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1、自然建筑与可持续水利工程外文文献翻译文献信息:文献标题:Sustainable hydraulic engineering through building with nature(与自然共建,形成可持续水利工程)文献作者及出处:De Vriend H J, van Koningsveld M, Aarninkhof S G J, et al. Sustainable hydraulic engineering through building with natureJ. Journal of Hydro-environment research, 2015, 9(2): 159-171.字数

2、统计:英文4059单词,22465字符;中文7180汉字外文文献:Sustainable hydraulic engineering through building with natureAbstract Hydraulic engineering infrastructures are of concern to many people and are likely to interfere with the environment. Moreover, they are supposed to keep on functioning for many years. In times of

3、 rapid societal and environmental change this implies that sustainability and adaptability are important attributes. These are central to Building with Nature (BwN), an innovative approach to hydraulic engineering infrastructure development and operation. Starting from the natural system and making

4、use of natures ecosystem services, BwN attempts to meet societys needs for infrastructural functionality, and to create room for nature development at the same time. By including natural components in infrastructure designs, flexibility, adaptability to changing environmental conditions and extra fu

5、nctionalities and ecosystem services can be achieved, often at lower costs on a life-cycle basis than traditional engineering solutions. The paper shows by a number of examples that this requires a different way of thinking, acting and interacting.Keywords: Building with nature; Sustainability; Infr

6、astructure; Hydraulic engineering; Ecosystem services; Design1.IntroductionPresent-day trends in society (urbanization of delta areas, growing global trade and energy demand, stakeholderemancipation, etc.) and in the environment (reducing biodiversity, climate change, accelerated relative sea level

7、rise, etc.) put ever higher demands on engineering infrastructures. Mono-functional solutions designed without due consideration of the surrounding system are no longer accepted. Sustainability, multi-functionality and stakeholder involvement are required instead. This trend equally applies to hydra

8、ulic engineering works and the associated water system management. The design of hydraulic engineering projects is no longer the exclusive domain of hydraulic engineers. Collaboration with other disciplines, such as ecology, economy, social sciences and administrative sciences is crucial to come to

9、acceptable solutions. The specialists involved in such design projects must learn how to put forward their expertise in much more complex decision making processes than before: being right according to the laws of physics no longer guarantees being heard in such processes. If this reality is ignored

10、, it may lead to long and costly delays of projects, as stakeholders and other interested parties are becoming ever more proficient in using the legal opportunities to oppose developments and have decisions postponed. In the Netherlands the court-cases that delayed the realisation of the extension o

11、f the Rotterdam harbour taught an expensive lesson, keeping the investments in the initiation, planning and design phases of the project without any return for a long time.This and other experiences triggered the awareness that projects should be developed differently, with nature and stakeholder in

12、terests incorporated right from the start. In other words: from a reactive approach, minimizing and mitigating the impacts of a set design, to a pro-active one, optimizing on all functions and ecosystem services. Although in principle the concept of Building with Nature (BwN) is broader than hydraul

13、ic engineering, we will focus here on water-related projects. This paper, which is an extension of De Vriend (2013), discusses the project development steps as they have been suggested by the BwN innovation programme and illustrates their use by describing a number of hydraulic engineering projects

14、in which the concept has been tested and some other examples where successful application is to be expected.2.The building with nature (BwN) concept2.1.General principlesBuilding with Nature (BwN) is about meeting societys infrastructural demands by starting from the functioning of the natural and s

15、ocietal systems in which this infrastructure is to be realized. The aim is not only to comply with these systems, but also to make optimum use of them and at the same time create new opportunities for them. This approach is in line with the need to find different ways of operation and it requires a

16、different way of thinking, acting and interacting (De Vriend and Van Koningsveld, 2012; De Vriend et al., 2014).2.1.1.ThinkingThinking does not start from a certain design concept focussing on the primary function, but rather from the natural system, its dynamics, functions and services, and from th

17、e vested interests of stakeholders. Within this context, one seeks optimal solutions for the desired infrastructural functionality.2.1.2.ActingThe project development process requires different acting, because it is more collaborative and extends beyond the delivery of the engineering object. The na

18、tural components embedded in the project will take time to develop afterwards, and one has to make sure they function as expected. Postdelivery monitoring and projections into the future are an integral part of the project. This also creates opportunities to learn a lot more from these projects than

19、 from traditional ones (see also Garel et al., 2014).2.1.3.InteractingBwN project development is a matter of co-creation between experts from different disciplines, problem owners and stakeholders (e.g., Temmerman et al., 2013). This requires a different attitude of all parties involved and differen

20、t ways of interaction, in interdisciplinary collaborative settings rather than each actor taking away his task and executing it in relative isolation.2.2.Design stepsProject development, albeit iteratively, generally goes through a number of consecutive phases. The BwN innovation programme distingui

21、shed initiation, planning and design, construction and operation and maintenance. BwN solutions may be introduced in each project phase in the form of ecologically preferable and more sustainable approaches. Although there is room for improvement in any phase, the earlier the approach is embraced in

22、 the project development process, the greater is its potential impact.An important starting point for any development should be the environment at hand. A key characteristic that distinguishes a BwN design from other integrated approaches is the proactive utilization and/or provision of ecosystem se

23、rvices as part of the engineering solution. The following design steps were developed, tested and supported by scientific knowledge in the BwN innovation programme (De Vriend and Van Koningsveld, 2012; EcoShape, 2012):Step 1: Understand the system (including ecosystem services, values and interests)

24、.The system to be considered depends on the project objectives. The project objectives are influenced by the system (problems, opportunities);Information about the system at hand can/should be derived from various sources (historic, academic, local etc.);Look for user functions and eco-system servic

25、es beyond those relevant for the primary objective.Step 2: Identify realistic alternatives that use and/or provide ecosystem services.Take an inverted perspective and turn traditional reactive perspectives into proactive ones utilizing and/or providing ecosystem services;Involve academic experts, fi

26、eld practitioners, community members, business owners, decision makers and other stakeholders in the formulation of alternatives.Step 3: Evaluate the qualities of each alternative and preselect an integral solution.More value does not necessarily imply higher construction cost;Dare to embrace innova

27、tive ideas, test them and show how they work out in practical examples;Perform a cost-benefit analysis including valuation of natural benefits;Involve stakeholders in the valuation and selection process.Step 4: Fine-tune the selected solution (practical restrictions and the governance context).Consi

28、der the conditions/restrictions provided by the project (negotiable/non-negotiable);Implementation of solutions requires involvement of a network of actors and stakeholders.Step 5: Prepare the solution for implementation in the next project phase.Make essential elements of the solution explicit to f

29、acilitate uptake in the next phase (appropriate level of detail varies per phase);Prepare an appropriate request for proposals, terms of reference or contract (permitting);Organise required funding (multi-source);Prepare risk analysis and contingency plans.Fundamental to the above design steps is a

30、thorough knowledge of how the natural system functions and a correct interpretation of the signals to be read from its behaviour. The latter may indicate in what direction the system is evolving, how best to integrate the desired infrastructure into it and how to make use of the ecosystem services a

31、vailable. They may also provide an early warning of adverse developments, or indicate an increased sensitivity to natural hazards. Investing in increased understanding of the natural system and its inherent variability does not only pay off to the realisation of the project at hand, but also to the

32、systems overall management.2.3.Spectrum of applicabilityWhat kind of BwN solution may be applied in a given situation, be it coastal or riverine, sandy or muddy or dominated by living components, is governed by the ambient physical system. Practical experience has shown that four parameters span up a range of potential applications: bed slope, hydrodynamic energy, salinity and geoclimatic region (e.g., temperate or tropical).2.3.1.Flat slopesIn low-slope environments generic BwN solutions can be completely sediment-based. This is true for both saline and fresh

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