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生活大爆炸第一季第4集The Luminous Fish Effect.docx

1、生活大爆炸第一季第4集The Luminous Fish EffectThe Big Bang Theory S01E04-The LuminousFish Effect-Sheldon: you know, Ive been thinking about time travel旅行 我最近一直在想着时光旅行。-Leonard:Why, did you hit a roadblock withinvisibility?hit:碰撞 roadblock:障碍物 invisibility:看不见的 东西为什么,你又撞上看不见的路障了?-Sheldon: Put it o

2、n the back burner. on the back burner:停止,拖延 暂时先不说那个。Anyway, it occurs to me if I ever did perfect a time machine,occurs:被想起(到) 我想到如果我发明了完美的时间机器,I would just go into the past and give it tomyself, 我会回到过去把它送给自己,thus eliminating the need for me to invent it inthe first place.thus:这样 eliminating:消除,排除 i

3、nvent:发 明 in the first place :从一开始 省得要自己发明它。-Leonard:Interesting. 有趣。-Sheldon: Yeah, it really takes the pressure off.pressure:压力 是啊,让我减压不少。-Leonard:Sounds like a breakthrough.breakthrough:突破点 听起来像是个大突破。Should I call science magazine and tell them tohold the cover?magazine:杂志 cover:封面,封皮要我打电话给科学杂志让他

4、们留下头版的位置吗?-Sheldon: Its time travel, Leonard; I will have already done that.这可是时间旅行,Leonard 过去的我已经做过了。-Leonard:Then I guess congratulations are in order.congratulations:祝贺 in order:合乎程序的 那就等着祝贺你啦。-Sheldon: No, congratulations will have been in order.不,过去的你已经祝贺过我了。You know, I am not going to enjoy th

5、is party. 我肯定在派对上不会开心的。-Leonard:I know, Im familiar with you.familiar with:熟悉 我知道,我了解你。-Sheldon: The last department party, professorFinkleday cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minutes.department:院系 cornered:逼致绝路 spelunking:洞穴探查上次系里的派对 Finkleday 教授抓着我谈了 45 分钟 的窑洞挖掘。-Leonard:Yes, I was t

6、here.我也在场。-Sheldon: You know whats interesting about caves, Leonard?caves:洞穴 你知道窑洞有什么好玩的吗,Leonard?-Leonard:What?什么?-Sheldon: Nothing. 什么也没有。-Leonard:Well, then well avoid Finkleday, well meet the new department head,avoid:避开 department head:系主任那我们躲开他,我们会见到新的系主任。 congratulate him, shake his hand and

7、go.Shake:握手恭喜他,跟他握手,然后就走。-Sheldon: Hows this? 这样如何?Pleased to meet you, Dr. Gablehauser.见到你很高兴,Gablehauser 博士。How fortunate for you that the universitys chosen to hire you,Fortunate:幸运 chosen:选择 hire:雇用 您真幸运,学校雇用了您,despite the fact that youve done no originalresearch in 25 years,despite:尽管 original:

8、原创的 research:研究 尽管您 25 年来都没做出什么原创研究,and instead have written a series of popular books instead:替代 a series of:一系列 popular:流行的 而是写了一系列畅销书,that reduce the great concepts of science to aseries of anecdotes,reduce:降低 concepts:概念 anecdotes:趣闻, 轶事将科学这一伟大的概念降格为奇闻轶事,each one dumb down to accommodate the dur

9、ation of an average bowel movement. dumb:愚蠢的 accommodate:容纳 duration: 持续期间 bowel movement:大便 每则故事都简单到能在一次肠部运动的时间内看完 (就是厕所读物)Mahalo.Mahalo (夏威夷语的谢谢)。-Leonard:Mahalo is a nice touch. touch:修饰,润色Mahalo 是不错的修饰。-Sheldon: You know there only eight consonants in the Hawaiian language? consonants:辅音你知道夏威夷语里

10、只有 8 个辅音吗?-Leonard:Interesting. You should lead with that.有趣,你就这么做开场白吧。-Raj:Oh, god, look at this buffet. buffet:自助餐瞧瞧这自助餐。 I love America.我爱美国。-Leonard:You dont have buffets in India? 印度没自助餐吗?-Raj:Of course, but its all Indian food. 有,但都是印度菜。You cant find a bagel in Mumbai to save yourlife.bagel:硬面

11、包圈 Mumbai:孟买(印度) 在孟买你可找不到能救命的面包圈。 Smear me.给我涂点酱。-Sheldon: Well, heres an interesting turn ofevents.turn of events:事态的变化 事态的发展真是有趣。-Leonard:What?怎么了?Howard brought a date? date:约会的对象 Howard 带了女伴?-Sheldon: A more plausible explanation is that his work in robotics has made an amazing leap forward.plau

12、sible:(声明)似乎是真的 explanation:解 释 robotics:机器人技术 leap:飞跃 可能是他在机器人方面的研究取得了重大进展。-Howard:Hey, what up, science bitches? 怎样,科学怪人们?May I introduce my special lady friend Summer?introduce:介绍 special:特别的 lady friend:女友,情人这位是我特别的女性朋友 Summer。-Woman:Howard, I told you touching is extra. touch:碰触 extra:额外的Howard

13、 我说了碰我要加钱的。-Howard:Right. Sorry. 好,抱歉。-Leonard:Here comes our new boss. Be polite. polite:有礼貌的我们的新老板来了,礼貌点。-boss:Hi, fellas. fella(俚语)大伙,伙计 大家好。Eric Gablehauser.我是 Eric Gablehauser。-Howard:Howard Wolowitz. 我是 Howard Wolowitz。-boss:Howard, nice to meet you. And you are?Howard,见到你很高兴。你是?-Sheldon: An a

14、ctual real scientist. 一个真正的科学家。How was that?这个开场白怎样?I cant believe he fired me. believe:相信 fired:开除 我不敢相信他开除我了。-Leonard:Well, you did call him a glorified high school science teacherglorified:美其名的 high school:中学 scienceteacher:理科教员 你说他是被捧出来的高中理科老师。whose last successful experiment was lightinghis own

15、 farts.experiment:试验 lighting:点燃 fart:屁 还说他上一次成功的试验是点燃了自己的屁。-Sheldon: In my defense, I prefaced that by saying, with all due respect.defense:抗辩 prefaced:前奏,开端但我之前说了恕我直言。-Leonard:Morning. 早。-Sheldon: Morning.早。-Leonard:Youre making eggs for breakfast? 今天早餐你做鸡蛋吃?-Sheldon: This isnt breakfast, its an e

16、xperiment.experiment:实验这不是早餐,这是试验。-Leonard:Cause it looks a lot like breakfast. Cause:因为但看起来很像早餐。-Sheldon: I finally have time to test my hypothesis about the separation of the water moleculesfinally:终于 test:测验 hypothesis:假说 separation:分离 molecules:分子我终于有时间验证我的理论,从蛋白质总分离水分子 through the egg proteins

17、and its impactvis-a-vis taste.proteins:蛋白质 impact:影响 vis-vis:相对的, 对应的以及它对口感的影响。-Leonard:Sounds yummy. yummy:美味 听起来真开胃。I look forward to your work with bacon. look forward to:期盼 bacon:咸肉 我很期待你配上熏肉后的成果。-Sheldon: As do I. 我也是。-Leonard:You know, Im sure if you just apologize to Gablehauser, he would giv

18、e youyour job back. apologize:道歉我相信只要你跟 Gablehauser 道歉,他会让你回去工作的。-Sheldon: I dont want my job back. 我不想回去工作。Ive spent the past three and a half years staringat grease boards full of equations. spent:度过 staring at:盯着 grease:油脂 boards:板,黑板 equations:方程式 过去三年半时间我都在瞪着写满方程式的板子上。 Before that, I spent four

19、 years working on my thesis.thesis:论文 在那之前我花了四年时间写论文。Before that, I was in college, and before that, Iwas in the fifth grade. college:大学 grade:年级在那之前我在上大学,而在大学之前我在上 5 年级。This is my first day off in decades and Im going to savor off:休假 decade:十年 savor:尽情享受这是我十几年来第一次休息,我要好好享受。-Leonard:Okay. Ill

20、 let you get back to fixing your eggs.fix:做(饭)好吧,那你回去弄你的鸡蛋吧。-Sheldon: Not just fixing my eggs, Im fixing everyones eggs. 不只是我的鸡蛋,弄的是全人类的蛋。-Leonard:And we all thank you. 我们都感激你。-Sheldon: Use new eggs. 要用新鲜鸡蛋。-Penny:hi. Hey, Im running out to the超市 嗨,我正要去超市。Do you guys need anything?你们要

21、带什么吗?-Sheldon: Oh, well, this would be one of thosecircumstances that people unfamiliar with thelaw of large numbers would call a coincidence. circumstances:情况 unfamiliar:不了解的 coincidence:巧合这就是那些不熟悉数学规律的人会称之为巧合的事 件之一了。-Penny:Im sorry? 你说什么?-Sheldon: I need eggs. 我要蛋。Four dozen should suffice.dozen:一

22、打,十二个 suffice:足够 4 打就够了。-Penny:Four dozen?4 打?-Sheldon: Yes, and evenly distributed amongst brown, white, free-range, large, extra large and jumbo.evenly:均匀的 distributed:分布的 brown:棕色 free-range:自由放养的(鸡)extra large :加大的 jumbo:巨大的 对,棕蛋、白蛋、走地鸡蛋、大鸡蛋、加大鸡蛋跟特 大鸡蛋各要 8 个。-Penny:Okay, one more time. 好,再说一次。-S

23、heldon: Never mind. You wont get it right. 算了,你肯定搞不对。Id better come with you. 我最好跟你一起去。-Penny:Oh, yeah.好呀。How come you didnt go into work today?How come:为什么 你今天怎么没去上班?-Sheldon: Im taking a sabbatical because I wont kowtow to mediocre minds.sabbatical:休假 kowtow:顺从 mediocre:普通 的我在休假,因为我不愿向平庸之流屈服。-Penn

24、y:So you got canned, huh? can(美俚)解雇你给开除了?-Sheldon: Theoretical physicists do not get canned. but yeah.Theoretical:理论上 physicists:物理学家 理论上说物理学家不会给开除.但你说对了。-Penny:Well, maybe its all for the best. 可能这样最好。You know, I always say when one door closes,another one opens. 我相信一扇门关上了总会有另外一扇门打开的。-Sheldon: No,

25、it doesnt.不,不是的。Not unless the two doors are connected by relays or there are motion sensors involved. unless:除非 connected:连接 relays:继电 器 sensors:传感器 involved:有关的除非两扇门用继电器连接或者装有传感器。-Penny:No, no, I meant. 不,我是说.-Sheldon: or if the first door closing creates achange of air pressure that acts upon the

26、 second door.creates:产生 air pressure:气压 acts upon: 作用于或者一扇门关上时产生的空气压力作用于第二扇门 引致.-Penny:Never mind.算了。-Sheldon: Slow down. Slow down. Please, slow down!慢点,慢点! 拜托慢点!-Penny:Were fine! 没事啦!-Sheldon: Youre not leaving yourself enough space between距离你跟车都不保持足够的距离。-Penny:Oh, sure, I am. 我有啊!-She

27、ldon: No, no, let me do the math for you.math:数学 不,我给你算算。This car weighs, lets say 4,000 pounds.weighs:重达 就算这车重 4000 磅,Now add 140 for me, 120 for you.我 140 磅,你 120 磅。-Penny:120? 120?-Sheldon: Oh, Im sorry. Did I insult you? insult:侮辱,冒犯不好意思冒犯你了吗?Is your body mass somehow tied into your self-worth?b

28、ody mass:体重 somehow:以某种方式 tied:联系 self-worth:自尊 你的体重跟自我价值有关系?-Penny:Well, yeah.当然。-Sheldon: Interesting. 有趣。Anyway, that gives us a total weight of, lets say4,400 pounds. weight:重量那么我们就算总重 4400 磅吧。-Penny:Lets say 4,390.算 4390 磅。-Sheldon: Fine. 好。Were traveling forward at- good lord- 51 miles an hour

29、.目前时速是,老天啊,51 英里/时。Now lets assume that your brakes are new andthe calipers are aligned.assume:假设 brakes:刹车 calipers:卡钳 aligned: 调准假设你的刹车是新的,卡钳也是校准的。Still, by the time we come to a stop, 当我们停下时,well be occupying the same space as that Buick in front of us,occupying:占 space:空间 【Buick 别克轿车】 我们占有的空间跟前面

30、那辆别克是一样的。an impossibility that nature will quickly resolveinto death, mutilation.resolve into:归结为 mutilation:切断,损毁 因此我们会在短时间内给压成稀泥,死得很惨. oh, look, they built a new putt-putt course. putt:(高尔夫球)轻击(球) course:球场 哇,看,他们在铺新的迷你高尔夫场地。-Sheldon: This is great. 真好。Look at me.看看我。Im in the real world of ordina

31、ry people just living their ordinary, colorless workaday lives. ordinary:普通的 colorless:无趣味的 我生活在普通人的平凡世界中,过着他们无趣平常的 一天。-Penny:Thank you. 谢谢。-Sheldon: No, thank you.不,谢谢。And thank you, ordinary person. 谢谢,普通人。Hey, you want to hear an interesting thingabout tomatoes? interesting:有趣的 tomatoes:番茄 你想知道关于番茄的趣闻不?-Penny:Uh, no, no, not really. 不,不想。Listen, didnt you say you needed some eggs?你不是要买鸡蛋啊?-Sh

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