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Pathological test.docx

1、Pathological testPathological test I. A type questionDirections: Each question below contains five suggested answers. Choose the one best response to each question.1. Which one of the listed statements is the best histologic definition of an abscess?a. A circumscribed collection of neutrophils with

2、necrotic cellular debrisb. A localizes defect that results from the sloughing of necrotic inflammatory tissue from the surface of an organc. A localized proliferation of fibroblasts and small blood vesselsd. An aggregate of two or more activated macrophagee. The excessive secretion of mucus from a m

3、ucosal surface2. Which one of the listed statements best describes the process called chemotaxis?a. Abnormal fusion of phagosomes to primary lysosomesb. Attachment of chemicals to extracellular material to increase phagocytosisc. Dilation of blood vessels by chemotherapeutic drugsd. Movement of cell

4、s toward a certain site or sourcee. Transmigration of cells from blood vessels into tissue3. The cardinal sign of inflammation called rubor is mainly the result of a. Decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressureb. Decreased vascular permeability of capillaries c. Increased vascular permeability of ve

5、nulesd. Vasoconstriction of muscular arteriese. Vasodilation of arterioles4. During the early stages of the inflammatory response, histamine-induced increased vascular permeability is most likely to occur in a. Arteriesb. Precapillary arterioles c. Capillariesd. Postcapillary venulese. Veins (answer

6、: d)5. During acute inflammation, histamine-induced increased vascular permeability causes the formation of exudates (inflammatory edema). Which one of the listed cell types is the most likely source of the histamine ?a. Endothelial cellsb. Fibroblastsc. Lymphocytesd. Mast cells e. Neutrophils6. His

7、tologic sections of lung tissue from a 68-year-old female with congestive heart failure and progressive breathing problems reveal numerous hemosiderin-laden cells within the alveoli. Theses “heart failure cells” originate from alveolara. Endothelial cellsb. Eosinophilsc. Lymphocytesd. Macrophagese.

8、Pneumocytes7. By definition, granulomas are composed of a. Chronic abscessb. Collagenc. Endothelial cells and fibroblastsd. Macrophages or epithelioid cellse. Hemosiderin-laden macrophages8. Which one of the listed changes correctly describes the pathophysiology involved in the production of pulmona

9、ry edema in patients with congestive heart failure?a. Decreased plasma oncotic pressureb. Endothelial damagec. Increased hydrostatic pressured. Increased vascular permeabilitye. Lymphatic obstruction (answer: c)9. A postmortem clot is most likely toa. Grossly display features of recanalizationb. Gro

10、ssly have lines of Zahnc. Grossly have the appearance of “chicken fat” overlying currant jelly”d. Microscopically appear attached to the wall of the blood vessele. Microscopically have alternating layers of cells and platelets10. What is the most common site of origin of thrombotic pulmonary emboli?

11、a. Deep leg veinsb. Lumen of left ventriclec. Lumen of right ventricled. Mesenteric veinse. Superficial leg veins11. The most serious common complication of lower extremity thrombophlebitis isa. Cerebral infarctionb. Kidney infarctionc. Myocardial infarctiond. Pulmonary infarctione. Intestinal infar

12、ction12. What is the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?a. Pneumoconiosis b. Pneumoniac. Intestitial lung diseasesd. Chronic bronchitise. Pulmonary tuberculosis13. Of the tumors of the liver listed below, which is the most common?a. Hepatocellular carcinoma b. Angiosarcomac.

13、Cholangiocarcinomad. Hamartoma e. Hemangioma 14. Which of the following is the most common type of breast carcinoma?a. Intraductalb. Medullaryc. Papillaryd. Mucinouse. Infiltrating ductal15. Fluid that collects during acute inflammation and that has a protein content in excess of 3.0g/dl and a speci

14、fic gravity over 1.015 is termeda. Exudateb. Transudate c. Coagulation d. Lymphokine e. Hemorrhage16. The most important prognostic factor for human cancer is the a. Grade b. Stage c. Lymphocytic infiltrationd. Vascular invasione. Mitotic index17. The classic lesion of rheumatic heart disease isa. M

15、allorys bodyb. Aschoff bodyc. Psammoma bodyd. Negri bodye. Anitschkows myocyte18. Which of the following infections is often the cause of interstitial pneumonia?a. Gram-positive bacterialb. Gram-negative bacterialc. Viral d. Fungal e. Parasitic 19. Gastric carcinoma is most common in which one of th

16、e listed site locationsa. pyloric antrum b. pyloric antrum and lesser curvaturec. lesser curvatured. greater curvaturee. fundue20. Which of the flowing sites is the most common of chronic gastric ulcer?a. pyloric antrum b. pyloric antrum and lesser curvaturec. lesser curvatured. greater curvaturee.

17、fundue21. Which one of the listed is the most common complication of chronic peptic ulcer?a. hemorrhageb. perforationc. pyloric stenosisd. malignant transformatione. hypertrophic gastritis22. The most serious complication of chronic peptic ulcer isa. hemorrhageb. perforationc. pyloric stenosisd. mal

18、ignant transformatione. hypertrophic gastritis23. Which one of the listed is the most common pathological typr of early gastric carcinoma?a. protruded type, I typeb. supperficial elevated type, IIa typec. superficial flat type, IIb typed. superficial depressed type, IIc typee. excavated type, III ty

19、pe24. A factor that stimulates the proliferation of smooth-muscle cells and also relates to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is a. Platelet-derived growth factorb. Transforming growth factor c. Interleukin 1d. Interferon e. Tumor necrosis factor ( The answer is a )25. The most characteristic and

20、frequent feature of chronic rheumatic heart disease is the development ofa. Vegetations on the endocardiumb. Ashoff bodies within the myocardiumc. Fibrin deposits within the pericardiumd. Stenosis of the mitral valvee. Incompetence of the pulmonic valve26. Histological sections (routine H&E stain) o

21、f lung reveal the alveoli to be filled with pale, nongranular pink fluid. Neither leukocytes nor erythrocytes are present within this fluid. What is the most likely (i.e., most common) cause of this abnormality?a. Bacterial pneumoniab. Congestive heart failurec. Lymphatic obstruction by tumord. Pulm

22、onary emboluse. Viral pneumonia27. The Astler-Coller modification of the Duckes classification is used to classify cancers of thea. Colonb. Liverc. Lungd. Pancrease. Stomach28. Familial polyposis coli is characterized bya. Autosomal recessive pattern of inheritanceb. Mutiple hamartomatous polyps thr

23、oughout the colonc. 100% risk of carcinomad. An association with fibromatosis and mutiple osteomase. An association with tumors of the central nervous system ( The answer is c )29. Which of the listed types of cells found within the liver is the major source of the excess collagen deposited in cirrh

24、osis?a. Hepatocytesb. Kupffer cellsc. Ito cells (hepatic stellate cells )d. Endothelial cells e. Bile duct epithelial cells ( The answer is c )30. What is the most likely cause of the combination of generalized edema, hypoalbuminemia hypercholesterolemia, marked proteinuria, and fatty casts and fat

25、bodies in the urine?a. Nephritic syndromeb. Nephrotic syndromec. Acute renal failured. Renal tubular defecte. Urinary tract infection31. Which one of the listed hepatic diseases has the greatest risk of developing into hepatocellular carcinoma ?a. hepatic steatosis (fatty liver)b. portal cirrhosisc.

26、 postnecrotic cirrhosisd. biliary cirrhosise. congestive liver cirrhosis32. Of the lung tumors listed below, which type belongs to the APUD group of tumors?a. Hamartomab. Mucoepidermoid carcinomac. Adenoid cystic carcinomad. Bronchial carcinoide. Squamons cell carcinoma33. What is the name that is g

27、iven to the hyaline masses that are often seen in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes in patients with alcoholic hepatitis?a. Councilman bodies ( acidophilic bodies )b. Negri bodiesc. Mallorys bodiesd. Russels bodiese. Residual bodies34. Lipoid nephrosis of the kidneys characteristically produces changes t

28、hat may be observed by electron microscope (EM) in which of the following renal glomerular elements?a. Endothelial cellsb. Epithelial cellsc. Mesangium d. Blood vesselse. Basement membrane ( The answer is b )35. Which of the following tumor markers has been associated with the hepatocellular carcino

29、ma?a. CEAb. AFPc. Prostae-specific antigend. Tyrosine enzymee. Thyroglibulin antigen36. Of the tumors listed below, which is benign tumor?a. Leukemia b. Melanomac. Teratomad. Embryonic tumor of kidneye. True aneurysm37. The most common cause of liver cirrhosis in China isa. Drug-induced hepatitisb.

30、Toxin-induced hepatitisc. Alcoholic hepatitisd. Viral hepatitise. Autoimmune hepatitis38. Complications of lobar pneumonia include each of the following conditions EXCEPTa. Pulmonary carnificationb. Purulent pleurisyc. Pulmonary abscessd. Septic shock ( infective shock )e. Bronchiectasis 39. Which o

31、ne of the following definitions is correct?a. Dysplasia is achange from one type ofdifferentiated tissue to anotherb. Anaplasia is an almost complete lack of differentiationc. Carcinoma is a tumour of epithelial derivationd. Metaplasia is the disordered development of cells with loss of organizatione. Carcionma in situ is a carcinoma with stromal invasion40. Which one of the following statements is correct:?a. Adenoma is a malignant tumour of glandular epitheliumb. Sarcoma is a benigh tumour of connective ti

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