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Gossip Girl S03E16 中英台词剧本.docx

1、Gossip Girl S03E16 中英台词剧本Gossip Girl S03E16 中英台词剧本Gossip girl,here.|流言蜚女驾到your one and only source Into the scandalous life of manhattans ellite.|你了解曼哈顿上流社会 丑闻的唯一途径I cant hve you spending time with someone messed up with drugs.|我不能让你和沾染毒品的家伙约会Everyonell be happy to know that damien and i broke up.|我

2、和Damien分手了 大家都满意了You touch this dress,youll never set foot in here again.|你要是敢碰这条裙子 我再也不会让你出现在这里You should do your own clothing line.|你该做你自己的服装品牌I can model them.|我可以做你的模特you can totally do this.|你可以单干i had no idea youd be such a little thief.|我没想到你居然是个小偷Agnes,give me my dresses!|Agnes 把裙子还给我!what a

3、re you doing?|你在做什么?keeping these feelings aside is-is killing me,|隐藏对你的感觉快让我受不了了cause all i wanna do is tell everybody how happy i am.|我只想告诉大家我有多快乐i think you should tell people.|我觉得你应该说出来I want to be as much a part of your life as youll let me.|我想尽可能的融入你的生活i need someone to take over operations of

4、 my hotel.|我需要有人替我经营酒店There are other people whod do a better job.|肯定有人比我更擅长those other people arent my mother.|可他们不是我母亲Do we have ourselves a hotel?|我们有自己的酒店了?we do.|没错翻译: bluepumpkin 舞娘 多尔 RINKI Aiiiii 校对: 沉诗向晓晓问好 时间轴:YTET-泡泡飞gossip.girl.s03e16|流言蜚女 第三季 第16集they say the clothes make the man,but wh

5、o makes the clothes?|都说人靠衣装 那衣装又靠谁来做呢?on the upper east side,its eleanor waldorf,|在上东区 就是Eleanor Waldorfand we hear her new line is to die for.|据说她新一季的系列棒极了So,uh,where are we going?|呃 我们要去哪儿?I thought everyone was coming over for brunch.|我以为大家都回来吃早午饭Its the first since you moved back to lilys.|这是你搬回

6、Lily家的第一次jen,as hard as it is for me to admit,|Jen 这有些难以启齿There are some things more important in life than waffles.|生活中有远比华夫饼更重要的事And im not gonna let you spend another day sulking in that apartment.|我不会让你再呆在公寓里 自怨自艾上一整天的okay,well,you grounded me.|得啦 是你把我关禁闭了And i wont be able to unground you Until

7、 i know youre okay.|在确认你没事前 我是不会解禁的thats why were going to eleanors.|所以我们要去Eleanor那里wait.what?|等等 什么?I was talking to serena,and she said That|我和Serena聊的时候 她告诉我eleanor is having something called a pop-up fashion show For her new junior line.|Eleanor要为她新的少女系列 举办一个流行时尚发布会So i called eleanor and asked

8、her if you could help out.|所以我打给Eleanor 问她是否可以让你帮忙dad,the last time i worked for eleanor,It didnt exactly end well.remember?|爸 我上一次为Eleanor工作时 最后闹得很不愉快 你忘了?but i also remember That my daughter used to love working in fashion.|可我也记得我女儿以前 很喜欢在时尚界工作Listen,just give it a shot.|你就去试试看嘛your rooms not goin

9、g anywhere.|你现在也不能去别的地方英学网 - 电影天堂-双语电影网 在线双语字幕-英语学习视频 - This isnt so bad,is it?|还不赖吧?Thanks,dad.|谢谢 老爸Ill see you at home tonight,after the show.|今晚发布会结束后 家里见Theres something about waking up On the day of a fashion show.|在时装秀当天醒来感觉真是太棒了The smell of fresh pleats wafting through the city.|感受着青春的裙摆拂过整座

10、城市.Nothing quickens your blood quite like couture.|只有时装能让你如此热血沸腾ride with me uptown?|和我一起去上城?My mother would love to see you for breakfast.|我妈妈想和你共进早餐i have a breakfast with my mother.|我要和我妈妈一起用早餐Im so proud of you for opening up to elizabeth.|你能接纳Elizabeth真让我骄傲She earned my trust,and i,hers.|我们赢得了彼

11、此的信任And she seems to be Faring well at the helm of the mighty empire?|看起来她把强大的帝国酒店 统治的不错嘛?Oh,shes a natural.|噢 她是天生的领导者have a perfect day.|过得愉快nothing says luxury quite like your own private army.|没什么比拥有私人保镖更奢侈的了Victor,is everything all right?|Victor 有什么事吗?Mr.bass,you need to vacate the premises.|Ba

12、ss先生 你得把屋子腾出来了immediately.|马上I think youve misunderstood.|我想你误会了I may have put my mother in charge for the time being,|我是让我母亲代为管理一段时间But im not leaving the hotel.|但并不意味着我要搬离酒店Actually,sir,these orders come from her.|先生 事实上是她要求我这么做的My,look whos risen from the dead.|天呀 瞧谁复活了I just wanted to say thank

13、you so much for this opportunity.|我真心谢谢你给我这个机会And ive really learned a lot Since the last time we worked together,|自从上次与你共事后 我也学到了不少And i wont let you down.|我不会再让你失望well,despite our troubled past,As i told your father,|尽管我们过去有过不愉快 但正如我跟你父亲说的I am a firm believer in second chances,So i even rehired yo

14、ur friend.|我坚信第二次机会 所以我还再次聘请了你的朋友Jenny.|JennyAgnes.|AgnesUh,hi.|呃 嗨how are you?|你好吗?Uh,90 days sober in a.a.|戒酒90天Good for you.|对你来说是好事啊now come on,jenny.What are you waiting for?|Jenny 来吧 还在等什么?get agnes fitted,hmm?|帮Agnes穿戴好 嗯?I like to see my elves busy.|我喜欢看到手下的孩子们忙起来Clocks tickin.|抓紧时间You ready

15、?|你准备好了吗?cause this is it.|就是现在了im ready.Its time.|我准备好了 是时候了Were just gonna go in and tell them were dating.|我们就走进去告诉大家我们在约会Exactly.its-its no big.|没错 没-没什么大不了的its the lovebirds.|是你们这对鸳鸯呀Hey,you two.|你们俩好呀He told you,didnt he?|是他告诉你的吧?she can read my mind.i mean.|她能读懂我的心 我.Oh,come couldnt wa

16、it to tell.|得了吧 你迫不及待要说的well,speaking for everyone else,i think its great.|我来说句公道话 我觉得这很棒And now that the happy couple has arrived,lets go eat.|既然这对幸福情侣到了 我们就开饭了Come on.|来吧I have some very exciting news.|我有条振奋人心的新闻Mr.conwell is flying in from salt lake city To see the show tonight.|今晚Conwell先生会从盐湖城飞

17、来 看咱们的展示会Mr.conwell?|Conwell先生?He is the c.e.o.of conwells department stores.|他是Conwell百货的首席执行官Blair,its the biggest retailer in the entire country,|Blair 那是全国最大的零售商And my first choice to carry the new junior line.|是发布少女系列的首选What about barneys or saks.|那Barneys 还有Saks.Or bloomingdales?|还有Bloomingdal

18、e呢?no,my dear,high-end has fallen on hard times.|宝贝 高端系列在经济困难期不吃香Mr.conwell can put my line In over 5,000 retail locations.|Conwell可以让我这个系列 出现在5000多个零售点Where bristol palin shops?|Bristol Palin会去那些地方买东西么?Feed the with the classes.|喂饱平民 才好同贵族吃饭Although you do raise a very good point.|不过你提出了

19、不错的观点My usual crowd of uptown socialites And boho fashionistas Might give mr.conwell the wrong message.|我以往的受众-上流人物及时尚人士 也许给Conwell先生传达了错误的讯息We need to surround him With wholesome american girls-|我们得用养眼的美国姑娘来包围他-The kind of girl that he wants to shop at conwells.|那种他希望去Conwell百货购物的姑娘I just had the m

20、ost inspired idea.|我有了个绝妙的主意dessert at momofuku after the show?|展示会结束后去Momofuku吃甜点? should invite all of your college girlfriends To see the show tonight.|不 你应该邀请你大学里的所有女友 来观看今晚的服装秀Mother,its very last minute.|妈妈 现在邀请太迟了吧Miss blair keep girls on busy schedule.|Blair小姐总让她的姑娘们忙个不停Must beat drum,

21、she says.|她说 必须要多多努力Baby beat dorotas stomach like lars from metallica.|宝宝在踢Dorota的肚子 就像重金属乐手一样我需要活泼粉嫩的大学新生Just bring 10 or 20,no more than 30.|给我带10到20个姑娘来 不超过30个就行Tell them how important it is to you,to me.|告诉他们这对你我来说有多重要I need mr.conwell to say yes.|我需要得到Conwell先生的认可But,miss blair,you have no fri

22、ends.|可是 Blair小姐 你没有朋友Even n.y.u.minions very second-rate.|即使是纽约大学的那些二流货色Actually.|事实上.There is one pern at n.y.u.who could help.|纽约大学倒有个人可以帮我Chuck.|ChuckDid you send security to kick me out?|是你让保安赶我走么?- Just listen.i- - no.|- 听我说 我- - 别Let me.|让我说Morning,nephew.|早啊 侄子What is this leech doing stuck

23、to my hotel?|这吸血鬼干吗赖在我酒店里不走?Your hotel?|你的酒店?This is elizabeths hotel.|这是Elizabeth的酒店Youre just a guest whos no longer welcome here.|你只是个不再被欢迎的客人Im sorry,chuck.|对不起 Chuckyou need to leave.|你得离开What?Wait.|什么? 等等what the hell is going on here?|TMD发生什么事了?Isnt it obvious?|你还不明白么?Youve been played,chucky

24、,from the very beginning.|Chucky 从一开始你就被设计了Now.|现在.Its check-out time,And we need to get your room ready For,well,me.|该退房了 你的房间得收拾一下 让给.我了Stop.|停we hear chucks hotel is hanging on by a thread.|我们听说Chuck的酒店命悬一线了and jacks pulling all the strings.|幕后黑手就是JackVanessa,im seriously so happy for you guys.|V

25、anessa 我真心的为你们感到高兴Thanks.its been really great.|谢谢 真的很棒Its been so easy to be with dan,you know,|和Dan在一起很轻松Knowing someone your whole life,like you and nate.|都认识一辈子了 就像你和NateYeah,it definitely has its advantages.|是啊 确实有很多好处When youve known someone so long,You know,youre just more comfortable.|认识一个人这

26、么久 感觉更舒服Nate and i have no problem trying new things.|Nate和我也都乐意尝试新花样Not like that.|不是那方面Just keeping the romance and mystery alive.|只是保持浪漫和神秘You dont ever want to fall into a rut.|你可不想陷入循规蹈矩的生活Im sure you and dan.|我相信你和Dan.yeah,we always try new things.|是 我们总是尝试花样So since you guys are out of hiding

27、,What are your plans tonight?|既然你们已经公开了 今晚有什么计划?you should come to eleanors fashion show.|你们应该来Eleanor的时装秀Oh,no.actually,uh,were - Were just gonna be doing dinner at the loft.|不 其实我们要在家做晚饭- Vanessas cooking up some,uh - private dinner,hmm?|- Vanessa准备做. - 私人晚餐阿?sounds romantic.|听起来很浪漫啊its not-its no

28、t like that.its not like that.|不是那样 不是那样Were just,you know,watching movies,cooking up some noodles.|我们就是看看电影 煮点面条Uh,its kind of become our saturday tradition.|差不多是我们周六的保留节目了Agnes,can you put your arms down,please?|Agnes 能不能把胳膊放下?both arms.|都放下Look,agnes,im sorry for how everything went down.|Agnes 那

29、些不愉快的事情我很抱歉I shouldnt have gone behind your back And tried to cut you out of the fashion line.|我不应该背后搞鬼 让你不能参加走秀I was gonna quit anyway.|反正我也要退出those dresses were lame.|那些衣服很差劲agnes,im trying to apologize.|Agnes 我在试图道歉You trusted me,believed in me,and i betrayed you.|你曾经信任我 相信我 而我背叛了你I was

30、sorry.|我错了 对不起Im sorry for torching your dresses.|我很抱歉烧了你的礼服Truth is,they were amazing.|说实话 它们很美Over it?|和好?I missed you,bitch.|我想你 小贱人我要我的货! - DamienWhat is it?|怎么了?Nothing.|没事Truth is i was dating this guy named damien,|我之前在和一个叫Damien的家伙交往And he was a lot of things,one of them being a dealer.|他有很多

31、身份 其中一个是毒贩The sid to your nancy.|简直是Sid遇上Nancy (性手枪Sid 与女友Nancy)Thats awesome.what happened?|真精彩 发生了什么?Well,when i didnt want to,uh.|因为我不想.whatever with him,He bailed.|和他那什么 他就撤了now he just keeps texting me for his stupid pills.|现在他就一直找我要他那些破药片Sweetie,you cant let him treat you like that.|宝贝 你不能让他这么对你I know,but whatever.spin.|我知道 但无所谓了 转过去Hey,damien?|嘿 Damien?- Its jennys friend agnes. - what are you doing?|- 我是Jenny的朋友Agnes - 你在干嘛?Yeah,she wanted me to call you to set

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