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中英文临时买卖合约优秀word范文 11页.docx

1、中英文临时买卖合约优秀word范文 11页本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! = 中英文:临时买卖合约中英文:临时买卖合约临时买卖合约PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE此合约订于THIS AGREEMENT is made on BETWEEN持有香港身份证号码(1) (Holder(s) of Hong Kong Identity Card(s) No(s)。并持有可供出售证明书编号and Holder of Certificate of Av

2、ailability for Sale No.地址在) of以下称“卖方”(hereinafter called “the Vendor”);持有香港身份证号码(2) (Holder(s) of Hong Kong Identity Card(s) No(s)。并持有购买资格证明书编号and Holder of Certificate of Eligibility to Purchase No.地址在) of以下称“买方”(hereinafter called “the Purchaser”); and持有商业登记证号码*(3) (Holder of Business Registration

3、 Certificate No.地址在) of以下称“卖方代理” 及(hereinafter called “the Vendors Agent”) and(Holder of Business Registration Certificate No.地址在) of以下称“买方代理”(hereinafter called “the Purchasers Agent”)。OR持有商业登记证号码*(3) (Holder of Business Registration Certificate No.地址在) of以下称“代理”(hereinafter called “the Agent”)。* D

4、elete if inapplicable请将不适用的删去合约双三方同意买卖条款如下NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:-买卖双方同意根据以下条款 * 并透过买方代理及卖方代理/代理 出售及购入1. The Vendor agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees to purchase *through the Vendors Agent and the Purchasers Agent/the Agent, the Property known as(以下称“该物业”)(hereinafter called “the P

5、roperty”) subject to the terms and conditions herein contained.该物业之成交价为港币 买方须按以下之付款方法2. The purchase price of the Property is HK$ which shall be paid by付予卖方。the Purchaser to the Vendor in the following manner:-于签订本合约时付临时订金港币(a) Initial deposit of HK$ shall be paid upon signing of this Agreement;于 年

6、月 日前#签订正式买卖合约时再付订金港币(b) Further deposit of HK$ shall be paid upon signing of the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase on or before ; and于 年 月 日前成交时需付楼价余款港币(c) Balance of purchase price of HK$ shall be paid upon completionwhich should take place on or before .该物业成交手续必须于 年 月 日或之前完成。除第17项所述明外,3. Comp

7、letion shall take place on or before and the Property is to be该物业是以免除所有负担或债项之情况下售予买方。sold to the Purchaser subject to Clause 17 hereof but otherwise free from incumbrances.成交时,卖方须将该物业交吉予买方。4. Upon completion, the Vendor shall deliver vacant possession of the Property to the Purchaser.在成交前,买方不得用任何形式将

8、该物业或此合约之权益转让或售予第三者。5. The Purchaser shall not sub-sell the Property or transfer the benefit of this Agreement, whether by way of a direct or indirect reservation, right of first refusal, option, trust or power of attorney, nomination or any other method, arrangement or document of any description, c

9、onditional or unconditional, or enter into any agreement so to do before the completion of the sale and purchase of the Property.# When fixing the date of signing of the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase,买卖双方于订定签订正式买卖合约日期时须参阅下列第八项。the Purchaser and Vendor should refer to Clause 8 below.* Delete

10、 if inapplicable请将不适用的删去买卖双方同意分别委托其代表律师6. The Vendor and the Purchaser agree that they shall separately appoint their own solicitors.卖方代表律师为The Vendor shall be represented by and the买方代表律师为Purchaser shall be represented by .买卖双方各自负责其律师费。除第11项所规定外,买方须支付所有厘印费。7. Each party shall bear its own legal cos

11、ts. Subject to Clause 11 hereof, all stamp duty shall be borne by the Purchaser.买方同意在此合约日期计之一个月内,但必须在签订正式买卖合约前七个工作天向8. The Purchaser agrees to apply to the Housing Authority for a Letter of Nomination within房屋委员会申请提名信。one month from the date of this Agreement but in any event no later than seven wor

12、kingdays prior to the signing of the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase.为使买方能申请提名信,卖方同意在签订此合约后 天内,但必须在签订正9. In order to enable the Purchaser to apply for the Letter of Nomination, the Vendor agrees式买卖合约前七个工作天,将可供出售证明书之正本交予买方或其律师。to tender the original of the Certificate of Availability for Sale

13、to the Purchaser or hissolicitors within days from the date of this Agreement but in any event no later than seven working days prior to the signing of the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase.如买方未能在签署正式买卖合约前取得提名信(如因卖方未能履行本合约之第九项10. Should the Purchaser fail to obtain a Letter of Nomination (other

14、wise due to the Vendors所导致除外)或买方未能履行本合约内之条款完成买卖或未能履行任何本合约之其failure to tender the said Certificate of Availability for Sale pursuant to Clause 9 above)他条款,卖方除将买方已付之订金没收外,并有权将该物业再行出售予他人。卖before the signing of the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase or fail to complete the方并有权要求强制执行此合约及向买方追讨其它损失。pur

15、chase in manner herein contained or fail to observe any of the terms contained in this Agreement, the deposit shall be forfeited to the Vendor and the Vendor shall then be entitled at his sole discretion to sell the Property to other eligible purchasers as he thinks fit but without prejudice to the Vendors right to claim specific performance and damages from the Purchaser. 如卖方未能

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