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1、高尔夫英语口语对话 Revised final draft November 26, 2020高尔夫英语口语对话高尔夫场景常用口语:1、俱乐部总机T:Telephone operator (总机接线员) M: Member(会员)T:Good afternoon, this is Sanya International Golf Club. May I help you? 下午好,这里是三亚国际高尔夫俱乐部,请问您要找哪个部门?M:Id like to make a reservation, please. 我要订场,请问找那个部门?T:Ill put you through to the F

2、ront Desk, Just a moment, please! 订场需要联系前台,请稍等。M:Ok,thank you. 好的,谢谢。2、俱乐部前台(一) 预定R:Reception (前台服务人员) M: Member(会员)R: Good morning, Front Desk. May I help you! 早上好,这里是前台,我能为您做什么么?M: This is David. I want to book one flight at 8 on Saturday morning? 我是大卫,我想预约星期六上午8点的场。R: Im sorry, it has been reserv

3、ed already. 非常抱歉,您要的这个时间已经预约满了。M: What other time is available on Saturday morning then? 那周六上午还有什么时间可以订场呢?R: How about 12:36? 12点36分,您看怎么样?M: Ok, Ill take that! 好的,我就定这个时间。R: May I have your membership number, please, sir? 请将您的会员号告诉我好么?M: The number is R: Will you have any guests? 您有随同嘉宾么?M: Four in

4、 all. 还有三个朋友一起来,共四个人。R: Its ok now. Your tee time is 12: 36 on Saturday. 已经订好了,您开球的时间是星期六上午12:36分。M: Thank you. 谢谢。(二)前台登记R: Have you made any booking, Mr. David? 大卫先生,您有预约么?M: Yes. 有的。R: For how many people? 请问您共来了几位?M: Four in all. 四位。R: Thatll be 2000 yuan deposit for each guest. 请您的嘉宾每位交押金2000元人

5、民币。M: Can I pay it by credit card? 刷卡行么?R: Sure. Please sign your name here. 可以。请在这里登记姓名。M: Ok, do all the guests need to check in? 所有的客人都要登记么?R: Yes, for we will give an IC card to each of them. 是的,我们会给他们每人发一张消费卡。(三)行李寄存R: Do you need a locker? 您需要更衣柜么M: Yes, I need one. 是的,请给我一个。R: Here are your I

6、C card and locker key. 这是您的消费卡和更衣柜的钥匙,请拿好。M: Can I leave my large luggage here? 请问我的大件行李能寄存在这里么?R: Ill check with the manager. Sorry to keep you waiting. Well take care of it for you, sir. 这件事,我需要请示经理久等了,我们非常乐意帮您保管您的行李。M: Thank you. By the way, could you please tell me how to get to the changing roo

7、m? 谢谢。顺便问一下,更衣室怎么走?R: Walk straight ahead and it is on your left. 更衣室请直走,前面向左转。M: Thank you. 谢谢。(四)办理副卡咨询R: Could my wife come along with me on the course? 我太太能跟我下场走走么?M: I am sorry, sir, but people who dont play are not allowed to walk down to the course. 对不起,不打球是不能下场的。R: Id like to apply a spouse

8、card for her. How should I do? 我想给她申请办理附属卡,怎么办理呢?M: For the spouse card, you need to fill in an application form, provide 2 passport photos and a copy of your marriage certificate. 申办副卡要填申请表,并交近期两张照片,及结婚证书复印件。(五)缴纳球费M: Can I pay the full fee for the year now? 现在可以缴纳全年的月费么?R: Yes, you can. 可以的。M: How

9、 much is it? 一共多少钱?R: Thatll be 13, 800 RMB in total. 一共是13800元人民币。M: Ill pay by credit card. Please give me a receipt. 我刷信用卡,请开发票。R: All right, here you are. 好的,给您。(六)非会员咨询M: Could you please tell me how non-members are charged? 请问非会员怎么收费?R: The non-member means members guest or visitor. Heres our

10、tariff. 非会员分嘉宾和访客,打球收费标准请看这里的价目表。M: I need clubs and a pair of plimsolls. Where can I get them? 我需要球杆和球鞋,怎么办理?R: Shoes can be hired in changing room for 80 yuan per pair, and clubs can be hired in caddy master for 200 yuan per set. 球鞋在更衣室可以租到,80元一双;租球杆请到出发台,200元一套。(七)付款R: How would you like to pay?

11、您打算怎么付款呢?M: Ill take the bill for the expenses of playing. We go Dutch for the meal. 由我统一付打球的费用,吃饭的费用我们各自来付。R: Could I have your IC card? 请把您的消费卡给我好么?M: Ok, here you are. Could you tell me the payment for each person? 好的,给你,请问我们每位要付多少?R: Sure, 5,300 RMB in total. For four people, that is 1,325 yuan

12、each. 总费用是5,300RMB元,按4人均分,每位应付1325元。M: Can I pay by U.S Dollar? 我能用美元结账么?R: Im sorry, sir, but we only accept RMB and Hong Kong dollars. 对不起,只能用人民币和港币结账。M: Ok, so can I exchange some money here? 好吧,我能在这兑换些钱么?R: Certainly, sir. How much would you like to change? 可以,先生,你要兑换多少呢?M: I want to exchange 10

13、00 U.S Dollars for RMB. By the way, whats the exchange rate(汇率)for RMB 我想用一千美金兑换人民币。顺便问一下,人民币的汇率是多少。R: Its RMB 6.9 for 1 U.S Dollar. 美元兑人民币是6.9比1.M: Ok, then Ill pay it directly. 好的,兑换后直接付款吧。R: Would you like a copy of your expense in detail andinvoice?请问您需要打印消费明细和出具发票么?M: Yes, please. 是的。R: This is

14、 your expense details, please check. And heres your invoice. 只是您的消费单,请确认各项消费明细这是您的发票。M: Thank you. 谢谢。3、俱乐部更衣室R:Reception person (更衣室接待人员) M: Member(会员)R: Hello, sir, welcome. 您好,欢迎观临。M: Hello, wheres the wardrobe 158? 你好,请问158号柜在哪儿?R: Its on the first row on the left. 在左边第一排。M: Excuse me, where is

15、the restroom? 请问洗手间在哪里?R: Go straight there, and then turn right. 往里走,向右转就是。M: Where is the shower? 冲凉间呢?R: Just go straight ahead. 直走就到了。M: how can I get to the caddy Master? 出发台怎么走呢?M: Just walk out the door, turn right and youll see it. 出这个门,向右手边走就能找到。R: Do you have size 40 shoes? 我想租40码的球鞋。M: Wo

16、uld you please try this one, sir? 您看这双鞋合适么?M: Thats fine. 还不错。R: Please lock your personal belongings up in your locker. 请将您的衣物放进衣柜里面。M: All right. Give me a bath towel, please? 好的,请给我条浴巾。M: Here you are. 给您。R: Can I have a pair of slippers? 有拖鞋么?M: Sure, sir. Just a moment, please. 有,请等一下,马上就拿给您。M:

17、 Do you have the laundry service? 您们提供洗衣服务么?R: Yes. 提供。M: Would it be ready after my game? 我打完球可以取么?R: Sorry, sir, but itll cost two days. You could get it next time when you coming. 很抱歉,要两天时间,您下次来时可以取。M: Can I rent the locker for a longer period? 我可以长期租衣柜么?M: Certainly, all members are entitled to

18、that. 是会员就可以。4、俱乐部餐厅(一)餐厅预定C=Reservation Clerk 餐厅预订员 G=Guest 顾客 C:Good afternoon. Coffee Time Restaurant. May I help you 下午好,咖啡时间餐厅。能为您效劳吗 G:Id like to reserve a table for two, please. 我想预订两人餐位。 C:Certainly, sir. For how many people, please 好的,先生。请问有几位 G:Two, my wife and I. 两位,我和我太太。 C:At what time

19、can we expect you, sir 请问二位几点光临呢 G:Around 8:00 p.m. 大概在晚上8点。 C:Certainly, sir. May I have your name and telephone number, please 好的,先生。能告诉我您的姓名和电话号码吗 G:Sure, its Peter 当然可以。我叫皮特C: Mr. Peter, thank you. By the way, we can only keep your table till 9:00 p.m., since that will be the peak season. 皮特谢谢您。

20、顺便说一下,您预订的座位只能保留到晚上 9 点,因为那段时间是高峰期。 G:OK, I see. 好的,我知道了。 C:We look forward to serving you, Mr. Peter. Thanks for calling. 我们恭候您的光临,皮特先生。谢谢您的电话。(二)餐厅迎客(1、无预定)H=Hostess 女领台 G=Guest 顾客 H:Good evening, sir. Welcome to Amazon Restaurant. How many persons, please 晚上好,先生。欢迎光临亚马逊餐厅。请问有几位呢 G:A table for two

21、, please. 两位。 H:Certainly, sir. How about the table by the window You may enjoy the beautiful sea-view outside. 好的,先生。那张靠窗的桌子怎样?您可以欣赏到外边的海景。 G:Fine, thanks. 好的,谢谢。 H:This way, please. 这边请。(2、有预定)H=Hostess 女领台 G=Guest 顾客 H:Good evening. Welcome to Amazon Restaurant. Do you have a reservation? 晚上好。欢迎光

22、临亚马逊餐厅。请问有预定么 G:Yes. 有。 H:May I have your name ,please? 请问您贵姓 G:Peter. 匹特。 H:You reserved a table for two, right? 您预定了两人位,是么?G:Thats right. 是的。H:We are expecting you. This way, please. 我们正恭候您的光临。这边请。(三)点菜服务W=waitress 女服务员 G=Guest 顾客 W:May I take your order now , sir 我可以为您写单了吗,先生 G:Yes, please. What

23、would you recommend 早上有什么,您能给我推荐一下吗 W:Our set meal for breakfast is quite popular. It includes congee, pickles, salted duck egg, and two steamed dumplings. 我们这里的白粥套餐不错,有白粥,榨菜,咸蛋和两个大肉包。 G:Good, Ill take it. 好的,就要这个。G: Ill have an omelet and a steak. 我需要一份煎蛋和牛排。 W:Do you want the egg fried on one side

24、 or two sides 煎蛋要单面煎还是双面煎 G:One side, please. 单面煎。 W:How do you like the steak done? 牛排要几分熟? G:Well done/ medium well/ medium/ medium rare/ rare,please. 全熟/ 七分熟/ 五分熟/ 四分熟/ 三分熟。 W:Right away, sir 好的,马上来,先生. G:What kind of drinks do you have? 请问有什么饮料? W:Well, we have beer, wine, and fruit juices. 我们有各

25、种果汁,啤酒,红酒和白酒。 G: What kind of beer do you have? 啤酒有什么?。 W: We have Tsingtao, Budweiser, Kingway and Heineken 我们有青岛,百威,金威和喜力G:What about red wine? 红酒呢?W:We have quite a variety for red wine, sir. Let me show you our wine list. 红酒有很多品种,我拿酒水单给您看。中式早餐:13、上菜与席间服务W=Waitress 女服务员 G=Guest 顾客 W:Your steak ,

26、salad and red wine, sir. Please enjoy. 先生,这是您的牛扒、沙拉和红酒。请慢用。 W:Excuse me, may I take your plate 打搅了,我可以把碟子收起来吗 G:Sure, go ahead. 好的,请便吧。 W:May I show you the dessert menu 您要看看甜点菜单吗 G:OK. 好的。 W:Here you are. 您看看。 G:Id like to have a chocolate pudding. 我想要一份巧克力布丁。 W:Your chocolate pudding, sir. Shall I

27、 bring your coffee now, or later 先生,这是您的巧克力布丁。我是现在为您上咖啡,还是迟些上 G:Later, thank you. 迟些上吧。 G:May I have the bill And the coffee, please. 把账单给我好吗?还有咖啡,谢谢。 W:Certainly ,sir.(After a while) Here is your coffee. How is everything 好的,先生。(过了一会儿)这是您的咖啡。您一切还满意吗 G:Fine , thank you. 很好,谢谢。W: How would you like t

28、o pay, sir? 先生,您打算如何付账呢?G:By credit card. 信用卡。W: Please wait a moment, sir! 请您稍等,先生。5、出发台S: (Staff of Caddy Master) 出发台工作人员 G:(Guest)客人S:Excuse me, are you going to play a match How many flightsyoud like to have?请问你们是要比赛么一共多少组G:Yes, 4 flights in all. 是比赛,共四组。S:Excuse me, sir, but how many members an

29、d guests are playing? 请问你们一行人有多少会员和嘉宾。G:We have 4 members and 12 guests. 我们4个会员,12个嘉宾。S:Do you need the cart? 请问你们用车么?G:Yes, for all of us, please. 全部用车。S:Are all courses open today? 今天所有球场都开放么?G:Only B and C course are open today, sir. 今天只能打B、C场。S:Which rank of caddy will you take today? 请问您今天需要什么级

30、别的球童?G:How are the caddy ranked and charged? 球童是怎么分级和收费的额?S:We have 3 classes of caddies. Class A costs RMB 180 each; Class B costs RMB 170, and Class C costs RMB 155. 我们分A、B、C级球童。A级180元,B级170元,C级155元。G:OK. Well take Class B for all of us then. 我们全部用B级球童。S:We are very sorry, sir, but as we got many guests today. Do you mind incorporating with others to form a 4-person team? 对不起,今天打球的人多,您需要与其他人员合并下场。G:Thats all

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