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1、7下16单元导学案七下英语16单元导学案课题Unit1 Can you play the guitar课型授课教师授课时间授课班级第_一_ 课时 话题:Talk about somebodys abilities and wishes目标:1.Can use the verbs of activity such as sing, dance, swim . and verb phrases expressing abilities.2. Can express personal abilities 3. Can master the usage of the modal verb can in

2、dicating ability重难点及突破方法:要求掌握以下句式:(1)-Can you dance? -Yes, I can.(2)-What club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club.要求掌握以下词汇:情态动词can, cant动词dance, swim, sing, paint, join名词art, music, guitar动词词组play chess, speak English, play the piano难点如何呈现can, cant教材处理(增减、添加、改编、删除):教学思路(一条线索、一个主题串联多

3、种活动):在呈现了新词汇后,以游戏,竞猜等学生喜欢的活动不断巩固单词与句子,以最后的report:What club do you want to join ? 为语言输出Task 1 :Guessing game:What can I do ?Task 2 : Memory game : What can he do ?Task 3 : What club do you want to join ?步骤:(活动)环节1 :warming upactivity 1:English song of “ If you are happy “activity 2 : do the activitie

4、s of “ clap stomp and shout hurray “在英语歌曲播放后,可直接引出本次课的目标语句“Can you sing ?”“Can you do it ?”等引导学生作好课前互动。环节2: presentation使用“Do you like the song ? ”and “ Can you sing the song ?”呈现出目标语句“Can you .?” 同时通过一系列的图片,呈现出新单词“sing,dance , play the piano, play the guitar , play chess .”等。环节3:exericeTask 1 : Wha

5、t can they do ? Match and listen Task 2 :Memory game : What can he do ? 在落实新单词的同时,呈现出Can 用于第三人称时的使用规则,将目标语言呈现完整。 Task 3 : 采用竞猜来猜老师的喜好,不仅可以落实好新单词,同时有利于调动学生积极性,拉近和学生的距离。Task 4 : Show time : 在做了相应的单词以及句子操练后,学生已具备足够的信心展示自己,将目标语言做次简单的输出。环节:presentation在熟悉了各类活动的叫法之后,紧接着呈现的便是各个俱乐部的名称,用“I can swim ,so I wan

6、t to join the swimming club . And also I find there are a lot of different clubs here , Can you name them ?从而呈现出各类俱乐部的名称。环节:exerciseTask 1 : Listen : T : some clubs are popular , what clubs can you hear ?Task 2 : Pairwork :What club do you want to join ? To make conversations about yourself and your

7、 partners .环节:GroupworkWhat is the most popular club ?HomeworkMake a survey with the drill” Can you?”Can Sing Dance Swim Paint Play the chessPlay basketballSpeak English Father Mother 课题Unit1 Can you play the guitar课型授课教师授课时间授课班级第_二_ 课时 话题:Your ability目标:1. Can use “can” to describe ones ability 2.C

8、an communicate with classmate to improve the ability of talking . 3.To be the manage of one club 重难点及突破方法:1、要求掌握以下句式 (1)-Can he /she paint /speak English? -Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant. (2) -What can you do?-I can play the guitar. (3) -Can you play it well? -No, I cant.2、要求掌握以下词汇: 名词:kid 形容词性物主

9、代词:our教材处理(增减、添加、改编、删除):教学思路(一条线索、一个主题串联多种活动):If you were the owner of the clubs , choose the right people to join the club .Task 1 : Make a ad for the club Task 2 : Make the questions about the interviewTask 3 : Interview the people 步骤:(活动)环节1 :warming up activity 1:(1) Daily greetings to the stude

10、nts(日常问候) Activity 2(2) Revision(复习). T: (从复习中来)What can you do?/ Can you sing?S: I can play the guitar.T: What club do you want to join?S: I want to join the music club.T: What about you?(to the other students)Ask individual students.环节2:Presatation(呈现新知识) T: Today we are going to be the manager of

11、 the club . We have to inlarge our member of our club . 1.To tell what we can do in different clubs2.Interview 3.good hearing 环节4:Group work. (Work on 3b)(完成P61,3b的对话部分)T: Work on groups of four. Make up similar conversations. Please write down the answers in the form.(First do a sample with a stude

12、nt)Namecanwell not well Li LeiswimMarysingwww.Xkb1.coM环节5:GroupworkT: Now you are middle school students. You can swim You can sing. You can do many things. But they cant. They are only kids.(show a picture of a group of kids to the students) They are going to Beidaihe. But there arent enough teache

13、rs. Are you good with kids? Do you want to join them? Can you help them? Please look at the ad on page 61 part 4. Suppose one of you are the headmaster of the kindergarten Please make an interview with your partner. Then take turns. (Give them five minutes) Then ask some pairs or groups to act out t

14、heir interviews.Ask other students to listen to the interviews carefully and ask some questions about the interviews. Such as: Have they found someone for the job? Why? What can they do? What cant they do?环节6:总结10. Grammar Focus(语法总结)www.Xkb1.coMUse the sentences on the blackboard to do the grammar

15、focus.T:这两天我们学习了谈论人的能力。我们学习了情态动词(要求学生讲出)S:canT:如果要表达会做什么,用什么词?不会什么,用什么什么词?S:can, cantT:请大家看这些动词,有没有变化?S;没有,是原形。T:对,动词放在情态动词的后面,不管主语是第一、二还是第三人称,动词都用原形。请大家一定要记住这一规则。:Homework:Make a survey after class according to 4 on page 61课题Unit1 Can you play the guitar课型授课教师授课时间授课班级第_3_ 课时 话题:谈论能力目标:能询问别人在乐器方面具备的

16、才能谈论别人在音乐方面所具备和不具备的才能能为学校活动写篇海报重难点及突破方法:要求熟练运用以下句式:-Can you ? -Yes, I can./No, I cant.Can sb. do sth.? Yes, he/she can, but he/she cant./No, he/she cant, but he/she can.要求掌握以下词汇:drums piano trumpet violin musician, rock band, Chinese Kungfu, festival难点:区分play the 乐器 和play 球类 为某个活动写海报教材处理(增减、添加、改编、删除

17、):SectionB-1a Match 减掉教学思路(一条线索、一个主题串联多种活动):学校要召开音乐节,在全校范围招聘表演同学。针对候选人Bill , Jennifer Victor日展开单词学习,听力以及对话,最后找出适合人选。同时学习如何阅读招聘广告,提取有效信息以及如何写招聘海报。步骤:(活动)环节1 Revision通过Memory Game ,复习学过的单词,检验学生记忆情况。教师可以通过过渡句:OK,different students can do different things. So in your opinion, what club can they join.过渡到

18、对上节课CLUBS的复习。环节2:Presentation让学生听乐器声音,猜测是哪种乐器,进入到对新单词的学习。环节3:Pairwork. (Work on 1b on P.62.) T: OK, you know the names of the these instruments, I want to know if you can play the instruments.T: Can you play the piano? S: Yes, I can./No, I cant. Can you play the drums? S: (Dont forget the before the

19、 intruments.)Pairwork: Students ask and answer questions about the instruments.环节4: Listen and finish 2a-2b on P 62. 2) 2b: T: Now look at 2b on page 62, listen again and fill in the chart with the words in the box. Lets see what Bill, Jennifer and Victor can do, and what they cant do.www.Xkb1.coM A

20、nswers cancantBillplay the guitarsingJennifersing, play the drumsplay the pianoVictorplay the pianodance, sing环节5. Work on 2c on P 62.Task one: Pairwork.T: Now, you look at the chart and I dont, please ask me questions about Bill, Jennifer or Victor.S: Can Bill play the guitar? (possible question) T

21、: Yes ,he can, but he cant sing. (possible answer)T: Its your turn now, first your ask and answer in pairs with books open, then I will ask some pairs to ask and answer with the books closed.Task two: Answer the questions环节6: Task one Read and underline. (Work on 3a on P63) T:We have learned what Bi

22、ll Jennifer and Victor can do and cant do. Who can be in school music festival?首先让学生自由讨论下,并说明自己的理由,然后进入对对3的学习:设计问题1.What things do they want people to do for the school music festival?Task. two. Finish the poster. (Work on 3b on p63.) 环节7:Writing根据前面学习的两篇海报,再通过集体讨论学习活动4中的公演海报,最后自己写一篇运动会的海报。(如果时间不够,作

23、为家庭作业回家完成。)环节8:Homework1.Finish writing the poster for a sports day.2.Get ready for the diction for the whole unit.课题Unit1 Can you play the guitar课型授课教师授课时间授课班级第_4_ 课时 话题:Revision of Unit10目标:检查并评比昨天设计的海报。如何加入一个俱乐部:询问个人信息;填写登记表。通过小测验来复习本单元所学过的重点内容。www.Xkb1.coM重难点及突破方法:Review the key words presented

24、in this unit and add five new words to the vocab-Builder.教学思路(一条线索、一个主题串联多种活动):检查评比海报,互相学习及自我纠正,学会填写登记表。通过练习落实单元知识并且做个单元小总结,明确重难点。步骤:(活动)环节1 1) Daily greetings:T: Good morning/afternoon!2) Have some students read and show their posters and have more students say the names of their clubs.T: First I w

25、ant to have a look at the posters of your clubs. Then we will choose some clubs to join.(name), what is the name of your club? What do you say in your poster?(more possible questions)Why do you want to set up club?Can you?Oh, sounds good! What can you do?环节2. Group work. (Work on 3 on p64) (完成p64 3)

26、T: How to join a club? What questions do they ask?T: Now look at Part 3 on page 64. Read the conversation and fill inthe card. (about 2 minutes)Lets check the answers.Task Two: To put in for the activities on P63. T: Do you remember the posters on Page 63? What are they about?Ss: Theyre about shool

27、music festival, a rock band, a sports day, and the schoo show.T: Now you go to join one of them.You have to answer some questions and fill in a card. 2 to 4 students form a group, and make Name:_ Sex: boy/girlAge: _ Class:_E-mail address:_What can you do?_x k b 1 .c o m环节3. Key words check. (Work on

28、 1&2 on P64.)T: Lets do key words check of Part 1. If you know the meaning, pronunciation and spelling of the word, please tick it. Try to remember the words you dont know. And you can ask questions if you have any.T:After you have checked the words on Part 1, please add five new words to your Vocab

29、-Buider on Page 95.(New words for reference) draw, musician, rock band, festival, Chinese Kung fu, harmonica, cornet,etc.环节4. Dictation: (听写下列单词和词组,时间为5分钟)T: Well, lets have a dictation and a quiz for this unit. I hope you can do a good job.1. music 2. swim 3. play the piano 4. the art club 5. speak

30、Jananese 6. join 7. dance 8. paint 9. play the guitar 10. drums环节5.Exercises环节6.总结环节7. Read the chantT: Now lets read a chant to review what we learned in this unit.What club do you want to join?The music club, the music club.I can play the guitar, the guitar. www.Xkb1.coM What club does he want to join?The art club, the art club. He can paint, paint, paint. What club does she want to

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