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专业英语四级 65.docx

1、专业英语四级 65专业英语四级-65 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、READING COMPREHENSION(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、TEXT A(总题数:2,分数:25.00) Spring is here: flowers are in bloom, birdsong fills the air, and the inboxes of employers are filled with desperate appeals for summer internships. College students and graduates are well aware

2、of the impact a desirable placement could have on their careers. With ever fewer entry-level jobs in many industries, internships have become a critical first step into employment. In America, three-quarters of students on a four-year university course will have toiled as an intern at least once bef

3、ore graduation. Up to half of these workers will have given their services free. Some may even have had to pay for the privilege of coming to work. Unpaid internships seem to be an example of mutual utility: inexperienced youngsters learn something about a chosen field while employers get to farm ou

4、t some unskilled work. The arrangement is consensual, and companies often use internships to test potential recruits. But the increasing popularity of these unpaid placements has caused some controversy lately. Nick Clegg, Britains deputy prime minister, recently launched a crusade to ban them, argu

5、ing that they favour the wealthy and privileged. Others complain that uncompensated internships violate labour standards, exploit new workers and surely depress wages for everyone else. In America, they tend to be illegal at for-profit companies, according to guidelines set out in 1947. But the Depa

6、rtment of Labour barely enforces such rules, in part because interns are often too afraid to file complaints. Organisations in America save $2 billion a year by not paying interns a minimum wage, writes Ross Perlin in Intern Nation, a new book about the highly competitive race to the bottom of the c

7、orporate ladder. Perhaps one-third of all internships at for-profit companies are unpaid, and interns now often fill roles once held by full-time employees. Young people and their parents are subsidising labour for Fortune 500 companies, Mr Perlin comments. To avoid legal complications, companies of

8、ten encourage students to work in exchange for academic credits from their college. But such credits can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Some colleges abolish their fees or earn them by offering guidance and oversight. For many institutions, however, they are an easy source of revenue, m

9、ore beneficial to themselves than their students. Calls for new labour laws that reflect the growing prominence of internships have got nowhere. Instead, interns will have to look out for each other, for example by rating their experiences on websites such as InternshipRatings and Internocracy. At a

10、ny rate, students may be buoyed by a rare bit of good news from the National Association of Colleges and Employers: employers intend to hire 19% more graduates this year than last. This should spare some from the misery of working without pay.(分数:12.50) (1).According to the first paragraph, college

11、students and graduates find it most essential to _.(分数:2.50) A.get an entry-level job B.provide free service an internship for the privilege of getting a job 解析:解析 第1段第1句讲到雇主的邮箱里尽是暑期实习岗位的申请者(desperate appeals for summer internships),第2句表明大学生和毕业生都知道internships对他们的职业发展很重要,第3句中的critical与题干中的

12、most essential为近义词,由此可见,本题应选C。解答本题的关键在于把握第1段的中心内容,该段主要讲的话题是“实习(internship)”,其他选项均偏离该主题。 )2.50(分数:(2).Nick Clegg recently launched a crusade to ban _. A.internships before employment B.uncompensated internships C.consensual internships D.internships for rich college students 解析:解析 根据题干中的Nick Clegg、cr

13、usade等词定位到第2段4句。本题其实要求找到该句中them的所指。根据该段前两句及其他句子可知该段讨论的话题是“无薪实习”,第4句所说的Nick Clegg发起的运动就是要禁止“无薪实习”。在该段中,“无薪实习”有多种表达:unpaid internships,unpaid placement和uncompensated internships,故本题应选B。 (3).From Ross Perlins new book Intern Nation, we can learn that _.(分数:2.50) A.competition for internships is intense

14、 B.interns are usually looked down upon third of interns work for for-profit companies D.internships are least valued by for-profit companies 解析:解析 根据题干中的Ross Perlin定位到第3段第1句。本题考查对该句中highly competitive race to the bottom of the corporate ladder的理解,the bottom of the corporate ladder字面上的意思是“职业阶梯

15、的最底层”,此处指“实习生岗位”。该句表明Ross Perlin认为“实习生岗位”的竞争也很激烈,由此可见,本题应选A。该句中的bottom并没有贬义,没有瞧不起实习职位的意思,只是客观地指出“实习”是最初级的职位,据此应排除B;第3段第2句讲到“在盈利性公司工作的实习生中有三分之一的人没有报酬”,C歪曲了原文的意思;D无原文依据。 (4).What can we learn from the last paragraph?(分数:2.50) A.New labor laws will soon be enforced. B.Graduates will not have to work as

16、 an intern. C.More job vacancies will be available for graduates. D.Working without pay will soon be banned. 解析:解析 最后一段倒数第2句冒号后的内容(employers intend to hire 19% more graduates)表明职业空缺会增多,故C的说法正确。A与该段首句中got nowhere相反;B、D均缺乏原文根据。 (5).What is the best title for the passage?(分数:2.50) A.Reform of Internshi

17、ps and Employment B.Employment at For-profit Industries C.Desperate Graduates D.Ordeals for Interns 解析:解析 本文第1段先提出了“实习”这一话题,第2段将话题收窄,讲“无薪实习”,接下来的三段都围绕“无薪实习”这一话题,讲到了无薪实习的现状和相关法规。在四个选项中,与此话题最贴近的是D“实习生的苦难经历”,它既暗示“无薪实习”这一现象,又带有同情,与作者对毕业生“无薪实习”的感情色彩相符。A虽然有Internships这一关键词,但reform和employment都不是文章的主题;B中的Fo

18、r-profit Industries严重脱离文章中心,故排除;而C的Desperate Graduates带有贬义,且不能预示文章内容,也无概括性,不可选。 Every April I am troubled by the same concernthat spring might not occur this year. The landscape looks dull, with hills, sky and forest forming a single gray color, like the light color an artist paints on a canvas befo

19、re the masterwork. My spirit ebbs, as it did during an April snowfall when I first came to Maine 15 years ago. Just wait, a neighbor counseled. Youll wake up one morning and spring will just be here. And look, on May 3 that year, I awoke to a green so startling as to be almost electric, as if spring

20、 were simply a matter of moving a switch. Hills, sky and forest revealed their purples, blues and greens. Leaves had unfurled, birds had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way towards heaven. Then there was the old apple tree. It sits on an undeveloped land in my neighborhood. I

21、t belongs to no one and therefore to everyone. The trees dark, twisted branches stretch in unpruned abandon. Each spring it blossoms so freely that the air fills with the fragrance of apple. When I drive by with my windows rolled down, it gives me the feeling of moving in another world, like a kid o

22、n a water slide. Until last year, I thought I was the only one aware of this tree. And then one day, in a fit of spring madness, I set out with a pruner and cut off a few unordered branches. No sooner had I arrived under the tree than neighbors opened their windows and stepped onto their porches. Th

23、ese were people I barely knew and seldom spoke to, but it was as if I had come unbidden into their personal gardens. My mobile-home neighbor was the first to speak. Youe not going to cut it down, are you? she asked anxiously. Another neighbor frowned as I cut off a branch. Don kill it, now, he cauti

24、oned. Soon half the neighborhood had joined me under the apple tree. It struck me that I had lived there for five years and only now was learning these peoples names, what they did for a living and how they passed the winter. It was as if the old apple tree was gathering us under its branches for th

25、e dual purpose of acquaintanceship and shared wonder. I couldn help recalling Robert Frosts words: The trees that have it in their pent-up buds To darken nature and be summer woods. One thaw led to another. Just the other day I saw one of my neighbors at the local store. He said how this recent wint

26、er had been especially long and complained not having seen or spoken to anyone in our neighborhood. And then, he looked at me and said, We need to prune that apple tree 条楡?(分数:12.50) (1).By saying that my spirit ebbs (Para. 1), the author means that _.(分数:2.50) A.he was relieved B.he was gloomy C.he

27、 was surprised D.he was tired 解析:解析 从第1段第4句中邻居所说的“再等等吧”以及第1句中的Every April I am troubled by the same concern可知,和15年前那个四月的下雪天初次来到缅因州时一样,作者现在来到此地时,心情低沉,担心春天不会来了。所以,my spirit ebbs是指“情绪低落”,ebb的意思是“(潮)退;(情绪)低落、衰退”,选B。 (2).The apple tree mentioned in the passage is most likely to _.(分数:2.50) regarded

28、as a delight in the neighborhood B.have been abandoned by its original owner C.have been neglected by everyone in the community attractive only to the author 解析:解析 第3至5段作者讲述了自己的经历:给苹果树修剪枝丫时,发现邻居都走出来,十分关心苹果树的情况。也因为这棵苹果树,“我”和邻居之间的距离拉近了。最后一段讲到一位邻居提出再修剪一次苹果树,以把大家聚集起来。这些都说明苹果树深得整个街区居民的喜爱,因此本题应选A。注意不

29、要被第2段第4句末尾的abandon误导而选B,在原文中,abandon并不是“抛弃”之意,而是“无拘无束地生长;放任”的意思。 (3).In Para. 3, eighbors opened their windows and stepped onto their porches probably because _.(分数:2.50) A.they were surprised that someone unknown was pruning the tree B.they wanted to prevented the author from pruning the tree C.the

30、y were concerned about the safety of the tree D.they wanted to get to know the author 解析:解析 根据第4段邻居们所说的话“你不会把它砍倒的,对吧?”、“别弄死它!”以及anxiously和cautioned等词可以知道邻居是因为担心苹果树的安危,所以在作者开始修剪树枝的时候,他们都走出来了。由此可见。本题应选C。 (4).Not until last year did the author _.(分数:2.50) A.cease to worry about the tree B.become aware

31、of the apple tree C.begin to appreciate the neighborhood D.make acquaintance with the neighbors 解析:解析 根据题干中的until last year定位到第3段第1句。第3至5段可以视为文章的中心部分,这一部分讲作者直到去年因为修剪苹果树才开始与邻居有了交流。第3段中的These were people I barely knew and seldom spoke to以及第5段中的for the dual purpose of acquaintanceship直接说明本题应选D。 (5).The

32、 authors neighbor mentioned in the last paragraph most cared about _.(分数:2.50) A.when spring would arrive to pass the long winter C.the neighborhood gathering D.the pruning for the apple tree 解析:解析 在最后一段最后两句中,一位邻居抱怨今年冬天都没有和邻居们见见面、说说话,最后他提出还得给苹果树修修枝。对于住在这个街区的人来说,给苹果树修枝就意味着邻里的聚会,由此可见,这位邻居最关心、最想做的其实是“邻里聚会

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