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1、高二英语Money教案2M4 unit 10 Money(2)12. die vi. 死;枯萎,凋谢(过去式,现在分词,过 去分词分别为died, dying, died)die from “死于”,可以指因疾病而死,也可以 指因外部创伤或间接的原因而死。 die from / of cancer 死于癌症 die from a traffic accident 死于车祸 die of “死于”,表示死于疾病、饥饿、寒 冷、年老、悲伤等。 die of disease / old age / grief 死于疾病/年老/悲伤 die for 为而死 die for ones country /

2、 the people 为自己的国家/为人民而死die in poverty 死于贫穷die out=disappear 灭绝,消失 Many of the living things are dying out. 许多生物濒临灭绝。 The fire died out. 火熄灭了。die away 渐弱 The sound of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的响声在远处消失。be dying for是“极想得到”的意思。 Shes dying for a piano of her own. =She wants very much to have

3、 a piano of her own. 她极想有一架自己的钢琴。be dying to do=be anxious to do,表示“迫切 想做”。 We are dying to hear about your experiences in the army. 我们很想听你谈谈你在部队的经历。动词die有时可接形容词或名词,表示主语死 时的情况。 die happy / rich 死时很愉快/很富有 die a hero 死得英雄die的形容词是dead,名词是death, deadly意为 “致命的”,the dying 垂死的人,the dead已故 的人,die(死亡)的现在分词是d

4、ying, dye(染)的 现在分词是dyeing,两者不可混淆。许多旧习俗都在日渐消失。 Many old customs are gradually _.在如此热的天气,我们都渴得要死。 In such a hot day, were all _ a drink.dying outdying for13. sure adj. (用作表语)确信; adv. 的确 I am sure that you are right. 我确信你是对的。 Have you made sure of the time of the train?火车开车时间你弄清楚了吗?I think the answers

5、right, but Im not sure about it. 我想这答案是对的,但我不太确定。I dont know for sure that he was dead.我确实不知道他已去世了。I always cant be sure of myself.我总是对自己没有信心。He is clever, to be sure, but not very hard-working.他聪明是聪明,但是不怎么勤奋。今晚一定要来见见我的家人,好吗? _come and meet my family tonight, will you?我想5:15有一班火车,但是你最好去查一查。 I think

6、theres a train at 5:15, but youd better _.Be sure tomake sure14. be of+名词“be of+名词”这一结构可表示主语的类属。 Australia and New Zealand are of the same continent. 澳大利亚和新西兰属于同一洲。 They are (of) the same height. 他们一样高。 The two pairs of shoes he bought yesterday are (of) the same colour. 他昨天买的两双鞋颜色一样。be of+抽象名词=be+这

7、一名词的形容词形式, 用来表示某物的特征。What he said at the meeting was of great value. =What he said at the meeting was very valuable. 他在会上的讲话很有价值。他是一个有能力的人。 _姐妹俩一样重。 _He is a man of ability.The two sisters are of the same weight.15. drop out 退出,脱离;退学Bill dropped out of college after his first year.比尔在学院里只上了一年课就退学了。T

8、he car that had been in the second position dropped back with engine trouble.先前位居第二的那辆车由于发动机发生故障而落在了后面。Drink this and youll soon drop off.喝了这个,你很快就会入睡的。Drop me a line when you get there.你到那儿后给我写封信。他10岁时就辍学了。 He _ school at the age of ten.有时他会顺路进来一下。 Sometimes he would _.看电影的人少了。The audience for film

9、s have _.dropped out ofdrop indrop behind1. In fact, it is you who have the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion. 事实上,在防止黄河侵蚀方面扮演最重要角 色的人是你。 It is (was)+被强调部分+that (who)+句子其他 部分。 It was him who/that I saw the day before yesterday. 我前天看到的就是他。It was Tom who / that met an old fr

10、iend in the street yesterday. (强调主语)It was an old friend that Tom met in the street yesterday. (强调宾语)It was in the street that Tom met an old friend yesterday. (强调地点状语)It was yesterday that Tom met an old friend in the street. (强调时间状语)It was not until he told me the truth that I knew about it. (强调时间

11、状语从句)It was because he was ill that he was absent from the meeting. (强调原因状语从句)1. 就是他在大会上的话引起了争论。_2. 早在10年前他就开始写小说了。_【答案】1. It is what he said at the meeting that led to the argument.2. It was 10 years ago that he began to write novels. 2. It is no bigger than a credit card! 它和一张信用卡一样小! no+比较级+than:

12、同样也不 这种结构常用来表示对两个比较对象进行否定。 “not+比较级+than”则是用来对主语进行否定, 表示前者在程度上不如后者。试比较:Mary is short, but Betty is no taller than Mary.玛丽很矮,但贝蒂和玛丽一样矮。Betty is not taller than Mary.贝蒂没有玛丽高。这颗星和那颗星一样暗淡。 This star looks _ that one.这本词典没有那本词典有用。 This dictionary is _ than that brighter thannot more useful人物介绍(基础写

13、作) 介绍人物是基础写作常见的一种话题类型。它涉及人的出生、家庭背景、教育、经历、成就和评价等,介绍的一般步骤:概况 age, birthday, birthplace, background; 性格 character; 教育 education; 生平 big events in his or her life;评估 evaluation。人物介绍常用表达:1. age, birthday and birthplace (个人概况)was/were born in(place) on(date) 出生于某地某时at the age of在某人多少岁时the son of a poor fa

14、mily 来自穷苦家庭的儿子was born into a peasant family 出生于一个农民家庭live/lead a happy/difficult life 过着幸福/艰苦的生活2. character (性格特征)kindhearted /warmhearted好心的,热心的hardworking/diligent 勤奋的humorous 幽默的confident 有信心的independent 独立的sociable 爱社交的,外向的 patient 有耐心的be willing/ready to help others 乐于助人 3. education backgrou

15、nd (教育背景) be admitted touniversity考取大学 graduate fromdepartment ofuniversity 从某大学某系毕业 receive/get a masters/doctors degree 获取硕士/博士学位 go abroad for further studies 出国深造 When at college, he majored in English/he was an English major. 读大学时他主修英语。 4. big events in his or her life (生平经历) serve as做工作 devote

16、 oneself /ones effort/ones life to; be devoted to 致力于 make up ones mind/be determined to do决心做 have a gift/talent for 有的天赋5. evaluation (评价)famous/wellknown at home and abroad国内外著名的 make great/rapid progress in 在取得很大/快速进步gain/win the first prize/place 获得一等奖/第一名set a good example to为树立好榜样 speak/think

17、 highly of高度赞扬be honored as被授予make great contributions to为作出巨大贡献 【写作内容】 请根据以下提示,写一篇介绍“小麦之父”李振声的文章。 11931年出生于山东淄博的一个农民家庭。 21951年大学毕业。 3之后,开始从事杂交小麦的研究工作,并成为这一领域的专家。 4他为中国农业的发展作出了巨大贡献。 52006年他获得了国家最高科技奖并被人们称为“小麦之父”。 6他把所获得的钱全部捐给了贫穷的孩子。 【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 参考词汇:国家最高科技奖 the National Top Science and Te

18、chnology Award第一步:审题,确定写作内容。本篇基础写作是人物简介,简单介绍了“小麦之父”李振声的生平,写作要点明确,为所列举的16点,内容上不需要我们发挥。 第二步:确定全文的基本时态:全文的基本时态应该是一般过去时,但第3和第4点用现在完成时为佳。 第三步:翻译要点。注意:翻译前要补全某些信息不完整的要点,之后再进行翻译。 1. Li Zhensheng was born in a poor peasants family in Zibo, Shandong Province in 1931. 2. Li Zhensheng graduated from Shandong Ag

19、ricultural College in 1951. 3. Since his graduation, Li Zhensheng has devoted himself to the research and development ofhigh yield wheat and become a leading expert in this field. 4. He has made great contributions to the development of Chinas agriculture. 5. He was given the 2006 National Top Scien

20、ce and Technology Award and honored as the “Father of wheat” 6. He donated his entire prize to poor students (as financial assistance)第四步:根据内容连贯,语篇衔接的基本原则,合并句子,连句成篇。我们可以将基本信息中的1,2句合并成一句,其他信息点单独成句即可。对于介绍人物的文章,在连句成篇时,要按照时间顺序来安排文章的内部结构,尽量使用合适的衔接性词语使文章通顺连贯。 第五步:检查:要点是否完整,句子结构是否正确,是否有单词拼写错误,上下文是否连贯通顺等。Bo

21、rn in a poor peasants family in Zibo, Shandong Province in 1931, Li Zhensheng graduated from Shandong Agriculture College in 1951. Since then, he has devoted himself to the research and development of high yield wheat and become a leading expert in this field. He has made great contributions to the

22、development of Chinas agriculture. For this reason, he was given the 2006 National Top Science and Technology Award and honored as the “Father of wheat”in China. He donated his entire prize to poor students as financial assistance.请根据以下表格内容,写信给英方家庭介绍这两位学生的情况。姓名李华陈伟性格开朗、乐观待人友善、有点害羞爱好体育活动、阅读、听音乐与李华一样担

23、心的问题饮食不习惯沟通困难期望多了解英国的历史文化多交朋友,提高英语水平【写作要求】1只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。2信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总句数。 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Thank you for your offer to host two of our students. The boys names are Li Hua and Chen Wei. Here is a little bit about them._ Once again thank you for your generosity. Sincerely yours, Secretary

24、of the projectOne possible version: Dear Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Thank you for your offer to host two of our students. The boys names are Li Hua and Chen Wei. Here is a little bit about them. Li is an openminded and optimistic boy and Chen is very friendly but a little shy. Both boys love sport, especiall

25、y basketball and football and they also enjoy reading and listening to music. As its their first trip to the UK, they both feel a little anxious. Li Hua is worried that he may have trouble adjusting to British food while Chen Wei is more concerned about being able to clearly communicate with others. Li Hua is really looking forward to learning more about the British history and culture while Chen is eager to make some new friends and improve his English. Once again thank you for your generosity.Sincerely yours,Secretary of the project

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