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1、商务英语综合教程复习整理 商务英语综合教程复习整理 商务综合英语复习整理 翻译 Unit1 1.随着中国市场经济的不断发展,中国广电传媒市场也日趋成熟,呈现出了一副百花齐放、百家争鸣的景象。(broadcasting media, all styles of art and all schools of thought) With the ongoing development of Chinas market economy, Chinese broadcasting media is becoming more sophisticated day by day, which fits pe

2、rfectly the Chinese saying:“All styles of art and all schools of thought are given the freedom to contend with each other” 2.传统的电视传播观念已不能适应当今多样化的媒体传播格局和竞争需要。(diversified mass media) The traditional TV broadcasting concept can hardly adapt to todays diversified mass media or meet the requirements for

3、 competition. 3.新媒体设计是相对于传统媒体设计而言的,它具有综合性、实时性、交互性等多种特点。(be contrasted with) The new media design is contrasted with the traditional design and is comprehensive, instantaneity time and interactivity. 4.和法语一样,汉语也朝着进化的道路坚定地迈出了一步。为了净化语言,中国有关部门要求广播电视节目中不再使用NBA, WTO和GDP等常用英语缩略词。(linguistic purity, English

4、-based acronyms) The Chinese language just took a step in a decidedly French direction. In the interests of linguistic purity, the countrys broadcasters have been asked to stop using popular English-based acronyms such as NBA, WTO and GDP. 5.虽然全球化使得好莱坞电影在世界范围畅行无阻,但它并不能代替我们对本土文化、本土生活、本土经验的关注与书写。(grea

5、t hits, domestic culture, life and experiences) Although, with globalization, Hollywood films have become great hits all over the world, they cannot replace the focus and writings on our domestic culture, life and experiences. Unit2 1.随着Facebook和博客等Web2.0平台的发展,就连最保守的教=教师都认识到再也不能无视网络对学生学习方式的影响了。(sit

6、back) most the even blogs, or Facebook like platforms Web2.0 of growth the With conservative teachers have realized that we can no longer sit back and ignore the influence of the Internet on the way of learning by our students. 2.当提到保护知识产权,真人秀节目的创作者们总是感到他们的呼吁被置若罔闻。(fall on deaf ears) When it comes t

7、o protecting intellectual property, creators of reality shows often feel their cries have fallen into deaf ears. 3.根据电脑身份盗窃的最新统计,相比其他类型的身份盗窃,多数人更易遭受网络身份盗窃,仅仅因为他们在保护自己的隐私或网上安全的时候不够自信。(be vulnerable to) According to latest computer identity theft statistics, the majority of people are more vulnerable

8、to Internet identity theft than they are to any other type of ID theft, simply because they are not confident enough to guard privacy or their online security. 4.令哈利波特的出版商沮丧的是,人们翘首以待的J.K罗琳系列小说的最后一部哈利波特与死亡圣器,其小说每一页的实拍图片都可能已经在昨天流传到网络上了。(make ones way) Harry Potter, photographs of every single Frustrat

9、ing to publishers of page of “Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows”, the eagerly awaited final book in the series by J.K Rowling, may have made its way on the Web yesterday. 5.你也许能轻易找到充分理由在这份材料上面花上二三十个小时,然后才真正感到已经将它物尽其用了。(suck the value out of) You might easily find solid reasons to work with this ma

10、terial for some 20-30 hours, before you truly feel you have sucked out of it. Unit3 1.今天,国际贸易对于改善人民的生活所蕴藏的巨大潜力是前所未有的。创新和创业精神尤其可能成为强大的推动力。(entrepreneurship) Today, perhaps more than ever, international trade holds tremendous potential for improving peoples lives. And innovation and entrepreneurship i

11、n particular have the potential to be the great force that pushes us to go forward. 2.美国的政治领袖们惯有的言论声称经济上的不平等可以最终使每个人过上更好的生活,即使更多的福利都被富人享有。(inveterate) The inveterate argument of American political leaders has been that inequality makes everyone better off, even if more of the benefit goes to the ric

12、h. 3.在经济危机席卷全球的情况下,美国政府毫不迟疑的拿出大量财政预算来刺激经济增长,(not scruple to do sth) As the economic crisis was sweeping across the global, the American government did not scruple to stimulate economic growth with large sums of the financial budget. 4.英国政府批准了一项提案,准备建立一个储存所有国民电子邮件、互联网信息、电话记录以及短信的庞大数据库,以帮助安全部门打击犯罪和恐怖主

13、义。(ratify) The British government ratified a proposal to build a massive government database to store the e-mails, Internet information, phone calls, and text-message of all residents to help security forces in the fight against crime and terrorism. 5.名目繁多的评价和排名使得公司不得不将财政及非财政方面的运营情况公之于众。(multiplicit

14、y, put pressure on) The multiplicity of rankings and ratings put pressure on companies to report on their non-financial performances as well as on their financial results to the public. Unit4 1.前诺贝尔奖经济学奖得主米尔顿弗里德曼认为,针对微软的反垄断诉讼为政府加强对工业的调控开启了一个危险的先例。(precedent) The late Nobel economist Milton Friedman

15、believed that the antitrust case against Microsoft set a dangerous precedent for increasing government regulation of industry. 2.该文件也提出了一些加大投资以增加大客车和火车客运的计划,也提出激励措施,把货运(freight)从公路转移到铁路和水路上。(incentive) The document also suggests plan for significant investment to improve bus and train services and i

16、ncentive to shift freight from road to rail and water. 3.英特尔,世界最大的计算机芯片制造商,面临着新的起诉,内容是它近十年来滥用其市场主导地位遏制竞争。这一次的起诉方是美国联邦贸易委员会,美国的竞争调控机构。(charge, abuse) Intel, the worlds biggest maker of computer chips, is facing fresh charges that it abused its dominant market position for a decade to stifle competiti

17、on, this time from the Federal Trade Commission(FTC), the American competition regulator. 4.拉多万卡拉季奇在逃亡13年后,终于在2009年10月26日被带上前南斯拉夫国际战争罪行法庭被告席。他被控诉犯有战争罪、反人类罪和种族灭绝罪。 (in the dock) Radovan Karadzic, a hunted man for 13 years, finally appeared in the dock th 2009 at the International Criminal October 26T

18、ribunal for the former on Yugoslavia, charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. 5.但是,那时欧洲委员会坚持这笔交易按“市面价值”进行,以便与欧洲关于国家援助的法律保持一致。(comply) However, the European Commission then insisted that the sale be made at “market value” to comply with European law on state aid. 6.不过认为BP将破产的想法

19、显得离谱。那样的话,要么给湾区带来更大的灾难,要么带来无穷无尽的、史无前例的政府罚款和私人诉讼。(unprecedented, litigation) However, suggestions that BP could go bust are unlikely to be true. That would require either a further catastrophe in the gulf or an unlimited unprecedented broadening of government fines and private litigation. Unit5 1.比赛开

20、始的时候只是小雨,跑道有点湿,但是天气恶化,不久就下起了瓢泼大雨。(deteriorate, downpour) The race started on a wet track with light rain, but the weather deteriorated to a heavy downpour soon after. 2.我们应该意识到,探索未知事物所引发的危险可能是巨大的。(attendant, overwhelming) We should be aware that the risks attendant on the exploration of the unknown

21、might be overwhelming. 3.白宫和国会共和党议员就如何管制华尔街产生争议,双方的尖锐分歧在于,奥巴马总统支持的立法是否会使政府因拯救那些可能会对经济造成威胁的破产公司而陷入困境。(wrangle, on the look) The White House and congressional Republicans wrangled over Wall Street regulations, sharply disagreeing on whether legislation backed by President Obama would leave the governm

22、ent on the hook for bailing out firms whose failure might threaten the economy. 4.为了摆脱经济衰退,我宁愿人们花自己的钱,而不是政府设法花人民的钱。(recession, figure out) In order to get out of this recession, Id rather that the people be spending their money, not the government trying to figure out how to spend the peoples money.

23、 5.我们在多哈谈判中要一起努力,废除农业补贴、关税,以及其他壁垒。(Doha negotiations, eliminate) We must work together in the Doha negotiations to eliminate agricultural subsidies, tariffs and other barriers. Paraphrase Unit1 1. “Whenever the press quits abusing me I know Im in the wrong pew,” Truman said. What President Truman me

24、ant to say is, “Whenever newspaper stop insulting me in their news items or articles, I know I must have done something wrong.” 2. With this media saturation comes a high-stakes competition for the attention of viewers, readers, and listeners. When the media is saturated with newspapers, magazines,

25、TV stations and web sites, these media businesses start to invest a lot of money in the competition for the attention of viewers, readers, and listeners. 3. Speculative answers can create false expectations that come back to haunt an organization. Leave speculation up to gold prospectors and people

26、with tarot cards and a crystal ball. Answers based on guess work rather than evidence can result in peoples false expectations, which will bring trouble to an organization at a later time when the truth is revealed. It is those people who prospect gold or tell fortunes with tarot cards and a crystal

27、 ball that often form theories and speculations without evidence. 4. Without credibility, a public relations practitioner is of little value. When that happens, its time to look for a new career. A public relations practitioner is no longer valued or respected once people have lost trust in them. Wh

28、en that happens, they will have no future in their career in public relations. Unit2 1. Before your companys marketing department crows about a patent victory or trashes a perceived patent infringer, talk with counsel. You should seek for advice from your counsel before your companys marketing depar

29、tment boasts of your victory of being granted a patent or taking an aggressive action against someone or a company that they think has violated your patent right. 2. NVE Corp. publicly announced its intention to have commercially viable MRAM products by the end of 2003, describing MRAM as the “Holy

30、Grail of memory.” NVE Corp. publicly announced its plan to develop MRAM products that can be put on the market and make a profit by the end of 2003, describing MRAM as the most sought-after computer memory, a rare treasure that can be compared to the long lost Holy Grail that used to belong to Jesus

31、. 3. If a reasonable investor would not rely on such puffery, then the statement will not be considered fraudulent. If a sensible investor would not trust such exaggeration, then the statement will not be regarded as intentional deception. 4. Federal patent law bars the imposition of liability for publicizing a patent in the marketplace unless the plaintiff can show that the patent holder acted in bad faith. Federal patent law prohibits a plaintiff to require compe

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