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牛津英语教案 Unit 2.docx

1、牛津英语教案 Unit 2Unit 2 NumbersPeriod OneTeaching contents: Lets act ( Page 7 )Teaching aims:知识目标:1. Learn to say the sentence: Give me , please.2. Learn to use the sentence to ask for something in the classroom.能力目标:1. Using imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. Give me, please.2. Using nouns to

2、identify classroom objectse.g. rubber情感目标:同学之间要互相帮助,互借学习用品。Difficult and key points: 注意please的读音及用法。Teaching aids: common classroom objects ,e.g. book. rubber Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song2. Daily talk歌声能活跃气氛,营造英语氛围。Revision1. Revise the classroom objects vocabulary.(1) T

3、: What do you have in your bag? S: book pen pencil ruler rubber bag (2) Let them put their personal items on the desks. (3) Say the rhyme: Paper, a pencil I can see. Paper, a pencil For you and me!通过师生问答既复习了所学学习用品为新课做下铺垫,又培养学生用英语交流的能力。儿歌能加深记忆,活跃气氛。Presentation1 Learn to say: Give me a rubber. (1) Sa

4、y a story like this: Were drawing.But I havent a rubber. So I say to a pupil: Give me a rubber, please. Then let the pupil give me a rubber.(2) Turn to other pupils and say: “Give me a rubber,(ruler, pen, pencil, book, bag) please.”(3) Listen and say after the tape.通过真实场景更能让学生融入其中,掌握更牢固。听录音能帮助学生正音。C

5、onsolidation1.Game:T: Children, Im hurry. I want to eat a cake. Give me a cake, please. S: OK. Here you are. (T-S)(1) (出示各种文具、水果、食品等图片)T: Do you want them? Please ask me.S: Give me a banana(apple , mooncake, pen),please.(S-T)(3) (S-S) Ask and answer.通过游戏巩固句型的掌握程度,同时培养学生之间互相帮助的习惯。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计一些图片,可以

6、随时取下、贴上。思考与对策Unit 2 NubbersPeriod TwoTeaching contents: Lets talk. ( page 8 )Teaching aims:1. 知识目标:Using formulaic expressions to greet people, introduce oneself and your friends. 2. 能力目标:能正确介绍自己和别人: eg: Im This is 3. 情感目标:同学之间要团结、有礼貌。Difficult and key points:区别Im与 This is的用法。Teaching aids:Wallchart

7、 1A.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song .2. Daily talk歌曲能使学生集中注意力,同时也能活跃课堂气氛,为新课做准备。Presentation一. Learn to say: Hi, May. Hello, May.1. Greeting:( T-S )T: Hello.S: Hello, Miss Zhang. 2. (S-S)S1: Hello, May.S2: Hello, Tim.(可以采用开火车,同桌之间,好朋友之间互相问好。)3Learn to say: Hi, May.二. Introd

8、ucing yourself.1. Hold up a muppet. Say Hello, Im Then point to yourself and say Hello, Im Miss Zhang. 2.(T-S) T: Hello, Im Miss Zhang.(Repeat)S: Hello, Im (students name) 3.(S-S) Encourage the students to greet each other and introduce themselves to each other.三. Introducing your friends.1. Ask one

9、 student to come to the front. Point he(she) and say:T: This is (students name). Point other student: T: This is 2. Ask Whos your friend?Let the students introduce their friend.这节课如果让学生看着图学习,学生容易把几句话混淆,我采用在实际中教学。Hello, Hi 两个问候词学生比较熟悉可以简单带过。通过面对面介绍自己和朋友既可以加深印象又可以区别Im与This is 的用法。ConsolidationSay and

10、act.1. Put up the Wallchart on the board .2. Students listen and follow in their books.3. Divide the students in several groups.4. Act.最后让学生看图把几句话贯串起来,再用游戏的方法既活跃气氛又巩固新知识。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计picture思考与对策Unit 2 NumbersPeriod ThreeTeaching contents: Lets learn. ( page 9 )Teaching aims:1. 知识目标:Using numbers to

11、 count from one to six.2. 能力目标:1.会用6个数字数所学的物品。 2.适当学习其他数字。3.情感目标:培养学生节俭的好习惯。Difficult and key points: 会用数字数物品。Teaching aids: Word and Picture Cards 1A.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song .歌曲使学生集中注意力,同时营造英语氛围。Revision1 Greetings. T: Hello, Im Miss Zhang. S: Hello, Im S1: Hello.

12、This is May. S2: Hello,May.2. Act in pairs.亲切的问候能使学生轻松起来,即付息就知识,同时活跃课堂气氛。Presentation一. Ask and answer. T: Now lets draw a picture. Give me a pencil, please.S: Here you are.1. The teacher point to the pencil and say: one one one , one pencil2. The teacher let the students give him a pencil, again.3.

13、 Show one pencil : one one pencil Show another pencil: one one pencilPut 2 pencils in all: two two pencils4. Teach other numbers: three, four, five, six二. Practice 6 numbers.1. Take out six rulers.2. Introduce the new numbers by adding the rulers one by one.3. Count slowly one, two, three, four, fiv

14、e, six.4. Game: Call the numbers from 1-6.三. Count the objects with 6 numbers.1. Hold up a jar of sweets.Let the students count the one sweet, two sweets2 Game. Listening activity: Every student is given 6 sweets. Read out a number within the rang of 1 to 6. When the students hear the num

15、ber, they count out the correct number of sweets and put themin their hands. Walk around the classroom and check.通过师生互动因出新课可以加深印象。用学生熟悉的学习用品来教授新课可以提高学生兴趣,便于掌握。朗朗上口的儿歌使学生学得更快。报数的游戏使学生边玩边学习提高学习效率。游戏使全班动起来照顾个别差异。ConsolidationWorkbook page 6:a Listen and circle the number you hear.b Listen and write the

16、 numbers.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计onetwothreefourfivesix思考与对策Unit 2 NumbersPeriod FourTeaching contents: Lets play ( page 10 )Teaching aims:一. 知识目标:Using imperatives to give simple instructions. Using numerals to count numbers.二. 能力目标:Say and act.三. 情感目标:培养学生的集体精神。Difficult and key points: How many?Teaching aid

17、s: Cassette player, picturesTeaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1.Sing a song2.Daily talk是学生尽快进入学习状态,营造英语气氛。Revision1 Say a rhyme. 2 Game: Call the numbers. 儿歌既可以增加气氛,又便于学生回忆数字。通过报数的游戏,复习巩固了数字又培养学生集体主义精神。Presentation一. Learn : show me, clap, say1. Learn to say and act: Show me.Put up one fing

18、er and say Show me one.Students copy.2. Continue with two, three, four, five, six.3. Clap and count one, two, three, four, five, sixStudents say and do Clap- one, two, three, four, five, six4. Play the cassette tape.5. Game: Say and act quickly.( All the students stand up.)S1: Clap two.(Show me , Sa

19、y.)Ss clap two.(If you are wrong, please sit down.) 二. Guess.1. Show two fingers to the students.Ask How many?2. Let individual students make their guesses.Take out objects and count together with the students. 3. Students can take turns to pt in objects for the class.这节课的内容相对比较简单,主要让学生掌握三个动词:show m

20、e, clap, say.我采用边教边操练,师生互动的形式。要注意这里不仅要学生会听命令做动作,还要求他们会发命令。Consolidation让学生自由组合,互相发明令,互相做动作。 培养学生用英语交流的能力。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计数字卡片。思考与对策Unit 2 NumbersPeriod FiveTeaching contents: Rhyme. ( page 11 )Teaching aims:一. 知识目标:Learn to say the rhyme.二. 能力目标:会融会贯通,用不同的词替换儿歌中的内容。三. 情感目标:培养学生从小讲卫生的好习惯。Difficult and k

21、ey points: Pick up sticks.Teaching aids: tape, picture.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1.Sing a song2.Daily talkRevision1. Review the numbers.Show me one Clap- twoSay three2Guess: How many?复习数字为学习儿歌做准备。Presentation1 Learn to say : Its a tree.(1) Put the Wallchart on the board.T: Whats thi

22、s? (Its a tree.)Ss: treeT: Its a tree.Ss repeat.(2) Point to the ruler say: Its a ruler.(rubber, pencil, pen, book)2. Learn to say : Pick up sticks.(1) Point to the stick and ask: Is this a tree?Ss: No.T: Its a stick. Stick-stick-stick.Ss repeat.(2) Take out sticks and put them on the floor.T: 老师这样做

23、对吗?应该怎么样?Ss: 不能乱扔垃圾,要捡起来。T: Good. Pick up sticks.(边说边做。)Students say and act.3. Learn the whole rhyme.(1) Listen to the tape and repeat it.(2) Say and act. 用问答的方式引出新单词、新句子,能使学生集中注意力。Pick up sticks.这句话是难点,需要多操练。在上课的同时插入一点情感教育对学生掌握知识有利而无害。Consolidation1. Divide them into several groups.Say and act the rhyme.Which group will be the winner. 2用所学的物品代替tree, sticks.自己编儿歌。让学生自己编儿歌可以发挥他们的想象力,巩固新知识。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策

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