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1、最新英语复习整理读写和听说读写复习Unit 2 vocabulary1. Loss of appetite(食欲) can be a result of minor infection or health conditions such as coughs ,fever or indigestion.2. In societies where family lives are decisively centered upon the wage system ,it is not surprising that unemployment can have a destructive(破坏的) e

2、ffect upon families .3.An advertising agency(代理) is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion for its clients .4.Many processed(加工的) foods are made with saturated fats, large amounts of sodium and sugar.There types of foods sho

3、uld be avoided, or at least eaten sparingly.5.My suede shoes were saturated(饱和的) with water during a storm .Now that theyve dried ,the suede has lost its softness.6.Blogging is ,to my mind ,a complete and utter (完全的)waste of time .Our time could be better spent on writing well-reflected articles in

4、subject areas where we have more knowledge.7.Yesterday villagers watched in excitement as a 100-tonne crane hoisted(升起) their new community hall into place .8.I find it disturbing that media keeps referring to(参考、涉及) my marriage ,since I got divorced ten years ago .9.Experiments confirm an observati

5、on experienced by most people :One can forget some information at one point in time and yet be able to retrieve(重新得到、恢复) it at a later point .10.Jimmy Carter asked large businesses to hold down prices and labor unions to avoid new wage demands . Unfortunately(不幸的) his words had little effect. Transl

6、ation Study after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a number of chronic diseases.一项又一项的研究发现,食物和一些慢性疾病之间有密切关系。 For example, a decreased risk of certain chronic diseases is associated with an increased consumption of plant-based foods.例如,某些慢性疾病危险的降低与多吃以植物为

7、基本成分的食物有关。 Therefore, in the past decade, the American Dietetic Association has urged Americans to reduce their intake of animal fats, and to boost consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains. 因此,在过去的十年中,美国饮食协会敦促美国人减少动物脂肪的摄取,增加水果、蔬菜和谷物的消费。Meanwhile, the United States Department of Agriculture has

8、released a document containing the food guide pyramid, which encourages a minimum of three vegetable and two fruit servings perday.同时,美国农业部发布了包括食物指导金字塔在内的文件,鼓励人们每天至少吃三道蔬菜和两份水果。 However, many Americans still dont listen to these recommendations. 但是许多美国人还是没有按照这些建议去做。Unit 3 vocabulary1.Mary invited us

9、to her birthday party last week ,and we received the written invitation(邀请) yesterday.2. It is known to all that facts are eloquent(意味深长的) ,speaking louder than words .3. The presidential candidate refused to concede(承认) defeat in election and planned to demand a recount in some districts.4. It is o

10、ften vital for a leader to listen to different views on an issue ,even if these views are contradictory(相反的) .5. Who ,after all ,has not worn a mask on occasion that suggests happiness and contentment but conceals(隐瞒) pain and frustration?6.A survey shows that fewer wealthy people feel guilty(羞愧) ab

11、out making luxury-goods purchases and more of them are proud to be recognized as rich.7. It is difficult to generalize(概括) about students who are gifted because their characteristics and needs are so personal and unique .8. We often get caught in(陷入) heavy traffic during the rush hour ,when it takes

12、 a long time to move forward even an inch .9.Unfortunately, the apartment complex doesnt allow pets ,so my dog has to stay with my parents for now(至今).10.Speaking at an international conference , Dr.Young pointed out that police officers should use force only as a last resort(作为最后的手段) and that the a

13、mount of force must be in proportion to the threat they encounter .TranslationThe new president of our university disapproves of the idea that we should be allowed to tell lies under certain circumstances. 我们大学的新任校长不赞成在某些情况下容许说谎的看法。He believes that if people get used to telling any kind of lie, they

14、 will indulge themselves and eventually be stuck with the bad habit.他认为人们一旦习惯于说任何一类的谎言,就会纵容自己,最终无法摆脱说谎恶习。 To tell or not tell a lie can sometimes become a very sticky issue, but our president insists on the notion that nobody in the world of education should dodge the responsibility of attaching pri

15、mary importance to honesty while teaching the young. 是否说谎话有时会成为棘手的难题,但是我们校长坚持认为在教育青年人的过程中,所有教育界的人士都不得逃避将诚实放在首位的责任。I agree with him. What about you? 我同意他的看法。你的意见呢?Unit 5 vocabulary1.The percentage(百分比) of pensioners living below the poverty line has increased by 15% in the last four years.2. Events w

16、ill be taking place in every time zone(区域) on the planet in cities such as New York , London ,Los Angeles ,Tokyo , creating a continuous, 24-hour Earth Day celebration.3.The cloud absorbs sunlight ,heating the stratosphere up but stopping warmth(变暖) form reaching the Earth .4.My mother and my sister

17、 have diverse(多样的) ideas on how to raise children .5. In fact ,many recent developments have served to widen(拓宽) the gap between North and South.6.Its such a beautiful city , its a shame we didnt have more time to looked around(到处转转)7.Babies are weak and vulnerable in the face of(面对) huge shapes and

18、 loud noises that they can only dimly perceive.8.We must keep the problem in perspective(观察) , its not really that serious . 9.Most aquarium plants come from tropical and subtropical areas , with a few from the warmer parts of the temperate(温和的) zone .10.As with the development of all skills , the t

19、heoretical(理论的) approach described in this chapter needs to be supplemented by practical experience .TranslationMost scientists no longer doubt that the world is warming up and that humanity has altered climate. 多数科学家不再怀疑世界正在变暖,也不再怀疑是人类改变了气候。They agree that the long-term effects of global warming wi

20、ll be disastrous for the planet and its inhabitants. 他们认为全球气候变暖对这个星球及其居住者的长期影响将是灾难性的。What is more, climate change wont be a smooth transition to a warmer world.而且,气候变化不会平稳地过渡到一个较为暖和的世界。 Some regions will be greatly affected by abrupt climate changes. 一些地区将受到气候急速变化的严重影响。Enormous areas of densely popu

21、lated land like coastal Florida would become uninhabitable. 人口密集的大片地区如佛罗里达沿海地带将无法居住。Hundreds of millions of residents would have to migrate to safer regions.千百万居民将不得不迁移到安全地区。 Therefore, it is no surprise that global warming has made its way onto the agenda of world leaders.因此,全球变暖出现在世界领袖们的议事日程上也不足为奇

22、了。Unit 6 vocabulary1. As a man who has reached his present position the hard way(以自己的努力) and who has experienced the tough side of life , he knows more about life than most people .2. Bob made a solemn(庄严的) promise to Ann before their marriage that he would break his gambling addiction for good .3.

23、Jennifer wrote out(写完) list upon list of all the things she needed , from padlocks to picture framers.4. As a champion(捍卫者) of the poor , Mother Teresa won worldwide recongnition and respect .5. The president has announced a policy for the natons wetlands , which calls for steps to increase their fe

24、deral ownership (所有权)6.In some jails if prisoners behave well they are allowed the privilege(特权) of visiting their families at the weekend .7. To be sure(无可否认) , she didnt know very much about romance ,just enough to know that it seemed to be a force that did not like to be tamed .8.His lack of heig

25、ht has not been a handicap(障碍) to him . He is as good an athlete as anyone else in the school . 9. His plan met with a surge(出现) of resistance from her family , who regarded the idea as wholly unrealistic . 10. When we launched the new product , we cut the ground from under(让别人站不住脚) our competitors

26、feet.TranslationRobert Lees fathers life had been plagued by poor financial investments. 罗伯特李的父亲的生活一直为投资不当所困扰。He was jailed twice for unpaid debts and in the end was forced to flee the country. 他两次因为欠债不还而入狱,最终被迫逃离美国。Lees mother was the dominant force in shaping Lees personality. 李的母亲对李的个性影响最大。Agains

27、t the poignant failure of her husband, she was determined that the tragedy should not be repeated in the life of her children. 面对丈夫那让人痛心的失败,她决心绝不让这个悲剧在孩子身上重演。Self-control, a sense of obligation and an indomitable spirit were the virtues she taught Lee. 她将美德灌输给李,如自制力、责任心以及不屈不挠的精神。In 1825, with an asp

28、iration to win back the family honor, Lee began studying at West Point Military Academy.1825年,怀着挽回家族荣誉的强烈愿望,李开始了在西点军校的学习。 This began a new chapter of his life. Over the four years, he consistently finished near the top of every course. 这是他生活中的一个新篇章。四年里,他门门功课名列前茅。Unit7 vocabulary1.I received anonymou

29、s(匿名的) phone calls warning me not to go to the police about what Id seen .2. The station has been converted to burn confiscated marijuana which has been piling up(堆放) in the warehouses of the local police forces .3. The advent(来临) of the railway improved considerably the quality of life in the 19th

30、century . 4. When you sober up(清醒) you may be ashamed of what youve done . 5. He is confident and articulate(能说会道的) , like many of the students at his college .6. As winter approaches , food supplies dwindle(减少) ; if the hedgehogs did not hibernate ,they would probably starve .7. World War I transfo

31、rmed Western society , not least of all(尤其、强调) in its emancipation of women , largely because of their enormous contribution to the war effort . 8.For some reason ,the spokesman seemed deliberately vague(含糊) about the number of weapons that were uncovered .9. He was busted(突然搜查) for possession of he

32、roin in 2002 , landing two years in a California state prison .10. Bedtime drinks aimed at helping children to sleep may be rotting(腐烂) their teeth .TranslationGamblers family members always pay a steep price. 赌徒的家人经常付出高昂的代价。They not only have to endure the pain of having their wealth wiped away overnight, but they are also frequently overwhelmed with feelings of depression and hopelessness. 他们不但要忍受一夜之间失去财富的痛苦,而且市场感到极度沮丧和无望。A nationwide survey found that

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