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1、牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit1基础试牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit1基础试 作者: 日期: 8B Unit1 Past and present一,翻译下列词组1.写一写阳光镇的变化_2.很了解阳光镇_3.和我的家人搬家到这里_4.在这个城镇的南部_5.一起居住直到1965年_6.搬到另一座公寓_7.在城镇的中心_8.给我们买一个新的公寓_9.改变许多_10.在过去_11.一个老电影院_12.把这个地方变成一所公园_13.与你的老朋友见面_14.在周末见面_15.打牌和下象棋_16.水污染_17.过去常常做某事_18.把废料倾倒到河里_19.污染河水_20.采取措施降低污染_ 21.干净的

2、多_ 22.在某些方面_ 23.开阔地和漂亮的公园_ 24.搬到北京的其他地区_ 25.感觉有点孤单_ 26.偶尔_ 27.回来看我_ 28.使我开心_ 29.从美国回来 30.出国 31.在小学 32.与,保持联系 33.使交流更容易 34.流过城镇中心 35.习惯生活的变化 36.享受舒适的生活 37.在两边 二、根据课文Reading及首字母填空Mr. Chen k_ Sunshine Town well. He first lived in the s_ part of the town in the city with his parents. When he got m_ in 1

3、965, he and his w_ moved to another flat in the centre of the town. They moved again last year.Sunshine Town has changed a lot. In the past, 30000 people lived in the town. They had their own small restaurants, s_ and market s_. They also had a small post o_ and an old c_. Now, the place has t_ into

4、 a park.In some w_, life is better now. Mr. Chen thinks its nice to have o_ space and pretty gardens. H_, it has become more difficult to see his old friends. Many of them have moved to other areas and Mr. Chen feels a bit l_ from time to time.Grammar(1)一、 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词1. come _ 2. see_ 3. give_ 4

5、. write_ 5. make_ 6. put_ 7. go_ 8. see_ 9. forget_10. learn_ 11. decide_ 12. repair_ 13. finish_14. 14.play_ _二、现在完成时1. 定义:发生在过去的事情或动作,一直持续到现在并有可能继续持续下去。强调结果或对现在造成的影响。2. 结构:肯定句have/has + 动词过去分词 否定句 have/has not(havent /hasnt)+ 动词过去分词 一般疑问句 将have/has调至句首【当堂练习】一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I_ already _ (se

6、e) the film. I _ (see) it last week. 2. - _ he _ (finish) his work today? -Not yet. 3. -_ you _ (be) to Hong Kong? -Yes, I _ (be) there twice. 4. -_ you ever _ (eat ) chocolate sundaes ? -No, never. 5. My father _ just _ (come) back from work. He is tired now. 6. Wheres Li Ming? He _ (go) to the tea

7、chers office. 7. Shanghai _ (be) a small town hundreds of years ago. Now it _ (become) a large city. 8. I _ (work) here since I _ (move) here in 1999. 9. So far I _ (make) quite a few friends here. 10. -How long _ the Smiths _ (stay) here? - For two weeks. 【课后巩固】一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. - I _ (see) the film

8、 “Chicken Run”. - Where and when _ you _ (see) it? - Last week. 2. Mary _ already _ (have) her supper. 3. I _ (not want) to see the film. I _ (see) it with my parents already. We _ (see) it last Sunday. 4. -_ Uncle Wang _ (mend) the TV yet? -Yes, he_. -When _ he _ it? - Yesterday. 5. _ you _ (read)

9、todays newspaper yet? 6. They _already_(do) their homework. But they dont know what_ (do) next. 7. -_ you _ (see) the film last night? -No, I _ (see) it for several times. 8. She _ (be) ill for three days. 9. My father _ (buy) a book for me yesterday. He_ already _ (pay) fifty yuan for it. 10. She_

10、(not read) this book before. 11. _ you ever _ (travel) on a train before? 12. - _ Wei Hua _ (come) yet? -Yes. She_ (come) already. She _ (come) just now. 13. -How long _ you _(learn) English? -For more than two years. 14. They _ (live) in China since they _ (move) to China.15. I_ already _ (see) the

11、 film. I _ (see) it last week.16. So far I _(make) quite a few friends here.17. How long _ the Wangs _(stay) here ? For two weeks.18. They _ (not arrive) yet.19. When I was in primary school, my mother _ (drive) me to school everyday.20. He _ (live) here since he _ (move) to Hankou.Grammar (2)【学习目标】

12、1. 理解并运用常与现在完成时连用的时间表达方式【课前导学】1. 一些典型的时间表达法可以用于现在完成时的句子里already肯定句表示已经发生的事情I have already homework.我已经做完了作业。ever肯定句疑问句表示“曾经”I have ever been to Beijing.我曾经去过北京。Have you ever watched this film?你曾经看过这部电影吗?just肯定句表示“刚刚”I have just seen Daniel.我刚刚见过Daniel。never否定句表示“从不”,强调“过去从来没有”I have never read this

13、story.我从没有读过这个故事。-Hes never been to Shanghai, has he? 他从来没有去过上海,对吗?-Yes, he has (been to Shanghai). 不,他去过。yet否定句疑问句用于否定句中常与not连用,强调还没有发生的事情I have not heard from her yet.我还没有收到她的信。Has Millie called yet?Millie打电话来了吗?recently肯定句否定句疑问句最近,强调“不久以前”I have been busy recently.我最近很忙。We havent seen Daniel rece

14、ntly.最近我们没有看见Daniel。Have they been here recently?他们最近来这里了吗?注: just, never通常放在have / has后面 yet和recently放于句尾already可以放在have / has后面,也可以放在句尾2. 对比since和for(1).since + 过去的点时间 表示“从某个时间开始一直持续到现在” (肯,否,疑)I have had a cold since last week. 自从上个星期我一直感冒。I havent eaten anything since 9 a.m. 从上午9点开始到现在我什么都没吃。Hav

15、e you ever eaten anything since 9 a.m.? 从上午9点开始到现在你吃什么了吗?(2) for + 一段时间 表示“一段时间” (肯,否,疑)I have had a cold for 2 weeks. 我感冒两个星期了。(我从上星期就开始感冒了。)I havent seen her for two years. 我两年没见她了。(我从去年开始就没见她。)Have you known Sandy for a long time? 你认识Sandy很久了吗?3. 其他常用语现在完成时的时间状语:before以前 Youve told me this before

16、. 你以前已经把这件事告诉我了。up till now直到现在 I have heard nothing from him up till now.直到现在我还没有收到他的来信。so far到目前为止 I have had 4 friends so far.到目前为止我已经有4个朋友。【当堂练习】一、用正确的时间表达词汇填空1. Have you done your homework _? (for, just, yet)2. I have _ been to Guangdong. (for, never, yet)3. He has worked there _ he left school

17、. (already, yet. Since, for)4. She has known Sam _ 9 years. (already, yet. Since, for)5. Have you _ ridden a horse? (ever, for, yet)【课后巩固】一、 用for或since填空1. My family has owned a ship _ 1920.2. My family has owned a ship _ many years.3. I have had a cold _ last Monday. 4. I have had a cold _ 5 days a

18、go. 6. I have had a cold _ 5 days.二、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I _ (know) this place for many years.2. I _ (learn) French since I went to France in 1980.3. Daniel cant open the door because he _ (forget) to bring his key.4. Mrs Wu went to Hong Kong in 1975. She _ (be) there for about 30 years.5. Sorry, Mr Wu, I

19、 _ (finish) my homework yet.6. Wow! Its great! I _ never _ (see) such an amazing movie before.7. Would you like some cakes? No, thanks. I _ just _ (have) my lunch.8. _ you ever _ (travel) to Hainan by ship?9. The children _ (eat) up everything on the table already.10. Where is my pen? It _ (be) ther

20、e just a moment ago.11. They_(finish) their homework already.12. Mr. And Mrs.Li _(not come) back yet.13. John_ (play) this computer game a few times.14. We _ (not see)that film yet15. Mr Dong _ (repair) over ten bikes since last Friday.16. You _ (not visit)me for a long time17._ you _(clean) the roo

21、m yet? Yes, we _(do) that already. When _ you _(do) it? We _(do) it an hour ago.18._ he _(see) this film yet? Yes. When _ he _(see) it? He _(see) it last week. 19. How many times _you_(be) there? 20. I _ (read) the novel twice. Its interesting.21. She _(go) to Pairs, hasnt she? Yes. How _ she _(go)

22、there? She _(go) there by air.22. So far, many countries _(develop) their software programs.23.Mr Chen _ (give)up smoking last year.24.Mr chen _(give) up smoking since last year.五, 用所给词的正确形式填空1.Tom has two (bowl) of rice for lunch.2.Linda didnt want (listen) to the music again.3.We have meals three

23、(time) a day.4.There (be)some old houses near the park in the past.5.It is dangerous (play ) with fire.六、单项选择 (20分)( )1.My brother doesnt like playing _ piano . He likes playing _ chess. A. the, the B. the, a C. / , the D the, / ( )2.Though Mr Black lives _ in the country , he never feel _ . A. alon

24、e, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone, alone D. lonely , lonely ( )3。 He _ his key. He hasnt found it yet.A. has lost B. lost C. have lost D. loses( )4.Have you cooked supper_?Yes, I have _ finished it.A .already, yet B .yet, ever C. yet, just D. already , just ( )5. Those boys didnt start the work _

25、their teacher come back.A. until B. while C. as soon as D. if( )6.Do you know who _ away Dainels coat ? Jane, she says she will _ it here in a few minutes.A. took, bring B. bring, take C. takes , bring D. brings, take ( )7.When did you go to university? _.A. For five years. B .Since five years ago. C. In five years D. Five years ago ( )8.English i

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