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1、七年级英语下册Unit4Donteatinclass教案新版人教新目标版Unit 4 Dont eat in class.教材解读本单元的话题Talkaboutrules.与日常生活密切相关。作为一名中学生,遵守校纪、班规、家法和社会公共场所的规章制度是必须的。在谈论规则时,一般运用祈使句、情态动词can和haveto等。这是英语新课程标准中规定所必须掌握的内容,是交际英语中必不可少的项目。因此,本单元对于提升学生的学习兴趣和提高学生的听、说、读、写能力都有很大的帮助。单元目标一、知识与技能1. 用祈使句的否定形式来谈论规则Rules.2. 情态动词can及其否定形式cant 的意义用法。 能

2、正确使用情态动词can,have to和祈使句。3. 能熟练使用目标词汇和语言,围绕规章制度展开话题,发表自己的看法与观点。4. 提高学生听说读写技能。二、过程与方法采用直观教学法、情景教学法、讨论、角色表演等方法,学习知识,培养能力,养成好习惯。三、情感态度与价值观通过学习,了解各种规章制度并学会遵守,做一个遵纪守法的好学生、好公民。教法导航采用直观教学法、情景教学法,遵循以学生为主体的原则。学法导航采用自主学习、小组合作、分角色表演等学习策略。课时支配第1课时:Section A 1a-2c第2课时:2d-3c第3课时:Section B 1a-1d第4课时:2a-Self Check第1

3、课时Section A 1a-2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 学习祈使句的否定形式。 2. 学会使用祈使句表示规则。 3. 能够熟练使用can和cant表示许可。 4. 能听懂有关校规的听力,能和同学谈论校规。二、过程与方法采用直观教学法,情景教学法,小组讨论与交流来认识并掌握学校规则和知识点。三、情感态度与价值观学会遵守校规,做一个遵守纪律的好学生。教学重点掌握句型:Dont do, We cant do., We can.教学难点学会遵守各种学校规章制度。教法导航直观教学法,情景教学法。学法导航独立思考,小组讨论,合作。教学准备图片,多媒体教学过程Step 1 GreetingsT:Gre

4、et the students as usual.Step 2 PresentationListen to a song. And ask:Do you like this beautiful song? T:Can we listen to music in class? Help the students to answer “No, we cant.” Ask:What can we do in the classroom? What cant we do in the classroom? Get the students to talk about the answers in gr

5、oups.Step 3 New words and sentence patternsShow some pictures of the new words on the screen. Have the students read and remember these words. And then flash some pictures quickly on the screen. Have the students say the words according to the pictures as quickly as they can.Show some pictures of di

6、fferent activities that are happening in the school. Help the students to understand the school rules.T:Can you run in the hallways? Help the students to say:Dont run in the hallways.T:Can you fight? Ss:Dont fight.T:Can you listen to music in class? Ss:Dont listen to music in class.T:Can you eat in

7、the classroom? Ss:Dont eat in the classroom. We can only eat in the dining hall.T:Can you arrive late for class? Ss:Dont arrive late for class. We must be on time.Step 4 Practice Show the pictures as quickly as possible. Have the students say the new words. Then use the new words to make conversatio

8、ns. T:Lets play a game. Please say the new words as quickly as you can. Then make a conversation like this:A:What are the rules? B:Dont Step 5 Practice 1a Which rules are these students breaking? Write the number of the rule next to the student. Talk about the picture with Ss using the target langua

9、ge. 1c Student A is a new student. Student B tells Student A about the rules. Make conversations with your partner. A:What are the rules? B:Well, we cant arrive late for class. We must be on time.Step 6 Listening1b Listen. What rules are these Ss breaking? Write the numbers after the names.2a Please

10、 turn to page 20. Look at the activities in 2a and read them aloud. After reading, get the students to listen and check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about. Play at least twice for them to listen and check. 2b Listen again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or cant.Step 7 Pair

11、workStudent A is Alan and Student B is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a.A:Can we listen to music, Cindy?B:We cant listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.Step 8 HomeworkRead, remember and copy the sentences of 1a. 课堂作业翻译下列词汇和句型:1.准时 2. 在餐厅 3. 听音乐 4. 在课堂上 5. 不要上课迟到。6. 不要在走廊跑

12、。参考答案:1. on time 2. in the dining hall 3. listen to music 4. in class 5. Dont arrive late for class. 6. Dont run in the hallways.教学反思图片教学法是呈现新知识最简单有效的方法之一,学生通过图片,能更直观地理解新单词的含义。机械操练是英语初始阶段教学必不可缺的部分,学生要先从模仿到初步掌握,最后才能熟练应用。机械操练时应注意着重提问成绩较差的学生,由于机械操练比较简单,因此是激发后进生兴趣,培养后进生自信的一个很好的途径。 第2课时 2d-3c教学目标一、知识技能1.

13、 能使用目标语言谈论学校、图书馆的规则。2. 能用所学内容解决实际问题。3. 熟练掌握have to 的用法。Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. What do you have to do? We have to be quiet in the library. 二、过程与方法发现法、总结法、小组交流、合作法、机械操练法。三、情感态度与价值观树立在图书馆等公共场合遵守规章制度的意识,学会尊重他人。教学重点1. 能使用目标语言谈论学校、图书馆的规则。2. 熟练掌握have to 的用法。教

14、学难点1. 巩固祈使句的应用。 2. 学习have to 的用法。教法导航创设情景,为学生营造一个尽量真实的语言环境,鼓励他们多开口,多实践。学法导航多看,多听,多思考,多说,多实践,小组多沟通,交流,合作教学准备图片、多媒体。教学过程Step 1 Greetings Greet the class as usual.Step 2 RevisionShow the pictures of activities that are happening in the school. Then say:You will see some pictures on the screen. Please g

15、et into pairs and make conversations like this:A:Can we ? B:Yes, we can./No, we cant.Show the school rules. Let the students talk about the school rules like this:A:Can we eat in class? B:No, we cant. A:So dont eat in class.Step 3 PresentationShow a picture of a boy and girl talking. Tell the studen

16、ts:John is a new student. Alice is Johns classmate. Then ask the students to guess the main idea of the conversation. Read the conversation and answer the following questions:1. How is the school? 2. Are there lots of rules? 3. Can you be late for school? 4. What do you have to do every day?Step 4 R

17、ole-playAfter answering the questions, get the students to work in pairs to act out the conversation in 2d.Step 5 Grammar FocusWrite down the sentences on the blackboard:Can we bring music players to school? No, we cant. And ask the students to make up as many sentences as possible to revise the usa

18、ge of “can”.Then write the sentence on the blackboard:We have to wear the school uniform. And ask them to translate it, pay attention to the underlined words “have to” and make up as many sentences as possible. Then write another sentence on the blackboard:Do you have to wear the school uniform? Ask

19、 them to translate and answer the question and then make up new sentences. Then change “you” to “he” and get the students to complete the sentence like this:Does he have to wear the school uniform? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. And make up as many sentences as possible. Teach “What do you have to do?

20、 We have to ” in the same way.Step 6 Writing3a Show a library on the screen. Ask the students to work in group and try to write the rules for the school library. Ask some groups to report their answers.Step 7 Competition3b Ask the students to work in pairs and have a competition. Use the words to ma

21、ke questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school.The pairs who finish first is the winner and then report their answers to the class.Step 8 PracticeEveryone has a dream. Maybe every student has a dream school. Make up five cool rules for your dream school. Share your rules w

22、ith the class. Your classmates vote for the Coolest School!Step 9 HomeworkCopy the sentences in Grammar Focus.课堂作业1. Listen to the music in the hallways.(否定句)_ _ to the music in the hallways.2. We can wear hats in school.(一般问句)_ you _ hats in school?3. We have to be quiet in the library. (对划线部分提问)_

23、_ _ have to do in the library?4. John has to wear sneakers for gym class.John _ _ _ wear sneakers for gym class.(否定句)参考答案:1. Dont listen 2. Can, wear 3. What do you 4. doesnt have to教学反思 本部分为本单元的内容核心,不仅概括了本单元的重点,还将基本句型一一呈现。通过句子的罗列,使学生关注人称的变化。 第3课时 Section B 1a-1d教学目标一、知识与技能1. 学习谈论家规。 2. 学会使用时间状语。 3.

24、 能熟练使用can,cant和have to进行操练。 4. 理解听力材料。二、过程与方法为学生创设熟悉的家庭环境,帮助他们更好的融入所学内容。 三、情感态度与价值观 通过了解家规,理解父母的良苦用心,做一个懂事的好孩子。教学重点1. 学会使用时间状语。 2. 能熟练使用can,cant和have to进行操练。教学难点培养听力能力。教法导航为学生创设熟悉的环境,帮助他们更好地掌握所学内容。学法导航了解彼此的家规,完善个人成长计划。教学准备图片、多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsT:Greet the students as usual.Step 2 PresentationSh

25、ow pictures of some daily activities. Help the students review the phrases.1. go out on school nights 2. see friends 3. do his homework 4. practice the guitar 5. do the dishes 6. watch TV 7. help his mom make breakfast 8. clean his roomStep 3 Practice1a Match the rules with the pictures. After check

26、ing the answers, practice the dialogue in pairs like this:T:Whats the rule? S1:do the dishes Step 4 Listening1b Listen and put an for things Dave cant do and a for things he has to do.After checking the answers, practice the dialogue like this:A:Can Dave ? B:Yes, he can./No, he cant.1c First go thro

27、ugh the phrases in the box and ask some students to translate them. Then listen to the tape again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b. Choose from the phrases in the box.Step 5 Pair work1d Work in pairs and practice the dialogue about the rules in Daves house like this: A:Can

28、 Dave go out on school nights? B:No, he cant. A:Does Dave have to do his homework after school? B:Yes, he does.Step 6 HomeworkDo a survey. What are some rules in your classmates homes?课堂作业Write down the dialogue that you practice in 1d.教学反思每个学生都是在不同的家庭环境中长大,所接受的家庭教育不同,通过交流,了解其他学生的家规,可以帮助他们培养更好的习惯和更健

29、全的人格。 第4课时 2a-Self Check教学目标一、知识与技能1. 能用所学知识阅读文章。 2. 能理解文章内容,回答问题。 3. 掌握can,cant,have to,must的用法。 4. 能够用目标语言表述自己的家规校规并对其评价。二、过程与方法引导学生通过阅读获取信息,提高综合能力。三、情感态度与价值观通过了解家规、校规等,知道“没有规矩,不成方圆”的道理。教学重点 1. 理解文章内容,正确回答问题。 2. 用所学知识写出完整的文章。教学难点提高写作能力。教法导航启发学生开动大脑。学法导航反复练习,勤于动脑。教学准备多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsT:Greet

30、 the students as usual.Step 2 PresentationWhen you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to? Your parents? Your teacher? Your friends? Molly has some troubles, and she wrote a letter to Dr. Know.Step 3 ReadingRead the letter from Molly and answer the following questions. 1. Whats Moll

31、ys problem? 2. Does she have rules in school? 3. What does Molly think of the rules?Read the letter from Molly again. Underline the rules for Molly.Read the letter from Dr. Know. Underline the things Molly can do.Work on 2c. Read the letters again and complete the sentences with have to/must, can or cant.Step 4 Reading and learningGet the students to read the two letters aloud. Then get them to find out some important and di

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