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1、中级口译翻译技能大全英语数词的翻译中级口译翻译技能大全:英语数词的翻译英语中级口译考试一般在每年的 3 月和 9 月举行,今年中级口译笔试已经全部结束,考生只能报名参加明年春季的笔试。翻译是笔试的重难点,考生在备考的时候,可以学习掌握基本的知识和技能。裕德口译为各位考生整理了中级口译翻译基本技能系列,本文为英语数词的翻译介绍,供大家参考学习使用。下面是 yjbys 小编为大家带来的关于英语数词的翻译的知识,欢迎阅读。一、表示不多不少、恰恰正好的翻译策略表示不多不少、恰恰正好,英语一般使用 clear, cool, exactly, flat,just. sharp, whole 等。如:1、P

2、rofessor Johnson finished the experiment in twenty-four hoursflat.约翰逊教授完成这一实验正好用了 24 小时。2、The physician treated cool 30 patients that day.这位内科医生那天正好看了 30 个病人。3、 The plane takes off at 8 oclock sharp.这架飞机 8 点整起飞。4、 The machine worked for ten whole days.这台机器整整运转了 10 天时间。5、The wire measures exact twent

3、y meters.这条导线刚好 20 米长。二、表示大约、不确定的翻译策略英语一般常使用 about, some, around, round, nearly, towards, somewhereabout, estimated, approximately, in /of /on the border of, close to 等词修饰数字,表示不确定、大约、上下、将近、几乎等。1、 The volume of the sun is about/some/ around /round 1,300,000times that of the earth.太阳的体积约为地球的 130 万倍。2、

4、It is nearly / toward(s)4 oclock.现在已是将近 4 点了。3、The price of this new machine is in the neighborhood of / of theorder of a thousand dollars.这台新机器的价格约 1,000 美元。4、It has been reported that noise figure is in the border of 4 to 5 dbat 2 GHz.据报导,在 2,000 兆赫时,噪音系数约为 45 分贝。5、According to the weatherman , th

5、e temperature will be up 5 orso.据天气预报,气温将升高 5 左右。三、表示高于、多于的翻译方法英语常用 more than, odd, over, above, long, past, or more, upwardsof, higher than, exceed, in excess of 等词修饰数字,表示超过、以上、有余、高于、多于等。1、Pig iron is an alloy of iron and carbon with the carbon contentmore than two percent.生铁是铁碳合金,其中碳含量超过 2%。2、 Onl

6、y when a rocket attains a speed of 18,000 odd miles per hour,can it put a man –made satellite into orbit.只有当火箭速度达到每小时 18.000 多英里时,才能把人造卫星送入轨道。3、 Over /Above /More than /Not less than 100 chemical elementsare known to man ; of these about 80 are metals.人类已知的化学元素有 100 种以上,其中有约 80 种是金属。4、Upwards

7、of seven thousand medical workers and twenty thousandPLA men have left for the earthquake district .有七千多名医务人员和两万多名解放军前往震区。5、The patients are children of three years old and upwards.这些病人是三岁和三岁以上的儿童。四、表示少于、差一些、不到等的翻译方法英语常用 less, less than, below, no more than, under, short of, off, to,within, as few a

8、s 等词修饰数字,表示少于、不到、以下等。1、It took one month less than three years for them to develop thenew material.他们花了三年差一个月研制这种新材料。2、Helium in the air is a little under 1%.空气中氦的含量略低于 1%。3、The efficiency of the best of these engines is under /below/ lessthan /no more than 40%.这些发动机中效率最好的也不到 40%。五、形容数目、数量多时的翻译方法英语中

9、常用 full, solid, at least, all of , no less than , as as 等词来修饰数字,强调数目很大、数量很多。They covered full twenty reference sources on fluidics in a single day.仅用了一天时间,他们就看完了足足 20 种有关射流的资料。2、The motor ran 450 solid days on end .马达连续运转了足足 450 天。3、The experiment will take three months, at least.实验至少需要三个月时间。4、The t

10、emperature at the suns center is as high as 10,000,000 .太阳中心的温度高达摄氏 1,000 万度。5、There were no less than 3,000 dead and wounded in the 9.11terrorist attack.在 9.11 恐怖袭击中,死伤者达 3,000 多人。六、形容数目小、数量少时的翻译技巧英语中常用 only, merely,barely, scarcely, but, at most, no more than, scant 等词修饰数字,强调数目小、数量少。There is at mo

11、st only room for one person.至多只有可容纳一个人的空间。That solar-energy car weighs only/ merely/ barely/ scarcely / but500kg.那辆太阳能汽车重量仅有 500 公斤。Inspection time for the installation was no more than 2 hours.检验安装工作仅用了两个小时。七、表示两者或多者范围数量的翻译英语中常用 fromto, betweenand (to) 来修饰数字,表示范围,他们通常可译为从到、在之间等。The energy of the fu

12、el wasted by the reciprocating steam engine isbetween 80 and /to 85 percent .往复式蒸汽机浪费的燃料能量为 80%到 85%。The ladle refining time takes on average between 3 and 4 hoursdepending on the treatment required.桶内精炼时间平均为 3 至 4 小时,这要视所需要的处理量而定。八、需要换算数词的翻译由于英语数字的表达与汉语数字的表达方式不同,汉译时需要换算。数字的换算看起来似乎很简单,但翻译工作者往往会因为不小心

13、而犯错误,可谓失之毫厘、谬之千里。ten thousand (10 个千一万)one hundred thousand (100 个千十万)ten million (10 个百万一千万)one hundred million(100 个百万亿)one billion (十亿)(美语)ten billion(10 个十亿百亿)one hundred billion (100 个十亿千亿)one trillion(万亿)九、英语中表示倍数的翻译英语中表示倍数的翻译,有两点应引起注意:一是英汉倍数的表达法:二是英汉两种语言的单位表达法。(一)用联系动词或行为动词和包含有数词 n 的词语相搭配具体表达

14、方式有如下几种,分别译作是的 n 倍、n 杯于或比大(n-1 倍)be n times as + 形容词(或副词)+as1、this substance reacts three times as fast as the other.该物质的反应速度是那种物质反应速度的 3 倍。(或:该物质的反应速度比那种物质的反应速度快 2 倍)be n times +比较级+than2、this line is two times longer than that one .这条线的长度是那条线长度的 2 倍。(或:这条线比那条线长 1倍)be +比较级+than+名词+by n times3、mercu

15、ry weighs more than water by about 14 times.水银的重量约为水的 14 倍。(或:水银比水重 13 倍)be +比较级+by a factor of n4、the error probability of binary AM is greater than binary FM by afactor of at least 6.二进制条幅的误差概率比二进制调频至少大 5 倍。(或:二进制调幅的误差概率至少是二进制调频的 6 倍)(二)在系动词或行为动词后接 as+形容词或副词+again as 或接again as +形容词或副词+as这些搭配通常可译作

16、是的两倍,比多一倍。另外需注意,如果again 前再加 half, 则表示比大(长、宽)半倍。1、this wire is as long again as that one .这根金属线的长度是那根的 2 倍。(或:这根金属线比那根金属线长 1 倍)as many /much again (as )(比)可译作多一倍:2、professor Li has books as many again as I do.李教授的书比我的书多一倍。(三)用带有增大意思的动词(increase, rise, grow, go up 等)和下列包含有数词 n (表示数字、百分数或倍数)的词语相配合具体表达方

17、式有:动词+n times,动词+by +n times,动词+to +ntimes,动词+n-fold,动词+by a factor of +n 等,可译作增加到 n 倍,增加了(n-1)倍。1、the sales of industrial electronic products have multiplied sixtimes.工业电子产品销售额增加了 5 倍。2、the strength of the attraction increases by four times if the distancebetween the original charges is behalved.如果

18、原电荷的距离缩短一半,则引力就增大到原来 4 倍。或:如果原电荷的距离缩短一半,则引力比原来大 3 倍。3、by 2004 the production of primary copper has increased fivefold.到 2004 年,原铜产量增长了 4 倍。(四)用带有增大意思的动词(increase,rise, grow, go up 等)连接(by)n+单位(或 n%), 表示净增量,数词 n 可照译, 例如:1、the output went up 45,000 tons.产量增加了 45,000 吨。the production has increased by 4

19、5%. 生产已增加了 45%。3、automation will help us to raise the output of production by thirtypercent.自动化能帮助我们提高产量 30%。4、industrial output rose by 0.9 percent in June.6 月份产量增长了 0.9%。(五)用表示倍数的动词表示量的增加其中,double 表示是的 2 倍、增加 1 倍或翻一番;treble 表示为是 的 3 倍、增加两倍或增加到 3 倍;quadruple 表示是的 4 倍、增加 3倍或翻两番;quintuple 表示是的 5 倍、增加

20、至 5 倍或增加了 4 倍;sextuple表示使成 6 倍;septuple 使成为 7 倍;octuple 表示使成为 8 倍。1、the new airport will double the capacity of the existing one.新机场是现有机场容量的 2 倍。2、the population has nearly trebled in forty years.人口在 40 年中增加了近 2 倍。3、the company quadrupled output to around 20 million tons.该 GS 把产量增至 2,000 万吨左右,是原来的四倍

21、。4、The output has been quintupled since 1998.1998 年以来,产量已增长了 4 倍。(六)、英语中用 an increase of n.或 an n increase of 表示净增的数量, n 可直译:1. There is an increase of 4.5 million tons of steel as compared withlast year.钢产量比去年增加了 450 万吨。2. There is a 25% increase of steel as compared with last year.钢产量比去年增加了 450 万吨

22、。十、英语中表示减少(倍)数的翻译(一)、用表示减少的动词(decrease,deduce,fall,lower 等)连接 by n或 n%,表示净减量;用系动词连接 n less (than)表示净减量,所减数均可直译。1、180 decreased by 90 is 90. 180 减去 90 等于 90。2、The cost decreased by 40%. 成本下降了 40%。3、This new process used 35% less fuel. 这种工艺少用了 35%的燃料。(二)、用表示减少的动词(decrease,reduce,fall,lower 等)连接 by n.t

23、imes, n. times,n. times as + 形容词或副词 + as,by a facter of n.等,均可译作减少了 n 分之(n-1)或减少到 n 分之 1。1.The enterprise management expenditure this year has decreased bythree times as against that of 2002.该企业的行政管理开支比 2002 年降低了 2/3。2. The pre-heating times for the new type thermal meter is shortened5 times.这种新型热电式

24、仪表的预热时间缩短了 4/5。3. The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5 timesthrough technical innovation.通过技术革新该设备误差概率降低了 3/5。倍数、百分比的译法例 1. 以美国黑人为例,黑人只占美国人口的 13%,却占囚犯总数的 49%。黑人妇女被判入狱的比率比白人妇女高 8 倍以上。Take American blacks for example. Although they account for only13 percent of the total populatio

25、n, blacks make up 49 percent of all prisoners.Also, the ratio of the black women in prison is nine times as high as (ninetimes larger/greater than) that of the white women.例 2. 美国移民研究中心 1999 年 9 月发表的一份报告指出,移民的贫困率在 1979 至 1997 年间增长了 123%,移民贫困人口由 270 万增至 770 万。1989 至 1997 年,在新增贫困人口中,移民达 300 万人,占75%。A

26、report by the American Center for Immigration Research inSeptember, 1999 pointed out that the poverty rate of the immigrantsincreased 123 percent between 1979 and 1997, and the population of poorimmigrants soared from 2.7 million to 7.7 million. Indeed, between 1989 and1997, the newly increased poor

27、 population, 3 million were immigrants,accounting for 75 percent of the total.例 3. 五年全国共完成技术改造投资 2.66 万亿元,比前五年增长67%。In these five years, technological transformation projects with a totalinvestment of 2.66trillion yuan were completed, 67% over the figure for theprevious five years.数字的模糊表达:例 1. 银河宛转三

28、千曲,浴凫飞鹭澄波绿。The Milky-like river winds from bend to bend; Cranes fly oer puregreen waves with which wild ducks blend.例 2. 王冕一路风餐露宿,九十里大站,七十里小站,一径来到山东济南府地方。Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian traveled day after day pastlarge posting stations and small, till he came to the city of Jinan.例 3. 薛蟠也假说来上学,不

29、过是三天打鱼,两天晒网 却不曾有一点儿进益。Xue Pan had hastened to register himself as a pupil. His school-goingwas, needless to say, a pretenceone day fishing and two days to dry the net asthey say-and had nothing to do with the advancement of learning.例 4. 非常委屈,有时候觉得比单纯忙碌的蚂蚁还可怜。但是,我解逅了一位老太太,比我可怜一千倍。Sorry for myself, I sometimes thought that I was more pitiable thanthe ants that just keep themselves busy all day long. But one day I happenedto meet an elderly lady who should be considered far more pitiable than I.例 5. 孔雀东南飞,五里一徘徊。译文 1:Southeast the lovelorn peacock flies. Alack, At every mileshe

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