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本文(最新高中英语+Unit5+First+aid+单元教案+新人教版必修5精品名师优秀教案.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、最新高中英语+Unit5+First+aid+单元教案+新人教版必修5精品名师优秀教案高中英语 Unit5 First aid 单元教案 新人教版必修5精品Unit 5 First aid?. 单元教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals ?Talk about first aid and medicine ?Practice expressing giving instructions ?Learn about Ellipsis ?Practice instructional writing: first aid instructions for particular injuries ?.

2、 目标语言 Expressing instructions Give others your positive suggestions or orders We / You should / ought to . Please do . Make sure . You must / have to / ought to . You must never . 功 You ought never to . 能 Give others your negative suggestions or orders 句 You should not . 式 You ought not to . Please

3、dont . You should never . You must / should never to . 1( 四会词汇 aid, injury, bleed, ankle, choke, blood, bloody, burn, organ, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, tissue, electric, swell, damage, jewellery, squeeze, wound, bandage, symptom, kettle, wrist, damp, sleeve, 词 throat, pre

4、sent, ceremony, bravery, towel, pressure, ambulance, authentic 汇 2( 认读词汇 sprain, essential, layer, heal, blister, watery, char, nerve, ointment, infection, label, Jason, Slade, stab, scheme, bruise 3( 词组 first aid, fall ill, electric shock, squeeze out, over and over again, in place, a number of, pu

5、t ones hands on, catch fire, ought to, have to, stay calm, keep in mind, manage to, flow out, die of 4( 重点词汇 injury, bleed, swell, damage, wound, damp, throat, present, bravery, should, ought to, make sure, have to 语 Learn about Ellipsis 法 1. Burns are called first degree burns, second degree burns

6、or third degree burns. P34 2. These burns affect both the top layer of the skin . P34 3. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the 重 bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another. P38 点 4. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed 句 repea

7、tedly with a knife. P38 子 5. It was Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slades life. P38 ?. 教材分析和教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以“急救”为中心话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解相关的急救知识,并能用所学的有关first aid的知识,根据不同情况提出急救措施,能牢固地掌握构词法和省略句,能写急救措施。 1.1 WARMING UP 提供了六幅有关first aid 的图片,展示各种事故:被蛇咬,出血,扭伤脚踝,食物噎塞喉咙,摔伤手臂, 鼻子流血,让

8、学生用已有的知识和经验讨论对这六种情况应该采取的急救措施,同时让学生意识到,生活中我们可能会碰到各种各样的意外,面对意外, 我们必须学会一些急救知识。激发学生学习急救的知识兴趣,树立安全意识。1.2 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。它通过图片引起“烧伤”话题, 如何给烧伤做急救,通过问学生是否见过烧伤,伤口怎样,如何进行急救等问题,使学生自然地进入课文的学习。 1.3 READING是关于烧伤的急救方法。先是介绍皮肤对人体的重要性,既而介绍烧伤的各种起因,三种不同的烧伤程度以及他们的症状和应该采取的急救措施。文章用了小标题,使文章脉络明晰。通过阅读本文, 对如何处理烧伤的知识

9、就一目了然,并会在遇到紧急情况时镇定自若地进行急救。 1.4 COMPREHENDING设置了4个活动: 第一个活动是排序,这个活动有助于培养学生在阅读过程中通过抓关键词来捕捉主要信息的能力,并通过排序理解行文线索和各个主要内容之间的内在联系; 第二个活动是通过图片帮助学生了解三种不同的烧伤程度;第三个活动是正误判断,帮助学生理解和记忆细节信息; 第三个活动是回答问题,检查学生对文章的理解情况,培养学生的口头表达能力。 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 分词汇和语法两部分, 词汇设置了2个练习,一个是学习构词法,练习同一词根的动词,名词和形容词的拼写规律;另一个练习是填词

10、,根据回答补全单词。这两个练习帮助学生巩固词汇,还通过构词法教给学生拓展词汇的方法,同时帮助学生巩固和理解阅读课文。语法部分采用的是先发现后应用的学习方法。认识什么是省略句,设置两组练习, 一是根据省略的规律简化句子,另一个是补写被省略的问题: 什么是正确句子?什么是好的句子? 1.6 USING LANGUAGE 这部分综合训练听说读写的能力。阅读和讨论部分是一个真实的故事,约翰?詹森和其它9人采取果断的急救措施,挽救了安斯莱德的生命。文章设置4个练习:练习一、二针对阅读材料本身即故事的先后顺序和有关急救的内容; 练习三、四对文中人物及事件进行讨论。读者不仅可以通过本文学到如何对被刺伤的人实

11、施急救,故事还歌颂了约翰?詹森的机智、勇敢和富于爱心。同时表达了这样的主题: A simple knowledge of first aid can make a real difference. 1.7 LEARNING TIP 就写作进行指导。建议学生研究真实语篇。研究它的组成部分、句子结构和所用的词语等。如本单元,写作要考虑:标题、祈使句、省略、急救措施的先后顺序。 2. 教材重组 2.1 从话题内容上分析,WARMING UP 与SPEAKING相一致;而从训练目的上分析与TALKING比较一致。从教材份量来说,可将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKI

12、NG整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。 2.2 将LISTENING 和Workbook中的LISTENING和LISTENING TASK 整合在一起,设计成一节 “听力课”。 2.3 可将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个活动整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。 2.4 可将LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE与Workbook中的USING WORDS AND EXPRES-SIONS和USINGSR STRUCTURES语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语言学习课”。 2.5 可将USING LANGUAGE 中Reading and discus

13、sing 和Workbook中READING TASK 的Reading整合起来上一节“泛读课”。 2.6 将WRITING 和Workbook中的Writing整合成一节“写作课”。3. 课程设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时完成)1st Period Speaking 2nd Period Listening 3rd Period Reading 4th Period Language Study 5th Period Extensive Reading 6th Period Writing The First Period Speaking Teaching goa

14、ls教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 aid, first aid,fall ill,illness,injury,bleed,sprain,ankle,choke,blood,bloody,burn,essential,organ, layer, poison, ray, treatment b. 交际用语We / you should / ought to . Please do . Make sure . You must / have to / ought to . You must never . You ought never to .

15、 2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the students to talk about different accidents and how to give first aid in different situations. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标 Help the students learn how to give first aid in different situations through discussion. Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点 Help the

16、 students use the expressions to describe the accidents and how to give first aid. Teaching methods教学方法 Brainstorm and discussion (Group work). Teaching aids教具准备 A recorder, a projector and a computer. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step ? Lead-in The warming up exercise makes the students und

17、erstand there are some kinds of dangers in our daily life such as snake bite, bleeding, a sprained ankle, choking and so on. Whats more, the students should be asked to know how to prevent these troubles from happening and how to give first aid when they happen. Talk about the pictures with the teac

18、hers help. T: Look at the pictures on page 33. Each of them is a picture of an accident. Although some accidents are small and some accidents are serious. You should know how to prevent these accidents from happening and know what to do when they happen. Now please discuss the following questions wi

19、th your partner. 1. What would you do in the above situations? 2. What could we do to prevent these accidents? 3. What do you already know about first aid? 4. What new words do you think would be useful when you talk about accidents and first aid? Discussion: Sa: To tell you the truth, I would be ve

20、ry afraid and do nothing in the above situations. Sb: It means you dont know much about first aid, am I right? Sa: Yes. I know nothing about first aid. Sb: I think we should stay calm at first. We cant be too frightened to do anything. Then we should learn something about first aid. Sa: In my opinio

21、n, it is the most important thing to prevent these accidents from happening. Sb: I cant agree with you more. We should try our best to avoid these accidents. We must be very careful when we are swimming, walking, cooking and even eating. By the way, what new words do you think would be useful when y

22、ou talk about accidents and first aid? Sa: The accidents are dangerous, troublesome and frightening. First aid is very useful and necessary. Look at the pictures together and ask the Ss what has happened in each one. T: Well, can I help you? These pictures are all about the accidents. What has happe

23、ned in each one? What kind of first aid we should give in the situations? What about Picture1, S: We can see a man whom a snake has bitten on his leg. When a person is bitten by a snake, the person bitten must get to a doctor or hospital at once. Speed is very important. It will help the doctor grea

24、tly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, or describe the situation.T: Good. What about Picture 2? S: In Picture 2 we can see a woman who has cut her arm with some broken glass and is bleeding badly. T: Yes, then how to do first aid in this situation? S: When someone is bleeding: Try to sto

25、p the bleeding; Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there; Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible. T: Good, what about the third picture? S: Picture 3 is about a boy who has badly sprained his ankle on the playground and his friends are running towards him to hel

26、p. He should tie his ankle with medical bandage. It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle. It is correct to use ice bag for relieving pain and bleeding. T: Good. Then the fourth picture? S: Picture 4, the girl sitting around the table is choking when she is eating something. We should ma

27、ke her spit by patting her back. To avoid this, we shouldnt talk or laugh when eating. T: Right. Lets talk about the fifth picture. S: Picture 5, the old grandma lying on the ground has broken her arm. We should not move the patient. Send for an ambulance at once. Keep the arm still using a sling or

28、 get the victim to support the broken arm with the other arm.T: What about the last picture? S: In the last picture, the boy has a nosebleed. He should stay calm. Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. Pinch both nostrils shut using a thumb and forefinger

29、. Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth. T: Very good. All of you have a good knowledge of first aid. These accidents are all terrible. We should try our best to prevent these terrible accidents from happening. For example, when we are swimming, we cant swim alone. We must swim with somebody

30、 else. Besides, we cant swim in the river too deep. When an accident does happen we should keep calm and know how to deal with it correctly. So learning some first aid knowledge is of great importance to every one. Step ? Further discussion Give advice to the persons in trouble. T: I think you must

31、know something about troubles and first aid. Now please give your advice to the persons in different kinds of troubles. Ss: OK. Show the slide. Drowning Traffic Burns Bleeding Cuts Choking accident Your suggestions to them T: Please give your suggestions to the victims in order to prevent different

32、kinds of accidents. For instance, to the person who is drowning you can say: Never swim alone. / Learn how to swim. / Dont swim in dangerous rivers. Now, please work in pairs. Three minutes later. T: OK. I will check your answers. To the person in a traffic accident, what suggestion will you give him? Ss: You shouldnt ride your bicycle w

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