快速增加了肌肉15 things you must do to build muscle fast为了增加肌肉你必须做的15件事情If you are serious about building muscle, get this free report and learn how to start building more muscle, faster!如果你非常想增加肌肉,那么看看这个免费的宣传资料,并学习怎样更快速的增加肌肉To get your free report, en

2、ter your name and email below.为了便于得到免费的宣传资料,请在下方输入您的姓名和邮件地址Email 邮件地址 First name 名Give me my report ,now现在就给我宣传资料Actual photos of Anthony Ellis before and after 12 weeks. Read this letter to see his incredible transformation after only 16 weeks youll be amazed.这是安东尼埃利斯在12周之前和12周之后的真实照片。阅读这封信件,看一看在仅仅

3、16周后他不可思议的变化吧你一定会惊呆的。This is unlike anything youve ever seen before. I show you exactly how I did it so that you can do it too, step by step, whether youre new to weight training, cant seem to gain an ounce of muscle weight (no matter what youve tried), or are already an experienced weight trainer.

4、这不同与您之前所看到的任何一样东西。我会详细告诉您我是如何做到的,这样您就可以一步步的按照我所说的去做。不论您是因为对肌肉健美很陌生,因此无论用什么方法也增加不了肌肉,又或者您已经是一个经验丰富的肌肉健美者。Nows your chance to learn my breakthrough techniques for massive muscle growth in record speed without using any steroids whatsoever!现在您有机会了解这种可以快速并大量增加肌肉的高效训练方法-而且不需要用任何类固醇之类的东西。Dear Friend Its t

5、rue. I tried everything and I simply couldnt gain any weight. Im not gifted with great genetics, or very athletic. Im just an average guy who was fed up with being a skinny, 135-pound weakling.亲爱的朋友这是真的,我试过一切办法,但我就是不能增加一块肌肉。我天生就没有一副健壮的体魄。我135磅,非常瘦弱,对此我感到非常沮丧。I needed to learn how to gain weight. Mus

6、cle mass, that is.我所要做的是必须学习如何增加肌肉。After sifting through all the hype and crappy supplements, I discovered a few all-natural, muscle-gaining techniques that really help skinny people build more muscle mass. And do it faster than most typical weight gain workouts.通过筛选所有的劣质补品,我发现了一种纯天然的增加肌肉的方法,这种方法可以真

7、正帮助瘦弱的人增加肌肉,并且比其它类型的增肌锻炼更快。Using these simple techniques, I not only gained over 30 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks, but I also reduced my body fat from 10% to 7%用了这些简单的方法,我不仅在12周内增加了30多磅的肌肉,而且脂肪也从原来的10%减到了7%。Skinny And Average,I Hated Being Thin. 我讨厌骨瘦如柴Hi. My name is Anthony Ellis. And all of my life

8、 I had been very thin (about 135 pounds after a meal) with a fast metabolism. Being extremely thin may be OK for some people. But for me, it was degrading.大家好,我名叫安东尼埃利斯。我从出生那天起就非常瘦弱,新陈代谢很快。对于一些人来说,太瘦对他们可能没有多大影响,但对我来说,这是让我感到丢脸的事。In school, I was so thin that I wasnt allowed to participate in team spo

9、rts like football and baseball. High risk of injury, they said.在学校,我因为太瘦而无法参加一些团队运动,像足球和棒球之类。他们说我太容易受伤。When I took off my clothes, I was often too embarrassed to even look at myself in the mirror. I was totally ashamed of my body. To try and hide this from friends (who can be very cruel), I always w

10、ore baggy clothes and long sleeved shirts.每当我脱下衣服时,我都感到很难为情,以致我无法面对镜中的自己。因为我感到十分羞愧。为了在朋友面前掩饰我的瘦弱,我经常穿宽松的衣服和长袖的衬衫。Even in the summer time.即使在夏季I wanted to gain weight so badly that I tried everything I could. Everything! I wasted thousands of dollars on every supplement fad that promised more muscles

11、 and fast results. Including:由于我太想增加肌肉了,所以我尝试了所有可能增加肌肉的东西,所有的!我在那些所谓的时尚补品上浪费了数千美元,因为该补品承诺可以增肌并且立即见效。这些包括: High calorie weight gain powders 高能量增肌粉 Liver Tablets 肝片 Boron 硼 Smilax 菝葜属 Mexican Yams 墨西哥山药 Carbohydrate Powders碳水化合物粉 Cybergenics ? Liquid Oxygen 液氧 Colon Cleansing结肠清洗 Blue-Green Algae蓝藻. A

12、nd much more. 还有其它一些I joined a gym, and eagerly tried many of the professional bodybuilder workout routines in the Muscle magazines. I did everything that I was told to do, no matter how unusual it sounded.我报名参加了一个健身项目,并急切的尝试了在肌肉杂志上的各种专业健身方法。我按照别人告诉我的方法去做,无论这些事情听起来多么不寻常。I worked out 5-7 times per we

13、ek, 2 hours each day. Day after day, week after week I waited for the muscle gain, but I never gained a pound! In fact, eight years later, I looked exactly the same.我一周锻炼5到7次,每天2小时。日复一日,年复一年,我等待着自己长出肌肉的那天,但是结果我却没有长出一块肌肉,事实上,8年之后,我和从前并无区别。It was frustrating. I couldnt understand it! I did everything

14、that I was supposed to do, but it wasnt helping me. I knew that I would never be huge. I just want a body that I could be proud of. Was that too much to ask?这十分令人沮丧,我怎么也想不通,我做了所有我该做的事情,可是却一点效果也没有。我知道自己不可能变成一个巨人。我要的只不过是一个可以令我自豪的体型。难道这也过分了吗?Why was this so difficult?为什么这么困难呢?Heres The Secret TheyDont

15、Tell Us Skinny Guys. 这就是他们不告诉瘦个子的秘密What I finally discovered after years of failed effort is that most pros are not only gifted with good genetics (i.e., they can gain muscle or lose fat easier than most people), they also enhance their results with illegal hormones and steroids.在多年失败的尝试中,我最终发现,大多数肌

16、肉健美者不仅天生有良好的体魄,而且他们还服用一些非法的荷尔蒙和类固醇来保持身材。Because of this, they can train harder, eat whatever they want and still get great results. Using their training methods and advice would never work for my body type because I dont use steroids. I never want to.由于这个原因,他们可以更刻苦的训练,吃他们想吃的,并且仍然取得不错的效果。他们的训练方法和建议对于

17、我这类型的人来说根本不适用,因为,我从不服用类固醇,并且我也不想那样做。And my body does not gain muscle mass easily.要想使我的身体增加肌肉并非易事I now realize that I am a hardgainer. A hardgainer is someone who is naturally thin and has an extremely difficult time gaining weight of any kind. Because of this, why would I listen to someone who gains

18、 muscle easily?我现在终于意识到,我是一个很难长肌肉的人,通常像我这类人天生就瘦,并且很难通过其它方法增加肌肉。既然这样,那我为什么不听听那些轻而易举增加了肌肉的人的建议呢。Anything they say will not be relevant to me. It all makes sense now, but too bad I had to waste so many years just to figure it out.他们所说的和我没有什么关系,现在我总算明白了,可惜的是我花了数年时间才想通。If you are a hardgainer too, most a

19、dvice will be useless to you unless it specifically addresses your body type and metabolism. 如果你也属于那种很难增加肌肉的人,那么那些建议对你将一点用处也没有,除非这个制定的建议是特别为你的体型和新陈代谢量身打造的。Heres an important fact: What works for one person who gains weight easily will NOT work for you. And what works for someone whos overweight will

20、 NOT work for someone trying to gain weight.这里有个重要的事实,那就是:对于一个能给其它人快速增肌的方法也许并不适合自己。一个对于体重超标的人的有效方法也许用在一个正想获得体重的人的身上也并不合适。If youre anything like me, youre tired of irrelevant information and false advertising claims. Thats why I began looking for training and dieting techniques that have actually bee

21、n proven to increase muscle mass.如果你和我的情况类似的话,你一定早已对那些不相关的消息和假广告感到厌倦了。这也是我为什么开始寻求锻炼和饮食方法的原因,并且这种方法已经被证实对增加肌肉很有效。Please read this page carefully because I am going to tell you exactly what I learned and how you can apply that information to finally transform YOUR Body.请认真阅读本文,因为,我将详细告诉你我所学到的东西,以及教你如何

22、运用这种方法彻底改变自己的体型。Steve gained 20 lbs of muscle, lost 22 lbs of fat史蒂夫增加了20磅肌肉,减掉了22磅脂肪Sam gained 40 lbs of muscle山姆增加了40磅肌肉。Ok, lets get started. 那么,让我们开始吧During my search for proven muscle building techniques, I came across quite a bit of incredible training and dieting information. I also came acro

23、ss some hard-to-accept information that I was not ready to believe. Looking back, I now realize that this information was the major turning point in my journey to gain more mass. I had to let go of old myths:在我寻找有效增加肌肉的方法期间,我碰到了许多不可思议的训练和饮食建议,我也遇到了一些让人难以接受的,并且连我自己也不太相信的建议。回过头看,我终于意识到,这些建议才是我真正踏上增肌之路

24、的转折点。说到这,我不得不打破一些讹传了。Myth #1: If You Want To Look Like A Bodybuilder, You Must Train Like Them 讹传1:如果你想要有健美运动者的身材,你就必须像他们一样训练For many years I read the bodybuilder magazines religiously. I tried workout after workout. trying to achieve the body of a professional bodybuilder. Unfortunately, I did not

25、realize that bodybuilding was a sport. And like all other sports, the athletes are not like you or I. 许多年来,我都很虔诚的阅读健身杂志,我拼命锻炼就是想有一天能塑造一个专业健身者的体型。不幸的是,我没有意识到健身是一项运动,就如同其它所有运动一样,而运动员并不是像你或者我这样的。For example, lets look at a sport like basketball. I can learn to play basketball. I can pay for private coa

26、ches; train exactly like Michael Jordan; eat exactly what he eats, do exactly what he does. Sure I will get decent at the game, but I will never be as good as Michael Jordan. 99.9% of us wont. Heck I wont even be goon enough to play professionally. This is because Michael Jordan, like other professi

27、onal athletes have the genetics to help them excel in that sport. 例如,我们拿篮球打个比方。我可以学习如何打篮球,我可以付钱请私人教练,接受和迈克尔乔丹一样的训练,吃和他一样的东西,做他所做的事。当然我可以在比赛的时候表现得很漂亮,但我决不可能有迈克尔乔丹那样的身手,可以说99.9%的人做不到。更糟糕的是我可能甚至还不足以打一场专业比赛。这是因为迈克尔乔丹像其它运动员一样在体育运动方面有着良好的天赋,而我们却没有。The same goes for bodybuilding. First of all, the bodybuil

28、ders in this sport are gifted genetically. Their bodies respond well to resistance training. Even if you train exactly like they do, your body wont respond like theirs. 这个道理同样也适用于健身。首先,健美运动者天生素质良好,他们的身体能很好的适应阻力训练。即使你和他们接受同样的训练,你的身体也不会像他们那样经受得住。Second, most professional bodybuilders are heavy users o

29、f steroids and illegal hormones. These drugs give them an edge and help them to recover faster. So they can train more often and build muscle faster than a non-steroid user.第二,大多数专业健美运动者都大量使用了类固醇和非法荷尔蒙之类的药品。这些药品能帮助他们快速恢复身体,这样他们就可以锻炼得更频繁,并且比不服用类固醇的人更快速的增加肌肉。Former professional bodybuilder Craig Titus

30、 put it this way: 曾经的肌肉健美者克雷格提图斯是这样说的:What a professional bodybuilder does to build muscle has nothing to dowith what the average person needs to do to build muscle.专业健美者所用的方法和普通人所需要的健身方法毫无关系Need I say more?我还需要多说吗?Now, Im not telling you this to discourage you from trying to build more muscle. Im t

31、elling you this so that you can begin to focus on the right things. You must forget trying to train like a professional bodybuilder. It wont work on us normal guys. You must train in a way that is right for your body & genetics.我现在说这个不是在打消你增肌的积极性。我只是在告诫你,这样你才可以开始关注正确的健身方法。你不能以一个专业健美者的标准去训练。这对普通人不适用。

32、你必须以一个适合你身体构造特征的方法去训练。Of course I still enjoy looking at bodybuilder magazines for inspiration, but thats as far as it goes. I skip their recommended workouts and suggestions. 当然,我还是坚持看健身杂志来激发我的热情,但是我会跳过他们推荐的锻炼方法和建议。Louis Gained Over 34 Pounds Of Pure Muscle! 路易斯增加了34磅多的纯肌肉 148lbs 148磅 183lbs 183磅Myth #2: To Build Muscle You Must Workout Everyday.The More You Train, The Bigger Yo

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