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1、外研版七年级上册英语全册教学设计外研版七年级上册英语全册教学设计Unit 1 Nice to meet you .学习目标:1、学会的单词:单词表从Chinese 到China . (90页) 短语: be from = come from 2、重点句型: My name is . Im . Youre . Are you ? 3、能用be动词一般现在时形式并正确运用于自我介绍中。 课堂准备: 1、试读本单元的单词,不会读的在单词下打“”.2、试读第2页Activity2单词,不会读的在单词下打“”.3、试读第3页Activity3的对话, 不会读的在单词下打“”, 同时试着完成第三页的5个句

2、子的判断.自学交流:1、be动词有哪三种不同形式? 、 、 。2、用be动词的正确形式填空: My name Miss Li. I Chinese. He my friend. We students. What your name? Where you from?合作探究:1、Chinese 是名词时,翻译为: _ ; 是形容词时翻译为: _ 2、be from 的同义词组为: _ He is from China .(改为同义句) He _ _ China .3、what about 的同义词为: _ 4、Is Daming from Beijing ? 肯定回答: _ 否定回答: _ 巩

3、固提高:Work in pairs. Ask and answer.(Activity5)A: Whats your name? B: My name isA: Are you English? B: No,Im A:How old are you? B:Im years old .Im in Class A: Nice to meet you, B: Nice to meet you ,too.拓展延伸:单项选择:( )1. -Nice to meet you. - . A. Good morning B. You are welcom C. Nice to meet you, too D.

4、 Goodbye( )2.He from Beijing, I from Shanghai. A. is,is B. am, am C. is, am D. is, comes( )3. - Are you from China ? Yes , A. Im B. Im not C. I am D. I am( )4. is Mary from? -She is from .A. When, American B. Where, America C. What, England ( )5. My sister is . A. twelve year old B. twelve years old

5、 C. twelve-years old D. twelve-year-old( )6. (2011.长沙)-What about _ a rest ?- OK. Lets go out and have a walk . A. to take B. takes C. taking 本课小结:我学会了:1、我能背本课的单词、短语和句子(听写)2、am、is are的用法(口诀)*老师,我想对您说:Unit 2 Im Wang Lingling and Im thirteen years old .学习目标:1、学会单词:从everyone 到all. (90页) 短语:be from = co

6、me from2、三个问句的灵活运用:Whats his/ her name? How old is he/ she? Where is he/ she from?3、能用be动词一般现在时形式并正确运用于自我介绍中; 人称代词和物主代词课堂准备: 1、试读本单元的单词,不会读的在单词下打“”.2、试读第4页Activity1的句子,把句子按正确顺序排列.3、试读第4页Activity2的三段短文, 不会读的在单词下打“”,试着完成6个句子的判断.4、单项选择 1)- are you? -Im thirteen years old. A .What B . How C. How old 2)

7、Mike is from and he is . A. Chinese, China B. America, American C. English, England 自学交流:1、Introduce yourself to the class.(自我介绍): My name is Im a Imyears old. Im from2、Work in pairs. Ask and answer.(互相问答)A: Whats your name? B: My name isA: Where are you from? B: Im from ImA: How old are you? B: Im

8、years old.合作探究:1. 不定代词everyone 意为: 2. the capital of China意为: capital 还可以翻译为: 3. 探讨一下first name 和last name 巩固提高:1. 互相问答: Whats his/ her name? How old is he/ she? Where is he/ she from?2. Writing(写): Activity 5 Activity 6拓展延伸:一. 用be动词的适当形式填空:1.My mother _ a teacher. 2.Your sister _ ten years old. 3.H

9、is students _ all in the classroom. 4.You and I _ good friends. 5.Lucy _ an English girl.She _ in Class Two this year. 6.You _ our Chinese teacher this term.二. 用and 衔接句子来介绍自己:My names and Im 本课小结:1、我背得了本课的单词、短语和句子2、我学会用and 衔接句子来介绍自己:My names and Im *老师,我想对您说:Unit 3 Language in use学习目标:1、记住本模块全部单词(90

10、页)2、重要句子:Im your teacher . Shes my friend . Hes from Shanghai . My name is Li Daming . Her English name is Lucy .His English name is Henry. Are you from America ? No, Im not .3、能够正确使用be ,明了一般现在时态中be的用法;人称代词和物主代词与be 的运用. 课堂准备:读熟单词并能记住本模块所有单词及重要句子自学交流:互相作自我介绍: Im . This is .Hes my friend . Im years ol

11、d. Hes years old. Were and were in Class .合作探究:1、1)先再复习一下系动词 be (is, am, are) 动词的用法。我(I)用_ 你(you) 用_, _用于他he (她she、它it)。其他的:单数用_,复数用_。2)在老师的指导下尝试完成Activity2 和Activity3,然后和同学讨论总结含be 动词句子的陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句构成及变化规律。1) 陈述句:否定句:含有be (is, am, are) 动词的句子在变否定句时,在be(is, am, are)动词后加 一般疑问句:含有be (is, am, are) 动词的句子

12、在变一般疑问句时,只要把be(is, am, are)放到 2、请同学们仔细读Around the world的内容,和同学讨论中西方姓名的结构:比较中国人的姓名和英美人姓名的不同。试一试你能用英语写出你和朋友或家人的姓名吗?结构:中国人的姓名: 英美人姓名: 你自己的姓名: 朋友或家人的姓名: 巩固提高:根据汉语意思完成句子1.我是一名学生,我来自美国. I am . I am .2.他们不是中国人,他们是英国人. They arent . They .3.迈克和玛丽在三班吗? Mike and Mary ?4.你爸爸多少岁了? is your father ?5.他13岁吗? he yea

13、ts ?拓展延伸:Tom 在中国读书,请根据卡片提示介绍一下他.Given name : Tom Family name : Green From : America Age : thirteen Class : three 本课小结:1、我背得了本模块的单词、短语和句子 2、am、is are的用法及be动词的各种句型3、我学会了自我介绍和介绍他人*老师,我想对您说: 七年级上英语Module 2 My familyUnit 1 Is this your mum ?学习目标:1、本单元单词和短语:从aunt到those . (90至91页) 2、重要句子::This is a photo o

14、f What a big family .-Are these ?-Yes ,they are ./ No, they arent . Who is /are?3、指示代词和名词所有格 课堂准备:1、试读本单元的单词,不会读的在单词下打“”.2、试读第8页Activity1 方框中的单词,不会读的在单词下打“”.3、试读第9页Ativity3的对话, 不会读的在单词下打“”.自学交流:你知道多少与家庭成员有关的词汇吗?写一写,比一比_试着相互问答: -Is this your dad ? No, it isnt .Thats my uncle . -Are these your grandpa

15、rents ? Yes, they are . / No, they arent .合作探究:1.family为单数时意为: family为复时意为: 2.感叹句: (+a /an )+形容词+ 名词+ 主语+谓语+其他 ! +形容词/副词+ 主语+谓语+其他 !3.this 的复数是: 指代较近的人或物, that 的复数是 指代较远人或物4.名词所有格的构成: front of与in the front of 的区别: 巩固提高:单项选择: ( )1.This is a photo my family. B.for C.of ( )2.Those my goo

16、d . ; friend B.are ;friends ; friends D.are ; friend ( )3.My family all happy at the news . B.are ( )4.Where your parents ? C.are ( )5. mothers both work in the same school . A.Tom and Jims B.Toms and Jim C.Toms and Jims 拓展延伸:根据要求改写句子1.This is my photo .(改为复数句

17、) my .2. Are these your parents ?(作肯定回答和否定回答) 翻译句子1.我妈妈的父母在右边,我爸爸的父母在左边. My parents on the right , and my dads parents are .2.有一棵大树在我们教室的前面. There is a big tree our classroom. 本课小结:1、我背得了本课的单词、短语和句子2、指示代词的用法我已学会3、名词所有格的构成我知道*老师,我想对您说:Unit 2 These are my parents .学习目标:1、记住本单元单词: 从bus 到 same .2、重要句型:

18、These are - Whats sb.s job ? He /She is a/ an 3、this 和these的运用课堂准备:1、你能写出至少5个表示职业的名词吗? _ _2、试读课本Activity1 和Activity2 的单词, 不会读的在单词下打“”.并试着完成Activity1的填空.3、试读课本Activity3 短文, 不会读的在单词下打“”.自学交流:中英文互译。(熟练掌握下列职业及相关工作地点的词,比比谁完成的又快又好。)1). bus station _ 2). hotel_ 3).police station_ 4).hospital_ 5).school _ 6

19、)stheatre_ 7)演员_ 8).老师_ 9) 护士_ 10)经理_ 11)汽车司机_ 12)警察 _ _合作探究:1.Activity3.学会询问同学父母的职业,运用下列句型与你的同伴进行操练。(例如)A: What are your parents jobs?B: My mother is a teacher. My father is a doctor. What about your parents?A: My mother is an actor. My father is a manager of a theatre。小结:询问职业的句型有: What +be 名词(主语)

20、job ? What +be 名词(主语)? What do/ does 主语+ do ?2. 在本课中出现的“动词+r /er /or ”构成的名词有哪些? 3. in /at hospital 和 in /at the hospital 的区别: 巩固提高:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.This is a photo of Damings f . 2.My father is a bus d in Beijing .3.My father is the m of the theatre . 4.My mother works in a h . 5.There are many p in

21、the police station . 6. Those are Pauls son and d .拓展延伸:单项选择:( )1.My father is ill, he is _ . the hospital hospital the hospital D.on hospital ( )2.My mother is _ English teacher and my father is _ doctor. A.a, an, a C.a, a D./ , /( )3.-_ _ ? Hes a manager. A.Who is your father B

22、.How is your father C.What is your fathers job( )4.Look! This is _ bike . A.Tony B.Tonys C.Tonys ( )5._ a clever boy he is ! A.What B. How C.Where D.Who 本课小结:1、我背得了本课的单词、短语和句子2、我会询问职业及回答3、我会使用this 和these*老师,我想对您说:Unit 3 Language in use学习目标:1.记住本模块的单词和短语2.重点句:Is this your family? Yes ,it is .Are thes

23、e your grandparents? Yes ,they are . Whos this ? Thats my dad. Those are Pauls son and daughter . My dads parents on the right . 3.名词所有格,人称代词和物主代词的运用; 并能介绍自己和他人的职业。课堂准备:1.读熟单词并能记住本模块所有单词2.试着完成课本Activity2 ,3 ,4,5的练习填空。自学交流:1、试着口头操练Activity1. (运用本模块所学句型进行交流) 范例:This is my family. These are my parents.

24、 My father is a worker. And this is my mother. She is a teacher. I have a happy family! 然后转换一下人称,把my 变成 Lilys ,Jacks和Li Mings2、完成课本Activity2,3 ,4,5 的练习后与同学进行交流。合作探究:1. 回忆名词所有格的变化规则: 2. 人称代词有: 物主代词有: 巩固提高:连词成句。1)teacher,an,in,English,university,a,mother,my,is_.2) parents, are,her, these _.3) is, my,

25、friend, Kate, good _.拓展延伸:根据表格信息提示以Jims family 为题写一篇短文.Family JobsHow oldfatherdoctor38mother teacher36Jimstudent13Come and meet Jims family .There are 3 people in his family . 本课小结:1、我背得了本课的单词、短语和句子2、我学会了名词所有格,人称代词和物主代词的运用3、我能介绍自己和他人的职业*老师,我想对您说: Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students i

26、n my class .学习目标:1、 记住本单元的单词和短语:从computer到tree .2、 重点句型:There are students in my class. Whats your classroom like ? How many students are there in your class ? Is there a ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt .3.能用“there be”句型描述自己的教室及学校。课堂准备:1、大声朗读下列单词并标上意思,不会的在单词下打“”:blackboard book classroom computer

27、desk furniture map picture television wall 2、试读课本14页第三部分的对话, 不会的在单词下打“”.自学交流:1、 复习数字120。默写他们的英语写法。 2、大声朗读下列数词:20 twenty , 30 thirty, 40 forty, 50 fifty, 60 sixty, 70 seventy, 80 eighty, 90 ninety,3、Match the words with the numbers .(课本15页Activity 6 )合作探究:1. 回忆一下上节语法课There be 结构: There be 句型的用法口诀: There be 句型有特点,主语放在be 后边.主语单数用 , 主语复数要用 . *就近原则: 当主语由两个或两个以上的名词构成时,be 动词与邻近的主语保持一致. 2. a lot of = lots of 许多,大量 3. on the wall 和in the wall 的区别: 4.Work in pairs . Write about your classroom. Use numbers.(Activity7)How ma

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