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1、汽车英语(1) Todays average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together.These parts can be grouped into four major categories: body, engine, chassis and electrical equipment 。当今的车辆一般都由15000 多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。这些零部件主要分为四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气设备。(2) The body is designed to keep

2、 passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle. 车身的设计要保证乘客安全舒适。车身的款式使得汽车看起来漂亮迷人、色彩斑斓、时尚前卫。Automobile 汽车;机动车Vehicle 车辆;运载工具Car 汽车;小汽车;车辆Motor 机动车,尤指汽车Auto 口语 汽车Sedan 美 = saloon 轿车Coupe (单排座)双人小汽车Hatchback 有仓门式后背的汽车Wagon 四轮马车, 货车V

3、an 大篷车,运货车Pick-up Utility 皮卡Roadster 跑车Convertible 敞篷车Racing car 赛车Trailer 拖车Truck 卡车Jeep 吉普车Bus 公共汽车Coach 长途客车Taxi 出租车Tractorprime mover 美 牵引车 Cross country vehicle 越野车SUV Sports Utility Vehicle 运动型多用途车 MPVMulti Purpose Vehicle 多用途车RV Recreation Vehicle 休闲车 Crankshaft and Connecting rods system 曲柄连

4、杆机构Valve system 配气机构Fuel system 供给系Ignition system 点火系Starting system 起动系Cooling system 冷却系Lubrication system 润滑系TDC(Top Dead Center): the position of the crank and piston when the piston is farthest away from the crankshaft. BDC(Bottom Dead Center): the position of the crank and piston when the pis

5、ton is nearest away from the crankshaft. Swept vol. (有效/工作容积): 缸径bore the volume between TDC and BDC. Clearance vol.(余隙/燃烧室容积): the volume of space above the piston when it is at TDC. Engine capacity (排量): this is the swept volume of all cylinders.Compression ration (压缩比): (swept vol. + clearance vo

6、l.) /(clearance vol.) 1. Intake/Induction stroke 进气行程 2. Compression stroke 压缩行程3. Power stroke 作功行程 4. Exhaust stroke 排气行程1) The engine block is the basic frame of the engine. All other engine parts either fit inside it or fasten to it. It holds the cylinders, water jackets, and oil galleries. The

7、engine block also holds the crankshaft, which fastens to the bottom of the block. (Page 13) 缸体是发动机的基体。发动机其它的部件都安装或固定在缸体上,包括气缸、水套和油道,以及固定在缸体底部的曲轴等。2) Cylinder sleeves are used in engine blocks to provide a hard wearing material for pistons and piston rings. The block can be made of one kind of iron t

8、hat is light and easy to cast while the sleeves uses another that is better able to stand up wear and tear. There are two main types of sleeves: dry and wet. (Page 10) 缸体中的气缸套为活塞和活塞环提供了一种坚硬耐磨的材料。缸体可以采用某种重量轻且易铸造的铁来制造,而缸套使用的却是另一种更加耐磨损的材料制成。主要有两种类型的气缸套:干缸套和湿缸套。3) The cylinder head fastens to the top of

9、 the block, just as a roof fits over a house. The underside forms the combustion chamber with the top of the piston.In-line engines of light vehicles have just one cylinder head for all cylinders; larger in-line engines can have two or more. (Page 14) 气缸盖安装在缸体的顶部,就像安在房子上的屋顶一样。缸盖的下方和活塞顶部形成燃烧室。轻型车上使用的

10、直列发动机,所有气缸仅有一个气缸盖,较大的直列发动机有两个或更多缸盖。4) The oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. The oil drains off and runs down into the pan. Thus, there is constant circulation of oil between the pan and the working pats of the engine. (Page

11、 15) 润滑系的机油泵从油底壳抽出机油,并把机油输送给发动机的之间就有机油定向循环流动。所有工作部件。机油从油底壳流进流出。因而在油底壳和发动机的工作部件1) Most pistons are made from cast aluminum. The piston, through the connecting rod, transfers to the crankshaft the force created by the burning fuel mixture. This force turns the crankshaft.大多数活塞由铝铸造而成。通过连杆的作用,活塞把可燃混合气燃烧

12、产生的力传递给曲轴,带动曲轴旋转。2) In diesel engines, the combustion chamber may be formed totally or in part in the piston crown, depending on method of injection. (Page 18) 柴油机发动机根据喷油方法不同,活塞头部可以形成全部燃烧室,也可以是燃烧室的一部分3) In modern engines, each piston has three rings. (Piston in older engines sometimes had four rings

13、, or even five.) The inside surface of the ring fits in the groove on the piston. The rings outside surface presses against the cylinder walls在新型发动机上,每个活塞有三个活塞环。(在老式发动机上,每个活塞有四个甚至五个活塞环)环的内侧装在活塞的环槽里,环的外表面紧压在气缸壁上。When the engine runs in compression stroke and power stroke, the valves must close tightl

14、y on their seats to produce a gas-tight seal and thus prevent the gases escaping from the combustion chamber. If the valves do not close fully the engine will not develop full power. Also the valve heads will be liable to be burnt by the passing hot gases, and there is the likelihood of the piston c

15、rown touching an open valve, which can seriously damage the engine. (p28)当发动机在压缩冲程和作功冲程工作时,气门必须紧贴在气门座上,形成良好的气密性以防止燃烧室漏气。如果气门关闭不严,发动机就不能发挥出全部的功率。而且气门头部容易被经过的高温气体烧蚀,活塞顶部也可能会碰到气门使发动机严重损坏。A/F is the proportion of air to fuel, which is stated in term of mass, different fuel has different air/fuel ratio.1

16、) Gasoline must vaporize easily. This characteristic, called volatility, is important. However, it must not vaporize too easily, or it will turn to vapor inside the fuel tank or fuel lines. Inside the fuel line, fuel vapor may block the flow of liquid gasoline. This is called vapor lock. Vapor lock

17、is common in fuel lines where the inlet side of the pump is exposed to high temperatures. 汽油应易于蒸发,这个重要的特性称为挥发性。但是汽油也不能挥发得过快,不然它会在油箱或油管里转变为蒸气。在油管中汽油蒸气会阻碍液态汽油的流动,这称为气阻。汽油泵的入口处易受高温,就经常出现气阻。2) Increasing the pressure of the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber before ignition helps to increase the pow

18、er of an engine. This is done by compressing the fuel mixture to a smaller volume. Higher compression ratios not only boost power but also give more efficient power. But as the compression ratio goes up, knocking tendency increases. 在点火前增加燃烧室内可燃混合气的压力有助于提高发动机的功率,这是通过把可燃混合气压缩到一个极小的体积来实现的。高的压缩比不仅可以增加功

19、率,而且会带来更多的有效功率。但随着压缩比的增加,爆震的可能性也会增加。4) Fuel pump: Most cars today have a mechanical fuel pump. This pumps fuel out of the tank and through the fuel lines to the carburetor or injection system. In most cars, the pump is mounted on the engine block. Some cars have an electric fuel pump. This pump moun

20、ts in the fuel tank with the fuel pickup and the fuel-gauge-sending unit. 当前大多数汽车采用机械汽油泵,汽油泵从油箱抽出汽油,通过油管送到化油器或喷射系统。大部分汽车的汽油泵安装在缸体上。一些汽车采用电动汽油泵,汽油泵安装在油箱上,附带有油量传感器和燃油表油量传送装置。5) Fuel pump: The rotation of the lobe moves a rocker arm in the pump. Inside the pump, a flexible diaphragm connects to the roc

21、ker arm though a diaphragm spring, pull rod and link. 凸圆旋转带动油泵中的摇臂运动。油泵中可变形膜片的泵膜通过膜片回位弹簧和膜片拉杆与摇臂相连。Fuel pump汽油泵) Cold star 冷启动) Post-start phase 后启动阶段) Warm-up 暖机Operating conditions ) Acceleration 加速) Part load 部分负荷) Full load 全负荷) Idling 怠速) Overrun 超速) Engine-speed limiting 发动机限速) High altitudes

22、高海拔Metering correct proportions of fuel and air Atomization spray fine particles to great air Distribution deliver uniform mixture to manifoldIdle and Low-Speed Circuit (怠速与低速)Main Metering Circuit (主供油)Power-Enrichment Circuit (功率加浓)Accelerator (Pump) Circuit (加速)Choke Circuit(cold start)1) (P.46)

23、Diesel engine gets this name from the pioneer work done by Dr Rudolf Diesel. The diesel is used for the majority of heavy vehicles and the excellent fuel economy makes it an attractive alternative to the petrol engine for light commercial vehicles, delivery vans and taxis. 柴油发动机的名称来源于Rudolf Diesel 博

24、士所完成的开拓性工作。大多数重型车辆使用柴油,优良的燃油经济性使得柴油机成为具有吸引力的替代品,来代替轻型商用车、厢式运输货车和出租车上汽油机。2) Diesel fuel mixture formation (P.48) As diesel engines always deal with interior mixture formation only a heterogeneous mixture is obtained in the combustion chamber. In heterogeneous mixtures the excess-air factor extends fr

25、om pure air in the spray periphery (l= infinite) to pure fuel in the spray core (l= 0). 由于柴油机总是只在气缸内部形成可燃混合气,在燃烧室内就会得到不均匀的混合气。不均匀混合气的过量空气系数范围从喷射外围纯空气的无穷大到喷射中心纯燃料的零。3) in-line pump fuel-injection system:(P48) The fuel-injection system on a diesel engine must do a number of important things. First, it

26、 must meter the correct amount of fuel to run the engine at the speed and load demanded by the driver. Then it must deliver the metered fuel equally to all cylinders, at exactly the right time. Next, it must inject the fuel at the correct rate and spray pattern for the best burning in the combustion

27、 chamber. (P48) 柴油机的燃油喷射系统要完成许多重要的工作。首先,它必须定量供应准确数量的燃油,使发动机在驾驶员所要求的转速和负荷条件下运行。然后,它必须准确地在恰当的时刻把定量供应的燃油平均分配给每一个气缸。为使燃烧室中燃料燃烧效果最好,它又必须以准确的速度和喷射方式喷油。With the injector pump on the low part (base circle) of the camshaft, the inlet and spill ports are open. This allows fuel to flow at 268 kPa into the vent

28、uri on top of the plunger. As the camshaft turns, the lobe moves the plunger upward. This raised the fuel pressure, forcing fuel through the delivery valve and on through the lines. The lobe continues to move the plunger upward to a point where the spiral groove in the plunger uncovers the spill por

29、t in the venturi. At this point, fuel above the plunger drains through the spill port. This is the end of injection.当喷油泵处于凸轮轴基圆时,进油孔和回油孔都打开,柴油以268KPa 的压力流入柱塞上方的柱塞腔。凸轮轴旋转时,凸圆使柱塞向上移动,油压增加,柴油从出油阀流出送入高压油管。凸圆继续推动柱塞向上移动,直到柱塞运动到螺旋槽打开柱塞腔上的回油孔时的位置,此时,柱塞上方的柴油从回油孔流出,喷油过程结束。When a vehicle is to be moved from re

30、st the clutch must engage a stationary gearbox shaft with the engine; this must be rotating at a high speed to provide sufficient power or else the load will be too great and the engine will stall (come to rest). 当汽车原地起步时,离合器要将静止的变速器轴同发动机接合起来,此时发动机必须高速旋转以提供足够大的功率,否则载荷过大将引起发动机熄火。Qu.2: List the types

31、of clutch spring.Coil Spring 螺旋弹簧 Diaphragm Spring 膜片弹簧Qu.3: List the main parts of a dry friction clutch?Driving member 主动部分 Driven member 从动部分 Operating member 操纵机构2)The driving member (主动部分)The driving member consists of two parts: the flywheel and the pressure plate. The flywheel is bolted direc

32、tly to the engine crankshaft and rotates when the crankshaft turns. The pressure plate is bolted to the flywheel. The result is that both flywheel and pressure plate rotate together. 主动部分由飞轮和压盘两部件组成。飞轮用螺栓直接连接到发动机曲轴上,随曲轴旋转而旋转。压盘与飞轮连接,这样飞轮和压盘一起旋转。1) Automatic transmissions (AT) Automatic transmissions have three basic systems -a torque converter, a gear system, and a hydraulic system.These fit together in a unit that fastens directly behind the engine. The front section of the transmission houses the torque c

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